How to write app for Firefox OS - mobile-os

I want to write my app for Firefox OS. What kind of languages (like Java for Android and Objective C++ for iOS) and tools (like Eclipse, Xcode) to use?

Apps for Firefox OS (previously known as Boot to Gecko) are developed using HTML 5 and Javascript.
You can use any web development tool you like. Firefox has a lot of built-in tools to check out: The responsive mode tool is very useful for Firefox OS / mobile apps.
Besides tools, the most important skills to learn are techniques for building web apps:

If you are a web developer, then I must say you are the master of Firefox OS already! It's all about HTML5, CSS and Javascript. Any development tool like Eclipse, Visual Studio, Notepad++, WebStorm and etc. can be used. But there is one and only difference between Web application and Firefox OS application. You have to add a manifest.webapp file in the root directory of your project. Let say your project files are like following
Now you have to add a manifest.webapp file in above and it should look like following
"name": "My App",
"description": "My elevator pitch goes here",
"launch_path": "/index.html",
"icons": {
"512": "/img/icon-512.png",
"128": "/img/icon-128.png"
"developer": {
"name": "Your name or organization",
"url": ""
"default_locale": "en"
So your app is ready! What's next? App deployment ......
You can deploy your app as following ways..
Packaged App : All files will reside inside in your mobile
Hosted app : Files will be hosted in a remote server like IIS, Apache and etc. Mobile will know the manifest.webapp file URL only.
And that's all about firefox os app development. I hope this post will help future beginner as I am very late to answer this question.


Not compatible chrome app

I have a very simple chrome app:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "App Name",
"description": "Short description",
"version": "0.4",
"app": {
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"]
"icons": {
"48": "/images/logo48.png",
"64": "/images/logo64.png",
"128": "/images/logo128.png",
"256": "/images/logo256.png"
background.js: {"");
This application is not supported on this computer. Installation has been disabled. The following problems are detected:
This app runs only on Chrome OS
Does anyone know what I have done wrong? I simply want my app to act as a shortcut to the website, nothing more.
You may refer with this Transitioning from Chrome apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux documentation. Be noted that Chrome packaged and hosted apps will be discontinued on Windows, Mac, and Linux over the course of now and early 2018. It is also stated in this Chromium Blog.
Starting in late 2016, newly-published Chrome apps will only be available to users on Chrome OS. Existing Chrome apps will remain accessible on all platforms, and developers can continue to update them.
In the second half of 2017, the Chrome Web Store will no longer show Chrome apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux, but will continue to surface extensions and themes. In early 2018, users on these platforms will no longer be able to load Chrome apps.
Hope this helps!

Website launching in Worklight iPhone App WL Object is not defined

I am having an issue. Here is the background of App. Currently, I am opening website into Worklight App. So, my all declarations of WL(object) are defined at website. Because of having the same structure of resources website opened in worklight app suppose to be working fine. My app is working good in Android but for iPhone it's not detecting WL object.
Any Ideas?
What you are describing, "loading worklight in an external website" is really not a supported scenario and not how MobileFirst was meant to be used. I am surprised it is working in Android at all.
The way you can load a "remote worklight-based 'app'" in your existing mobilefirst application is by using one of the following approaches:

How do I handle options in a packaged Chrome App?

I want to deploy an existing JS app as a Packaged Crome App to make it distributable in the Chrome Web Store.
In "legacy packaged apps", there is/used to be a way to specify an options_ui page (in old legacy (legacy-legacy?) apps it was options_page) which would be accessible via a special link from your app, or by automatic link from from within chrome://extensions.
There doesn't seem to be any mention about how to migrate the options_* feature, but if the manifest.json of a Chrome App has the options_ui key it generates the following warning on the extensions page:
'options_ui' is only allowed for extensions and legacy packaged apps, but this is a packaged app.
Chrome Developer: Migrating from a Packaged App to a Chrome App or Extension
Stack Overflow: Difference between a Packaged App and a Legacy Packaged App in Chrome
You can create a context menu item on your icon to open your options.
Add the "contextMenus" permission, then add something like this to your background page:
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() {
chrome.contextMenus.create({ id: "options", title: "Options", contexts: ["launcher"] })
chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(function(info) {
if(info.menuItemId == "options") {"options.html")

Will Chrome Packaged Apps work on Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)?

I am looking to use Chrome Bluetooth API's to run on Chromium Embedded Framework. Would like to know will it work? Thanks.
CEF does not support Chrome packaged apps. Chrome extensions API is not supported and without it a packaged app would be just a bundle of a javascript code running on a web page. If that's the case with your packaged app then you could make it work in CEF.

how to run Metro Apps from the Desktop in Win8.1

Im developing a Metro app based on WinJS-HTML5-CSS3
all the metro apps installed and developed are stored in one location
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps
there if I look for my metro app and enter inside I found my same folder distribution, however if I open default.html my metro app is displayed on IE11 not in the same metro environment
Is there a way to execute my metro app from the desktop, I mean like a executable, what I want is to take my folder with me and then run this "executable"
thanks in advance for the support
There is not currently a supported way to execute a Windows Store Application developed using the Windows Runtime on the desktop. While you can "side-load" an application in some instances (TechNet reference), WinRT applications must be "installed" to run.