How to access AU Response sent from Server side at Client Side - zk

I want to know AU Responses pushed from server to Client in ZK at client side(i.e in ZUL). Searched alot not able to find any hint :(

Using the (global) Clients object you can send responses from the server to the client.
Then using already mentioned zAu.cmd0 and zAu.cmd1 javacript objects you can define the functions to process those responses.
At the server side to send a response to the server (Java):
AuResponse response = new AuResponse("myClientHandler", new Object[]{"hello ","world"});
At the client-side for you could define something like (Javascript):
zAu.cmd0.myClientHandler = function (greet, person) {
alert(greet + person);

You can either use zAu.cmd0 or zAu.cmd1 depending on your requirement. Refer to processing Au Responses section of ZK Client side reference guide.


SOAP header for authentication in Notes/Domino

I need to consume a WS that requires client (machine) certificate. More precisely it uses WS-Security : SOAP Message Security, WS-Security : X.509 Certificate Token Profile as defined by
Using the native consumer, Domino don't add (magically) the authentication in the SOAP header. Now how I'm supposed to do add the security in header? Ideally in LotusScript...
I don't see anyway to embed the Consumer in my own header or enrich the existing consumer. I join the IBM response on this.
So my question:
Is there a work around to do this in Lotusscript ?
did some of you done something like this in java (and I will probably make an LS2J since a lot of LotusScript code already exists when I will get (hopefully) the response from the WS
IBM response:
We understand that you are attempting to use SOAP header for authentication. Unfortunately this is currently not supported.
For your reference, we have at least two Enhancement Requests (that I could find in this area) that are related to this topic:
SPR # SODY9H6BTM: Creating Your Own Soap Objects Does Not Support Client Certificate Authentication In A Web Agent.
SPR # JSHN7A3MLP: Authentication data in the Header element of WS Consumer SOAP envelopes
Unfortunately there is nothing further we can do in Support at this time.
If I understood your problem correctly you do not know how to deal with SOAP header and if so there are 2 things you may want to know:
1) Passing session using native Domino consumer approach. See example below
TestServiceLocator service = new TestServiceLocator();
TestPort port = service.getTestPort();
// that would tell to save cookie session between calls
((javax.xml.rpc.Stub)port)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE);
2) If it does not work for you, you may try to use native SOAP approach. I've blogged about that recently: SOAP and passing session
// Create SOAP Connection
SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnectionFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
SOAPConnection soapConnection = soapConnectionFactory.createConnection();
// connect to webserivce
SOAPMessage soapResponse =, password), url);
// read cookie from response and use it when send another requests
MimeHeaders session = soapResponse.getMimeHeaders();
String sesisonCookie = session.getHeader("Set-Cookie")[0];
SOAPMessage soapResponse2 =, url);
and than imagine you are in customGetAll method
SOAPBody soapBody = envelope.getBody();
SOAPElement soapBodyElem = soapBody.addChildElement("Customer_GetAll", "m");
soapMessage.getMimeHeaders().addHeader("Cookie", sesisonCookie);
Hope it will help.

adding callid in sip-servlets

I am using sip servlets api to make sip calls,
My requirement is to connect two calls in conference, for this I need to modify call-id for one of the invite request, but it is not allowing me to modify call-id in header part and my code is as follows:
SipServletRequest forkedRequest = linkedSession.createRequest("INVITE");
ipFactory sipFactory = (SipFactory)getServletContext().getAttribute("javax.servlet.sip.SipFactory");
SipURI sipUri = (SipURI)sipFactory.createURI("sip:msml#");
and I was getting following error:
Header[Call-ID] is system header, cant add,cant modify it!!!
Can any one suggest on this? make sure how to modify call-id
SIP Servlets Specification specifically forbids to modify the Call-ID Header which is a System Header. Please read the specification at
Which conference provider enforces you to have the same Call-ID for 2 different calls to be able to join the same conference ? This seems like a very bad design and against the SIP RFC itself

dlang vibe.d RESTful Service Performance

Thank you for your assistance.
Why does my REST service seem to perform so poorly using rest interfaces in dlang vibe.d when compared to creating request handlers manually?
More Information:
I have been prototyping a RESTful service using the vibe.d library in dlang. I'm running a test where a client sends GET and POST requests to the server with a payload of some given size, say 2048 byte (i.e. the GET response would have 2k, the POST request would have 2k).
I'm using the "registerRestInterface" and "RestInterfaceClient" API in the vibe.d library to create my server and client sort of like this...
auto routes = new URLRouter;
registerRestInterface(routes, new ArtifactArchive());
auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings();
settings.port = port;
settings.bindAddresses = [host];
settings.options |= HTTPServerOption.distribute;
listenHTTP(settings, routes);
IArtifactArchive archive = new RestInterfaceClient!IArtifactArchive(endpoint)
IArtifactArchive.Payload result;
result = archive.getContents(info.FileDescriptor, offset, info.BlockSize);
I'm not doing anything fancy in my interface. Just filling a byte array and passing it along. I know performance depends on many different things; however I seem to see about 160kB transfer rate when using REST interfaces in vibe.d and roughly 5MB transfer rate when using manual http request handlers like this:
void ManualHandleRequest(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) ...
listenHTTP(settings, &ManualHandleRequest);
I really like the REST interface API, but I can't suffer that kind of performance loss in order to use it. Any thoughts on why it seems so much slower than the other method? Perhaps I'm configuring something wrong or missing something. I am somewhat new to the D programming language and the vibe.d library.
Thank you for your time!
I suspect that with custom request handler you actually write response as a byte array. REST interface generator serializes all return data into JSON by default which creates huge overhead compared to raw array.
This is just a random guess though, I need to see actual REST method implementation to say for sure and/or propose solution.

How to get list box value from client side and use it in server side in GWT/google web toolkit?

i have a problem on maintaining an application. I didnt develop this and i'm quite not familiar with GWT framework. Can anyone help me on how can i get the values from a list box from the client side and use it on server side? Thank you so much,
In Short: You need to define a Asynchronous service to send the values to the server and process it.
In Detail:
1) Define a Async Service. More info here
2) Async service should be able to either accept a list of strings of a class that contain all the values that you need to access at server side.
3) Process the values in server side and return the value you intended to send back to client (if you have to).
In addition to the answer from Vikky:
You can get the text of any item with getItemText function (link to doc) and the index of the selected item with getSelectedIndex function.
getItemText(getSelectedIndex()) will do the job...

Nodejs Websocket Close Event Called...Eventually

I've been having some problems with the below code that I've pieced together. All the events work as advertised however, when a client drops off-line without first disconnecting the close event doesn't get call right away. If you give it a minute or so it will eventually get called. Also, I find if I continue to send data to the client it picks up a close event faster but never right away. Lastly, if the client gracefully disconnects, the end event is called just fine.
I understand this is related to the other listen events like upgrade and ondata.
I should also state that the client is an embedded device.
client http request:
GET /demo HTTP/1.1\r\n
Upgrade: Websocket\r\n
Connection: Upgrade\r\n\r\n
//nodejs server (I'm using version 6.6)
var http = require('http');
var net = require('net');
var sys = require("util");
var srv = http.createServer(function (req, res){
srv.on('upgrade', function(req, socket, upgradeHead) {
socket.write('HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake\r\n' +
'Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n' +
'Connection: Upgrade\r\n' +
socket.ondata = function(data, start, end) {
socket.write(data.toString('utf8', start, end), 'utf8'); // echo back
socket.addListener('end', function () {
sys.puts('end'); //works fine
socket.addListener('close', function () {
sys.puts('close'); //eventually gets here
Can anyone suggest a solution to pickup an immediate close event? I am trying to keep this simple without use of modules. Thanks in advance.
close event will be called once TCP socket connection is closed by one or another end with few complications of rare cases when system "not realising" that socket been already closed, but this are rare cases. As WebSockets start from HTTP request server might just keep-alive till it timeouts the socket. That involves the delay.
In your case you are trying to perform handshake and then send data back and forth, but WebSockets are a bit more complex process than that.
The handshake process requires some security procedure to validate both ends (server and client) and it is HTTP compatible headers. But different draft versions supported by different platforms and browsers do implement it in a different manner so your implementation should take this in account as well and follow official documentation on WebSockets specification based on versions you need to support.
Then sending and receiving data via WebSockets is not pure string. Actual data sent over WebSockets protocol has data-framing layer, which involves adding header to each message you send. This header has details over message you sending, masking (from client to server), length and many other things. data-framing depends on version of WebSockets again, so implementations will vary slightly.
I would encourage to use existing libraries as they already implement everything you need in nice and clean manner, and have been used extensively across commercial projects.
As your client is embedded platform, and server I assume is node.js as well, it is easy to use same library on both ends.
Best suit here would be ws - actual pure WebSockets.
Socket.IO is not good for your case, as it is much more complex and heavy library that has multiple list of protocols support with fallbacks and have some abstraction that might be not what you are looking for.