Core Data object graph design decision - iphone

I am designing an app which tracks data on Game objects. Each Game has a name, a date and other attributes. The problem I am having arises because I want the user to be able to add more names (for example) to pick from in the application. (in this case from a UITableView). So the user is presented with a list of names to choose from, and if the one they want is not in the list, they can add one to the list.
My solution is that I currently have a second entity called GameName so that I can show the user a list of those game names to pick from when they are adding a new Game. I just call an NSFetchRequest on all the GameName objects and display them in the UITableView. There doesn't have to be a Game object created yet to do this.
My dilemma is that I want to know if this is a good practice. It seems that if I do it this way, I will end up having a lot of entities with just one attribute, for the sake of allowing the user to pick from and add to a customizable list.
I hope this makes sense. I can clarify anything upon request.

Your approach is fine, and is commonly used in database design. The entity you want to add is called a "domain table" in databases. See this page, in particular this paragraph:
In a normalized data model, the reference domain is typically specified in a reference table. Following the previous example, a Gender reference table would have exactly two records, one per allowed value—excluding NULL. Reference tables are formally related to other tables in a database by the use of foreign keys.
Of course, you probably want to have an optional relationship between the GameName and Game entities.


Modeling many to many relations with postgreSQL

I work in cattle production and I am learning about database design with postgreSQL. Now I am working on an entity attribute relationship model for a database that allows to register the allocation of the pastures in which cattle graze. In the logic of this business an animal can be assigned to several grazing groups during its life. Each grazing group in turn has a duration and is composed of several pastures in which the animals graze according to a rotation calendar. In this way, at a specific time, animals graze in a pasture that is part of a grazing group.
I have a situation in which many grazing groups can be assigned to many animals as well as many pastures. Trying to model this problem I find a fan trap because there are two one-to-many relationships for a single table. According to this, I would like to ask you about how one can deal with this type of relationship in which one entity relates to two others in the form of many-to-many relationships.
I put a diagram on the problem.
model diagram
Traditionally, using a link table (the ones you call assignment) between two tables has been the right way to do many-to-many relationships. Other choices include having an ARRAY of animal ids in grazing group, using JSONB fields etc. Those might prove to be problematic later, so I'd recommend going the old way.
If you want to keep track of history, you can add an active boolean field (to the link table probably) to indicate which assignment is current or have a start date and end date for each assignment. This also makes it possible to plan future assignments. To make things easier, make VIEWs showing only current assignment and further VIEWs to show JOINed tables.
Since there's no clear question in your post, I'd just say you are going the right way.

When to use Core Data relationships in Swift?

I've read through a bunch of tutorials to the best of my ability, but I'm still stumped on how to handle my current application. I just can't quite grasp it.
My application is simply a read-only directory that lists employees by their company, department, or sorted in alphabetical order.
I am pulling down JSON data in the form of:
Company name
Department name
First name
Last name
Job title
Phone number
Company name
Company name
Department name
As you can see, the information here is pretty redundant. I do not have control over the API and it will remain structured this way. I should also add that not every employee has a department, and not every company has departments.
I need to store this data, so that it persists. I have chosen Core Data to do this (which I'm assuming was the right move), but I do not know how to structure the model in this instance. I should add that I'm very new to databases.
This leads me to some questions:
Every example I've seen online uses relationships so that the information can be updated appropriately upon deletion of an object - this will not be the case here since this is read-only. Do I even need relationships for this case then? These 3 sets of objects are obviously related, so I am just assuming that I should structure it this way. If it is still advised to create relationships, then what do I gain out of creating those relationships in a read-only application? (For instance, does it make searching my data easier and cleaner? etc.)
The tutorials I've looked at don't seem to have all of this redundant data. As you can see, "company name" appears as a property in each set of objects. If it would be advised that I create relationships amongst my entities (which are Employee, Company, Department), can someone show me how this should look so that I may get an idea of what to do? (This is of course assuming that I should use relationships in my model.)
And I would imagine that this would be the set of rules:
Each company has many or no departments
Each department has 1 or many employees
Each employee has 1 company and 1 (or no) department
Please let me know if I'm on the right track here. If you need clarification, I will try my best.
Yes, use relationships. Make them bi-directional.
The redundant information in your feed doesn't matter, ignore it. If you received partial data it could be used to build the relationships, but you don't need to use it.
You say this data comes from an API, so it isn't read-only as far as the app is concerned. Worry more about how you're going to use the data in the app than how it comes from the server when designing your data model.

classes and data presentation

I hope someone can give me some guidance in how to best approach this situation.
I am using dbcontext, wpf and sql server.
I am having situations were the presentation of the data requires other data than just what is coming from a single table. For example, if I had a person table but wanted to show also how many books they had read from related data, say fields would be name, address, NoOfBooks.
I currently create a new class, called say PersonBookPM, that I fill up with data from a linq query which combines the two tables which includes the above three fields.I create an observablecollection of that and make that the itemssource of the grid/listbox.
When I am then adding data to that I then need to use the selecteditem, convert that back to the single entity of person, and attach it back in to the context.
It seems like the classes have already been defined by the code gen and I am repeating the process only slightly differently.
Am I going round the houses here?
Thanks Scott

Symfony2: Difference between those metodology "Embedded Form" and "Data Transformer"

Consider the following scenario
We have a simple database that involves two entities: user and category.
For our hypothesis let's say that a user can have only a type of category and a category can be associated with n users.
Now, consider a web page where a user - say ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR - could edit user table and associate them to a different one category.
As far I know (and I'm still new to symfony in general) if I use Doctrine and symfony2 in tandem, with - let's say - annotation method, i'll have two entity (php classes).
Embedded form
I will create a form that will show the user and, for show - and persist, of course! - also his category I "choose" to follow the "embedded form" strategy.
Having said that the entity has been created, i'll have to create a form for category (suppose that into formBuilder I'll add only id attribute of the category).
After that I have to add to formBuilder of UserType class the previous form and, with "some kind of magic" the form will render (after the appropriate operations) as magic and just as magically, when i'll post it (and bind, and so on) back all the informations will be persists onto database
Data Transformers
A.K.A. trasnform an input of a form into an object and vice versa.
In that way I'll have to define a - let's say - CategorySelectorType that into his builder, will add a Class (service ?) that will do those transformations.
Now we define the data transformer itself that will implement the DataTransofmerInterface (with his method and so on...)
The next step will be register that entity into services and add into UserType the form that will use this service.
So I don't understand any "strong" difference between those two metodology but "reusability" of the service. Somebody can offer me a different point of view and explain me the differences, if any?
A data transformer does not replace a embedded form, it rather enhances forms and wraps data transformation nicely.
The first sentence on the cookbook page about Data Transformers sums it up nicely:
You'll often find the need to transform the data the user entered in a
form into something else for use in your program.
In your example above, you could add a drop-down list of categories so the admin can select one for the given user. This would be done using a embedded form. As the category field is the id of an existing category, there is no need to transform the data.
For some reason you now want the admin to be able to enter a free text of the category. Now you need to do some tranformation of the text into the object in question. Maybe you want him to be able to either add a new or select a current category with this text field. Both is possible by using a data transformer which takes the text and searches for the category. Depending on your needs, not existing categories can be created and returned.
Another use case is when a user enters data which needs to be modified in some way before storing them. Let's say the user enters a street, house number and city but you want to store the coordinates instead.
In both cases it doesn't matter if you embed the form into another!
Could you do that in your controller? Of course. Is it a good idea to do such things in the controller? Probably not, as you have a hard time testing (while doing it in the transformer let you unit test the transformation nicely) or reusing it.
Of course it is possible to place the transformation code someplace else. The user object itself is not a good place, as the model should not know about the entity manager, which is needed to do the transformation.
The user type would be possible, but this means that it gets tied to the entity manager.
It all adds up to the very powerfull concept of Separation of concerns, which states that one class should only do one thing to make it maintainable, resuable, testable and so on. If you follow this concept, than it should be clear that data transformation is a thing on its own and should be threated as such. If you don't care, you may not need the transformation functionality.

Core Data - save existing managed object and show it in an another view

I'm working on an table drill-down style iPhone app that has prepopulated data. I use Core Data and NSFetchedResultsController to populate the table views. In the last level of the table view which shows an item (managed object) I want my user to be able to select that item which should eventualy be shown in another view. That other view would be a kind of a favorite list (implemented in a tab view). The user would then have a choice of deleting or adding other items to the favorite list.
My model has three entities each representing one level of table view. Higher level entity has a to-many relationship to lower level entity and inverse relationships are to-one
How do I use the existing managed object (object in the last level of table view) to save it and show it in favorite list view? Should I create new entity and establish relationship between the two?
My model has three entities each
representing one level of table view.
That is thinking backwards. What you have is three entities that exist logically in a hierarchy and the hierarchy of views reflects that logical structure. The views exist to display the data, the data does not exist to display the views. It's an important concept to grasp and if you fail to do so, your application design will always be overly complex, fragile and hard to extend and maintain. The data model always comes first and the logical relationships within the data model itself and the users interactions with that data ultimately control the UI structure of the app.
It's an easy trap to fall into because the instructional materials always start with the interface first. However, in real app design, you start with the data model first and work forward to the interface.
In this case, if you want to store favorites of some entity you have two choices. If the entity being a favorite is part of the core relationship between data and the user and you only have one set of favorites, then you could legitimately add a boolean "isFavorite" attribute to the entity and then just fetch al the entities where "isFavorite==YES"; If you have multiple list of favorites then the best method would to to create a FavoritesList entity and then relate each favorites entity to the objects it is supposed to list.
If the favorites are a minor and peripheral part of the user's interaction with the data you could store the objectIDs in the user defaults.
Yes, you could create a new entity and store the relationship. It's not necessarily the only way to do it -- you could store pointers to your NSManagedObjects in a container like an NSMutableArray -- but if you want to remember that list for later (i.e. save it between launches), it might make the most sense to also store it using Core Data.