DDD and MongoDB: Is it okay to let Mongo create ObjectIDs? - mongodb

According to DDD (Blue book, Evans) a Factory has the responsibility to create an Aggregate Root in a valid state. Does this mean it should be able to create the technical id (objectId in mongoDB world) as well as the domain id?
On the one hand, this seems like a technical detail and it would seem okay to let Mongo handle the creation of the ID.
On the other, enabling querying by id (by having getById in a DDD repository) exposes the technical id to the domain, which in turn would make it the responsibility of the Factory to create it.
Perhaps I can't get my head on the different use-cases / overlap, etc. of Technical Id's vs DomainId's or perhaps I'm being overzealous, but I'd appreciate your opinion anyway.
In short:
In DDD: Should a factory be able to create the technical Id as well as the domain Id?
possible implementation: Hi/Lo ( How to set the hilo sequence starting value in MongoDB Norm?)
EDIT: although the hi/lo way exposes the Factory to the persistence layer, which is something only the Repository should know. hmmm

Factories don't have to concern themselves with the ID because the validity of an aggregate is orthogonal to identity. Identity can be assigned in a few different ways, either as a incremental ID from a relational database in which case the repository has to manage it, or as a UUID/GUID in which case it can be assigned by the factory, or repository, or even the calling client which is convenient because then the client has the key by default.
Whenever possible, I try to maintain a single identity for aggregates. I'm not sure if MongoDB requires an additional technical ID, but if it does and the domain ID can't be used in its place, then MongoDB should manage it on its own and behind the scenes.


How to define the entityId in Orion

I have to use Orion (NGSI v2), and I have a question about the name of entityId of my context;
could I use a simple ID or URN (like NGSI-LD spec)?
What is the best practice?
Thanks a lot
From a NGSIv2 point of view, any entity ID that complies with the identifiers syntax restrictions is valid.
Having said this, in general the simpler entity ID, the better from an integration point of view. For instance, if you are persisting context data using Cygnus sink for PostgreSQL, note that PostGresSQL could use tables which name includes the entity ID (for instance, if the dm-by-entity-database-schema DM is used, see this reference).
Thus, better to use simple entity IDs than URN-like entity IDs, from my point of view.
I think it is better to use URIs for your entities, your path to Linked Data will be smoother. The problem with table names should be fixed by the data storage component for instance by calculating a hash of the URI and converting it to the proper alphabet supported by the database concerning table names ...

Domain Driven Design - Shared entities across bounded contexts

I am new to domain driven design and trying to learn and implement in my project. My project structure up till now similar to this.
Maintainance Folder Maintainance.Data(Class
Library) Maintainance.Domain(Class Library)
Maintainance.Domin.Tests(test project)
MovieBooking Folder MovieBooking.Data(Class
Library) MovieBooking.Domain(Class Library)
MovieBooking.Domain.Tests(test project)
SharedKernel Common things
Web Application MovieBooking MVC Web
Application(which have reference to MovieBooking Domain)
In Maintainance boundned context I am keeping all CRUD, GetAll type things for say Movie, Country, Category, Subcategory entities in Maintainance DBContext.
Now in MovieBooking data layer I will also need to use these entities (mostly to display name or dropdown fills in view, kind of subset needed - not all properties needed, only few like Id, name)
There are few ways I can access this entities in Movie booking Bounded Context
Via web services - Need to create web api for common entities like Movie,Country,Category,Subcategory and call web api in web project (to fill Dropdowns or get name from entities)
Via Reference Context (Seperate Dbcontext) - Need to configure Dbset and then map a database view (with only require fields) to Dbset
Example :
For (1) it can be long term implmentation solution for me
(2) I have to create view (with only few properties) for each require table and it will increase my number of views in my DB drastically as I have enterprise level application.
Is there any other way I can achieve this? Anything I am missing in DDD to look for ?
Option 2, while it will save you time, is actually a very bad idea from the DDD perspective as it allows for violations of the transactional boundary guarantees that each aggregate is meant to enforce\represent.
Option 1 seems a better option, although there are still quite a bit of wiggle room for interpretation based on your brief description of your proposed solution. If I understood correctly, it is generally recommended to follow the below:
Do not expose your aggregate state directly since this exposes internals and increases coupling. Simple create meaningful DTO's and use something like Automapper to map your Aggregates to DTO's easilly and with little effort before sending it over.
Have a duplicate of the DTO definition in your client. This will reduce coupling and allow for easier deployments.
I strongly recommend reading the DDD orange book although I have to say that I cannot recall specifically on which chapter this is discussed. You will also benefit a lot by reading about hexagonal architecture (and I would search for that term in the orange book to find more info about your question).
There is actually one alternative that I can think of: if you're publishing events from your BC's you can create a workflow to translate the domain events to "public" events and then in the other BC listen for the public events that you need to and store the data that you need somewhere inside there. The difficulty of this ranges from very easy to quite problematic depending on your infrastructure. Be aware that it is not a very good idea to re-use your domain events for transmitting data to other BC's since this closely couples the two BC's.
I hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to elaborate if I did not understood the question well enough.

Is there a mismatch between Domain-Driven Design repositories and Spring Data ones?

DDD specifies repository per aggregate, but when embracing Spring Data JPA, we can leverage the benefits only when we declare interface per entity. How this impedance mismatch can be resolved?
I'm hoping to try out repository interfaces encapsulated within the aggregate repository, is that a OK solution or anything better available?
To given an example: Customer is the aggregate root and entities are like Demographics, Identification, AssetSummary etc. where each entity can benefit from having their own repository interfaces. What is the best way without violating DDD much?
…, but when embracing Spring Data JPA, we can leverage the benefits only when we declare interface per entity…
That's wrong and I would like to learn where you get this impression from (feel free to comment). Spring Data repositories are expecting the exactly same approach to your domain model design: you identify aggregates in your domain model and only create repository interfaces for exactly those.
I'd argue that all you need to do is applying the DDD concept to your domain model. Simply don't declare repository interfaces for entities that are not an aggregate root. In fact, if you declared those, you basically break the concept of an aggregate, as the actual root cannot control business constraints anymore as the other entities can be manipulated through the repository interface defined for them, i.e. without using the aggregate root.
Find an example of this applied correctly in this Spring Data example. In it, Order is an aggregate root, LineItem is just an ordinary entity. The same applies to Customer (root) and Address (ordinary entity). Repository interfaces only exist for the aggregate roots.
In fact, that particular relationship is the fundamental principle that makes modules like Spring Data REST working in the first place. It only exposes HTTP resources for aggregate roots, embeds ordinary entities within the representations created and creates links to other aggregates.

Foreign key between aggregate roots

I understand the concept of aggregate root and I know that one aggregate root must reference another by identity ( http://dddcommunity.org/wp-content/uploads/files/pdf_articles/Vernon_2011_2.pdf ) so what I don't get is how can I force Entity Framework to add a foreign key constraint between two aggregates?
Lets suppose I have a simplified domain:
public class AggregateOne{
public Guid AggregateOneID{ get; private set;}
public Guid AggregateTwoFK{get; private set;}
/*Other Properties and methods*/
public class AggregateTwo{
public Guid AggregateTwoID{get; private set;}
/*Other Properties and methods*/
With this domain design, Entity Framework doesn't know that there is a relationship between AggregateOne and AggregateTwo and consequently there is no foreign key at the generated database.
In DDD, EF doesn't exist. Domain relationships are not the same as database relationships. Don't try to mix EF with domain modeling, they don't work together. So in a nutshell, what you have there is not DDD, just plain old relational db masquerading as DDD. EF would be used by the Repositories and would care about persisting one Aggregate Root (AR).
Two ARs can work together, however you need to model the process according to the domain. EF is there to act as a db for the app, it's concerned with persistence issues and shouldn't care about the Domain. Persistence is all about storage and not about reflecting domain relationships (the EF entity is not the domain entity although they can have the same name and can look similar. The important detail is that both belong to different layers and handle different issues). The Domain repositories care only to persist the AR in a way that can be easily restored when it will change. If more AR need to be persisted together, embrace eventual consistency and learn how to use a service bus and sagas. It will greatly simplify your life (consider it a kind of implementation for the unit of work pattern).
For querying, the most clean and elegant way is to generate/update a read model suitable for the querying use cases and this is usually done after a domain event tells the 'world' that something changed in the Domain.
Doing DDD right is not straightforward and it's very easy to fall into the trap, believing that you apply DDD when in fact you're just CRUD ing away, using DDD terminology. Also IMO CQRS is a must with DDD if you like an easy life.
Understand the domain without rushing it and being superficial, identify the bounded contexts, model the domain concepts and their use cases (very important!!!), define repository interfaces as you need them, and implement the repositories only when there's nothing else left to do (the real repos, in the mean time you can use fake ones like in memory repos - they're very fast to implement and your app being decoupled means it shouldn't care about how persistence is implemented, right?). I know it sounds weird, but this how you know you have a maintainable DDD app.
The point of implementing the repositories last is to really decouple the app from the persistence details and also to have defined the expectations(repository methods) the app has from persistence. Once defined, you can write tests :D then implement the repositories. The bonus is that you get to focus only on repo implementation is isolation and when the all tests pass, you know everything works as it should.
Why should you have two complete different objects? Why not only expose your entities as domain objects through a domain interface?
In this case there's no issue with having your entities also act as domain objects with their implementation details neatly hidden behind the interface.
Another point a neat way to represent aggregate roots with EF is to make sure the foreign key column also makes up the primary key of the dependant entity. In your case that would mean AggregateOneId and AggregateTwoFk together would form the composite primary key of AggregateOne. This will ensure that EF doesn't need a repository for removing instances off AggregateOne as long as it's removed from AggregateTwo's collection it will be properly marked for deletion from the databases (if you don't have key like this you need to remove it from AggregateOne set because EF would throw an exception not understanding the intent of the developer that AggregateOne should be deleted.

New entity ID in domain event

I'm building an application with a domain model using CQRS and domain events concepts (but no event sourcing, just plain old SQL). There was no problem with events of SomethingChanged kind. Then I got stuck in implementing SomethingCreated events.
When I create some entity which is mapped to a table with identity primary key then I don't know the Id until the entity is persisted. Entity is persistence ignorant so when publishing an event from inside the entity, Id is just not known - it's magically set after calling context.SaveChanges() only. So how/where/when can I put the Id in the event data?
I was thinking of:
Including the reference to the entity in the event. That would work inside the domain but not necesarily in a distributed environment with multiple autonomous system communicating by events/messages.
Overriding SaveChanges() to somehow update events enqueued for publishing. But events are meant to be immutable, so this seems very dirty.
Getting rid of identity fields and using GUIDs generated in the entity constructor. This might be the easiest but could hit performance and make other things harder, like debugging or querying (where id = 'B85E62C3-DC56-40C0-852A-49F759AC68FB', no MIN, MAX etc.). That's what I see in many sample applications.
Hybrid approach - leave alone the identity and use it mainly for foreign keys and faster joins but use GUID as the unique identifier by which i pull the entities from the repository in the application.
Personally I like GUIDs for unique identifiers, especially in multi-user, distributed environments where numeric ids cause problems. As such, I never use database generated identity columns/properties and this problem goes away.
Short of that, since you are following CQRS, you undoubtedly have a CreateSomethingCommand and corresponding CreateSomethingCommandHandler that actually carries out the steps required to create the new instance and persist the new object using the repository (via context.SaveChanges). I will raise the SomethingCreated event here rather than in the domain object itself.
For one, this solves your problem because the command handler can wait for the database operation to complete, pull out the identity value, update the object then pass the identity in the event. But, more importantly, it also addresses the tricky question of exactly when is the object 'created'?
Raising a domain event in the constructor is bad practice as constructors should be lean and simply perform initialization. Plus, in your model, the object isn't really created until it has an ID assigned. This means there are additional initialization steps required after the constructor has executed. If you have more than one step, do you enforce the order of execution (another anti-pattern) or put a check in each to recognize when they are all done (ooh, smelly)? Hopefully you can see how this can quickly spiral out of hand.
So, my recommendation is to raise the event from the command handler. (NOTE: Even if you switch to GUID identifiers, I'd follow this approach because you should never raise events from constructors.)