How to install Subversive offline - eclipse

I want to install Subversive in my RAD/Eclipse. How can I install it offline?

Browse to the following site:
Look for a link labeled "archived updated site" that is appropriate for your Eclipse version. Download to your system.
In the Install New Software dialog, select Add and use the Archive option to point to the zip you've downloaded. You will also want to disable the "contact all update sites during install..." option. At this point you should be able to install Subversive without Eclipse accessing the network.


Unable to install pydev

I am trying to install pydev through update site and eclipse marketplace but that's impossible.
When trying to install I receive the following message:
Unable to read repository at
Looks like this file does not exist anymore on the repository.
Did somebody found a solution about that ?
I've run into the same issue. I found out that the link at the PyDev site is redirecting to Using this link doesn't work for me, in Eclipse 4.7.3a.
However, changing this link to solves my problems. Apparently, there is an issue with the SSL redirection at the distribution site, or the https downloads in Eclipse.
The Error Message
I am note sure why you are getting an error message about content.xml, the real file that Eclipse should be reading is content.jar which is there.
Try one of the solutions below and please post more details if you can.
Online Install
The URL for installation of the feature is You can use that URL to Install New Software... from the Help menu if the Eclipse Marketplace is not doing what you want.
Offline Install
If you meet the requirements (below) and continue to have problems with the update site, you can download to install offline. Get it from SourceForge (or follow the link from PyDev's website to SourceForge)
Alternatively, simply get LiClipse instead. It is Eclipse and PyDev and a bunch of other useful stuff already packaged together. It is provided by the author of PyDev, so should give you the best experience.
Minimum Eclipse and JVM Requirement
Double-check you meet the minimum requirements: PyDev requires Java 1.7 or greater and Eclipse 3.8/4.3 or greater:
Java 7:
Eclipse (3.8/4.3 onwards)
At start i was also facing same error that : The solution is not provide while installing PyDev - Python IDE for Eclipse 6.3.2
and when I am When trying to install I receive the following message: Unable to read repository at ?
Then i came up with the final solution :
follow the steps :
Online Install
The URL for installation of the feature is You can use that URL to Install New Software... from the Help menu if the Eclipse Marketplace is not doing what you want.
and uncheck all the options mentioned below on Install New Software Window like:
Uncheck :
1.Show only the latest versions of available software
2.Group Items by category
3.Show only software applicable to target environment
4.Contact all update sites during install to find required software
Offline Install
If you meet the requirements (below) and continue to have problems with the update site, you can download to install offline. Get it from SourceForge (or follow the link from PyDev's website to SourceForge).
Download the latest zip from sourceforge
Unzip it in any temp location
In Eclipse: "Help->install new software"
"Add" a new location to "Work with" "Local" button allows you to select the
unzipped folder
Give the location a name Back on the "install new
software" dialog, select pydev, etc. and "finish" (Delete the zip and
unzipped folder)
and uncheck all the options mentioned below on Install New Software Window like:
Uncheck :
1.Show only the latest versions of available software
2.Group Items by category
3.Show only software applicable to target environment
4.Contact all update sites during install to find required software
To be a little more clear about an offline installation in eclipse neon:
Download the latest zip from sourceforge
Unzip it in any temp location
In Eclipse: "Help->install new software"
"Add" a new location to "Work with"
"Local" button allows you to select the unzipped folder
Give the location a name
Back on the "install new software" dialog, select pydev, etc. and "finish"
(Delete the zip and unzipped folder)
The Error Message
I am note sure why you are getting an error message about content.xml, the real file that Eclipse should be reading is content.jar which is there.
Try one of the solutions below and please post more details if you can.
Online Install
The URL for installation of the feature is You can use that URL to Install New Software... from the Help menu if the Eclipse Marketplace is not doing what you want.
Offline Install
If you meet the requirements (below) and continue to have problems with the update site, you can download to install offline. Get it from SourceForge (or follow the link from PyDev's website to SourceForge)
Alternatively, simply get LiClipse instead. It is Eclipse and PyDev and a bunch of other useful stuff already packaged together. It is provided by the author of PyDev, so should give you the best experience.
Minimum Eclipse and JVM Requirement
Double-check you meet the minimum requirements: PyDev requires Java 1.7 or greater and Eclipse 3.8/4.3 or greater:

Install android adt in eclipse

I am trying to install android in eclipse to develop apps on my ubuntu setup.
I get the following error though:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Android Development Tools 20.0.0.v201206242043-391819
( 20.0.0.v201206242043-391819)
Missing requirement: Android Development Tools 20.0.0.v201206242043-391819
Any ideas as to what the problem is? I have tried using the url and download the zip manually in eclipse under add new software.
I had something similar. If you need the ADT version 20.0.0 then install it manually (from a ZIP archive) as described here and download it from here:
Good luck
During installation, there's an error about requiring org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui. How do I fix that?
The Google Plugin for Eclipse depends on other specific Eclipse components, such as WST. Your installation of Eclipse may not yet include all of them, but they can be easily installed by following these instructions. Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)
Select Help > Install New Software...
Click the link for Available Software Sites.
Ensure there is an update site named Juno. If this is not present, click Add... and enter for the Location.
Now go through the installation steps; Eclipse should download and install the plugin's dependencies.
Filter for wst and install all those. Restart Eclipse and then you can install the adt plugins.
Intsalling Android ADB on Eclipse JUNO Windows7PRO.
These steps worked for me:
1- go to "help" - "install new software"
2- inserert a new path called AndroidADT
3- check the box "Contact all update sites during install to find required software".
4- select all the 6 android components
5- download, restar eclipse, update the adt then... enjoy!!!
Try this:
When installing ADT through Eclipse just make sure you have checked: Contact all update sites during install to find required software. That helped me.
Also try to update eclipse (Help -> Check for updates)
Solution is: check the contact all update sites ...

Installing counterclockwise plugin manually

I have given up configuring my proxy settings in eclipse to download plugins. I want to install the counterclockwise plugins to run clojure in eclipse. I can download the jars into my C:\Program Files\EclipseIDE 3.6\dropins. Problem is when I start eclipse I dont have an option to start a new clojure project so I suppose the plugins are not being used.
The plugins I downlaoded are from Note I downloaded a single version only.
You still use the Help -> Install New Software... option. Move the jars into a directory that's not part of Eclipse.
On the Install dialog, left click on the Add... button, just as if you were installing software from a web site.
On the Add Repository dialog, to the right of the Location text box, is an Archive... button. Left click that button and point to the non-Eclipse directory where your counterclockwise plug-ins are located.
Perform the rest of the install new software steps to install your jars.
You can install the software manually on eclipse, find a zip file online.
Go to Help > Install New Software > Add > Archive and locate the zip file.
Make sure to untick the box "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" because if this is ticked it will give the "HTTP Proxy Authentication Required"
Put the jars into the /eclipse/plugins directory.

Installing ADT on Eclipse Indigo

On Eclipse Indigo 64-bit, I tried to install ADT (Android Development Tools) plugin ver 15.0. But I get this error :
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
not be found. Software currently installed: Shared profile ( Missing requirement: Shared profile ( requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []' but it could not be found
Do I need to install an eclipse dependency ?
I installed eclipse into /opt as root. I had this exact issue.
Seems that this has something to do with permissions (Yeah, great error message, I know).
I simply installed the plugins while running eclipse as root:
user#computer ~$ sudo eclipse &
Problem solved!
Instead of this, when you install it, you can change the ownership of the eclipse files so that you don't have to run as super user every time you want to install an addon.
user#computer /opt $ sudo chown -R user eclipse/
It's an Eclipse bug, see:
You shouldn't need to be administrator to install additional plugins...
Alright... this solved my problem:
Open Eclipse
Go to Help > Install New Software > click on Available Software Sites.
Make sure that "" is checked.
Then.. enable the "contact all update sites.." option on the Install new software page.
You should be all set!
Try to enable the "contact all update sites.." option on the Install new software page.
That said, ADT should not have a dependency on epp packages, unless you have some other software installed along with Eclipse. Please make sure you're using one of the following Eclipse versions:
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Eclipse Classic (versions 3.5.1 and higher)
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Follow instructions on thereafter.
Run Eclipse with administrator priviledges... If on Windows right click, and select run as admin
Try to download the SDK archive and follow these instructions, it worked for me.
Download the ADT Plugin zip file (do not unpack it):
Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software.
Click Add, in the top-right corner.
In the Add Repository dialog, click Archive.
Select the downloaded file and click OK.
Enter "ADT Plugin" for the name and click OK.
In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Next.
In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click Next.
Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.
If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of the software can't be established, click OK.
Lastly, when the installation completes, restart Eclipse.

Installing Git on Eclipse

How can I install Git on Eclipse? I found tutorials on but there was said that "You should then see the eight Eclipse projects 'org.spearce.something.'" I don't see those eight projects.
Just add to your Eclipse update manager.
Do you have Egit installed yet? If not, go to Window->Preferences->Install/Updates->Available Software Sites. Click on add and paste this link
For Name, you can just put "EGit". After you have EGit installed, follow this tutorial. It helped me a lot!
Checkout this tutorial Eclipse install Git plugin – Step by Step installation instruction
Eclipse install Git plugin – Step by Step installation instruction
Step 1) Go to: to get the plugin repository location.
Step 2.) Select appropriate repository location. In my case its
Step 3.) Go to Help > Install New Software
Step 4.) To add repository location, Click Add. Enter repository name as “EGit Plugin”. Location will be the URL copied from Step 2. Now click Ok to add repository location.
Step 5.) Wait for a while and it will display list of available products to be installed. Expend “Eclipse Git Team Provider” and select “Eclipse Git Team Provider”. Now Click Next
Step 6.) Review product and click Next.
Step 7.) It will ask you to Accept the agreement. Accept the agreement and click Finish.
Step 8.) Within few seconds, depending on your internet speed, all the necessary dependencies and executable will be downloaded and installed.
Step 9.) Accept the prompt to restart the Eclipse.
Your Eclipse Git Plugin installation is complete.
To verify your installation.
Step 1.) Go to Help > Install New Software
Step 2.) Click on Already Installed and verify plugin is installed.
egit was included in Indigo (2011) and should be there in all future Eclipse versions after that.
Just go to ![(Help->Install New Software)]
Then Work with: --All Available Sites--
Then type egit underneath and wait (may take a while) !
Then click the checkbox and install.
I made an installation guide for Egit on Eclipse so I thought I would share it.
INSTALL EGIT plugin in eclispe which is pretty easy. If EGit is missing in your Eclipse installation, you can install it via the Eclipse Update Manager via: Help → Install new Software. EGit can be installed from the following URL:
Under Eclipse Git Team Provider, tick ONLY "Eclipse EGit" and then download the plugin.
CONNECT TO YOUR LOCAL REPOSITORY. I right clicked on the project, selected "team > share project" and then ticked "use or create repository"
GIT IGNORE. Mark the "bin" folder as "ignored by Git", either by right-clicking on it and selecting Team > Ignore or by creating a .gitignore file. My file was generated for me, I just had to make it visible. Here's how in eclipse: In your package explorer, pull down the menu and select "Filters ...". You can adjust what types of files are shown/hidden there.
IDENTIFY YOURSELF. Click Preferences > Team > Git > Configuration and make sure your name & email are there so we know which user committed/pushed what.
There are two ways of installing the Git plugin in Eclipse
Installing through Help -> Install New Software..., then add the location
Installing through Help -> Eclipse Marketplace..., then type Egit and installing it.
Both methods may need you to restart Eclipse in the middle. For the step by step guide on installing and configuring Git plugin in Eclipse, you can also refer to Install and configure git plugin in Eclipse
It's Very Easy To Install By Following Below Steps In Eclipse JUNO version
Help-->Eclipse Marketplace-->Find: beside Textbox u can type "Egit"-->select Egit-git team provider intall button-->follow next steps and finally click finish
You didn't mention which version of Eclipse you are using, but others have already posted good answers for modern versions of Eclipse. Unfortunately one of my legacy projects requires Eclipse Europa; the old EGit project homepage states the following:
The plugin only works on Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) or newer. Eclipse 3.3 (Europa) is not supported anymore. Since the plugin is still very much work-in-progress we want to take advantage of new platforms features to facilitate progress.
So I guess I'm SOL - back to the graphical GitHub client for me! Lucky it's a legacy project.
Try with this link:
1)Go to Help-> Install new Software
2)Click on Add...
3)Name: eGit
4)Click on OK
5)Accept the licence.
You are good to go