UITextView BackGround image iphone - iphone

I m working on note app. In which i m creating view like iPhone notes.
First i took a scroll view and then one image view. After that I m creating a UITextView dynamically... I set the background image of UITextView..
using this code
textView = [[UITextView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,30,320,400)];
textView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed: #"lines.png"]];
Its working perfect in simulator. but when i run my app on device then UITextView's background doesn't display... means it doesn't display lines...
My image size is 365x45...
Can anybody help me why this happen???? Where is the problem???

I had a similar problem once and got grey hair over it. :)
Double check whether your background image file (the .png or whatever) is still boundled with your app. Check this with the project or tartet settings when you have multiple targets.
In my case the file was included in the project but not in the boundle. For reasons that I never understood it was part of the bounle installed on the simulator. It was even there when I deleted the app manually from the simulator's file system. Re-launched the app in the simulator and it was there again.
But when I checked the content of the boundles that where sent to debug devices or the store, the image file was missing.
The same problem may occour to you.

I never used that method. What I do is I put an invisible UITextView over the UIImageView


How can I prevent Xcode from changing the color of my buttons?

So I've done a button for my iPad app, and I saw something strange. When I run my app in the iOS 5 simulator, it changes the color, and the lines of my button become discontinuous. But when I push it, the button comes back to the right color, and the lines are ok. I think it's something that Xcode does automatically with any button, and I don't find the way to cancel it. Thank you for helping!
PS: The button code is so simple:
IBOutlet UIButton *button;
This is what it should look like:
And this is how it looks in the simulator:
Both tams and JacobFennell have good points, but you should also note that graphics are often represented much differently on the simulator than on a real device. You should try running your app on a device and see if the problem persists; I have had many 'problems' with custom buttons which turned out just to be improper rendering on the part of the simulator.
Since you are using the Interface builder, make sure that you are setting the button type to custom and that you have changed the behavior for all of the states. Under the dropdown menu of where you can set the type they also have StateConfig, where you can configure the look and text of your button for all of its different states: highlighted, default, disabled...Check that those settings are correct as well.
Hope this helps!
Your button frame size doesn't seem to match the size of your image. Your art should match the (button/view) frame size pixel for pixel, otherwise you may get blurry images and scaling representation artifacts.
Else, you can change the view content mode (UIViewContentMode) of the frame from UIViewContentModeScaleToFill to UIViewContentModeTopLeft

cell.imageView is working on Simulator but not on Device

Table view cell imageView is working on the simulator but not on the device..
Some things I have checked.
I have not changed anything in the code.
Image is added to the project and in same folder.
I have one more cell image which is working fine.
Thank you in advance.
Iphone device is case sensitive ... and simulator is not..
Make sure you check the case of the name used in your +[UIImage imageNamed:] calls. These are case-sensitive on the device, but not always on the sim. That's the most common cause of missing images. If that isn't the source, put a breakpoint where you're assigning the image, and check all teh variables.

Hi-Res #2x image not being picked up for tab bar item

I have a TabBarController that sets the image for the tab like so, in the -init method:
self.tabBarItem.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"tabImage.png"];
I have a tabImage#2x.png file in the resource. In the iPhone 4 simulator or the phone, the hi-res image isn't being picked up - the low res version is simply being scaled up.
Any ideas why this might be?
EDIT: Some more info:
If I try and explicitly use tabImage#2x.png (or just tabImage#2x) then the tab image I see is extremely large and blown up beyond the bounds of the tab, as if it's being scaled from 60px to 120px. So it looks like whatever name is supply is being treated as a scale=1.0 image.
Note that the simulator is not case-sensitive, but the device is. Make sure case matches EXACTLY. If you've changed the case of the filename at some point, you'll need to clean and rebuild. Sometimes, for the simulator, I've had to actually blow away the folder in Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.3/Applications/ to get the rebuild to pick up the renamed image.
Always use
[UIImage imageNamed:#"foo.png"]
This will work on 3.x and 4.x devices, and on the 4.x Simulator. Devices with Retina Displays (and the 4.x simulator) will magically pick up the #2x versions of your images; iOS has been modified to be smart about this function and #2x.png files.
Make sure you have both the #2x.png and the normal.png added to the project file, and do a full clean & build. As others have mentioned, verify the size of the images, too; apparently if they're not exactly 2x the dimensions it won't work (I haven't verified this myself).
If you leave the .png off, it will only work on iOS 4.0. So if you're building a 4.0+ only app, you can ask for:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"foo"]
If you have only one hi-res image and want to use it on both Retina and non-Retina devices, then you'll have to change view.contentMode to scale to fit.
I had the same problem. It turned out that my png was not square. Solution: make it square and it will work.
Are you sure the file has been added to the XCode project and is visible in the project explorer?
I had this problem as well.
Make 2 images:
30x30 pixels
60x60 pixels
Suffix the 60x60pixel image with #2x. For example, tabBarImage#2x.png. Then, in your storyboard or code, you can specify the regular one, tabBarImage.png, and iOS will choose the #2x version at its discretion.
You can leave the .png off now. I believe it will still work, but you may try that.
I just went through a few hours of redoing art in The Gimp and trying to get it recognized and loaded by my app on an iPhone 4.
I ran into the problem described with certain images with a #2x extension not being recognized and loaded.
I was not able to discern any pattern. My images are all loaded using [UIImage imageNamed:#"<name>.png"] into a singleton. I inspected the image scale settings post-startup and some were 1.0 (the old art) and some were 2.0 (the new art).
The only way I was able to resolve this problem was to delete and re-add the high resolution images that were not being recognized.
Two silly mistakes (both of which I've made before) that can cause this problem:
Accidentally naming the small
versions #2x instead of the large
Having the large versions be
slightly missized (by one pixel)
you need 2 versions of your images and both ned to be at the same location in the project folder and added to the project
image.png 60x60
image#2.png 120x120
then simply use [UIImage imageNamed:#"image.png"]
did it this way with selfmade buttons and it worked for me (iOS 4.1)
Another thing to look out for is having two images with the same name.
I had the same issue. The #2x image had the wrong build target checked (ServiceTests instead of MyProject).
I had exactly the same problem.
Make two images: im1.png and im1#2x.png
Call imageNamed: with the first one.
Note, imageNamed: doesn't initialize UIImage, hence use it as transient [[UIImageView new] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed: #"im1.png"]] or initialize UIImage yourself.

iphone - not loading ~ipad image

I have 3 images on the same place on my app's bundle: "image~iphone.png", "image#2x~iphone.png" and "image~ipad.png".
when I do
UIImage *imageU = [UIImage imageNamed:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"image"
BOth, the iPhone and iPhone 4 hires versions load fine, but not the ipad image. When I run on iPad, I get nil on imageU.
Yes, the image is there, the name is correct (iphone~ipad.png).
Why is that? any clues?
I discovered that the solution for that is: do not use any extension on the iPad images. This tilde trick is not working for iPad. One more buggy stuff that makes us waste time.
Possible daft attempt, but is the ipad image copied into the correct target when you add it as a resource? By that, I mean - of you right click the image and get info, does it have the iPad ticked as it's target?
I ran into the same problem with launch images. Despite what the docs say, naming a file with a ~ipad suffix doesn't do anything. You need to set the UILaunchImageFile~ipad key and use a separate name for your launch images on iPad, e.g., DefaultiPad.png and DefaultiPad-Landscape.png, then make sure to just set UILaunchImageFile~ipad to DefaultiPad (no .png suffix) and it will pick up the variants correctly.
image "image~ipad.png" will show HD quality on iPad because in ios 5.1 "~ipad.png" is used to show HD quality image of resolution 2048*2048.Test this naming conservation on iPad,it will work.

It's working only on simulator, but isn't working on Device

I'm working on sample project for learning core animation. I have problem with my device, I wrote simple project and it's conatins just one viewcontroller and this viewcontroller's view contains just two layer, each layer have .png image backgrounds (actually 700 x 700 px) and these images contains semi transparent content.
You can download example project from here
This project working perfectly on simulator but isn't working on Iphone. I have't seen any error or some thing like that. I have seen empty sreen on device.
Could someone give me suggestions about that please ?
Thank you
Your image file name is "Clouds1.png " but you load it:
[[UIImage imageNamed:#"clouds2.png"] CGImage];
Problem is that file system on iPhone is case sensitive and on MacOS is not. So you must be careful with file names.