Why is Perl market position in server-side scripting so low, even less than Java? [closed] - perl

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Closed 10 years ago.
As per the article at W3Techs, Perl ranks the lowest among the server side scripting languages, even less than Java? Is there any reason behind it? Perl, as far as I see, is very popular, and an awesome language, how come it is hardly used by websites? Does it have issues with server side scripting?

This article has a lot of details on how W3Techs gets their data: http://w3techs.com/blog/entry/usage_of_perl_for_websites_fell_below_1_percent
As i did some analysis on this, let me summarize in short that the data presented by W3Techs is deeply flawed and extremely misleading. First off, it is important to know that they detect technologies of sites by running simple scripts at them that look for file suffixes in urls and then just take that and never verify with the site owner. As such they have a "no-detect" rate of 17.6% (plus an unknown "false-detect" rate). A more correct version of their chart would be this:
If you'd like to get more details and more mistakes in their data methodology, please take a look at the comments of the article, especially those written by "Mithaldu" or "Christian Walde", i.e. me. I posted extensively there as to why their data is nearly useless and why they're even misinterpreting the data they do have.


What is BigData and NoSQL, any good books on both? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I know I am asking two questions in one. But can someone please tell me what is meant by bigdata. Also how does NoSQL different from conventional SQL.
Lastly can you please recommend good/best books or tutorials/website on topic which can take a newbie to advance level.
Please reply.
"Big Data" is a buzz word, which means that it defines different (albeit related) things to different people.
Some use it for database software that specializes in "Big Data", some use it for whole infrastructure that manipulates large data sets, some use it for large data sets themselves (structured, semi-structured, and non-structured).
"Big Data" data sets posses at least one distinct property: due to their large size and/or lack of structure they are assumed to hide valuable information and relationships. The end goal of about every "Big Data" project is uncovering these valuable knowledge in efficient and repeatable manner.
How large is "Big Data"? Large enough that few years ago it would demand million dollar investments in all 3: hardware, software and development. Today you may still require a significant (but less) investment but probably just into 2 out of these 3.

Code generation with Machine learning [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am very interested in machine learning. i have an idea to develop a program which can generate a source code according to a given standards. for example if i have trained the system to how to write something to console and the standard way of using variables then it should be able to generate a source code for anything which i ask to print something to the console, likewise. Is there any resources source codes or existing open source projects?
You might be interested in Genetic Programming. It's a genetic algorithm that operates directly on programs.
The demo I saw used Lisp (Common Lisp, I think), which is a natural fit, but any language with eval should be decently easy to use.
The Wikipedia page lists a whole pile of implementations, many of them open source, so you should be able to start there.
This sounds like this is would be a Constraint Satisfaction [CSPs] or Search Problem, these approaches would probably be your best bet:
Genetic Algorithm
Some sort of goal seaking heuristic [with negative/positive reenforcements]
The algorithms that are under the CSP category.

Beginner WF4 question - When is WF4 useful, really? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
If I want to use a traditional approval type workflow in a regular asp.net system, for example
an order that needs an approval before order is placed. Rather than having the traditional
enum for OrderStatus, can I benefit from using microsoft WF4 (Workflow version 4) for this
or will I just generate more complexity and more code for no added benefit?
Any time you have a long running operation like this WF4 is a good possibility. The fact that the graphical designer allows you to show the actual running process, not a Visio copy of it, is also a huge benefit.
There is however a learning curve to WF4 and there are times you have to do things the WF4 way instead of the C#/VB way you did before. That said there is certainly a benefit, thinks like an approval request not being handled in, lets say, 14 days is very easy to do in WF4.

Free Reports system like Crystal Reports [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
We are building an system which is B/S structure.And the customer want to print the reports of their sells data.But they want to use an free report to do this!
I wander what's the better free report system to use?
Ps:We use asp.net!
Here's a link to a comparison of three open-source reporting solutions (BIRT, Pentaho and Jasper):
I don't know how well these solutions integrate with asp.net, but they are probably the best-established open source solutions.
How about just MS Excel? It's not free, but your client probably already has it. And if they don't, OpenOffice.org can open it for them.
Excel is versatile and can import/export data in many ways. You have graphs, tables, conditional formatting, tabs, controls, and VBA can allow for serious customization. Also, most end-users are already familiar with it, so it will be easier to get accepted by your user community.
The downsides include weak security and ugly charts (but if your client has Office 2010, everything looks much, much better).

Is there a citation available for 'a growing rebellion' against strict typing systems? [closed]

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Closed 13 years ago.
The FAQ for the new Go language explicitly makes this claim:
There is a growing rebellion against cumbersome type systems like those of Java and C++, pushing people towards dynamically typed languages such as Python and JavaScript.
Is there (non-anecdotal) data to actually support such a claim? I've always found dynamic typing sloppy and tiresome, but if I'm losing touch I at least want some warning.
I'd call it a trend, not a rebellion, but I see the same in our company moving from C (25 years ago) over C++(20 years) and java (12 years) to javascript and python (2 years).
One of the reasons could be, that scripting seems to be more agile and better for rapid development (which I actually doubt). That impression came along when some developers started nice applications in impressive development speed, while the 'old OO-family' often came up with (over-)complicated application architectures which showed a depressing progress.
I think it doesn't has to be scripted if time to market is a criterion (but sometimes it helps to get rid of old habits)
I agree with kai1968, it is more of a trend. Here is a good paper done by IEEE that will give you a better understanding Developers Shift to Dynamic Programming Languages