NetBeans replace all occurrences of a method with another? - netbeans

I'm looking for a way to refactor all usages of a method with another. I'm de-singleton-izing a class, and I'm trying to replace all of the getInstance() methods with another method.
In my case, I'd like to change all usages of OldClass.getInstance() to be NewClass.getInstance().getOldClass(0). Is this possible with NetBeans' refactoring tools?

In Netbeans you can refractor the name of the method, but you can't change C.m() to C.m().m2() with refractoring tools.
So the best solutions is to go with Edit->Replace or Replace in project.
Then replace all .getInstance() by .getInstance().getOldClass(0). (Take care of the scope). Don't worry it doesn't replace all occurence directly, it finds match then it displays a tree with checkboxes, you can click on Replace to replace the selected occurence.


References in Workspace are collapsed

When I use ctrl+shift+G to find references for an object in eclipse, I will get a list of those, but they are collapsed like this:
Why being collapsed?
Those four occurences are method calls on the object. I expect to be able to see which method calls that are called on the object by looking in this list. Can that be made?
Matches within a single method in a class are always just shown as 'n matches'. There is no way to expand this in the search results view (see Eclipse bug 46051).

Can I use Eclipse templates to insert methods and also call them?

I'm doing some competitions on a website called where the objective is to solve algorithmic problems. I'm using Eclipse for this purpose, and I code in Java, it would be help me to have some predefined templates or macros that I can use for common coding tasks. For example I would like to write methods to be able to find the max value in and int[] array, or the longest sequence in an int[] array, and so on (there should be quite many of these). Note I can't write these methods as libraries because as part of the competition I need to submit everything in one file.
Therefore ideally, I would like to have some shortcut available to generate code both as a method and as a calling statement at once. Any ideas if this is possible?
Sure you can - I think that's a nifty way to auto-insert boilerplate or helper code. To the point of commenters, you probably want to group the code as a helper class, but the general idea sounds good to me:
You can see it listed in your available templates:
Then as you code your solution, you can Control+Space, type the first few characters of the name you gave your template, and you can preview it:
And then you can insert it. Be sure if you use a class structure to position it as an inner class:
Lastly - if you want to have a template inserts a call to method from a template, I think you would just use two templates. One like shown above (to print the helper code) and another that might look like this, which calls a util method and drops the cursor after it (or between the parentheses if you'd like, etc):

Quick way to change method signature for all methods by adding a parameter in eclipse

Is there any quick way to add a parameter in all methods of a package in eclipse?
If you mean to add a few parameters for one method and after that it'll be updated automatically in all packages , there is. Right click on the method and there is option Refactor -> Change Method signature, here you can add/remove parameters.
See You will have to modify the instructions there just a tad for your needs:
Instead of telling Eclipse to search for a literal string you will be searching for a regular expression pattern that describes a method call/definition. I'll leave that as an exercise for you ;-)

Generate all setXXX calls of a POJO in Eclipse?

Im currently doing a lot of testing with JPA entities, where i have to keep calling the setter methods on the entity that looks something like this :
Is there any magic shortcut or menu in eclipse IDE to generate all the setter-method-calls that starts with "set", like those displayed in the ctrl-space (auto completion) popup (i think the inherited methods from Object are not being shown at popup) ?
So im imagining something like :
i type myEntity.set
and myEntity.set* are generated right away
Im a lazy programmer and currently using Eclipse Helios IDE.
Thank you !
Im not looking for source -> generate getter and setter, because that would helps me in generating the methods itself. Generating the method calls is what i want to achieve.
I have found the answer (I was always searching for this thing)...
The easiest way is to expand the class members in the "Package Explorer", sort them by name, multi-select all the setters, and then you have in the clipboard all the method names...
I like #Oscar's answer. It does lead to some cleanup though.
When I paste from the clipboard, I get something that looks like this:
In order to clean this up, I first add semicolons with this search/replace regexp:
search = (.)$
replace = \1;
Then I add the getter calls (assuming incoming data object is named "data"):
search = s(et.*)\(.*
replace = s\1(data.g\1());
This doesn't handle multiple arguments in a method call...
you can use the outline at right side. There you can sort alphabetically or by declaration order using the toolbar button of the view.
and then you can filter out non required this.
From here also you can copy..all setter functions or getters functions names...
There is eclipse plugin to do that. The name of the plugin is **
**. There are so many templates. Among those there is template to generate code for create object of the class and all setters method.
Source --> Generate Getters and Setters...
You can also get at it via the Quick Fix command (Ctrl+1) when the cursor is on a property.
If you are simply looking for a faster way to copy properties from one object to another I suggest that you look at using reflection. I think this path would be much easier long term then generating the same-looking code over-and-over.
Commons BeanUtils can take away some of the pain in writing pure reflection code. For example, copyProperties takes a destination bean and either another bean or a Map as the source.

I can't delete a method using eclipse refactoring?

I have a method which I want to delete. This method is being called from n number of classes. I want to delete this method using refactoring and also make eclipse delete all calls to this method rather than go and clean up in each file. I could not find a straight way to do this from refactor (I am using ganymede)
Delete the method body
Then select the method
Refactor -> Inline
I don't think it can be done through refactoring. You can do a Search and replace using regex though.
CTRL-H to bring up the search replace dialog