Is there an improved IDE for Eclipse? [closed] - eclipse

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking for a modern, highly usable, single package IDE/wrapper for Eclipse (if such things exist). Something that would provide a wrapper to Eclipse and add some style, a nicer interface, better code highlighting, etc. Any suggestions?
-Looking for a nicer "prettier" IDE with more visual features and code completions, etc.
-Should be able to install it on a live Eclipse install

Eclipse is one of the best IDEs in terms of code completion and refactoring features. If your concerns are mainly style, you can customize syntax coloring using the Preferences > Java > Editor > Syntax Coloring menu. Or check out color themes here.
If you want a different skin for Eclipse you could try here. There are also code visualization plugins and style warnings, but you need to be specific about what you want.

I'm not sure if it's going to give you everything you're asking for, but there is STS.

Aptana is pretty good,


What is your best experience for Emacs source code navigation? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have a big project with many .c and .h files to navigate. What tool do you have the best experience?
I searched online and found users recommend etags, global, and ECB. I just wonder which one is best for my case so that I can stick with it. Thanks.
I think etags or ctags are easy to use. Many open source projects come with make rules to generate the databases for these type. For C++, ebrowse is better. Personally, I like to use a project bundled with emacs. If you download a 3rd party app, you will have to re-compile whenever you upgrade, and often there is more integration work. At least if you start with etags and ctags, you can find they don't have the needed features and then investigate some of the 3rd party eLISP packages.
I have made some assumptions.
You use *nix.
You use Gnu emacs.
Something else may be better with XEmacs and/or on Windows and OSx.
Apparently, global fits my criteria; but I have never used it personally. I have tried to get CEDET working and it is very difficult. It might be easier if your distro comes with a package (.deb, .rpm, etc) for something like CEDET.

what's the state of go language IDE support? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Can anyone share his experience working with go in one of the three java IDE giants -I mean eclipse, netbeans and JIdea
there's a similar question here but I think it's a little outdated, almost a year ago...
There is a page at which describes methods for getting various text editors and IDEs, including Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA, to play nicely with Go. Both GEdit and Vim have decent support, having defined methods for integration with GoCode, a code completion daemon, and syntax highlighting.
There's this:, but it's in the alpha stages of development. Could do with a little bit of love.
Vim, Emacs or LiteIDE

What IDE has better support for groovy, Netbeans or Eclipse? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
What IDE has better support for groovy, Netbeans or Eclipse?
Last additions to Eclipse integration with Groovy added almost everything needed to the old plugin (which lacked some features) so my points go to Eclipse.
Now the plugin is quite mature and updated very often (3 days ago last update). Key features taken from here:
Syntax highlighting
Type inferencing
Compile and run Groovy classes and scripts in Eclipse
Outline view for Groovy files
Source code formatting
Basic debug support
Short answer
Longer answer
The Groovy-Eclipse plugin used to be unspeakably awful, but it has improved out of all recognition since version 2.X. If you want Grails (rather than just Groovy) support, the simplest option is to install the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS), which supports Groovy, Grails and lots of other products under the Spring portfolio.

Is there a reStructuredText markup editor for eclipse [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there a WiKiText editor plugin for reStructuredText under eclipse? When I edit a .textile file, I get various intelligent editing features (such as line folding) and a preview panel. I find that there are references to reStructuredText under various MyLyn packages, but after installing them I still can't find a reStructuredText editor. Is that because there isn't one?
Thanks. Kent
Probably this answer is too late, but yet it is worth to add it for future readers :)
There is an "official" list of editors here:
One of the tools mentioned is the Eclipse plugin indeed: I've been using it for few days only (I'm also researching in this direction now :) ), but so far so good.
P.S. I haven't been able to install the "color theme mapper" for that plugin - so should you have troubles installing that plugin - uncheck the "color theme mapper" when installing it from update site.
There is the ReST Editor plugin for eclipse.
It works really well and he provide an integration with Eclipse Color Theme (Use the update site to install the Eclipse Color Theme integration).
There is no ReST plugin, but you can make one yourself, as example using Colorer.
Colorer has an API for new language descriptions, and there's a plugin for Eclipse.
There's even an example on how to add new languages to Eclipse this way. It is very easy :-)
If you don't know the ReST syntax specifications, you can take these as a reference:
Plugin for GEdit
Plugin for VIM
You just need to translate these to the Colorer syntax and you'll have ReST highlighting in Eclipse.

Are there any free Windows Perl IDE with debugging? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Are there any free Perl IDEs out there for Windows that have debugging capabilities, syntax highlighting, and possibly even IntelliSense?
There is an overview of Perl IDE's here. I find Padre very promising, but I'm not sure it already has all features you need (if not it probably will soon).
Eclipse with addons perhaps?
Have a look at EPIC
This isn't free but you could have a look at Komodo (ActiveState). When I looked at it a few years ago they were offering a free license for open source developers.
GNU/Emacs with cperl-mode:
Emacs has better editing capabilities (and hilights Perl better, ironically), but Padre might be enough for you.
perlfaq3 lists several IDEs for Windows.
I use enginsite Perl Editor lite version, mainly for the function, variable breakdown feature and the compile/run feature.
if you want more feature then you might want to look at the full version.
Komodo Edit from ActiveState supports debugging and it's cross-platform.