NSMutableArray lastObject not working in UITableView iPhone? - iphone

I want to get the last object from an NSMutableArray. When I use the code below to get the last object from the NSMutableArray it is not finding it:
if ([mutableArray lastObject])
NSLog(#"Last Object");
NSLog(#"Not a Last Object");
When ever I call this code the if statement is only calling for every objects from an array. Can anyone please help me to solve this?

[mutableArray lastObject] returns an id typed object which is the last object of your array. it is not a test.
To see it you should write something like :
id myLastObject = [mutableArray lastObject];
NSLog(#"my last object is : %#",myLastObject);
edit :
What do you mean by check last object ?
checking equality with the isEqual method checks if both objects are same objects, meaning only one object but you might wanna check if two objects have same properties, thus checking if properties have same values.

if ([someObject isEqual:[mutableArray lastObject]]) {
NSLog(#"Last Object");


Find Existence of Key in NSDictionary

How can we identify the object is available for a particular key. I have tried following:
for(NSDictionary *item in jsonArray){
if([item objectForKey:#"EventDate"])
NSLog([item objectForKey:#"EventDate"]);
This is getting crash the code with error:
-[__NSCFString objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6a567b0
I have also find many posts that is showing objectForKey will return nil if a key doesn't exists. Than my question is there is also a method in NSDictionary class that is "setNilValueForKey". How is this possible that we cannot specify the NSDictionary key with nil object and also we have the method to set nil value for object in NSDictionary.
Please Suggest on first and also make me clear on second query.
1) Your jsonArray contains other types of objects than NSDictionaries, including at least one NSString. NSString doesn't respond to objectForKey: so it throws an exception when you try to call it. You'll have to look at the JSON to determine how to proceed with whatever you were doing.
2) There is an NSObject method setNilValueForKey: which is related to key-value coding. This isn't really related to NSDictionary. If you really need to represent nil in your dictionary, set [NSNull null] as the object for your key that represents nil.
Hope this helps!
Not all the objects in your array are dictionaries. You need to check what kind of data you're processing before you work on it. Something like this:
for(NSObject* item in jsonArray) {
if ([item isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
// do dictionary stuff
else if ([item isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
// do string stuff
item is not a NSDictionary its a String. So check your jsonArray it may be contains only strings not dictinaries
Answer to second query
There is a non-nil object called NSNull that is built specifically to represent nils in situations where "plain" nil is not acceptable. If you replace your nils with [NSNull null] object, NSDictionary will take them. You would need to check for NSNull on the way out, though.
Refer more here
Answer to first query
for(id *item in jsonArray)
if([item isKindofClass:[NSDictionary class])
NSArray *allKeys = [item allKeys];
for(NSString *strKey in allKeys)
if([strKey isEqualToString:#"EventDate"])
// EventDate key has object
NSLog([item objectForKey:#"EventDate"]);

Performance Problem while retrieving custom objects from array

I create a custom object that has some properties like ID and Title,description etc...
And I add it to an array. (That array may contains more than 500 values).
And I use the following code to retrieve custom objects,
-(CustomObjects *)getObjectWithId:(int)id {
CustomObjects *objCustomObjects = nil;
for (CustomObjects *customObjects in arrayCustomObjects) {
if (customObjects.id == id) {
objCustomObjects = customObjects;
return objCustomObjects;
But It has some performance problem, because I use the function to call on UIScrollview pinch.
How can I improve performance in fetching the objects?
thanks in advance,
A dictionary is better for this. The only catch is that you can’t have a NSDictionary with primitive int keys, so that you have to wrap the id in an NSNumber.
- (void) addCustomObject: (CustomObject*) obj {
NSNumber *wrappedID = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[obj idNumber]];
[dictionary setObject:obj forKey:wrappedID];
- (CustomObject*) findObjectByID: (int) idNumber {
NSNumber *wrappedID = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[obj idNumber]];
return [dictionary objectForKey:wrappedID];
A dictionary (also called hash table) does not have to go through all the values to find the right one, it has all the values arranged cleverly according to the keys so that it can jump to the right one or close to it. What you are doing with the array is called linear search and it’s not very efficient.
Better you can use NSDictionary with id as the key. You can easily fetch the object from the dictionary.
Is it Ok for your requirement?
You could use an NSPredicate that checks whether id equals the one you're looking for, and simply filter the custom objects using this predicate by calling filteredArrayUsingPredicate:.
To improve performance, I would try to postpone whatever you're trying to calculate by not directly calling the function that does the heavy work in your scroll view, but rather call [self performSelector:... withObject:nil afterDelay:0]; which postpones the calculation to the next runloop cycle. If you check if there's already a calculation scheduled before you call performSelector you should actually be able to reduce the frequency of the calculation while maintaining a crisp interface.
You must ditch the array in favor for a dictionary if you want to have fast lookups.
If you want to access objects both by key and index then you need to the objects around in two collections, and make sure they are in sync.
I have already done a helper class for this named CWOrderedDictionary. It's a subclass of NSMutableDictionary that allows for access to objects by both keys (as any dictionary do), and by index using methods identical to NSMutableArray.
My class is available to use for inspiration or as is from here: https://github.com/jayway/CWFoundation/
Use NSPredicate:-
You will receive the filtered array with the object that has the id you passed;
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"id == %#", id];
NSArray *filtered = [arrayCustomObjects filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
Instead of intjust use [NSNumber numberWithInt:] , i did some changes in your given code.
-(CustomObjects *)getObjectWithId:(NSNumber* )id {//changed int to NSNumber
CustomObjects *objCustomObjects = nil;
NSPredicate *bPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF.id==%#",id];
NSArray *result = [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:bPredicate];
//return filtered array contains the object of your given value
if([result count]>0)
objCustomObjects = [result objectAtIndex:0];
return objCustomObjects;

Objective c static method returns the same value every time

I'm writing a custom xml deserializer for an iphone app. As you can see below, I'm looping through all the list elements in the xml, I have debugged it, and with each loop there is a new and different element. The problem is that the xpath helper methods (there are similar ones to the one posted below, but for int and decimal) always returns the same value.
For example - 1st loop's xml "SomeValue" value will be "abc" and the helper method will return "abc", second item comes around and its xml "SomeValue" is "XYZ", but the helper method will still return "abc".
I'm new to iphone/objective c/memory managment so it could be any number of things. I just cant determine what the problem is :( could someone please offer some help?
-(void) deserializeAndCallback:(GDataXMLElement *)response
NSError * error;
NSArray *listings = [response nodesForXPath:#"//ListingSummary" error:&error];
NSMutableArray *deserializedListings = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//loop through all listing elements, create a new listing object, set its values, and add
//it to the list of deserialized objects.
if(listings.count > 0)
for (GDataXMLElement *listingElement in listings)
Listing *list = [[Listing alloc] init];
//xpath helper function (shown below), just to get the value out of the xml
list.someValue = [QuickQuery getString:listingElement fromXPath:#"//SomeValue"];
[deserializedListings addObject:list];
if([super.delegate respondsToSelector: #selector(dataReady:)])
[super.delegate dataReady:deserializedListings];
+(NSString *) getString:(GDataXMLElement *)element fromXPath:(NSString *)xPath
NSError *error;
NSArray *result = [element nodesForXPath:xPath error:&error];
if(result.count > 0)
GDataXMLElement *singleValue = (GDataXMLElement *) [result objectAtIndex:0];
return singleValue.stringValue;
[singleValue release];
return nil;
[error release];
[result release];
EDIT: ok... I found a bit more info. Inside the helper function, the nodesForXpath method returns all the nodes from the entire xml, not just the current element I'm busy with. Does GDataXMLElement keep reference to its parent elements at all?
Example of what the xml looks like
What you are seeing is correct behaviour for the XPath query you are using. You actually want a query relative to the current node, not the root of the document as you are doing.
See http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/
BTW + (NSString *)getString:(GDataXMLElement *)element fromXPath:(NSString *)xPath is a class method, not a static method.
You say that nodesForXPath: returns all the nodes from the whole document. Since you are calling that method with the same argument, #"//SomeValue", every loop, you get back the same array every time. This means that [result objectAtIndex:0] gives you the same object every time.
Also, as I mentioned in a comment, you should not be releasing singleValue, error, or result in your helper method. You don't own those and you're not responsible for their memory. On the other hand, since you create list using alloc, you do need to release it at the end of each loop; you are currently leaking a Listing object every pass.
It looks OK for me. Although the releases inside the getString:fromXPath: aren't necessary (you don't need to release parameters entered into a method or objects obtained from a NSArray. The proper way to release an object from a NSArray is removing it from the array, as for objects passed as a parameter, if you want to release it you should do it after you call the method.
The problem to your question must be somewhere else.
result.count should be [result count] since count is a method and not a property of NSArray

Question about deep copying example

In the Beginning iPhone 4 book, the author has this code to create a category for creating a deep copy of an NSDictionary that has an NSArray of names for each letter of the alphabet to show an example of an indexed table with a search bar.
#import "NSDictionary-MutableDeepCopy.h"
#implementation NSDictionary (MutableDeepCopy)
- (NSMutableDictionary *) mutableDeepCopy {
NSMutableDictionary *returnDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:[self count]];
NSArray *keys = [self allKeys];
for (id key in keys) {
id oneValue = [self valueForKey:key];
id oneCopy = nil;
if ([oneValue respondsToSelector:#selector(mutableDeepCopy)]) oneCopy = [oneValue mutableDeepCopy];
else if ([oneValue respondsToSelector:#selector(mutableCopy)]) oneCopy = [oneValue mutableCopy];
if (oneCopy == nil)
oneCopy = [oneValue copy];
[returnDict setValue:oneCopy forKey:key];
[oneCopy release];
return returnDict;
Can someone explain the for loop logic? I'm not sure what he's trying to do in seeing which value responds to which selector, and why it would be added to the dictionary. Thanks.
So, the for loop simply iterates through all the keys in the dictionary. Beforehand, we create a new dictionary called returnDict - this will be what we return.
For each key in the dictionary we want to copy, we...
Get the object stored for that key ([self valueForKey:key]), and save it into a variable called oneValue.
If oneValue implements our mutableDeepCopy method (ie, it's an NSDictionary) go call it, and assign the return value into a variable called oneCopy.
Else, we see if oneCopy implements the mutableCopy method. If it does, we put the output into the oneCopy variable.
At this point, we check to see if following steps (2) and (3) the oneCopy variable has had anything assigned to it (if (oneCopy == nil)). If it doesn't (ie, it's equal to nil) we can assume the object doesn't implement either mutableDeepCopy or mutableCopy, so we instead call a plain old copy and assign its value to oneCopy.
Add oneCopy into our returnDict dictionary using the original key.
That's the for loop - at the end of it all, we go and return the copied dictionary.
The logic in the for-loop is convoluted because the author is trying to get as mutable and as deep a copy of the entire array as possible. The code tries three different ways to satisfy this, in order of preference:
Use mutableDeepCopy if possible (if the object understands that message).
Otherwise, use mutableCopy if possible.
If all else fails, just use copy.
If the object is just plain not copiable, your code goes boom when it sends the object -copy, since no test is made for whether the object responds to -copy. This is appropriate, since trying to deep copy an array containing items that cannot be copied is definitely programmer error.

Crash-proof NSDictionary

I'm looking to create a "crash-proof" NSDictionary as I'm using a JSON serializer that converts a server response into an NSDictionary. As as result, sometimes the key for the dictionary is not present. Currently, this will crash the application, however I'd rather an empty NSString was returned so I can display this in the interface.
A solution could be that I check for the key every time I access the dictionary, e.g.
if([returnedDictionary objectForKey:#"key"]){
// Display [returnedDictionary objectForKey:#"key"];
// Display #"";
However this soon results in bloated, hard-to-read code.
I had thought about creating a custom NSDictionary object, something like:
#interface NSSafeDictionary : NSDictionary .....
that overrides objectForKey with the above statement.
Is this a satisfactory approach?
Are you always going to want to get strings out of your dictionary or will other objects be stored in it as well? If it's only strings, I think the easiest way around this is to construct a category on NSDictionary.
#interface NSDictionary ( EmptyStrings )
- (NSString *)stringForKey:(id)aKey;
#implementation NSDictionary ( EmptyStrings )
- (NSString *)stringForKey:(id)aKey {
id object = [self objectForKey:aKey];
if (object == nil ) {
return #"";
if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]) {
return object;
} else {
return nil;
Given that it comes in over the network, I would think that you would want to sanitise the data more than just checking for empty values but if not, you don't really need to inherit from NSDictionary.
A simple utility method in your class would do the trick.
Or you could create a category on NSDictionary:
#interface NSDictionary (Safe)
(I'm sure you can figure out the implementation.)