How to serve uploaded files in Play!2 using Scala? - scala

I'm trying to allow users to upload photos to the server and then view them. Uploading happens as described in this guide. Here is the code:
def upload = Action(parse.multipartFormData) { request =>
request.body.file("picture").map { picture =>
val filename = picture.filename
val contentType = picture.contentType
picture.ref.moveTo(new File("/tmp/picture"))
Ok("File uploaded")
}.getOrElse {
"error" -> "Missing file"
It is unclear to me how to serve the uploaded images back to users that want to see them. Right now I am hosting the server on my own machine, so the code snippet from the guide writes the files to my D: drive, which isn't (and shouldn't be) available from the Internet. As far as I can see there are 2 options:
Store the photos under the /public folder in my project (the one that is dedicated to assets). See here:
Write my own controller that servs images form custom locations from my drive.
For 1, I'm not sure if that is the purpose of assets.
For 2, I have no idea how to write such a controller.

The simple example is
def index = Action {
there is "Serving files" section at which explains how to serve files

2.0.3 will feature an external Assets controller which might be (mis)used for this. Writing such a controller is no magic though, you have predefined folder where all your uploads are saved, and that's where you read them from. In the database you save the (unique) file name.
A different approach would be to save the uploaded files in the database. We do this with GridFS in MongoDB. A custom controller serves them back to the user. This way your data is stored in one central place, which also makes backups and recoveries simpler.

You can add a new route like this:
GET /myFiles/*file"/tmp", file)


get GCS file metadata using scala

I want to get the time creation of files in GCS, I used the code below :
.getFileAttributeView(Paths.get("gs://datalake-dev/mu/tpu/file.0450138"), classOf[BasicFileAttributeView])
The problem is that the Paths.get function replace // with / so I will get gs:/datalake-dev/mu/tpu/file.0450138 instead of gs://datalake-dev/mu/tpu/file.0450138.
Anyone can help me with this ?
Thanks a lot !
I solved the problem by adding the following java code and then calling the java function in scala.
import java.sql.Timestamp;
public class ExtractDate {
public static String getTime(String fileName){
String bucketName = "bucket-data";
String blobName = "doc/files/"+fileName;
// Instantiates a client
Storage storage_client = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
Bucket bucket = storage_client.get(bucketName);
//val storage_client = Storage.
BlobId blobId = BlobId.of(bucketName, blobName);
Blob blob = storage_client.get(blobId);
Timestamp tmp = new Timestamp(bucket.get(blobName).getCreateTime());
// return the year of the file date creation
return tmp.toString().substring(0,4);
You can use the file_get_contents method to read the contents of the path. From the documentation on Reading and Writing Files
Read objects contents using PHP to fetch an object's custom metadata from Google Cloud Storage.An App Engine PHP 5 app must use the Cloud Storage stream wrapper to write files at runtime. However, if an app needs to read files, and these files are static, you can optionally read static files uploaded with your app using PHP filesystem functions such as file_get_contents.
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filePath);
where the path specified must be a path relative to the script accessing them.
You must upload the file or files in an application subdirectory when you deploy your app to App Engine, and must configure the app.yaml file so your app can access those files. For complete details, see PHP 5 Application Configuration with app.yaml.
In the app.yaml configuration, notice that if you use a static file or directory handler (static_files or static_dir) you must specify application_readable set to true or your app won't be able to read the files. However, if the files are served by a script handler, this isn't necessary, because these files are readable by script handlers by default.

Downloadable xml files in Play Framework

I am a Scala/PlayFramework noob here, so please be easy on me :).
I am trying to create an action (serving a GET request) so that when I enter the url in the browser, the browser should download the file. So far I have this:
def sepaCreditXml() = Action {
val data: SepaCreditTransfer = invoiceService.sepaCredit()
val content: HtmlFormat.Appendable = views.html.sepacredittransfer(data)
What it does is basically show the XML in the browser (whereas I actually want it to download the file). Also, I have two problems with it:
I am not sure if using Play's templating "views.html..." is the best idea to create an XML template. Is it good/simple enough or should I use a different solution for this?
I have found Ok.sendFile in the Play's documentation. But it needs a I don't know how to create a File from HtmlFormat.Appendable. I would prefer to create a file in-memory, i.e. no new File("/tmp/temporary.xml").
EDIT: Here SepaCreditTransfer is a case class holding some data. Nothing special.
I think it's quite normal for browsers to visualize XML instead of downloading it. Have you tried to use the application/force-download content type header, like this?
def sepaCreditXml() = Action {
val data: SepaCreditTransfer = invoiceService.sepaCredit()
val content: HtmlFormat.Appendable = views.html.sepacredittransfer(data)
Ok(content).withHeaders("Content-Type" -> "application/force-download")

Image not showing immediately after uploading in sails.js

In my application ,I have stored uploaded images to folder ./assets/uploads. I am using easyimage and imagemagick for storing the images.
In my application, after uploading the images, it should show the new uploaded image. But it is not displayed even if the page is refreshed. But when i do sails lift , the image is shown.
How to show image immediately after uploading the image? Thanks a lot!
It's a totally normal situation, because of the way Sails works with the assets.
The thing is that upon sails lift the assets are being copied (including directory structure and symlinks) from ./assets folder to ./.tmp/public, which becomes publicly accessible.
So, in order to show your images immediately after upload, you, basically, need to upload them not to ./assets/uploads but to ./.tmp/public/uploads.
The only problem now is that the ./.tmp folder is being rewritten each time your application restarts, and storing uploads in ./tmp/... would make them erased after every sails lift. The solution here would be storing uploads in, for example, ./uploads and having a symlink ./assets/uploads pointing to ../uploads.
Though this question is pretty old but I would like to add a solution which I just implemented.
Today I spend almost 4 hours trying all those solutions out there. But none helped. I hope this solution will save someone else's time.
WHY images are not available immediately after uploading to any custom directory?
Because according to the default Sails setup, you can not access assets directly from the assets directory. Instead you have to access the existing assets that is brought to .tmp/public directory by Grunt at time of sails lift ing
THE Problems
(Available but Volatile) If you upload a file (say image) anywhere inside .tmp/public
directory, your file (image) is going to erase at next sails lift
(Unavailability) If you upload a file in any other custom directory- say: ./assets/images, the uploaded file will not be available immediately but at next sails lift it will be available. Which doesn't makes sense because - cant restart server each time files gets uploaded in production.
MY SOLUTION (say I want to upload my images in ./assets/images dir)
Upload the file say image.ext in ./tmp/public/images/image.ext (available and volatile)
On upload completion make a copy of the file image.ext to ./assets/images/*file.ext (future-proof)
var uploadToDir = '../public/images';
saveAs:function(file, cb) {
},function whenDone(err,files){
if (err) return res.serverError(err);
if( files.length > 0 ){
var ImagesDirArr = __dirname.split('/'); // path to this controller
var path = ImagesDirArr.join('/'); // path to root of the project
var _src = files[0].fd // path of the uploaded file
// the destination path
var _dest = path+'/assets/images/'+files[0].filename
// not preferred but fastest way of copying file
return res.json({msg:"File saved", data: files});
I dont like this solution at all but yet it saved more of my time and it works perfectly in both dev and prod ENV.
Sails uses grunt to handle asset syncing. By default, the grunt-watch task ignores empty folders, but as long as there's at least one file in a folder, it will always sync it. So the quickest solution here, if you're intent on using the default static middleware to server your uploaded files, is to just make sure there's always at least one file in your assets/uploads folder when you do sails lift. As long as that's the case, the uploads folder will always be synced to your .tmp/public folder, and anything that's uploaded to it subsequently will be automatically copied over and available immediately.
Of course, this will cause all of your uploaded files to be copied into .tmp/public every time your lift Sails, which you probably don't want. To solve this, you can use the symlink trick #bredikhin posted in his answer.
Try to do this:
npm install grunt-sync --save-dev --save-exact
uncomment the line: // grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-sync');
usually it is near to the end of the file /tasks/config/sync.js.
lift the App again
Back to the Original answer
I was using node version 10.15.0, and I faced same problem. I solved this by updating to current version of node(12.4.0) and also updated npm and all the node modules. After this, I fixed the vulnerabilities(just run 'npm audit fix') and the grunt error that was coming while uploading the images to assets/images folder was fixed.
Try out this implementation
create a helper to sync the file
example of the filesync helper
// import in file
const fs = require('fs')
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Upload sync',
description: '',
inputs: {
exits: {
success: {
description: 'All done.',
fn: async function ({
}) {
var uploadLocation = sails.config.custom.profilePicDirectory + filename;
var tempLocation = sails.config.custom.tempProfilePicDirectory + filename;
//Copy the file to the temp folder so that it becomes available immediately
await fs.createReadStream(uploadLocation).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(tempLocation));
now call this helper to sync your files to the .temp folder
const fileName = result[0].fd.split("\\").reverse()[0];
//Sync to the .temp folder
await await sails.helpers.uploadSync(fileName);
reference to save in env
also can try

Sending email with attachment using scala and Liftweb

This is the first time i am integrating Email service with liftweb
I want to send Email with attachments(Like:- Documents,Images,Pdfs)
my code looking like below
case class CSVFile(bytes: Array[Byte],filename: String = "file.csv",
mime: String = "text/csv; charset=utf8; header=present" )
val attach = CSVFile(fileupload.mkString.getBytes("utf8"))
val body = <p>Please research the enclosed.</p>
val msg = XHTMLPlusImages(body,
PlusImageHolder(attach.filename, attach.mime, attach.bytes))
this code is taken from LiftCookbook its not working like my requirement
its working but only the Attached file name is coming(file.csv) no data in it(i uploaded this file (gsy.docx))
Best Regards
You don't specify what type fileupload is, but assuming it is of type net.liftweb.http. FileParamHolder then the issue is that you can't just call mkString and expect it to have any data since there is no data in the object, just a fileStream method for retrieving it (either from disk or memory).
The easiest to accomplish what you want would be to use a ByteArrayInputStream and copy the data to it. I haven't tested it, but the code below should solve your issue. For brevity, it uses Apache IO Commons to copy the streams, but you could just as easily do it natively.
val data = {
val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
IOUtils.copy(fileupload.fileStream, os)
val attach = CSVFile(data)
BTW, you say you are uploading a Word (DOCX) file and expecting it to automatically be CSV when the extension is changed? You will just get a DOCX file with a csv extension unless you actually do some conversion.

Access images or doc outside public folder in zend framework

I developing an application in zend framework. I want to store certain secure images and pdf documents outside public folder like /project/data/uploads or /projects/application/data/uploads.
I am not able to access the images/pdf documents other than public folder.
Can someone suggest a way to do it.
thank you
You have to have a separate action that knows how to fetch and deliver all that stuff. Something like this:
public function viewpdfAction()
$id = (int) $this->_getParam('id', 0);
// You implement some function - either here in your controller
// or someplace else - to get the pdf name from the passed id.
// Alternatively, you can pass the name itself. Up to you, of course.
// The key is that the request somehow identifies the file requested.
$pdfName = $this->_mapPdfIdToName($id);
// The path to the real pdf
$pdfFile = '/project/data/uploads/pdf/' . $pdfName;
// Disable rendering
// Send the right mime headers for the content type
->setHeader('Cache-control', 'public') // needed for IE, I have read
->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/pdf')
->setHeader('Content-Disposition', sprintf('attachment; filename="%s"', $pdfName));
// Send the content
Of course, some of this can be pushed down into service classes to keep the controller as thin as possible. Everyone has different tastes in this regard.
I confess that this code not completely tested, mostly trying to give the basic idea. If I have made a total bonehead error in here, please let me know.
Hope it helps!