how to use URL connection in c++ metro style apps - microsoft-metro

I would like to know how to connect http url for download xml file from site using c++ metro style app.

You can use IXMLHTTPRequest2:
// First create the interface objects required for this operation
// as well as the callback that indicates request completion.
// The dwStatus variable is also defined, and is later set with a
// value indicating request completion.
DWORD dwStatus = 0;
ComPtr<IXMLHTTPRequest2> spXHR;
ComPtr<CXMLHttpRequest2Callback> spMyXhrCallback;
ComPtr<IXMLHTTPRequest2Callback> spXhrCallback;
// Create an object of the IID_IXMLHTTPRequest2 class.
// Create and initialize IXMLHTTPRequest2Callback
// Prepare the GET request and send it to the server.
spXHR->Open(L"GET", // Method.
pcwszUrl, // Url.
spXhrCallback.Get(), // Callback.
NULL, // Username.
NULL, // Password.
NULL, // Proxy username.
NULL); // Proxy password.
spXHR->Send(NULL, 0);
// Wait for the completion of the request.


.Net Core 3.1 SignalR Client - How to add the JWT Token string to SignalR connection configuration?

I am using the SignalR .net core client in my project with JWT Tokens.
In the sample code below, the string variable "tokenString" has already been configured as an actual token and therefore i don't need to call upon an external method to create the token, that part has already been done before I reach this method. Using debug, and also testing the "tokenString" value on JWT website, I know the token is working, its just the fact I dont know how to use the ready made token in the SignalR connection method.
How do I configure the SignalR client connection to use this tokenString?
localConConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.WithUrl("https://localhost:44372/LocalConnectorHub", options =>
options.AccessTokenProvider = () => Task.FromResult(tokenString); // Not working
// Need a solution like this: options.Token = tokenString
The issue was the fact that the [Authorize] attribute I had configured in the SignalR Hub class needed to define the authentication scheme to use, [Authorize] attribute alone was not enough.
SignalR Hub Class:
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]
public class LocalConnectorHub : Hub
public async Task SendToMacros(string serverName, string data)
await Clients.All.SendAsync("MacrosInbound", serverName, data);
public async Task ConnectorStatus(string serverName, string data)
await Clients.All.SendAsync("UpdateConnectorStatus", serverName, data);
SignalR .NET Core Client Connection:
localConConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.WithUrl("https://localhost:44372/LocalConnectorHub", options =>
options.AccessTokenProvider = () => Task.FromResult(tokenString);
await localConConnection.StartAsync();
Further example code from the startup.cs class (inside configure services method), this is posted to help one of our fellow members in the comments below:
// Retrieve the secret key from the appsettings.json file used for encryption
// when generating the JWT token for REST API authentication.
var key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings:Token").Value);
// Added to original .net core template.
// The preceding code configures multiple authentication methods. The app uses cookie-based authentication to log in
// via the browser using the identity manager. The second methid uses JWT bearer authentication for the REST API.
// The preceding cookie configuration configures Identity with default option values.
// Services are made available to the app through dependency injection.
// Cookie configuration MUST be called after calling AddIdentity or AddDefaultIdentity.
// When we decorate controllers or classes with use the [Authorize] attribute, it actually binds to the first authentication
// system by default (in this case cookie authentication) The trick is to change the attribute to specify which authorization
// service we want to use. Anexample for a protected respurce for a REST API controller would be to decorate using:
// "[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]"
.AddCookie(options =>
// Cookie settings
options.Cookie.Name = "MyCompanyName";
// HttpOnly is a flag that can be used when setting a cookie to block access to the cookie from client side scripts.
// Javascript for example cannot read a cookie that has HttpOnly set. This helps mitigate a large part of XSS attacks
// as many of these attempt to read cookies and send them back to the attacker, possibly leaking sensitive information
// or worst case scenario, allowing the attacker to impersonate the user with login cookies.
options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true;
// CookieAuthenticationOptions.ExpireTimespan is the option that allows you to set how long the issued cookie is valid for.
// The cookie is valid for (XX) minutes from the time of creation. Once those XX minutes are up the user will have to sign
// back in becuase if the SlidingExpiration is set to false.
// If SlidingExpiration is set to true then the cookie would be re-issued on any request half way through the ExpireTimeSpan.
// For example, if the user logged in and then made a second request half way through the permitted timespan then the cookie
// would be re-issued for another (XX) minutes. If the user logged in and then made a second request AFTER (XX) minutes later
// then the user would be prompted to log in.
// You can also change the units i.e. TimeSpan.FromHours(10); OR TimeSpan.FromDays(10);
// In a nutshell, setting the options.ExpireTimeSpan is equivalent to setting an idle time out period...
options.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
options.LoginPath = "/Identity/Account/Login";
options.AccessDeniedPath = "/Identity/Account/AccessDenied";
// Sliding expiration resets the expiration time for a valid authentication cookie if a request is made and more than half of the
// timeout interval has elapsed.If the cookie expires, the user must re - authenticate.Setting the SlidingExpiration property to
// false can improve the security of an application by limiting the time for which an authentication cookie is valid, based on the
// configured timeout value.
options.SlidingExpiration = true;
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
// The "iss" (issuer) claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT. The processing of this
// claim is generally application specific. The "iss" value is a case-sensitive string containing
// a StringOrURI value. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(key),
// The "iss" (issuer) claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.The processing of this
// claim is generally application specific. The "iss" value is a case-sensitive string containing
// a StringOrURI value.Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.
ValidateIssuer = false,
// Usually, this is your application base URL
ValidIssuer = "http://localhost:45092/",
// The "aud" (audience) claim identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for. Each principal
// intended to process the JWT MUST identify itself with a value in the audience claim. If the principal
// processing the claim does not identify itself with a value in the "aud" claim when this claim is present,
// then the JWT MUST be rejected. In the general case, the "aud" value is an array of case-sensitive strings,
// each containing a StringOrURI value. In the special case when the JWT has one audience, the "aud" value
// MAY be a single case-sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value. The interpretation of audience
// values is generally application specific. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.
ValidateAudience = false,
//Here, we are creating and using JWT within the same application.
//In this case, base URL is fine.
//If the JWT is created using a web service, then this would be the consumer URL.
ValidAudience = "http://localhost:45092/",
// The "exp" (expiration time) claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted
// for processing. The processing of the "exp" claim requires that the current date/time MUST be before the
// expiration date/time listed in the "exp" claim.
RequireExpirationTime = true,
// Check if token is not expired and the signing key of the issuer is valid (ValidateLifetime = true)
ValidateLifetime = true,
// We have to hook the OnMessageReceived event in order to
// allow the JWT authentication handler to read the access
// token from the query string when a WebSocket or
// Server-Sent Events request comes in.
// Sending the access token in the query string is required due to
// a limitation in Browser APIs. We restrict it to only calls to the
// SignalR hub in this code.
// See
// for more information about security considerations when using
// the query string to transmit the access token.
options.Events = new JwtBearerEvents
OnMessageReceived = context =>
var accessToken = context.Request.Query["access_token"];
// If the request is for our hub...
var path = context.HttpContext.Request.Path;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken) &&
// Read the token out of the query string
context.Token = accessToken;
return Task.CompletedTask;
Appsettings.json file (dont store keys here for production :)
"AppSettings": {
"Token": "secret key for jwt"

Identityserver4 with ComponentSpace SAML 2 get custom parameters during request

I am using IdentityServer4 with two external Idp's, one with WSFederation (ADFS) and one with SAML.
For the SAML implementation I use the commercial product ComponentSpace SAML 2 for ASP.Net Core. I use the middleware-based config.
Logging it with both Idp's works perfectly, but now I have the situation where, depending on the client, I need to pass extra parameters to the SAML AuthnRequest. I know how to pass this extra parameter in the request (I can use the OnAuthnRequestCreated from the middleware), but what I don't know is how to test at that point from where the request is coming, i.e. from which client.
I have control of the client so I could also pass extra acr_values (which I think can be used to pass custom data), but again I don't know how to get them in the OnAuthnRequestCreated event as shown in the code below.
Any help would be much appreciated.
.AddWsFederation("adfs", options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
// of config (SSO is working)
.AddSaml("saml", options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
// of config (SSO is working)
options.OnAuthnRequestCreated = request =>
//Here I would need to know from which client the request is coming (either by client name or url or acr_values or whatever)
//to be able to perform conditional logic. I've checked on the request object itself but the info is not in there
return request;
The request parameter is the SAML AuthnRequest object. It doesn't include client information etc.
Instead of the OnAuthnRequestCreated event, in your Startup class you can add some middleware as shown below. You can call GetRequiredService to access any additional interfaces (eg IHttpContextAccessor) you need to retrieve the client information.
app.Use((context, next) =>
var samlServiceProvider =
samlServiceProvider.OnAuthnRequestCreated += authnRequest =>
// Update authn request as required.
return authnRequest;
return next();
Thanks ComponentSpace for the reply. I didn't get it to work directly with your solution by using app.Use((context, next)) => ... but your comment on GetRequiredService pointed me into the direction to find the solution like below. Basically I'm getting the IHttpContextAccessor which I can then use to parse the query string. I then get the ReturnUrl from this query string and use the IIdentityServerInteractionService to get the AuthorizationContext object, which contains what I need to build my custom logic.
So thanks again for pointing me into the right direction.
//build and intermediate service provider so we can get already configured services further down this method
var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();
.AddSaml("SamlIdp", options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
options.OnAuthnRequestCreated = request =>
var httpContextAccessor = sp.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var queryStringValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.QueryString.Value);
var interactionService = sp.GetService<IIdentityServerInteractionService>();
var authContext = interactionService.GetAuthorizationContextAsync(queryStringValues["ReturnUrl"]).Result;
//authContext now contains client info and other useful stuff to help build further logic to customize the request
return request;

Add Email Signature to Email Notification Script

I am writing a code on Google Apps Script to send an email every time there is a new announcement made in my site. Here is the code for reference:
var url_of_announcements_page = "";
var who_to_email = "emailaccount";
function emailAnnouncements(){
var page = SitesApp.getPageByUrl(url_of_announcements_page);
if(page.getPageType() == SitesApp.PageType.ANNOUNCEMENTS_PAGE){
var announcements = page.getAnnouncements({ start: 0,
max: 10,
includeDrafts: false,
includeDeleted: false});
for(var i in announcements) {
var ann = announcements[i];
var updated = ann.getLastUpdated().getTime();
if (updated > PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("last-update")){
var options = {};
options.htmlBody = Utilities.formatString("<h1><a href='%s'>%s</a></h1>%s", ann.getUrl(), ann.getTitle(), ann.getHtmlContent());
MailApp.sendEmail(who_to_email, "Announcement - '"+ann.getTitle()+"'", ann.getTextContent()+"\n\n"+ann.getUrl(), options);
function setup(){
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('last-update',new Date().getTime());
I would like to know if it is possible to add my gmail signature to the code. As when I send it with the script my signature is removed. Do I have to make my signature in the code or am i able to get my signature from gmail and automatically insert it at the end? Here is the line for the formatting of the email:
MailApp.sendEmail(who_to_email, "Announcement - '"+ann.getTitle()+"'", ann.getTextContent()+"\n\n"+ann.getUrl(), options);
Apps Script cannot access user's signature: there is no method for that in MailApp, or GmailApp, or even in Gmail API accessible via Advanced Google Services.
In principle, you could use GmailApp to get a recent outgoing message and search its text for the signature contained after the last -- found in message body. But this requires giving the script a lot more access (GmailApp can access, forward and delete existing email, unlike MailApp) and is error-prone (when text parsing fails, you might end up with an embarrassing fragment of text in your message).
Just append it directly:
var signature = "\n\n--\nFirstName LastName";
// ...
MailApp.sendEmail(... +signature, options);
(By the way, Gmail web interface and Gmail mobile app have different user signatures in general, so having another one for script-generated messages doesn't seem unusual.)

Get the output of RestSetResponse without making HTTP request

I have a minimal (example) REST end-point test/people.cfc:
restpath = "test/people/"
rest = true
remote void function create(
required string first_name restargsource = "Form",
required string last_name restargsource = "Form"
httpmethod = "POST"
restpath = ""
produces = "application/json"
// Simulate adding person to database.
{ "first_name" = first_name, "last_name" = last_name }
// Simulate getting people from database.
var people = Application.people;
restSetResponse( {
"status" = 201,
"content" = SerializeJSON( people )
} );
As noted here and in the ColdFusion documentation:
Note: ColdFusion ignores the function's return value and uses the response set using the RestSetResponse() function.
So the void return type for the function appears to be correct for the REST function.
Now, I know I can call it from a CFM page using:
httpService = new http(method = "POST", url = "https://localhost/rest/test/people");
httpService.addParam( name = "first_name", type = "formfield", value = "Alice" );
httpService.addParam( name = "last_name", type = "formfield", value = "Adams" );
result = httpService.send().getPrefix();
However, I would like to call the function without making a HTTP request.
Firstly, the REST CFCs do not appear to be accessible from within the REST directory. This can be solved simply by creating a mapping in the ColdFusion admin panel to the root path of the REST service.
I can then do:
Application.people = [];
people = new restmapping.test.People();
people.create( "Alice", "Adams" );
WriteDump( application.people );
This calls the function directly and the output shows it has added the person. However, the response from the REST function has disappeared into the aether. Does anyone know if it is possible to retrieve the response's HTTP status code and content (as a minimum - preferably all the HTTP headers)?
Update - Integration Testing Scenario:
This is one use-case (of several) where calling the REST end-point via a HTTP request has knock-on effects that can be mitigated by invoking the end-point directly as a method of a component.
// Create an instance of the REST end-point component without
// calling it via HTTP request.
endPoint = new restfiles.test.TestRESTEndPoint();
transaction {
try {
// Call a method on the end-point without making a HTTP request.
endPoint.addValueToDatabase( 1, 'abcd' );
assert( getRESTStatusCode(), 201 );
assert( getRESTResponseText(), '{"id":1,"value":"abcd"}' );
// Call another method on the end-point without making a HTTP request.
endPoint.updateValueInDatabase( 1, 'dcba' );
assert( getRESTStatusCode(), 200 );
assert( getRESTResponseText(), '{"id":1,"value":"dcba"}' );
// Call a third method on the end-point without making a HTTP request.
endPoint.deleteValueInDatabase( 1 );
assert( getRESTStatusCode(), 204 );
assert( getRESTResponseText(), '' );
catch ( any e )
WriteDump( e );
transaction action="rollback";
Calling each REST function via a HTTP request will commit the data to the database after each request - cleaning up between tests where the data has been committed can get very complicated and often results in needing to flashback the database to a previous state (resulting in integration tests being unable to be run in parallel with any other tests and periods of unavailability during flashbacks). Being able to call the REST end-points without making lots of atomic HTTP requests and instead bundle them into a single transaction which can be rolled back means the testing can be performed in a single user's session.
So, how can I get the HTTP status code and response text which have been set by RestSetResponse() when I create an instance of the REST component and invoke the function representing the REST path directly (without using a HTTP request)?
The solution will* involve a few steps:
Change remote void function create to remote struct function create
Add var result = {"status" = 201, "content" = SerializeJSON( people )}
Change your restSetResponse(..) call to restSetResponse(result)
Add return result;
* The solution will not currently work, b/c ColdFusion ticket CF-3546046 was not fixed completely. I've asked Adobe to re-open it and also filed CF-4198298 to get this issue fixed, just in case CF-3546046 isn't re-opened. Please see my most recent comment on CF-3546046, and feel free to vote for either ticket. Once either is fixed completely, then the above-listed changes to your code will allow it to set the correct HTTP response when called via REST and to return the function's return variable when invoked directly. Note: you could also specify a headers struct w/in the result struct in step 2, if you also want to return headers when the function is invoked directly.
-Aaron Neff

If our website sees the Facebook signed in user has user id 678678678 in the cookie, how do we know this cookie is not faked?

I think if we make calls to Facebook using REST or Graph API, we will know if it is fake because it will come back saying fake session / auth_token / access_token. But what if we are showing our own DB info, such as the user's "most preferred product list", then we don't make any call to Facebook but show our DB's data. How do we know it is really the user, not somebody faking the cookie?
When you read a cookie with facebook it contains a value called 'sig'. With this value, the other cookie values, and your app secret you hash the contents of the cookie and validate it against the sig. If they match, then the cookie is valid. You can trust this result because only you and Facebook have access to the app secret. Here is the example of how Facebook's PHP SDK does it. Any respectable Facebook SDK will do this all for you internally.
* Validates a session_version=3 style session object.
* #param Array $session the session object
* #return Array the session object if it validates, null otherwise
protected function validateSessionObject($session) {
// make sure some essential fields exist
if (is_array($session) &&
isset($session['uid']) &&
isset($session['access_token']) &&
isset($session['sig'])) {
// validate the signature
$session_without_sig = $session;
$expected_sig = self::generateSignature(
if ($session['sig'] != $expected_sig) {
self::errorLog('Got invalid session signature in cookie.');
$session = null;
// check expiry time
} else {
$session = null;
return $session;
Here is the same thing in C# (Facebook C# SDK):
/// <summary>
/// Validates a session_version=3 style session object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="session">The session to validate.</param>
protected override void ValidateSessionObject(FacebookSession session)
if (session == null)
var signature = this.GenerateSignature(session);
if (session.Signature == signature.ToString())
session = null;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a MD5 signature for the facebook session.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="session">The session to generate a signature.</param>
/// <returns>An MD5 signature.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">If the session is null.</exception>
/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">If there is a problem generating the hash.</exception>
protected override string GenerateSignature(FacebookSession session)
var args = session.Dictionary;
StringBuilder payload = new StringBuilder();
var parts = (from a in args
orderby a.Key
where a.Key != "sig"
select string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}={1}", a.Key, a.Value)).ToList();
parts.ForEach((s) => { payload.Append(s); });
byte[] hash = null;
using (var md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider.Create())
if (md5 != null)
hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload.ToString()));
if (hash == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Hash is not valid.");
StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++)
signature.Append(hash[i].ToString("x2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
return signature.ToString();
The only thing you can trust is session_key for old REST api and access_token for Graph API. Once you got it, pass it to a server side with your data retrirval request. On the server side call facebook api and get current userid. Once you got userid you can store it in a session and use it later.
don't store it in a cookie. Put it in a session variable, that way you have control
Do not put a user id in a cookie. The session cookie should just be a random number that maps to a record in your server-side session database. Any data associated to that session is only stored server-side.
That way, in order to fake a session, an attacker would have to guess a random number that actually in use at that time. Given that there are a lot of random numbers and sessions expire, that is almost impossible.
There are a few approaches here.
Inefficient: Whenever you perform an authenticated operation, grab the FB cookie and use the data in it to make a dummy API call to see that the access token is valid and matches the user (i.e. grab /me?fields=id).
More efficient: The first time you see a FB cookie for a user, store that cookie in a server-side session for the user (with a sufficiently-hard-to-guess session ID passed to the client in a cookie).
Another approach, and does not require server-side session state: The first time you see a FB cookie for a user, HMAC the cookie using a secret only your servers have, and store that resulting hash in a cookie. Then you can check if there is a valid hash of the FB cookie, and if so, you trust it. Otherwise, you fall back to the validation.