Bug at loading URLs to images - firefox-addon-sdk

I think that I've found a bug in the add-on SDK. When I try to load a tab doing something like this:
var t = tabs.open({
url: linkURL,
inBackground: true,
onReady: closeTab(this)
And the URL is an image. The onReady event is never fired.
Is that the expected behaviour?

I'm not sure whether this counts as a bug but you should probably file a bug report to see what the developers think about it. The problem is that the SDK waits for the DOMContentLoaded event to recognize that the tab is ready - but Gecko doesn't fire this event for image documents. The SDK could use a web progress listener instead, these work regardless of the document type.


Attachments are not updated asynchronously in Fiori MyInbox app?

I use SAP standard library: Inbox.
in library class S3.controller by tap on attachments icon is onTabSelect event executed, witch makes
fnFetchDataOnTabSelect makes an asynchronous call. During this call is fnHandleAttachmentsCountText already executed, so the update of attachments count occurs before the request for attachments is ready. As far the request for attachments is ready, there is no update for title executed.
On screenshot is AttachmentCountText „Attachnents (1/1)“, that comes from previously selected item.
It should be „Attachements (2/2)".
Also if response comes too quick, then view changes to loading view after it received the answer from request.
If list of attachments was updated from request callback, then it should not be updated second time.
Here it seems, that there is something on loading, but request is already finished.
How could be Inbox extended, to update the attachment header and content after request is ready?
used SAPUI5-Version: 1.71.4
You are using the standard bsp-application ca_fiori_inbox?
You didn't create an extension project of the application ca_fiori_inbox with custom coding?
If that's the case, it's a bug in an standard application delivered by the SAP. SAP releases so called notes to fix bugs in their standard applications.
You can import notes in your system via the transaction SNOTE. May ask a SAP Basis Administrator from your company for help.
The following notes exactly describe your problem
If you already extended the SAP standard application(MyInbox) without using ExtensionPoints codechanges in the standard application will not affect your custom extension.
When overriding a controller method, any functionality that was previously provided by it is no longer available. Likewise, any future changes made to the original controller method implementation will not be reflected in the custom controller.
In this case you could still implement the note and check the changes in the standard controller vs. your custom controller on your system and change the respective lines in your custom coding.
Don't fix SAP coding. Report it and get a fix.
The Note 2873960 corrects coding in an abap class, not in the bsp-application(ca_fiori_inbox). So definitly import the note and check if it's fixing your problem.
I actually do not know, how the app works, but I want to give it a try.
Since it is an asynchronous function, you can always also wait for the function until it is done. So in your case, you could try to set an await keyword in front of the function.
await fnFetchDataOnTabSelect("Attachments");
This will now wait on this position until it has finished the function call before it will call the next functions. In addition to that you also need to set the upper function onTabSelect to async. So in the end it should look something like this.
onTabSelect: async function() {
// ...
await this.fnFetchDataOnTabSelect("Attachments");
// ...
Although the Web IDE maybe shows you errors, it does work, since it is an official JavaScript API.

appAPI.notifier.show sometimes not work

i have a problem with Crossrider code.
I want to display notifier with this code:
but sometimes work, sometimes not work.
Do you have an idea? I have to write any instructions before call .show()?
Thanks in advance, Mattia
You don't show what body_popUp is set to but, assuming it's valid HTML and it's placed in the extension,js file, the code look fine.
In general, note that the notification is smart and only appears when it detects user movement in the browser. This algorithm is used as a way to ensure that the notification is seen, as it assumes the user is looking when activity is detected.
[Disclosure: I am a Crossrider employee]

Chrome app "onSuspend" being called, why?

According to Google's app lifecycle docs
When the event page has no executing JavaScript, no pending callbacks, and no open windows, the runtime unloads the event page and closes the app.
I am seeing in my app that an onSuspend is being triggered, which also has the side effect of invalidating any FileEntry or DirectoryEntry references (an as-of-yet undocumented "feature"), only the onSuspend is triggered when I still have pending callbacks and open windows. Does anybody know which other conditions will trigger an onSuspend? Does it have to do with the app using too much memory?
It makes sense that onSuspend will be called when the event/background page has no activity and there are no windows open, but when else would onSuspend be called?
Is there a secret permission that I can use to disable onSuspend from being called? A background permission API in the works?
It should not be triggered if you have open windows unless something atypical is under way, like the user upgrading chrome.
If you are seeing onSuspend events at other times, that sounds like a bug. Please report at crbug.com with steps to reproduce.

Flash wmode="direct" issue on FB canvas app

I develop a FB app using Flash using wmode="direct" (for 3D graphics).
In Internet Explorer, every time I popup any FB dialog (e.g Purchase Credits dialog), the flash disappears and when the dialog is closed, the flash does not re-appear...
I tried to set the visibility after dialog is closed:
http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/tutorial/ (under "Special Considerations for Adobe Flash developers"), but it didn't work.
I've also tried the use FB.Init hideFlashCallback:
http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/555/ (under "Detecting visibility of Flash objects in Canvas apps"), but it doesn't seem to call the callback function...
Any one had the same issue and manage to make it work?
Any other suggestions?
P.S - I use swfobject to embed the SWF file.
Thank a lot!
UPDATE: I removed the appId param from the FB JS url:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#appId=XXXX&xfbml=1"></script>
and now the hideFlashCallback is executed, but still - the flash does not re-appear...
I've updated the section Special Considerations for Adobe Flash developers because the code snippet was a bit out-of-date.
The new snippet should give you an idea of how to use the hideFlashCallback, whose semantics have changed since that now out-of-date blog post, in that the function now takes a flash element as an argument. (Unfortunately, we haven't redocumented it yet, but will soon). One thing to note is that the callback does not currently work on IE8, but will after a fix gets pushed next Tuesday.
That said, it should work without that callback. It may be caused by a javascript fatal that stops script execution before the re-showing happens. Look in your javascript console to see if you see any errors.
Otherwise, if you can give me the canvas URL for your application, I can look into it.
Did you try it with other wmodes? what you can try is actually remove the div where you write your flash to, add it with innerHTML and run the swfobject.embed again

Trigger "mobileinit" event

Simple question, I guess.
How to trigger mobileinit event at jQuery Mobile?
I get some Ajax response, which is not nicely designed (in jQuery Mobile form). And I guess I have to trigger this event to get it done.
you could try $.mobileinit(); in the jQM Library itself it's called like this:
$( window.document ).trigger( "mobileinit" );
I don't trust mobileinit. I am building a mobile app with Phonegap and jQueryMobile, currently testing on Android 4.0.3, and the event is just not firing. At all. It is correctly set up, since I can trigger it in the Chrome console while testing on desktop.
Binding to window instead of document makes no difference.
Of course I could trigger it in some other event handler like pagebeforecreate on the first page in the DOM. But that's putting the horse behind the cart.