Is there a way to put a condition that return true only if one of the two component return true?
BOOL var1
BOOL var2
something shorter than if((var1 && !var2) || (!var1 && var2))
Thank you
As Objective-C is a superset of C, you simply use the XOR operator from C, which is ^.
if(!!var1 != !!var2)
NSLog(#"XOR condition");
Exclamation marks convert vars to BOOL (real conversion, not casting)
So this solution works even if your variables are not BOOL.
!!(0|nil) ≡ 0
!!(any other number|object) ≡ 1
This is useful in cases when you want to be sure that only one of vars is nonnil.
You could add more clearness to the code that Ishu suggests by doing this:
#define XOR !=
and then you just write:
if (var1 XOR var2) {
truth table output:
[T XOR T => F; T != T => F],
[T XOR F => T; T != F => T],
[F XOR T => T; F != T => T] and
[F XOR F => F; F != F => F]
A macro could be an option. It will keep the same behaviour, but now in a more readable way.
#define XOR(x,y) (((x) && !(y)) || (!(x) && (y)))
if(XOR(var1, var2) {
try (int)var1 ^ (int)var2
YES and NO are actually defined as following:
#define YES (BOOL)1
#define NO (BOOL)0
if ((!var1)==var2)
I am following a tutorial and found this code:
data A = B | C deriving(Eq)
class K a where
f :: a -> Bool
instance K A where
f x = x == C
f _ = False
call = f B
Why do I need f _ = False? I get the same result without it.
The answer is simply: you don't need f _ = False here. In fact, if you compile with -Wall then the compiler will warn you that this clause is redundant, because the f x = ... clause already catches everything.
If the tutorial told you to have that extra clause, well, it's wrong.
As pointed out, it's not necessary.
You might need (or want) that line, though, if you had a slightly different definition, one that does not require an Eq instance:
data A = B | C
class K a where
f :: a -> Bool
instance K A where
f C = True
f _ = False
Instead of comparing x to C, you can match the argument directly against C, then define f to return False for all other values. This makes more sense if there were more constructors that could produce False.
data A' = B | C | D
instance K A' where
f C = True
f _ = False -- in place of f B = False and f D = False
Chanced upon this beautiful problem. Since I am new to Boolean expressions, it is looking quite difficult.
I guess parentheses can be used.
If one of A, B, C is true, A||B||C must be true. Using AND and NOT, it can be done but, how do we know which one has which value?
I tried using truth tables, but three variables were too much.
Any ideas on how to solve, or at least how to make it faster?
Learn De Morgan's laws. It's a little piece of a basic knowledge for a programmer.
They state, among others, that not(X or Y) = (not X) and (not Y).
If you negate both sides and then apply the formula twice—first to ((A or B) or C), treating the (A or B) subexpression as X, and then to (A or B) itself—you'll get the desired result:
A || B || C =
(A || B) || C =
!(!(A || B) && !C) =
!((!A || !B) && !C) =
!(!A && !B && !C)
DeMorgan's Law (one of them, anyway), normally applied to two variables, states that:
A or B == not (not A and not B)
But this works equally well for three (or more) variables:
A or B or C == not (not A and not B and not C)
This becomes obvious when you realise that A or B or C is true if any of them are true, the only way to get false if if all of them are false.
And, only if they're all false will not A and not B and not C give true (hence not(that) will give false). For confirmation, here's the table, where you'll see that the A or B or C and not(notA and notB and notC) columns give the same values:
A B C A or B or C notA notB notC not(notA and notB and notC)
----- ----------- -------------- ---------------------------
f f f f t t t f
f f t t t t f t
f t f t t f t t
f t t t t f f t
t f f t f t t t
t f t t f t f t
t t f t f f t t
t t t t f f f t
I am trying to better understand boolean equivalence but this example has me a little stuck.
I am referring to this website:
It makes sense, but doesn't at the same time... it says that they are equivalent, but the true/false values don't add up/align in a way that makes them out to be equivalent as the table shows they are. Could someone explain this to me?
!(A && B) <-- first expression
(C || D) <-- second expression
The last columns refers to the equivalency of the two expressions, which yes, they are equivalent according to the table. However, I just don't get how the two expressions are equivalent. If A = F, B = F --> T, wouldn't C = F, D = F --> T as well?
You are confusing yourself when trying to reduce it from the actual expression to single letter variables. On referring the actual link, it would appear that the variables you use can be mapped to the original expressions as follows:
A = speed > 2000
B = memory > 512
C = speed <= 2000
D = memory <= 512
If you look at it, C equals !A and D equals !B. So the expression (C || D) is effectively !((!A) || (!B)). By De Morgan's Law, that is the same as !(A && B).
This table is explaining that !(A && B) is equivalent to !A || !B. The columns C and D appear to be defined as C = !A and D = !B. The last column is C || D
So A = F, B = F certainly implies !(A && B). In this case C = D = T, and so also C || D = T.
(E.G. In Perl) When either condition A or condition B have the same consequence
if (A){
# Consequence X
}elsif (B){
# Consequence X
we can write
if ( A || B ) {
# Consequence X
How about we have the following condition: Either when A and C are true, or B and C are true, consequence C follows.
This can be written very long:
if ( A && C){
# Consequence X
} elsif (B && C ){
# consequence X
My question is, is there any way to write this shorter?
Something like this:
if ( (A && C) || (B && C) )
is syntactically ok ???
if ( A && C){
# Consequence X
} elsif (B && C ){
# consequence X
is the same as:
if ( (A && C) || (B && C) ){
#Consequence X
And this avoids evaluating C twice:
if ( (A || B) && C){
#Consequence X
BTW, this is more like a logical question, the logic here isn't limited to Perl.
Try the following:
if (C && (A || B)) {
I am new to scala but I am having the problem with the following code:
var c:Int = 0
var j:Int = 0
for( c <- 0 to 100){
for( j <- 0 to 100){
/* Check if jth bit in c is set,
if( (c & (1<<j)) ) // this line is the line where i get the error
xs :+ (ys(j)) // this is copying element j from list ys to list xs
The error I get is:
type mismatch; found : Int required: Boolean
the code (c & (1<<j)) should be shifting 1 left j bits and then bitwise anding the result to the int in the variable c to get a boolean result.
It is entirely possible that I am doing something wrong.. I have been learning Scala fro 3 days and I am very rusty on my java.
Any help would be appreicated
Bitwise operations in Scala (in fact in any language) return a result of type Int, your if expression requires a type of Boolean. Scala doesn't treat Boolean values like C, where you code would work fine.
You can make your expression return a Boolean by testing explicitly for 1:
if((c & (1 << j)) != 0)
Unlike in C (or C++), Scala's if statement (just like Java) only accepts a Boolean expression, and there is no implicit type promotion from integral types to Boolean. So you need to be explicit about what you want, and replace if( (c & (1<<j)) ) with if( (c & (1<<j)) != 0)