Facebook SDK in Storyboard? - iphone

Is it possible to use the Facebook SDK 3.0 with iPhone storyboard? I can't find any tutorials using storyboard. If it is possible, do you have any tutorials?

There is a sample application that you can go through that shows you how to use storyboards. This uses the Facebook SDK 3.1.
It shows logging in with Facebook, publishing using Open Graph, the friend and place picker, and also deep linking.

had the same problem, me and another dev figured it out ourselves and built a dumb simple solution:


Can I use the JavaScript facebook SDK for phonegap apps?

I am not sure whether my question is appropriate or not.
I am integrating facebook for the first time and also for the for first my app is multi-platform.
I am integrating facebook in my app for iphone and android.My question are below:
1)If i am doing it with plugin i have to do it separately for both iPhone and Android. Is there any way to integrate Facebook for both in a single effort for eg by using Javascript SDK
2)If yes what it is? and if possible any sample.
Thanks in advance
You should use phonegap-plugin-facebook-connect. It works on both iOS and Android and integrates great with iOS6 bulid in Facebook functionality.
The plugin provides a patched version of the Facebook JS API.

How to integrate Like feature in iPhone SDK 3.1 with Facebook sharing app

I am new to iPhone development. I’ve added Facebook sharing functionality and I also want to add the Like feature from Facebook. I’ve followed one of the examples; it works if Facebook sharing functionality hasn’t been implemented, because some files create contradiction (specifically FBRequest.h). But I want to add both sets of functionality at the same time. Any suggestions?
If you are new then its not a issue. Everybody have same brain. So its not a big issue. Check
this link: http://www.raywenderlich.com/1626/how-to-post-to-a-users-wall-upload-photos-and-add-a-like-button-from-your-iphone-app
First of all understand it then implement it. I know you will surely implement this in Your
App. Best of luck.

is there any single library for twitter sharing in ios4 and ios 5

I need to share one video url getting from my server in twitter.
And my app must be compatible for both ios 4.0 and ios 5.0.
I know that there is twitter+oauth library for ios 4.0 and twitter inbuilt library for ios 5.0. And my functionality is twitter library need to ask user credentials only once for twitter authentication and need to post that video url in background with out asking user permission.
From the second time onwards video must posted in background.
As per my knowledge we have different libraries we need to use but is there any solution that do implemant my task with one library.
Please help me.
For a beautiful implementation, check out DETweetComposeViewController.
It will provide you with a UI that looks almost identical to what iOS5 users now are growing accustomed to. The great point is, it works on iOS4 and iOS5 flawlessly.
GetShareKit was a basic library created by Nate Weiner that's now outdated. If you check it's GitHub source, the last commit was sometime in 2010. This version is buggy and has about 20+ compile warnings. this uses an older version of the Facebook and Twitter sharing mechanisms that are now deprecated and also, buggy. Clicking Twitter's "Share", for eg, won't dismiss the sharing dialog.
So, a bunch of developers forked off the original library and now maintain what's called ShareKit 2.0 SDK. If you check the wiki, you'll learn that all new services like Foursquare, LinkedIn, InstaPaper, EverNote have been added to this new version. Happy Coding!

Integrating Twitter into iOS 4.3+ App

I'm trying to integrate Twitter with my App right now. I have successfully set up the iOS 5 TWTweetComposeViewController, but this does not work on iOS 4.3. What's the best method to also integrate Twitter posting into iOS 4.3?
Open source. Mimics TWTweetComposeViewController. Works with iOS 4 and later.
Sharekit is a framework that may help you to setup Twitter on iOS version pre 5. If you take a first look at Sharekit, it may look like you only can use it as a complete framework. But read on: you can use any of the fractions (Twitter, Facebook etc) of Sharekit to connect with your own GUI.
Use a custom library and implement the tweet screens yourself. Alternatively you could redirect the user to a twitter:// URL which will open the Twitter application, or just open a Web Intent. http://dev.twitter.com

iPhone Facebook Graph API library

Is there an library for the iPhone using the new Facebook Graph API yet?
This library is great: http://www.capturetheconversation.com/technology/iphone-facebook-oauth-2-0-and-the-graph-api-a-tutorial-part-2
I am using it with great success in a current iPad project.
Update: Author just posted code to github: http://github.com/reallylongaddress/iPhone-Facebook-Graph-API
Update: Please check https://github.com/reallylongaddress/iPhone-Facebook-Graph-API/issues/4 if you find post to FB crashing while using code
Not that I have seen and trying to write something myself has been without success. I am VERY disappointed with Facebook and there lack of support in this area especially since they want developers to move over to the API, however iPhone developers are SOL at the moment which is a shame since using their current SDK is a pain in the ass with all of their callbacks and delegates. It is not very clean at all.
FB Graph API SDK for iPhone is rumored to be released during WWDC. Android SDK is already officially announced (but not released, yet).