Safely chaining implicit conversions - scala

You can do this to get implicit conversions to chain:
package language
object chainedImplicits {
implicit def chainImplicits[A, B, C](a: A)(implicit conv1: A => B, conv2: B => C): C = conv2(conv1(a))
but this is obviously not safe.
I can't see anything wrong with this version, though:
package language
package chainedImplicits {
final class Chained[A, B] private[chainedImplicits] (val f: A => B)
trait Low { this: `package`.type =>
implicit def startChaining(implicit conv: A => B): Chained[A, B] = new Chained[A, B](conv)
implicit def chainImplicits[A, B, C](implicit conv1: Chained[A, B], conv2: B => C): Chained[B, C] = new Chained(conv1.f andThen conv2)
package object chainedImplicits extends Low {
implicit def endChain[A, B](a: A)(implicit conv: Chained[A, B]): B = conv.f(a)
Is there a catch here?

First, I can't get your first "obviously not safe" example to do anything:
import language.implicitConversions
object Test {
implicit def chain[A, B, C](a: A)(implicit ab: A => B, bc: B => C): C = bc(ab(a))
case class X()
case class Y()
case class Z()
implicit def xy(x: X) = Y()
implicit def yz(y: Y) = Z()
val z: Z = X()
type mismatch;
found : Test.X
required: Test.Z
val z: Z = X()
Next, the obvious "catch" in your second example is that it doesn't compile. Did you actually try it? Regardless, after "fixing" it, it still doesn't do what you want:
import language.implicitConversions
class Convert[A, B](val convert: A => B) extends AnyVal
trait Convert0 {
implicit def convert[A, B](implicit ab: A => B): Convert[A, B] = new Convert(ab)
implicit def convert[A, B, C](implicit ab: Convert[A, B], bc: B => C): Convert[A, C] = new Convert(ab.convert andThen bc)
object Convert extends Convert0 {
implicit def convert[A, B](a: A)(implicit convert: Convert[A, B]): B = convert.convert(a)
object Test {
case class X()
case class Y()
case class Z()
implicit def xy(x: X) = Y()
implicit def yz(y: Y) = Z()
val z: Z = X()
This gives the same type mismatch error. To my knowledge, if you want implicit conversions to chain, you have to be explicit about it:
import language.implicitConversions
object test {
case class X()
case class Y()
case class Z()
// anything convertible to X is convertible to Y
implicit def xy[A <% X](x: A) = Y()
// anything convertible to Y is convertible to Z
implicit def yz[B <% Y](y: B) = Z()
val z: Z = X()


Dealing with implicit typeclass conflict

I'm trying to deal with an ambiguous implicits problem, and (relatedly) figure out what best practise should be for parameterizing typeclasses. I have a situation where I am using a typeclass to implement a polymorphic method. I initially tried the approach below:
abstract class IsValidTypeForContainer[A]
object IsValidTypeForContainer {
implicit val IntIsValid = new IsValidTypeForContainer[Int] {}
implicit val DoubleIsValid = new IsValidTypeForContainer[Double] {}
abstract class IsContainer[A, B: IsValidTypeForContainer] {
def getElement(self: A, i: Int): B
def get[R](self: A, ref: R)(implicit gets: GetsFromContainerMax[A, R, B]): gets.Out = gets.get(self, ref)
def fromList(self: A, other: List[B]): A = ???
implicit class IsContainerOps[A, B: IsValidTypeForContainer](self: A)(implicit
isCont: IsContainer[A, B],
) {
def getElement(i: Int) = isCont.getElement(self, i)
def get[R](ref: R)(implicit gets: GetsFromContainerMax[A, R, B]): gets.Out = isCont.get(self, ref)
def fromList(other: List[B]): A = isCont.fromList(self, other)
abstract class GetsFromContainerMax[A, R, B: IsValidTypeForContainer] {
type Out
def get(self: A, ref: R): Out
object GetsFromContainerMax {
type Aux[A, R, B, O] = GetsFromContainerMax[A, R, B] { type Out = O }
def instance[A, R, B: IsValidTypeForContainer, O](func: (A, R) => O): Aux[A, R, B, O] = new GetsFromContainerMax[A, R, B] {
type Out = O
def get(self: A, ref: R): Out = func(self, ref)
implicit def getsForListInt[A, B: IsValidTypeForContainer](implicit
isCons: IsContainer[A, B],
): Aux[A, List[Int], B, A] = instance(
(self: A, ref: List[Int]) => {
val lst =, _)).toList
isCons.fromList(self, lst)
Where I have given the GetsContainerMax typeclass three parameters - one for the IsContainer object, one for the reference and one for the data type of the IsContainer object.
When I then try to use this, I get a compile error:
case class List1[B: IsValidTypeForContainer] (
data: List[B]
implicit def list1IsContainer[B: IsValidTypeForContainer] = new IsContainer[List1[B], B] {
def getElement(self: List1[B], i: Int): B =
def fromList(self: List1[B], other: List[B]): List1[B] = ???
val l1 = List1[Int](List(1,2,3))
implicitly[IsContainer[List1[Int], Int]].get(l1, List(1,2)) // Works
implicitly[List1[Int] => IsContainerOps[List1[Int], Int]] // Works
l1.get(List(1,2)) // Does not work
If I use the -Xlog-implicits build parameter, it tells me that
ambiguous implicit values: both value IntIsValid in object IsValidTypeForContainer of type example.Test.IsValidTypeForContainer[Int] and value DoubleIsValid in object IsValidTypeForContainer of type example.Test.IsValidTypeForContainer[Double] match expected type example.Test.IsValidTypeForContainer[B]
Which seems to make sense; presumably I am bringing both of these implicits into scope by parameterizing the typeclass with the generic B.
My next thought was therefore to try to reduce the number of generic parameters for IsValidTypeForContainer to the minimum, in order to have only one typeclass in scope per type of R, likeso:
abstract class GetsFromContainerMin[R] {
type Out
def get[A](self: A, ref: R)(implicit isCont: IsContainer[A, _]): Out
object GetsFromContainerMin {
type Aux[R, O] = GetsFromContainerMin[R] { type Out = O }
def instance[A, R, O](func: (A, R) => O): Aux[R, O] = new GetsFromContainerMin[R] {
type Out = O
def get(self: A, ref: R)(implicit isCont: IsContainer[A, _]): Out = func(self, ref)
implicit def getsForListInt[A](implicit isCons: IsContainer[A, _]): Aux[List[Int], A] = instance(
(self: A, ref: List[Int]) => {
val lst =, _)).toList
isCons.fromList(self, lst) // type mismatch - found: List[Any], required: List[_$3]
But this seems to not only not solve the problem, but to generate an additional error in that the compiler can no longer type-check that type B implements IsValidTypeForContainer.
Any help gratefully received.
So I've messed around with this a bit and seem to have found the solution. The typeclass-with-three-parameters approach works, if I use
implicit class IsContainerOps[A, B](self: A)(implicit
isCont: IsContainer[A, B],
instead of
implicit class IsContainerOps[A, B: IsValidTypeForContainer](self: A)(implicit
isCont: IsContainer[A, B],
I am not exactly sure why this is and if anyone would care to respond I'd be interested to know. Are multiple typeclasses created if you use a context bound like in the original example, one for each implementation of IsValidTypeForContainer?
Regarding GetsFromContainerMin, only type classes without polymorphic methods can have constructor method instance (in companion object) because of the lack of polymorphic functions in Scala 2. In Scala 3 you'll be able to write
def instance[R, O](func: [A] => (A, R) => O): Aux[R, O] = ...
So far you have to write
object GetsFromContainerMin {
type Aux[R, O] = GetsFromContainerMin[R] { type Out = O }
implicit def getsForListInt[A](implicit isCons: IsContainer[A, _]): Aux[List[Int], A] = new GetsFromContainerMin[List[Int]] {
override type Out = A
override def get[A1](self: A1, ref: List[Int])(implicit isCont: IsContainer[A1, _]): Out = {
val lst =, _)).toList
// ^^^^
isCons.fromList(self, lst)
// ^^^^
I guess compile errors are pretty clear
type mismatch;
found : self.type (with underlying type A1)
required: A
Regarding your first question,
implicit class IsContainerOps[A, B: IsValidTypeForContainer](self: A)(implicit
isCont: IsContainer[A, B]
is desugared to
implicit class IsContainerOps[A, B](self: A)(implicit
ev: IsValidTypeForContainer[B],
isCont: IsContainer[A, B]
but order of implicits is significant. If you modify IsContainerOps to
implicit class IsContainerOps[A, B](self: A)(implicit
isCont: IsContainer[A, B],
ev: IsValidTypeForContainer[B],
then l1.get(List(1,2)) will compile.
Implicits are resolved from left to right. You want firstly A to be inferred (from self), then IsContainer[A, B] to be resolved, so B to be inferred and IsValidTypeForContainer[B] to be resolved and not vice versa firstly A to be inferred, then IsValidTypeForContainer[B] to be resolved, and at this step B is not restricted, there is no connection between A and B, so possibly B can be not inferred or inferred to be Nothing, so IsContainer[A, B] is not resolved. I'm a little simplifying (not every time when you swap implicits you break resolution) but general strategy of implicit resolution and type inference is as I described.

How can I tell if a class is subclass of another in Scala?

trait Body
case class FancyBody(message: String) extends Body
case class DefaultBody(message: String = "Unknown body") extends Body
// TypeTags not used, but there if useful/needed
def isaB[A, B <: A](x: A)(implicit ttA: TypeTag[A], ttB: TypeTag[B]): Boolean = {
println( isaB[Body, DefaultBody](DefaultBody()) ) // true--as expected
println( isaB[Body, DefaultBody](FancyBody("Foo")) ) // also true --not expected
I'm not sure why passing FancyBody to isaB returned true--it's not a DefaultBody. How can I differentiate these? A value of type B will always be an A, but an A may or may not be a B.
NOTE: I won't have specific knowledge about A or B except this relationship.
I think it goes more like:
scala> def f[A, B <: A, C <: A](c: C)(implicit tB: TypeTag[B], tC: TypeTag[C]) = tC.tpe <:< tB.tpe
f: [A, B <: A, C <: A](c: C)(implicit tB: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[B], implicit tC: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[C])Boolean
scala> f[Body, DefaultBody, FancyBody](FancyBody("Foo"))
res0: Boolean = false
scala> def isaB[A, B <: A](x: A)(implicit ttA: TypeTag[A], ttB: TypeTag[B]): Boolean = x.isInstanceOf[B]
warning: abstract type B is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
isaB: [A, B <: A](x: A)(implicit ttA: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[A], implicit ttB: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[B])Boolean
For normal runtime check, pattern match will use a ClassTag:
scala> def f[A: reflect.ClassTag](x: Any) = x match { case _: A => }
f: [A](x: Any)(implicit evidence$1: scala.reflect.ClassTag[A])Unit
scala> f[String]("")
scala> f[String](new Object)
scala.MatchError: java.lang.Object#2895e02b (of class java.lang.Object)
at .f(<console>:1)
... 28 elided

Writing a single implicit class for both a value and a functor of that value

I often find myself having to perform what is pretty much the same operation on both a value and also a functor of that value. I usually achieve this with two implicit classes, like this:
implicit class Apimped(a: A) {
def doSomething: B = ???
implicit class FApimped[F[_]: Functor](fa: F[A]) {
def doSomething: F[B] = Functor[F].map(fa)(a => a.doSomething)
So then I can do this, for example:
a.doSomething //B
Option(a).doSomething //Option[B]
However, it seems a bit unwieldy having to write two implicit classes (often for each value type) to do this. My question is, is there anyway to achieve the above with only a single implicit class? That is, the map operation would be implicit in cases when you call doSomething on a functor of the value. Thanks.
I don't know whether it's in Scalaz/Cats (maybe, cannot guarantee that it's not there), but in principle, it does work. Here is a little demo without any dependencies that demonstrates the principle.
Assume you have these typeclasses from either Scalaz or Cats:
import scala.language.higherKinds
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A, B](a: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
type Id[X] = X
implicit object IdFunctor extends Functor[Id] {
def map[A, B](a: A)(f: A => B): B = f(a)
implicit object OptionFunctor extends Functor[Option] {
def map[A, B](a: Option[A])(f: A => B) = a map f
you can then either write or find in the library a typeclass that works like the following contraption:
trait EverythingIsAlwaysAFunctor[A, B, F[_]] {
def apply(a: A): F[B]
def functor: Functor[F]
object EverythingIsAlwaysAFunctor {
implicit def functorIsFunctor[A, F[_]](implicit f: Functor[F])
: EverythingIsAlwaysAFunctor[F[A], A, F] = {
new EverythingIsAlwaysAFunctor[F[A], A, F] {
def apply(fa: F[A]): F[A] = fa
def functor: Functor[F] = f
implicit def idIsAlsoAFunctor[A]
: EverythingIsAlwaysAFunctor[A, A, Id] = {
new EverythingIsAlwaysAFunctor[A, A, Id] {
def apply(a: A): Id[A] = a
def functor: Functor[Id] = implicitly[Functor[Id]]
This thing does the following:
If the value A is already of shape F[B] for some functor F, then uses this functor
In all other cases, it pretends that A is actually Id[A]
Now you can write your DoSomething-pimp-my-library-syntax thing with a single doSomething method:
implicit class DoSomething[A, F[_]](a: A)(
implicit eiaaf: EverythingIsAlwaysAFunctor[A, Int, F]
) {
def doSomething: F[String] ="*" * _)
and then it just works in all cases:
val x = Option(42).doSomething
val y = 42.doSomething

Type class and dependent types

First off, I don't know how to properly label my problem. This might also be the reason why I didn't find helpful resources. Any hints are highly appreciated.
trait Context[T]
self =>
trait Rule
def apply( value: T ): Boolean
implicit class RichRule[A <: Rule]( a: A )
def and[B <: Rule]( b: B ): and[A, B] = self.and( a, b )
def or[B <: Rule]( b: B ): or[A, B] = self.or( a, b )
sealed trait Group[A <: Rule, B <: Rule] extends Rule
def a: A
def b: B
override def apply( value: T ) = ???
case class and[A <: Rule, B <: Rule]( a: A, b: B ) extends Group[A, B]
case class or[A <: Rule, B <: Rule]( a: A, b: B ) extends Group[A, B]
Given the above code, I can now define and chain Ruless in this fashion:
new Context[String]
class MyRule extends Rule
override def apply( value: String ) = true
case class A() extends MyRule
case class B() extends MyRule
val x1: A and B or A = A() and B() or A()
This works as I intended but now comes the tricky part. I want to introduce a Type Class Combination that explains how to join two rules.
trait Combination[-A <: Rule, -B <: Rule]
type Result <: Rule
def combine( a: A, b: B ): Result
trait AndCombination[-A <: Rule, -B <: Rule] extends Combination[A, B]
trait OrCombination[-A <: Rule, -B <: Rule] extends Combination[A, B]
This Type Class should now be passed with the operators.
implicit class RichRule[A <: Rule]( a: A )
def and[B <: Rule]( b: B )( implicit c: AndCombination[A, B] ): and[A, B] = ???
def or[B <: Rule]( b: B )( implicit c: OrCombination[A, B] ): or[A, B] = self.or( a, b )
Which is still working after some tweaks.
implicit val c1 = new Combination[MyRule, MyRule]
type Result = MyRule
def combine( a: A, b: B ): MyRule = a
val x: A and B = A() and B()
But if it gets more complicated, things are falling apart.
A() and B() and A()
Will raise an implicit missing error: Combination[and[A, B], A] is missing. But I want it to use the result of the implicit combination of and[A, B] (type Result = MyRule) which it already knows how to handle (Combination[and[A, B]#Result, A]).
It is important for me to keep the type information of combined rules val x: A and B or A, folding them together to a final result type is easy, but not what I want.
This is as close as I could get, it fails compilation, though.
trait Context[T]
self =>
trait Rule
trait Value extends Rule
trait Group[A <: Rule, B <: Rule] extends Rule
def a: A
def b: B
implicit val resolver: Resolver[_ <: Group[A, B]]
case class and[A <: Rule, B <: Rule]( a: A, b: B )( implicit val resolver: Resolver[and[A, B]] ) extends Group[A, B]
implicit class RichRule[A <: Rule]( a: A )
def and[B <: Rule]( b: B )( implicit resolver: Resolver[and[A, B]] ) = self.and[A, B]( a, b )
trait Resolver[-A <: Rule]
type R <: Value
def resolve( a: A ): R
object O extends Context[String]
implicit val c1 = new Resolver[A and A]
override type R = A
override def resolve( a: O.and[A, A] ) = ???
implicit def c2[A <: Value, B <: Value, C <: Value]( implicit r1: Resolver[A and B] ) = new Resolver[A and B and C]
override type R = C
override def resolve( a: A and B and C ): C =
val x: r1.R = r1.resolve( a.a )
new c2( x )
class c2[A <: Value, B <: Value]( val a: A )( implicit r2: Resolver[A and B] ) extends Resolver[A and B]
override type R = B
override def resolve( a: O.and[A, B] ) = a.b
case class A() extends Value
val x: A and A and A = A() and A() and A()
The reason while your code can't compile is that at the instruction
new c2( x )
The compiler need to resolve a implicit r2: Resolver[A and B] from x and the only type information available is the type of x, which is r1.R.
This sort of problems requires making more type information available to the compiler and adding some implicit parameter. When you require a Resolver[A and B], you can't use its R type to resolve another Resolver[r1.R and C].
type ResolverAux[-A<:Rule,B] = Resolver[A] { type R = B }
With this available, you can rewrite the signature of your c2
implicit def c2[A <: Value, B <: Value, C <: Value,D<:Value]( implicit r1: ResolverAux[A and B,D], r2:Resolver[D and C] ):Resolver[A and B and C] = new Resolver[A and B and C]
override type R = C
override def resolve( a: A and B and C ): C =
val x: r1.R = r1.resolve( a.a )
new c2[r1.R,C]( x )
Notice that by using the type alias and introducing an additional generic parameter, I can express the relation r1.R1 = D which is then used to resolve the second implicit r2

use implicit to find "One" element of HList typeclass to inject

Here is the code:
trait Service[T<: HList] {
def doStuff(): Unit
class A
class B
class C
class ServiceAB extends Service[A :: B :: HNil] {
override def doStuff(): Unit = println("handling a b")
class ServiceC extends Service[C :: HNil] {
override def doStuff(): Unit = println("handling c")
implicit val serviceAB = new ServiceAB
implicit val serviceC = new ServiceC
def operate[T, W <: HList](x: T)(implicit service: Service[W]) = {
operate(new C)
I just wonder is it possible or what should I code in the type level to inject implicit serviceC when operate(new C) is executed, since class C is the element of HList of type class of ServiceC ?
Many thanks in advance
I realy don't know why you need this :)
So your code works, but if you pass type parameter explicitly:
operate[C, C :: HNil](new C)
If you want same, but implicitly, you can define your class type:
trait Service[L <: HList, U] { def doStuff(): Unit }
trait lowPriority {
implicit def otherwise[L <: HList, U] =
new Service[L, U] {
def doStuff(): Unit = println("handling otherwise")
object Service extends lowPriority {
implicit def ab[L <: HList, U]
(implicit e: L =:= (A :: B :: HNil),
s: Selector[L, U]) =
new Service[L, U] {
def doStuff(): Unit = println("handling a b")
implicit def c[L <: HList, U]
(implicit e: L =:= (C :: HNil),
s: Selector[L, U]) =
new Service[L, U] {
def doStuff(): Unit = println("handling c")
def operate[T, W <: HList](x: T)(implicit service: Service[W, T]) = {
So this works as expected:
operate(new C) //> handling c
operate(new A) //> handling a b
operate(new B) //> handling a b
It is possible to make it more general (so it will check is type you need is in a HList, ohterwise if it doesn't) (using Curry-Howard isomorphism, great article with explanations by Miles Sabin:
import reflect.runtime.universe._
type ¬[A] = A => Nothing
type ∨[T, U] = ¬[¬[T] with ¬[U]]
type ¬¬[A] = ¬[¬[A]]
class A
class B
class C
class D //> additional class for example
trait Service[L <: HList, U] { def doStuff(): Unit }
trait lowPriority {
implicit def otherwise[L <: HList, U] =
new Service[L, U] {
def doStuff(): Unit = println("handling otherwise")
object Service extends lowPriority {
implicit def ab[L <: HList, U]
(implicit e: (¬¬[U] <:< (A ∨ B)),
s: Selector[L, TypeTag[U]]) =
new Service[L, U] {
def doStuff(): Unit = println("handling a b")
implicit def c[L <: HList, U](implicit e: U =:= C, s: Selector[L, TypeTag[U]]) =
new Service[L, U] {
def doStuff(): Unit = println("handling c")
def operateBi[T, W <: HList](x: T, w: W)(implicit service: Service[W, T]) = {
Defining HLists of types:
val hl1 = implicitly[TypeTag[A]] :: implicitly[TypeTag[B]] :: HNil
val hl2 = implicitly[TypeTag[C]] :: HNil
operateBi(new C, hl1)
operateBi(new A, hl2)
operateBi(new B, hl1)
operateBi(new D, hl1)
Works as expected.