Facebook login button custom text changing after logout - facebook

I have application where i have put custom text "Connect". on fb-login button but after fb logout. it gets changed to "Log In" rather than "Connect".
any resolution for it.

You can use the FB.getLoginStatus to set the button InnerText to Connect or Log In which ever you want...


how can I disable bootstrap modal on desktop and enable only for mobile/tablets?

enter image description here
We have two user interface, one for desktop and one for mobile, when user gonna login via desktop, then the username input and username password fields will show, and when it turns into mobile view, then both fields will be hidden and the screen shows look like below;
enter image description here
the issue is this, when I try to log in and click on login button, the login will appear ok, but when I click on login via desktop, the modal will appear too, I want to move or display hidden login popup on desktop screen. please answer.
You can handle click event on the button and check whether are input fields visible or not. If not, then show modal programmatically by calling $("#modal").modal('show')
So as default, use your login form as regular form (dont use bootstrap modal) and in JS:
$("#submitbutton").click(function() { //catch button click
if ( !$("#username").is(":visible") ) { //is mobile version?
event.preventDefault(); //dont send form
$("#modal").modal('show'); //but instead, show modal

Facebook like button on Apache Cordova/Phonegap app

I have inserted a facebook like button with this methods like a simple web:
But the first time that a button is pressed a login window opens. This window opens in the current window, not in a new window. After the user logs in the window try to close itself but it can't. A white window is showed.
Next times the like button works correctly because the user is logged in.
I also try to implement with the cordova plugin "phonegap-facebook-plugin" but it doesn't have support for like button.
I think you need to listen to when they've finished logging in and redirect back to you're application some like this.
Only with window.location set to something like file:///android_asset/www/index.html or whatever page you want to return the user to.
<fb:login-button onlogin="document.location.href='file:///android_asset/www/index.html';">
Something like this but for the like button ?

Facebook like button status update

i have a like button and a log in button on the same page. the page is outside of a Facebook iframe. if i am not logged in and log in through the log in button the like button status doesn't get updated. but if i'm not logged in and log in via the like button the log in button gets updated. from what i can tell the like button doesn't seem to be able to receive the updates when window.fbAsyncInit is fired off.
is there a way to update the like button when i log in through a different Facebook button on the page?
Here's a work-around.
Subscribing to the auth.statusChange (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/FB.Event.subscribe/) and check to see if it is a sucessful login. If so, re-render the like button code into your DOM and then have the Javascript SDK re-parse it using FB.XFBL.parse() (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/FB.XFBML.parse/)

ios Facebook login button delegate/callback

I was just wondering how I can popup a loading screen blocker once the user has entered a username and password on ios Facebook connect dialog and after clicking the login button. I mean, where can I find the delegate that handles the action or callback upon clicking of login button.

Loading Twitter feed in webview makes the back button enabled for the first time

I have loaded a twitter url (http://mobile.twitter.com) in a webview. I have webview navigation button (back and next),which is to be disabled in the beginning. The back button gets enabled when I load a twitter feed. I did not navigate in the webview at all. When I click the back button and check it goes to a plain white screen.
To check this, I opened the Twitter URL in the Safari of the iPhone app. Even in Safari the back button gets enabled. Is this a bug? Is there any way to solve it?
The request is probably being redirected, you can check it by placing a breakpoint in the webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: method of your UIWebViewDelegate.