emacs version control mode line missing - emacs

After finally upgrading from emacs 21.x to 23.x, I've lost the version control status info from my mode line.
emacs manual didn't turn up anything because it simply states that the status info should be there and offers no information about turning it on/off.

what do you have set as your vc-handled-backends if this is blank or doesn't contain for source control tool, vc will not be enabled for that tool.

You don't say what operating system or revision control system you use, but it may be that emacs is not able to find the right command line program. On OSX with emacs 24.3 (from http://emacsformacosx.com/), I was able to restore the vc mode line by setting the proper path. In my case, using the mercurial binary from macports:
(setq-default vc-hg-program "/opt/local/bin/hg")
Other vcs' have similar variables vc-git-program, vc-svn-program, etc.


My plantuml-mode in emacs is not working correctly

I have tried to install and use plantuml-mode in emacs, with no success.
My emacs version: 25.2.2
Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64
I have followed the official instructions on
When I load a file it says
"Contacting host: www.plantuml.com:443".
After a few seconds I get the error message
"plantuml-init: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil"
I've looked at
Can't turn on plantuml-mode in Emacs
It didn't help. In a previous attempt I found some other similar help pages, on github and stackoverflow, but I can't find them right now. One was to fix a broken url, and the other was to provide the correct path to the jar file. I fixed both, but none of them fixed my problem.
The above mentioned problem reports are related to the mode's attempts to contact a web server, or to run plantuml. I am not interested in any of them, I prefer to run plantuml myself from the command line. All I want from the mode is syntax highlighing and indentation. It is possible to turn off the other features, to get rid of the errors? Or is there another, simpler mode out there, that doesn't try to contact the web or run executables?
Best regards
The plantuml-mode sends your data to be evaluated at www.plantuml.com by default.
To run it locally, you need to set both the plantuml jar path and the execution mode as described in https://github.com/skuro/plantuml-mode#quick-guide:
(setq plantuml-jar-path "/path/to/your/copy/of/plantuml.jar")
(setq plantuml-default-exec-mode 'jar)

Using gdb -i=mi integration in emacs 24

I'm checking out a segfault in one of our apps. A short time after starting the app, the main gdb status bar changes to:
(Debugger:run [signal-received])
A (gdb) prompt appears but the contents of all other windows remain unchanged (empty). Typing anything at the prompt does nothing - gdb appears to be hanging. Running the same steps on the command line results in the expected output from gdb with a complete and correct backtrace.
This is my first time debugging with the -i=mi integration between emacs and gdb. I'm using emacs 24.2 and gdb 7.5.
Are there any suggestions on how I can debug this further?
Is it possible to reduce the level of integration? Would that allow me to determine which area is causing the problem?
A final point is that the initial loading of the app takes around 70s compared with around 3s from the command line.
Load time can be reduced by setting gdb-create-source-file-list to nil (use customize). See the documentation for what this does and why it substantially increases load times in some instances.
You can use M-x gud-gdb to use the old gud mode (i.e. without the mi interaction). Less fancy but more reliable.
It appears that gdb-ui from emacs 23 will still work in emacs 24:
Find a copy of gdb-ui (In my case gdb-ui.el.gz and gdb-ui.elc from a backup)
Place these into a directory (I have added ~/emacs-modes)
Then add the following to your .emacs:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/emacs-modes")
(require 'gdb-ui)
Running gdb will now use the old --annotate=3 mode rather than -i=mi.

org mode refile error

Since some time (but I didn't change anything in .emacs), I have some errors with emacs's behaviour :
Remember mode will not kill the temporary buffer on "Ctl-C Ctl-C"
Orgmode will not refile any entry
Both operations complain with error "Not bookmark format"
I restored an old .emacs to make sure that I didn't mess it up but the error persists.
Where can I investigate to find out the problem ?
I have Emacs 24.2.1 since end of august.
The built in orgmode version is 7.8.11 (I see 7.9.2 is out ...)
It's always best to start debugging problems such as this by seeing if the problem still happens when you ignore your init file altogether - try starting emacs with --no-init-file and seeing if you still get the problem. If you don't then it's clearly something in your init file.
You can also get odd behaviour if you've got a local install of Org-mode in addition to the one bundled with Emacs itself - eg if you pull in a newer one through ELPA. If you have a local install through ELPA then you can try uninstalling the Org-mode package and trying again using the built-in Org-mode.
I have something similar to the following in my init file to make it switch to the ELPA-installed Org-mode to avoid such problems (this variant is untested so forgive me if it's not quite right):
(package-initialize) ; load and initialise ELPA-installed packages
(org-reload) ; restart Org-mode with the ELPA package
I filed a bug to the emacs team and they found out that the error comes from a corrupted bookmark file.
I removed my ~/.emacs.d/bookmark file (it was empty) and everything is fine now.

Associate ` to <S-dead-grave> in Emacs

What do I have to write in my .emacs file in order to associate the <S-dead-grave> command with inserting the character ` (backtick).
I run GNU Emacs 23.1.1 on Unix.
Background: I run Unix via a shell that runs in Java (Oracle SGD) on a Windows terminal server. I do not have admin access on either system. My keyboard is set to Norwegian. There is apparently some bug in Java causing this to act weird with "dead" characters (like ` is on the Norwegian keyboard) and I have not succeeded in getting my administrator to fix this.
When I click ` followed by a space (as is the way to insert that character with my keyboard layout) in Emacs, I get the error message <S-dead-grave> is undefined. Hence, I believe that if I could define this, I would be able to work around this error.
Within this setup, I am also happy with alternative workarounds.
It's not completely clear to me whether you run Emacs in GUI mode or in text mode (in a terminal emulator), but based on your description of Emacs's behavior I guess it runs in GUI mode (maybe via some X server on your Windows machine?).
It's strange that you'd get S-dead-grave events, so it might be a bug in your GUI environment (your X server's config?).
But in any case
(global-set-key [S-dead-grave] "`")
might let you work around the problem.
I had the same problem and this bug report discussion reports a solution :
I did put it into my .bashrc after testing that it works (with XMODIFIERS= emacs && emacs)
This is apparently not needed with emacs 24.4, but I use emacs 24.3.1 and still need it.
If XMODIFIERS= emacs works for you (don't forget space after equal sign), check ~/.xinputrc and /etc/X11/xinit/xinputrc or run im-config and select none. For more info consult debian reference chapter I18N and L10N

How Can I Get MinTTY (Cygwin Terminal) to Open Emacs in a New Window?

I can't figure out why this isn't easy to find on Google, but after searching for about 10 minutes, I just decided to give up and post here.
The subject basically says it all. I'm running MinTTY as a cygwin terminal on a Windows XP desktop. All I want to do is have emacs open up in a new window rather than inside my terminal. What would be best is a switch for this, so I could toggle it depending on my current needs. This seems like something that would be useful to a lot of people, and I know I've done it before on Linux boxes, so I imagine there must be a way to do this in cygwin too. Anyone know how?
Just start a new mintty, telling it to invoke emacs:
mintty emacs
There are a couple of scenarios that you might clarify:
Running the cygwin version of emacs within a standard windows environment will call emacs within the current shell
If the Cygwin X-Windows server (i.e., “XWin Server”) has been started and the DISPLAY environment variable has been set in the mintty terminal (e.g., export DISPLAY=":0"), calling emacs will start it in its own window.
running the Windows version of emacs within the cygwin terminal should launch the new frame you are seeking.
If you want a separate emacs 'window', you would be best served by installing the Windows native version of emacs (I use the gnu emacs precompiled binaries), and calling it from the cygwin terminal.