advice about sharepoint migration from 2007 to 2010 - powershell

I have to migrate default and custom metadata on forms library.
What I need to migrate are:
70 columns
15 linked lists (master data)
750 records
and from tasks lists I have to migrate the following:
- 35 columns
- 15 content types
- 2000 records
I was told that I should write powershell scrip and that's what they are expecting from me. Now, can anyone help me how to extract this information via powershell and export to sharepoint 2010? I have never used powershell, but it does not seem to be difficult since it resembles c#.
any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.

If you looking at extracting columns i would look a gary le-points stsadm extensions i think he has a few that will be able to help you.
for examplke i think gl-exportsitecolumns and gl-exportsitecontenttypes <- these may not be exact but they will be close
Worry about getting the columns and Content Types in place once you have this you could just use data sheet to copy the data across.
Powershell help with the columns
Powershell for the content types
Hopefully this should give you most of what you are looking for :)


Copying contents of one column into another column on a timer in Smartsheets

Is there a way that I can create a script where every Thursday at 4pm the contents of Column A is copied into Column C?
Any help would be appreciated. Extremely novice coder/script writer here.
Thanks in advance
Please see the Getting Started docs here:
This references a basic scenario with a sample implementation in several languages. The samples demonstrate how to load a sheet, loop through each row, read cell values. and update cell values.
You will need to use system tools or additional code to schedule daily execution.
If you aren't a developer, you should consider automation solutions such as:,, or

MS Access 2007 Form Logic

This is my first post on Stack. I've been reading for a while and learned a lot. Thanks to all those who share on this site.
My office runs still runs MS Access 2007 and I was tasked with creating a database even though I had no experience doing so. I read "The Missing Manual for Access 2007", another book that I can't remember the name of, multiple posts on this site and Microsoft's and can't find the solution to what I need to do.
Issue: I want to have two fields on a form referring to the same table, each with look ups but want the second field's options to be dependent on the first. For example, I want the first field for "Region" to list options to select 1 2 3 or 4. If someone chooses 1, I want the second field only listed offices that are in Region 1. This doesn't seem like it should wildly complicated but I cannot figure out how to do it.
I have tried using the expression builder to create nested IIf functions, filtering queries, macros and a few other things but don't have the depth of knowledge to make any of them accomplish what I'm looking to do.
Is there a way to accomplish this easily without VBA? Or if VBA is the only way, can someone point me to a good code that I hopefully figure out and edit for this purpose?
Thank you for any help and advice. Please let me know if I left out any useful information
enter image description here

Merging Quickbooks (QBW) files with generated report

I have a customer who accidently wrote about 3 megs of data to the wrong quickbooks file. They had a backup in the same folder for reasons unknown... however their accountant still was writing to the old file. Now we have like a 3 meg difference between 2 250~ meg QB files and I need to figure out how to merge these files (which quickbooks does not support) and generate some sort of report so that they can get their accounting info semi straightened out in some sort of organised fasion. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
(EDIT) - explanation for last few sentences above... They have conflicting invoice numbers and possibly other things due to last level of use of each file.
Karl Irvin has a Data Transfer Utility that can be used to transfer transactions and list items between QBW files. - his tools are widely used and very reliable.
He also has a report combiner tool, if all you want to do is see reports that are taken from data in two files.
QQube ( can also generate reports from multiple QBW files.

sugarCRM migrating Leads module

I am trying to move sugarCRM data (Leads, Opportunities and Applicants, these are modules in sugarCRM) - I have the .csv files. No SQL.its hosted by this company and they won't give me the sql.
the issue is that leads for example has 212 columns(fields)
the regular sugarCRM has far less fields.
I am trying to figure out what is the best way to import all the data without having to use the Studio to create each field individually.
Opportunities module has 110 fields also on the hosted version - and the regular sugarCRM only has about 27.
so my question is how do I create all the fields so I can import them
I already created a file that gets the column names, and I did import all the data into a table called Leads1. when I rename it to leads and check ... the data doesnt show on the page.
any ideas? (please dont answer and say : ask the company to send you the sql, because they will not send it they know I want to move out of their hosted environment I already spent an hour on the phone and they wouldn't)
any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated thank you
With or without the SQL you'll need to recreate the fields in Studio as you need the views to also include the fields. It's tedious, but the only real viable option in this case. It is important that the fields are named exactly the same when doing this so that the import works correctly.
If you can hack some code, another option is to create a module that will export the SQL for the whole database for you from within SugarCRM and also the whole file structure as a zip so that you don't have to recreate anything.
BTW - make sure that the SugarCRM instance you are moving to is the exact same version. Once you do the import then you can upgrade to your desired version. This guarantees that the DB structure will be the same then (given that the custom fields get created appropriately).
Good luck!

Given code base hosted on TFS, which command can tell me which file has changed most?

I want to find out files under a given directory which have been updated most. Is there any command which can display this info? Or is there any way to get max version count for a given file, so I can write some script to get this info from all and then sort desc.
Do you mean changed the most number of times, or undergone the most code chrun?
Either way - looking at the report data might be the easiest option for you. Take a look at the following blog post I did explaining how to use Excel for looking at TFS data that uses churn as an example allowing you to drill down into folders and files - but you should be able to get the data that you are looking for.
Getting Started with the TFS Data Warehouse