Hi Guys got an issue with a UIWebView,
The basics of it is that I am trying to display an image strip. So the image would be 5000x640 (landscape) so it would display the whole image in a UIWebView that can be scrolled across.
The issue I am having is that If i use scaleToFit, it scales the whole page (and not just the height). On all other displays aside from the retina displays this problem doesnt occur.
What am I missing, the image is 2x as big on the UIWebView of any 4th gen device. How can either scale the content (height only) or have the UIWebView be treated as scaled by 2x?
I am using Default.png for iPhone and Default-Landscape.png for ipad. But in case of ipad the splash screen shows only half of the image and rest is cut. It seems to be the size of image becomes double of what it should be. I am using image with width:525 and height:175 for ipad.
I also added:
UILaunchImageFile~ipad Default-Landscape.png
in my info.plist file. What might be the problem? Please guide me....
Also can i set the backgroung of splash screen to white????
The landscape iPad launch image has to be 1024x748 pixels. That's the only size that will prevent your image from scaling.
I guess the iPad tries to scale your image to a height of 748 which means the width will be 2244px. Not exactly double but something like four times the size of what you want.
Create a white image with dimensions of 1024x748 and put your 525x175 image in the middle of it.
Try the image name Default#2x.png and size would be 1024X768....
Normal background image is 320x480 pixels. and for retina is 640x960 pixels.
Now i have to put my background image and i have status bar(20) and navigation bar (44).
So i have to reduce 64(20+44) from 480(normal) or from 960(retina)?
if i reduce 64 from normal then normal image will be 320x416 pixels and retina will be 640x832 pixels.
if i reduce 64 from retina then normal will be 320x448 and retina will be 640x896 .
It is confusing me.. this 64(20+44) i reduce from which image type because other one will be exactly half or double of it.
Reduce from the normal size.
64px = height to remove from normal display.
128px = height to remove from the retina.
Don't forget that in the retina display the status bar and nav bar will also be 2x the height :)
You do everything based upon the 320x480 size, then retina scales everything up. Using images suffixed #2x will allow you to replace the assets (mainly UIImage) for the retina version, this doesnt work for direct resource file references or video/audio files though so just be careful.
So measure for 320 for all your assets then your retina ones will simply be twice the size
I have an application containing number of images, custom buttons having images and number of labels.
My problem is to resize those buttons,images and labels according to iphone 4 as wel as iphone 3.
i know that images named #2x are used for high resolution, but I cant find any way to enlarge my custom buttons and labels and also those images which didn't define in code.
how do I get their exact position??
Although screen resolution of iPhone is 640x960, screen dimensions for UIKit are still 320x480 so normally you don't need to adjust coordinates for your UI elements specifically for iPhone4.
If you have '#2x' images for retina display then system will automatically draw them appropriately in the frame you had for normal display.
I am having a problem in iphone 4. The images used in iPhone less than 4 are fine but when I upgraded to iphone 4 the images looks distorted.
Here is the link.
The image size I have used is 320 x 480.
The fact is that the resolution of iPhone4 is 960x640 instead that 480x320 so the image is scaled with linear (or bilinear, not sure) filtering.. the result is what you get: a blurry image.
Just redo the image with the proper resolution to solve the problem, you mainly notice these kinds of artifacts because you have rasterized text on an image..
You obtain this effect whenever you resize an image to fit a wider area of pixels: the missing pixels must be filled somehow and filtering comes into play. So you will have to consider also that part of the screen is used by the top bar to have an exact sized picture.
Create a #2x suffix to each of your png that you use.
The runtime environment will choose the double-resolution on retina display devices.
It looks like your original image is 480x320, but you aren't accounting for the fact that the status bar is compressing your image slightly (or perhaps it does on the iPhone4 but on the older iPhones it is cropping instead).
I'd check the image view settings for that background image.
I am coding a website for iphone.
Some of the content (images and strings I have no control over) is too wide to fit in the 320px viewport. When I first encountered this, it caused the entire page to revert to web page view (scaled small text).
So, I put the wide images in a div with CSS style="width:320px; overflow:scroll;" This stopped the page scaling but I assumed I would be ale to scroll that div horizontally to see the rest of the images (like the app store does with screen snaps). However, the scrolling just doesn't work on the ipod. (It does work on Safari in default Mac mode but not in Safari as iPhone User Agent.)
Anyway, how can I get the sideways scrolling on the ipod?
Scroll with 2 fingers?