subclipse broke in sts after I used svn from eclipse - eclipse

For a long time my subversion client was working just fine, and I used it for a while out of sts, but one day sts crashed and I rolled back to eclipse for a while and during that time I used subclipse to update a project of mine. Now STS is up and running again, but for some reason now if I ever try to update or commit from sts I get the following error:
The path '{pathname}' appears to be part of a Subversion 1.7 or greater
working copy. Please upgrade your Subversion client to use this
working copy.
There is not actually an available update for subclipse and sts still recognizes the most recently installed subclipse from the dashboard. Any ideas on how to fix this one?

You should be able to install Subclipse 1.8.x in STS. The update site URL is:
That release includes Subversion 1.7 client so you should be all set once you do this.

Subclipse the JavaHL library to do SVN connections. On Windows, if you have the most recent Subclipse it looks like you should automatically have that installed, but if not they have a variety of installation instructions (alas system dependent).


Eclipse Oxygen will not connect with the SVN server

I have ‘TortoiseSVN 1.10.0, Build 28176 - 64 Bit , 2018/04/14 08:00:32’ and it works in non Eclipse situations. I have read and followed most of the reverent post on Stackoverflow and others. Still no joy. I have added the SVN plugins, except for ‘JavaHl’ which failed after an hour of trying. My Eclipse is:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Build id: 20180405-1200
The current situation is:
When I try to add the Repository Location, I get:
I have also tried ‘file:///P:/SMC/TortoiseSVN/Projects/’ fails with the same message.
This is what TortoiseSVN gives me in a checkout dialog. When I look at the ‘Repository Browser’ I see:
I tried several other variations and none of them worked.
When I look under window→preferences→team→ SVN, I see:
I also do see an entry in the pull down for ‘Native JavaHL 1.8.11” but it gives the almost same error.
Thanks in advance Cliff2310
You have a filesystem (FS) repository (URL starts with file://), so no SVN server is involved and Eclipse or the connector of Subversive accesses the files directly.
The filesystem format 8 is understood by Subversion 1.10, not by 1.9. Unfortunately, there are no SVN 1.10 connectors for the SVN Eclipse plug-in Subversive yet. Also Subclipse which is an alternative to the Subversive Eclipse plug-in does not yet but will support SVN 1.10 in the next upcoming release.
As a hack you can change the version in the file db/format from 8 to 7. But beware, this could also destroy the repository.
The better solution is to downgrade the repository. A non filesystem repository would perform better. On Windows you can use e. g. VisualSVN Server for that and the latest version (3.9.0) should be able to import your FS 8 repository since it supports SVN 1.10.

Can not share new project with Subversive SVN in Eclipse Neon

I just downloaded a fresh Eclipse JEE Neon.1a Release (4.6.1) on my Windows 10 machine.
I went to the marketplace to get the latest Subversive SVN Team Provider 4.0.2.
Trying to install results in the Message: The following solutions are not available: SVN Team Provider 4.0.2.
I chose to continue anyways, and it seemed to work.
After the restart, i chose the SVNKit 1.8.14 Subversive SVN Connector and installed without any issues.
Now I was able to do basic SVN operations, all seemed fine.
Except to share a new project. I created a new Project called "test" and tried to share as a new project.
That results in the Message:
Share project was failed.
Can't overwrite cause with org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E160013: URL 'http://sol:3380/svn/repo/test' non-existent in that revision.
I tried to share a new project to another SVN Server, same error message.
I repeated the whole process on different machines, same message.
I Installed SVN Team Provider directly from the Update Site instead of the Marketplace. Same Issue.
I went to the SVNKit website to try older Versions of SVNKit and installed via the archived Update Sites, but they wont even show up in the SVN Connector Chooser in Eclipse.
I really dont know what to do anymore, can anyone help me to get it work?
I hope this solution will help you as it helped me. I think your problem is related to an unmatched client/server version. Neon subversive version is 4 and related svn connector is 1.8. But you probably need an svn connector 1.7 as it was in my case. Try the next steps and let me know if it works. Otherwise let me know the point in which you get in trouble.
go to help > installation details > filter by "svn" > uninstall everything related to subversive, subclipse and svn connectors
restart eclipse
to to help > install new software > work with > use the previous major subversive version from this URL:
install at least the plug-in and the integrations
restart eclipse
it will probably not ask you for a connector to be installed because you have already installed one previously, so go to window > preferences > team > svn > svn connector tab > get connectors > 1.7! (you can install all of them, the important thing is the one you choose in the combo box, it must be 1.7)
try the svn check-out process again
Bug was fixed yesterday. So just update.
I uninstalled the SVNKit 1.8.14, and it worked for me.

Compatibility of Eclipse Luna with SVN 1.6

I recently upgraded Eclipse to Luna, and one consequence of this is that Subversive upgraded to a version that uses SVNKit 1.7.8, which is not compatible with SVN 1.6. When trying to import a project from SVN, it fails with "Unhandled event loop exception".
We are using SVN server 1.6, and it would not be easy to change this due to other dependencies. Is there a way to install an older version of SVNKit and use it with the latest Eclipse? The Subversive installation instructions state that you can:
If you wish, you can select multiple connectors and follow the installation procedure. After installation, you can switch the connector using the main menu item Window > Preferences > Team (tree node) > SVN (tree node) > SVN Connector (tab).
However, I don't seem to be able to add another SVN Connector and have it show up in the options. I have added 1.3.8 via the dropins folder, and it didn't appear under the team options.
Is there a solution? Thanks for your help with this.
SVNKit 1.8.7 connector is 100% compatible with previous Subversion Server 1.6, as user714965 said, go to Installation Details and then remove the SVN connectors and Subversive in order, then restart eclipse.
Go to the "Eclipse Marketplace"
and install Subversive
Restar eclipse and go to Window->Preferences and select Team->SVN in the left panel, then automatically appears a window to select and install the SVN connector
Select the latest version of connector (SVN Kit 1.8.7) and install it, then restart eclipse and come back to Window->Preferences->Team->SVN and select the recent installed connector
You can checkout or share projects now.
Working with Subversion server 1.6
Hope this helps.
The SVNKit website tells:
Both SVNKit 1.7.13 and 1.8.8 support 1.6 and older working copy
formats without need to upgrade.
Seems as you should better update to one of the mentioned versions instead of downgrading to 1.6.
If you cannot directly update, try to remove SVNKit and reinstall it. I tried this with Luna:
Help -> About -> Installation Details -> Find SVNKit in the list and choose Uninstall....
Then restart eclipse when prompted. When it comes back up the SVN connectors dialog appears and you can choose the current versions to install.
Note: Before doing this you might better make a backup copy of your eclipse folder.
As other people told you, SVN client 1.8 is compatible with SVN Server 1.6.
But you need to upgrade your previously imported SVN repository.
For my part, I just did the same as you (from Eclipse Indigo to Luna), but with SubClipse (from Tigris). And I had to upgrade my local SVN repository (which was less than 1.6) to a local SVN repository version 1.8.
To do so, I used Tortoise SVN. Once installed, simply do right click on your SVN repo and select "Upgrade" (don't remember if it was directly accessible or if I had to look in "TortoiseSVN").
You will probably have to remove your projects from eclipse before importing them again because all hidden .svn directories will be deleted and only the one at the base of your SVN repository will remain.

"Errors occurred while updating the change sets for SVNStatusSubscriber" in Eclipse

I keep getting this error in Eclipse. I uninstalled Subclipse and related packages since I just want to use Tortoise. There are no SVN packages remaining. I cleaned my workspace and rebooted, but I'm still getting this error message.
If you uninstalled the SVN plugins, it would not be possible to get those errors. You should be able to go to the Team > Synchronize view and remove any SVN related synchronizations.
Finally, whether you want to mainly use TortoiseSVN or not, you should still have Subclipse installed in Eclipse. Without a SVN plugin installed, Eclipse will do bad things to your working copy. With Subclipse installed, Eclipse knows to leave the .svn folder alone.
If you are using TortoiseSVN 1.8.x, then be sure to install Subclipse 1.10.x so that you have the right version with Subversion 1.8 support included.

SVN client integration into Eclipse

I had integrated a Subclipse plugin into the Eclipse to perform SVN related operations.
I had successfully checked-in, checked-out and commited my project to the SVN.
But now when I am trying to commit or update my project, it is showing the following error
org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format
svn: This client is too old to work with working copy 'D:\EclipseWorkspace\EMSEclipse'; please get a newer Subversion client
I had tried to update the plugin through HELP >> SOFTWARE UPDATES... of the Eclipse but it is saying that the software is up to date and no newer version is available.
Should I switch to some other SVN Client. If yes, then could you please suggest me any other SVN Client for Eclipse?
Subclipse has different update sites for the 1.4 and 1.6 branches. So if you are using 1.4, it won't have updates. Get the 1.6 update site.
Whenever the subclipse plugin is not sufficient for you, you can download Turtoise SVN - it is a full-featured SVN client.
Subversive is the other Eclipse client for SVN
But for your error, the solution is indeed to upgrade. Did you check the Download and installation process?
As documented, get the right version of JavaHL.
Haven't personally seen that error before. The other popular SVN client for Eclipse is Subversive in-case you want to try that.