What is Shib Daemon used for? - single-sign-on

I am new to the SAML world. I just installed Shibboleth SP and IdP, and made them work with each other. I am now trying to understand how everything works under the hood.
The question is: When we install SP for Apache on Windows, we can choose whether to install Shib Daemon or not. Can anybody tells me what is that used for? Is it optional to make SP work?
I have tried to google and searched old posts, but cannot find so much details. My understand is Shib SP is a module that runs on Apache(for my install), and it is responsible for:
Setting up trust connection with IdP
Handle request from browser, and redirect to IdP
Handle response from IdP and redirect to user's real application page.
It seems to me that Shib Daemon is not involved in these works. Did I miss anything or I misunderstood anything?
Thanks you so much!

I can explain how it works on Linux with ShibD and Apache, and I think that will be similar to the way it works on Windows.
The ShibD process itself is what processes all of the SAML 2.0 assertions. The assertions are received by Apache, so there is a mod_shibd module for Apache that talks to the ShibD process. This allows the ShibD daemon not to reside in the same process space as Apache. Thus, you do need the Shib Daemon installed, and you also need Apache and the mod_shibd module installed so that Apache can communicate with the Shib Daemon to provide SAML Web SSO.


Using same Jsession ID to login into other machine

In our project we are using weblogic server.
If I try to login into our application i.e on machine A, a JsessionId is generated after I logged in.
Now, if I use this same JsessionId on another machine i.e machine B the application will prompt me to home page instead of login page.
Please provide a solution for my problem.
Unless otherwise configured, most servers will destroy any JSessionID it does not recognize and issue a new one. This is to prevent Session Fixation attacks. Java Servlet Engines like Tomcat and Jetty do so as will various j2EE Application Servers such as WildFly(UnderTow) and WebLogic.
If you want to have a session migration between servers nodes you will need to configure your server to do so. Servlet Engines and Application Servers will not do so automatically. You will need to look at your Weblogic docs for your version of your Application Server to determine how to do it.
I will tell you that Wildfly and Tomcat definitely require multicast-ip to make this work. Depending upon your environment it is possible that multicast-ip is blocked by firewalls. Additionally I know, as of this writing, that docker containers do not support multicast-ip out of the box so you will need some sort of work-around if you are using docker containers.
The important thing is that you understand why the session is not automatically migrated and that you need to configure your server to do so. If Weblogic uses multicast-ip that might be another hurdle to overcome.
I hope this helps. This is as specific as I can be as I am not a Weblogic developer.
What you have stated is called session hijacking. There are many good answers on how to prevent it.
Prevent session from being replicated when JSESSIONID cookie copied
What is the best way to prevent session hijacking?
HTTP being an stateless protocol uses a session identifier (mostly a cookie) which is sent with every request which to identify the client. The most common way is to use HTTPS to encrypt your request and prevent anyone in the middle from seeing that session identifier.
One important point to consider is that if the attacker has physical access to your machine, then he/she can easily see your session identifier and there is nothing you can do about it. That's the reason why websites like facebook warn you when you open the browser console and run some scripts.

Is there any proxy software (like proxifier) which can use Kerberos authentication?

My company uses PAC file to restrict any outgoing traffic through proxy server. The problem is, a lot of software does not provide the option to 'use IE setting', so that they cannot be connected to the internet.
I checked this PAC file up and found the right proxy server. But after I tried to use the proxy setting for these IE-unfriendly software, they still cannot get online. I used chrome to capture some packages and found the http header containing some Negotiation data. So I assume this proxy server uses some auto login mechanism like NTLM or kerberos.
But after I downloaded the famous Proxifier and tried to reroute the net traffic for some software, NTLM method did not work. I get the 502 error. Bummer...
Any hero comes to help! Am I thinking in the wrong way? Merci beacoup!
This is not a programming question but, did you try
cntlm (http://cntlm.sourceforge.net/) or
ntlmaps (http://ntlmaps.sourceforge.net/)?
Hope this helps

SiteMinder Single-Sign-On without installing agent on web application server

Our IT staff refuses to install the SiteMinder agent on our application's IIS 6.0 web server, citing security concerns as it is a third-party software, as well as the possibility of high resource utilization impacting application performance.
They suggest that we set up an independent, segregated web server containing only a bare-bones IIS, the SiteMinder Agent, and a "shim" to authenticate login attempts.
This shim would be a single ASPX page marked to be protected by the agent. It would use the SiteMinder agent to authenticate the user ID, look up the user ID in the application's database, and return the user ID and password to the user's browser. A JavaScript function would then POST the user ID and password to the application's existing login page as if they typed it in themselves.
Are their concerns warranted? Why or why not?
Have you ever heard of anyone implementing a similar architecture?
Is their proposed solution good, bad, or ugly?
It does not look like it would work, because the agent manages not only the initial login, but subsequent calls to the application, i.e. authenticated session. The agent examines the cookie, validates it, etc. Your scenario does not describe how that would happen.
In our environment, all internet traffic goes through an Apache reverse proxy before hitting IIS. IIS is behind firewall. The Apache reverse proxy has the SM agent all it does is redirect the traffic to IIS. I suppose it would be feasible to do a similar setup with IIS acting as a reverse proxy.
BTW, tell your IT guy that his proposed shoestring and bubblegum login solution is a much bigger security concern than installing SiteMinder on IIS.
The apache reverse proxy solution will definitely work, but with SiteMinder r12.51, Secure Proxy Server is included, which is basically SiteMinder's version of a reverse proxy (plus a lot more).
SPS will let you configure a single server as a "gateway" for all of your applications that can't or won't install a SiteMinder agent. The web agent is embedded in SPS and a proprietary Java app does the heavy lifting. SPS also has a GUI which follows the look and feel of the r12 WAMUI, which makes configuring it very simple.
Secure Proxy Server also has a Federation Gateway feature, so you don't need to install the web agent option pack if you are doing SAML Federation. All of your fcc pages can also be served by the SPS, so you can reduce the number of webservers needed to support your SSO environment.

How to offer a Kerberos Negotiate Authentication HTTP Server-Side with Perl

I'm trying to write a Perl-based web application, that uses Kerberos 5 Negotiate Authentication to authenticate its users. The Perl web framework I'm using is Perl Dancer, in its non-CGI, self-contained operating mode. I'm running this on the Fedora distro of Linux.
Negotiate Authentication can use existing Kerberos tickets forwarded from the users' browsers, or use regular Basic Authentication to allow the users to establish their first Kerberos tickets. The end effect of this is the sites that support Negotiate Authentication are seamlessly integrated into the SSO environment.
CPAN has the Authen::Krb5 module, which I suspect would be the foundation of offering Negotiate Authentication, however I can only find client-side modules on CPAN. These client-side modules can be used as a back-end for really simple Basic Authentication, or for establishing the first Negotiate Authentication ticket, but cannot perform Negotiate Authentication itself (ex. Authen::Krb5::Easy).
I have found an implementation for PHP here. The accompanying how to guide gives a good high-level idea of how Negotiate Authentication should work, and how a Negotiate Authentication library written for Perl (or any language) might be used in a web application. Ideally I would like to use a Perl library with a similar interface to this PHP one.
Does a Perl Negotiate Authentication server-side library exist?
What would be the best way to write one if none exist?
You mod_auth_kerb or mod_auth_spnego and read REMOTE_USER from server env. You're done.
I did some more searching, and basically all libraries implementing the server side of Negotiate/SPENGO/RFC4559 are written in C, and usually based upon Apache's mod_auth_kerb.
Though no Perl libraries surfaced, I did find one for Python 2, called PyKerberos. It appears to be well explained in the source (something severely lacking from other libraries), and, as a bonus, it seems this Python 2 module is widely available from distro package repositories (python-kerberos in Fedora).
Currently, it appears the best answer to my question is to call PyKerberos from Perl via Perl's Inline::Python module. This solution is probably slow (Perl -> Python -> C), but since my application doesn't have any serious performance requirements, it should be sufficient.

Single Sign-On for Rich Clients ("Fat Client") without Windows Logon

single sign-on (SSO) for web applications (used through a browser) is well-documented and established. Establishing SSO for Rich Clients is harder, and is usually suggested on the basis of Kerberos tickets, in particular using a Windows login towards an ActiveDirectory in a domain.
However, I'm looking for a more generic solution for the following: I need to establish "real" SSO (one identity for all applications, i.e. not just a password synchronization across applications), where on client's side (unmanaged computers, incl. non-Windows), the "end clients" are a Java application and a GTK+ application. Both communicate with their server counterparts using a HTTP-based protocol (say, WebServices over HTTPS). The clients and the server do not necessarily sit in the same LAN/Intranet, but the client can access the servers from the extranet. The server-side of all the applications sit in the same network area, and the SSO component can access the identity provider via LDAP.
My question is basically "how can I do that"? More specifically,
a) is there an agreed-upon mechanism for secure, protected client-side "sso session storage", as it is the case with SSO cookies for browser-accessed applications? Possibly something like emulating Kerberos (TGT?) or even directly re-using it even where no ActiveDirectory authentication has been performed on the client side?
b) are there any protocols/APIs/frameworks for the communication between rich clients and the other participants of SSO (as it is the case for cookies)?
c) are there any APIs/frameworks for pushing kerberos-like TGTs and session tickets over the network?
d) are there any example implementations / tutorials available which demonstrate how to perform rich-client SSO?
I understand that there are "fill-out" agents which learn to enter the credentials into the application dialogues on the client side. I'd rather not use such a "helper" if possible.
Also, if possible, I would like to use CAS, Shibboleth and other open-source components where possible.
Thanks for comments, suggestions and answers!
Going with AD account IS the generic solution. Kerberos is ubiquitous. This is the only mechanism which will ask you for your credentials once and just once at logon time.
This is all feasable, you need:
Correct DNS entries
KDC accounts
Correct SPN entries
Client computers configured to talk to the KDC
Java app using JAAS with JGSS to obtain service tickets
GSS-API with your GTK+ app to obtain service tickets
What did you figure out yourself yet?
Agreed with Michael that GSSAPI/Kerberos is what you want to use. I'll add that there’s a snag with Java, however: by default, JGSS uses its own GSSAPI and Kerberos implementations, written in Java in the JDK, and not the platform’s libraries. Thus, it doesn’t obey your existing configuration and doesn’t work like anything else (e.g. on Unix it doesn’t respect KRB5CCNAME or other environment variables you’re used to, can’t use the DNS to locate KDCs, has a different set of supported ciphers, etc.). It is also buggy and limited; it can’t follow referrals, for example.
On Unix platforms, you can tell JGSS to bypass the JDK code and use an external GSSAPI library by starting the JVM with:
-Dsun.security.jgss.native=true -Dsun.security.jgss.lib=/path/to/libgssapi_krb5.so
There is no analogous option on Windows to use SSPI, however. This looks promising:
... but I haven’t gotten to addressing this issue yet.