"Incorrect number of arguments" error while deploying using 'murder' - capistrano

after i enter the peer command, it shows the following error:
** [out ::] Incorrect number of arguments
** [out ::]
** [out ::] Usage:
** [out ::] python murder_client.py peer/seed out.torrent OUT.OUT
** [out ::]
** [out ::] The last parameter is the local ip address, normally 10.x.x.x
** [out ::]
** [out ::] Incorrect number of arguments
** [out ::]
** [out ::] Usage:
** [out ::] python murder_client.py peer/seed out.torrent OUT.OUT
** [out ::]
** [out ::] The last parameter is the local ip address, normally 10.x.x.x
** [out ::]
** [out ::] Incorrect number of arguments
** [out ::]
** [out ::] Usage:
** [out ::] python murder_client.py peer/seed out.torrent OUT.OUT
** [out ::]
** [out ::] The last parameter is the local ip address, normally 10.x.x.x
** [out ::]
command finished
failed: "sh -c 'python /u/apps/example-app/shared/murder/murder_client.py peer '\''/tmp/Test_2.tgz.torrent'\'' '\''/tmp/Test_2.tgz'\'' LC_ALL=C host | awk '\\''/has address/ {print $4}'\\'' | head -n 1'" on; "sh -c 'python /u/apps/example-app/shared/murder/murder_client.py peer '\''/tmp/Test_2.tgz.torrent'\'' '\''/tmp/Test_2.tgz'\'' LC_ALL=C host | awk '\\''/has address/ {print $4}'\\'' | head -n 1'" on; "sh -c 'python /u/apps/example-app/shared/murder/murder_client.py peer '\''/tmp/Test_2.tgz.torrent'\'' '\''/tmp/Test_2.tgz'\'' LC_ALL=C host | awk '\\''/has address/ {print $4}'\\'' | head -n 1'" on
As you can see, it throws an "Incorrect number of arguments" error on every peer.
Everything before that(creating of torrent and initiating of seeding process) worked fine.

I don't think murder is compatible with IP address host definitions. It's expecting a domain name that can be resolved with "host", hence this little beauty from your log output:
`LC_ALL=C host | awk '\\''/has address/ {print $4}'\\'' | head -n 1'`
You'll notice that running that without the backticks--even on an IP address with corresponding DNS entry--yields empty output. That's where the "incorrect number of arguments" error is coming from.
It looks like there's a pull request on github to use ifconfig to figure out the IP address instead of host. You can use that guy's patch, if you want, but it doesn't handle hosts with multiple interfaces. The far and away best solution is to just add some freakin DNS entries for your machines :)
Actually, I think this should do the trick for both IP address hosts and DNS server definitions.
Referring again to the pull request, replace the host line with:
HOST = "LC_ALL=C host $CAPISTANO:HOST$ | awk '/has address/ { print $4 } // { print \"$CAPISTRANO:HOST$\" }' | head -n 1"
If the hostname doesn't resolve to an IP address, it just prints out the capistrano host server name, which in your case would be the IP address.


How to grep or awk through ghe-logs-tail?

Github Enterprise Server comes with a utility:
this tails all GHE Server logs simultaneously and prints the flow to the console for the user to view.
When trying to grep through these through, eg. for the "error" string like so:
ghe-logs-tail | grep --line-buffered -i "error"
The console will not print the flow and instead includes an error that some log files could not be opened for some reason.
$ ghe-logs-tail | grep --line-buffered -i "error"
/var/log/github/audit.log /var/log/github/auth.log /var/log/github/exceptions.log /var/log/github/gitauth.log /var/log/github/personal.log /var/log/github/production.log /var/log/github/resqued.log /var/log/github/unicorn.log /var/log/enterprise-manage/login_attempts.log /var/log/enterprise-manage/unicorn.log /var/log/github/auth.log /var/log/auth.log /var/log/nginx/alambic.assets.error.log /var/log/nginx/alambic.assets.log /var/log/nginx/alambic.avatars.error.log /var/log/nginx/alambic.avatars.log /var/log/nginx/alambic.error.log /var/log/nginx/alambic.log /var/log/nginx/avatars.error.log /var/log/nginx/avatars.log /var/log/nginx/credits.error.log /var/log/nginx/credits.log /var/log/nginx/enterprise-manage.error.log /var/log/nginx/enterprise-manage.log /var/log/nginx/error.log /var/log/nginx/gist.error.log /var/log/nginx/gist.log /var/log/nginx/github.error.log /var/log/nginx/github.log /var/log/nginx/pages.error.log /var/log/nginx/pages.log /var/log/nginx/raw.error.log /var/log/nginx/raw.log /var/log/nginx/render.error.log /var/log/nginx/render.log /var/log/nginx/static-maintenance.error.log /var/log/nginx/static-maintenance.log /var/log/nginx/storage.error.log /var/log/nginx/storage.log /data/user/common/ghe-config.log /var/log/syslog /var/log/dmesg /var/log/mysql/*.log /var/log/redis/redis.log /var/log/haproxy.log
==> /var/log/nginx/alambic.assets.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/alambic.avatars.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/alambic.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/avatars.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/credits.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/enterprise-manage.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/gist.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/github.error.log <==
tail: cannot open '/var/log/mysql/*.log' for reading==> /var/log/nginx/pages.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/raw.error.log <==
: No such file or directory==> /var/log/nginx/render.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/static-maintenance.error.log <==
==> /var/log/nginx/storage.error.log <==
tail: cannot open '/var/log/redis/redis.log' for reading: No such file or directory
What is the correct way to do this with a native tool like grep/awk?
I would obviously like to have all lines that contain the matching string printed out in real time to the console.
you can filter out grep errors by routing them to the null device (blackhole)
... | grep ... 2>/dev/null

Why Net::DNS::Resolver does not return IP for localhost?

I am inside docker container. When I run: perl -Ilocal/lib/perl5 -MNet::DNS::Resolver -e 'print Net::DNS::Resolver->new()->query( "999781edb101" )' it returns nothing.
But nslookup does:
# nslookup 999781edb101
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: 999781edb101
Why Net::DNS::Resolver does not resolve hostname to IP?
What I should configure to make it work?
Thank you
If I use debug project I can see that it queries domain from search xxx.com, from /etc/resolv.conf:
# perl -Ilocal/lib/perl5 -MNet::DNS::Resolver -e '$r = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(); $r->debug(1); print $r->query( "999781edb101" )'
;; query( 999781edb101.xxx.com )
;; udp send []:53
;; reply from [] 121 bytes
;; id = 26399
;; qr = 1 aa = 0 tc = 0 rd = 1 opcode = QUERY
;; ra = 1 z = 0 ad = 0 cd = 0 rcode = NXDOMAIN
;; qdcount = 1 ancount = 0 nscount = 1 arcount = 0
;; do = 0
;; QUESTION SECTION (1 record)
;; 999781edb101.xxx.com. IN A
;; ANSWER SECTION (0 records)
xxx.com. 1800 IN SOA ( xxx.com. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
2021070806 ;serial
43200 ;refresh
3600 ;retry
604800 ;expire
86400 ;minimum
;; errorstring: NXDOMAIN
# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search xxx.com
options ndots:0
Judging from the docs and your debug output, you want Net::DNS::Resolver->new(defnames => 0) to pass unqualified names (with no dots) directly to the server, instead of always appending the default domain.

Bitbake build fails because of a python function

During execution of a bitbake command the task which builds rpm package fails because of a python function. I have been unable to determine what could cause this function to fail. Do you guys have any ideas?
ERROR: perl-5.30.1-r0 do_package_write_rpm: Error executing a python function in exec_func_python()
autogenerated:The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was: File: 'exec_func_python() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module>
0001: ***
File: '/srv/yocto/poky/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass', lineno: 712, function: do_package_rpm
0709: # Build the rpm package!
0710: d.setVar('BUILDSPEC', cmd + \"\\n\" + cleanupcmd + \"\\n\")
0711: d.setVarFlag('BUILDSPEC', 'func', '1')
0712: bb.build.exec_func('BUILDSPEC', d)
0714: if d.getVar('RPM_SIGN_PACKAGES') == '1':
0715: bb.build.exec_func(\"sign_rpm\", d)
File: '/srv/yocto/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/build.py', lineno: 254, function: exec_func
0250: with bb.utils.fileslocked(lockfiles):
0251: if ispython:
0252: exec_func_python(func, d, runfile, cwd=adir)
0253: else: ***
0254: exec_func_shell(func, d, runfile, cwd=adir)
0256: try:
0257: curcwd = os.getcwd()
0258: except:
File: '/srv/yocto/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/build.py', lineno: 455, function: exec_func_shell
0451: with open(fifopath, 'r+b', buffering=0) as fifo:
0452: try:
0453: bb.debug(2, \"Executing shell function %s\" % func)
0454: with open(os.devnull, 'r+') as stdin, logfile: ***
0455: bb.process.run(cmd, shell=False, stdin=stdin, log=logfile, extrafiles=[(fifo,readfifo)])
0456: finally:
0457: os.unlink(fifopath)
0459: bb.debug(2, \"Shell function %s finished\" % func)
File: '/srv/yocto/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/process.py', lineno: 184, function: run
0181: if pipe.returncode != 0:
0182: if log:
0183: # Don't duplicate the output in the exception if logging it ***
0184: raise ExecutionError(cmd, pipe.returncode, None, None)
0185: raise ExecutionError(cmd, pipe.returncode, stdout, stderr)
0186: return stdout, stderr Exception: bb.process.ExecutionError: Execution of '/srv/yocto/build/tmp/work/corei7-64-poky-linux/perl/5.30.1-r0/temp/run.BUILDSPEC.35372' failed with exit code 1
I had the same problem and it was happening because my SECTION variable in my recipe was empty (SECTION=""). I attributed any value to it, like SECTION = "a", and it fixed the problem.
I had the same problem and realized that my system had some missing prerequisites defined here: https://docs.yoctoproject.org/3.3.3/ref-manual/system-requirements.html
Executing following command solved my problem:
sudo apt-get install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 xterm python3-subunit mesa-common-dev

hGetContents vs hGetLine

I have a program in Haskell that get all input from socket and print it.
main = withSocketsDo $ do
sock <- listenOn $ PortNumber 5002
netLoop sock
netLoop sock = do
(h,_,_) <- accept sock
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
forkIO $ workLoop h
netLoop sock
workLoop :: Handle -> IO ()
workLoop h = do
str <- hGetContents h
putStr str
--do any work
But the problem is that this solution is closing a socket, but I want to write out the results of computation to the same socket.
But if I try to use hGetLine instead hGetContents I faced with some strange behaviour. My program show nothing until I press Ctrl-C, and then I see the first line of my network data sended. I suggest that this behaviour related with lasy execution, but why hGetContents works as expected and hGetLine not?
You need to use LineBuffering if you want to read line-by-line using hGetLine. I got it working with
import Network
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo $ do
sock <- listenOn $ PortNumber 5002
netLoop sock
netLoop :: Socket -> IO ()
netLoop sock = do
putStrLn "Accepting socket"
(h,_,_) <- accept sock
putStrLn "Accepted socket"
hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
putStrLn "Starting workLoop"
forkIO $ workLoop h
netLoop sock
workLoop :: Handle -> IO ()
workLoop h = do
putStrLn "workLoop started"
str <- hGetLine h
putStrLn $ "Read text: " ++ str
-- do any work
And tested it using the python script
import socket
s = socket()
s.connect(('', 5002))
And I got the output
Accepting socket
Accepted socket
Starting workLoop
workLoop started
Accepting socket
Read text: testing
And I get the same behavior if I change it to NoBuffering and hGetContents

Configure Capifony

I'm trying to configure Capifony on my server to deploy a symfony2 project but when i launch
cap deploy
i get this error:
failed: "sh -c 'cd /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320110954 && php app/console assets:install web --env=prod'" on myserver.home
This is my deploy.rb:
set :application, "nov-ita"
set :domain, "root#myserver.home"
set :deploy_to, "/var/www/vhosts/nov-ita"
set :app_path, "app"
set :user, "root"
set :use_sudo, false
set :scm, :subversion
set :repository, "svn://server.home/novita2/trunk"
set :scm_username, "myuser"
set :scm_password, "mypass"
# Or: `accurev`, `bzr`, `cvs`, `darcs`, `subversion`, `mercurial`, `perforce`, `subversion` or `none`
set :model_manager, "doctrine"
# Or: `doctrine`
role :web, domain # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc
role :app, domain # This may be the same as your `Web` server
role :db, domain, :primary => true # This is where Rails migrations will run
set :keep_releases, 1
set :deploy_via, :rsync_with_remote_cache
# directories that will be shared between all deployments
set :shared_children, [app_path + "/logs", web_path + "/uploads", "vendor", web_path + "/images/cached"]
I have installed on both server (local and remote) rsync and svn and ssh access on the remote server works fine.
Any idea??
As suggested i insert
set :update_vendors, true
in my deploy.rb and now i get this output
* executing `deploy'
* executing `deploy:update'
** transaction: start
* executing `deploy:update_code'
executing locally: "svn info svn://server.home/novita2/trunk --username myuser --password mypass --no-auth-cache -rHEAD"
command finished in 62ms
executing locally: svn switch -q --username myuser --password mypass --no-auth-cache -r216 svn://server.home/novita2/trunk /var/www/vhosts/novita2/jury/.rsync_cache
command finished in 195ms
executing locally: rsync -az --delete --rsh='ssh -p 22' /var/www/vhosts/novita2/jury/.rsync_cache/ root#myserver.home:/var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/cached-copy/
root#myserver.home's password:
command finished in 621673ms
* executing "rsync -a --delete /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/cached-copy/ /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'rsync -a --delete /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/cached-copy/ /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/'
command finished in 1043ms
* executing `deploy:finalize_update'
* executing "chmod -R g+w /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'chmod -R g+w /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556'
command finished in 317ms
* executing "if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache; fi'
command finished in 265ms
* executing "mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache && chmod -R 0777 /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache && chmod -R 0777 /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache'
command finished in 265ms
* executing "chmod -R g+w /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'chmod -R g+w /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/cache'
command finished in 266ms
* executing `deploy:share_childs'
* executing "mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/app/logs"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/app/logs'
command finished in 266ms
* executing "if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs; fi'
command finished in 267ms
* executing "ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/app/logs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/app/logs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs'
command finished in 265ms
* executing "mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/uploads"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/uploads'
command finished in 271ms
* executing "if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads; fi'
command finished in 276ms
* executing "ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/uploads /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/uploads /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads'
command finished in 301ms
* executing "mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/vendor"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/vendor'
command finished in 325ms
* executing "if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor; fi'
command finished in 313ms
* executing "ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/vendor /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/vendor /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor'
command finished in 252ms
* executing "mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/images/cached"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/images/cached'
command finished in 160ms
* executing "if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached; fi'
command finished in 168ms
* executing "ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/images/cached /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/images/cached /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached'
command finished in 183ms
* executing "if [ -d web/css ] ; then mkdir -p web/css; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d web/css ] ; then mkdir -p web/css; fi'
command finished in 175ms
* executing "if [ -d web/images ] ; then mkdir -p web/images; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d web/images ] ; then mkdir -p web/images; fi'
command finished in 171ms
* executing "if [ -d web/js ] ; then mkdir -p web/js; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d web/js ] ; then mkdir -p web/js; fi'
command finished in 172ms
* executing "find /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/css /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/js -exec touch -t 201203201336.59 {} ';'; true"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] env TZ=UTC sh -c 'find /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/css /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/js -exec touch -t 201203201336.59 {} '\'';'\''; true'
*** [err :: myserver.home] find:
*** [err :: myserver.home] `/var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/js'
*** [err :: myserver.home] : No such file or directory
*** [err :: myserver.home]
command finished in 603ms
triggering after callbacks for `deploy:finalize_update'
* executing `deploy:share_childs'
* executing "mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/app/logs"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/app/logs'
command finished in 155ms
* executing "if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs; fi'
command finished in 155ms
* executing "ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/app/logs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/app/logs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/logs'
command finished in 155ms
* executing "mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/uploads"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/uploads'
command finished in 152ms
* executing "if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads; fi'
command finished in 162ms
* executing "ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/uploads /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/uploads /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/uploads'
command finished in 156ms
* executing "mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/vendor"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/vendor'
command finished in 160ms
* executing "if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor; fi'
command finished in 155ms
* executing "ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/vendor /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/vendor /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor'
command finished in 153ms
* executing "mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/images/cached"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'mkdir -p /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/images/cached'
command finished in 160ms
* executing "if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached; fi"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'if [ -d /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached ] ; then rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached; fi'
command finished in 154ms
* executing "ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/images/cached /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'ln -nfs /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/shared/web/images/cached /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/web/images/cached'
command finished in 157ms
* executing `symfony:vendors:reinstall'
* executing "cd /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556 && php bin/vendors install --reinstall"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'cd /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556 && php bin/vendors install --reinstall'
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating symfony
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/symfony
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/symfony
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/symfony
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating twig
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/twig
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/twig
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/twig
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating monolog
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/monolog
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/monolog
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/monolog
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating doctrine-common
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/doctrine-common
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/doctrine-common
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/doctrine-common
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating doctrine-dbal
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/doctrine-dbal
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/doctrine-dbal
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/doctrine-dbal
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating doctrine
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/doctrine
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/doctrine
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/doctrine
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating swiftmailer
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/swiftmailer
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/swiftmailer
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/swiftmailer
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating assetic
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/assetic
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/assetic
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/assetic
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating twig-extensions
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/twig-extensions
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/twig-extensions
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/twig-extensions
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating metadata
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/metadata
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/metadata
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/metadata
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating SensioFrameworkExtraBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Sensio/Bundle/FrameworkExtraBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Sensio/Bundle/FrameworkExtraBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Sensio/Bundle/FrameworkExtraBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating JMSSecurityExtraBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/JMS/SecurityExtraBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/JMS/SecurityExtraBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/JMS/SecurityExtraBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating SensioDistributionBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating SensioGeneratorBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Sensio/Bundle/GeneratorBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Sensio/Bundle/GeneratorBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Sensio/Bundle/GeneratorBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating AsseticBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Symfony/Bundle/AsseticBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Symfony/Bundle/AsseticBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Symfony/Bundle/AsseticBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
** [out :: myserver.home] > Installing/Updating GregwarImageBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] git: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Gregwar/ImageBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Gregwar/ImageBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] cd: 1:
*** [err :: myserver.home] can't cd to /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor//bundles/Gregwar/ImageBundle
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] sh:
*** [err :: myserver.home] /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/vendor/bundles/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle/Resources/bin/build_bootstrap.php: not found
*** [err :: myserver.home]
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry' not found in /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/autoload.php on line 44
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP Stack trace:
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/console:0
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP 2. require_once() /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/console:10
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP 3. require_once() /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/bootstrap.php.cache:3
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry' not found in /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/autoload.php on line 44
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP Stack trace:
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/console:0
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP 2. require_once() /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/console:10
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP 3. require_once() /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/bootstrap.php.cache:3
command finished in 574ms
* executing `symfony:assets:install'
* executing "cd /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556 && php app/console assets:install web --env=prod"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'cd /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556 && php app/console assets:install web --env=prod'
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry' not found in /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/autoload.php on line 44
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP Stack trace:
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/console:0
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP 2. require_once() /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/console:10
*** [err :: myserver.home] PHP 3. require_once() /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556/app/bootstrap.php.cache:3
command finished in 212ms
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
* executing "rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556; true"
servers: ["myserver.home"]
[myserver.home] executing command
[myserver.home] sh -c 'rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556; true'
command finished in 273ms
failed: "sh -c 'cd /var/www/vhosts/nov-ita/releases/20120320133556 && php app/console assets:install web --env=prod'" on myserver.home
You must use
set :update_vendors, true
So that the vendors get installed.