How to set image, description and title for like, comment, send in cakephp facebook plugin? - facebook

I’m using webtechnick cakephp facebook plugin. I want to set image description and title for like send and comments. There are many like and send in one page. Current site get same title(what in the title tag in the html ) . i want to set different titles and descriptions for each like and send.

i want to set different titles and descriptions for each like and send.
Then have them point to different URLs, and set up a HTML page under each of those that contains the appropriate OG meta tags.


Sharing via open graph along with hash tags

I have implemented share buttons for different social networks, such as VK, Facebook, Twitter, OK, and I am using Open Graph to set attributes of post, that will occur at user's social network page.
I'd like to add hash tag to the post shared, in order to let the user see it on his social network page and use then, i.e. filter content of social network by this tag.
(Just to clarify: the tag should be only in a social network, my website doesn't have hash tags at all)
I've found how to add hash tags to urls but my problem seems to be different a bit.
I didn't find special Open Graph attribute for it, nor I found same in Twitter Card.
Where should I put my hash tags? Would og:description be appropriate for it?
So you want to prefill the user's message on the share dialog, right ?
If so, you can't, according to the policy of Facebook :
2.3: Don't prefill captions, comments, messages, or the user message parameter of posts with content a person didn’t create, even if the person can edit or remove the content before sharing.
× Add your own content to that which the user manually entered. This includes hashtags, hyperlinks or URLs.
Look here, I think you want to do is the Prefill Violation Example Two
According to this article it is not possible to do this via meta tags:
My test was adding hashtags to the Open Graph Meta Data.
... the custom description and hash tags did absolutely nothing
I have checked them all as well.
It's impossible to insert hash tags in:
There are two exceptions:
VK derives user the user's message from the title (in case user left it blank), so if the title contains a hash tag, the last one will finally turn into link and work
<meta property="og:title" content="My website #mywebsite">
Twitter accepts hash tags inside share button href attribute as a parameter text
<a target="_blank" href="«Example»%20%23example"></a>
Add the #example hash tag to parameter text :

Changing metadata for Ember.js apps

I have problems with linking my website (built with Ember.js) to Facebook (for each page - there's the same title, description, image etc - of course). I'm wondering if there is any solution to fight with this, without bringing that metadata (for each page) directly from the backend? I would like to change title, description, image etc for each page.
You can actually change title, description and other meta tags (by extending routes in Ember.js), but this is done only on client side and won't actually change the data so that Facebook for example can read the data and get the proper results.
Also, I cannot just put meta tags in since that it's not valid.
So, is there any other solution to properly use "open graph" metadata inside Ember.js app?
Concrete example: -> this is the page about which I'm talking about. When I try to share it on Facebook, it will always pull the same Title, Description and image, which is set under metadata inside . I want to be able to have different metadata for each page, without bringing the data from the backend (with PHP or whatever).

How to tweet a message containing a custom URL to Twitter?

Whenever I try to tweet a message containing a custom URL to Twitter using oAuth, the message is posted as plain text including all HTML tags
For example I want show the message as:
this is mysample tweet.
and this is my link: my web address
Twitter doesn't support rich text, it is plain text only. You especially can't set the link text for a URL. The only possibility which could come close is to use the cards feature for supported clients.

Facebook: aggregate action in news feed, show description instead of caption

Hi,i have a customized action with caption defined in attachment. If i trigger the action once a time, the post on news feed will show that caption i defined. However, if i trigger the action many time, the post on news feed will show og:description on meta tag instead of the caption line.
Since description is for each public page, and my caption is related to action (e.g Run XX miles), i'd like the post always show caption.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
You can specify which type of data an aggregation should show as caption – and use data extracted from your action/object in that caption, see
Caption Lines
Aggregations support a simple text template syntax for formatting Open Graph action / object properties into strings that a user sees.
Also follow the link to Using Text Templates given there – it explains it in more detail.

The title, link and description don't work

I've been reading guides and examples for a long time (hours) but I can't manage. I tried to use all html meta tag like title, description, and og:property. Also tried to use the link sharer and also to create a new blank page with just the info I want to share to facebook in order to test. Also I tried to generate an random url in php so to have always a different url variable (the url to share and also the url of the main page containing the script). I also grabbed (url linter) a lot of time the url to clean the cache of facebook. It always give me the title of the site domain as title or the url itself as the shared title and description. I don't know what to do.
The main web site is from joomla. In the code of index of joomla I put a php include if the url has the variable "articolo" id. This incuded php page has regulat head body etc. So maybe I facebook check the main meta of joomla first? So now I tried to open a popup with just the page for sharing. Look here: link
It's possible that the title is locked in, meaning that after X number of likes Facebook doesn't allow you to change it anymore. Can you give us an example URL you're having issues with?
Ok, now the link you provided shows some very interesting output.
First, you webserver, instead of sending back a 200 code, is sending back a 500 code.
Secondly the HTML your webserver is sending back has two HTML tags (Do a view source on the content returned)
Fix up those two issues and I think the linter will be happier with your page.
Test your page here: