Not able to see content in content finder in CQ5 - aem

I have imported images and videos inside CQ5 repository. I am able to see all of them inside DAM(digital asset management) but when i am creating a page using already defined templates and components , I am not able to see them(images and videos) in the content finder menu.

Which version are you running? I've seen this issue with CQ5.4 with the MSM feature pack. A similar issue affects some browsers in CQ5.5 with update 1.
Otherwise, I'd check the error logs as mentioned in the comments. Look for DAM workflow failures or similar such errors.

When you open page with content finder see which call is loading images.
For example here in mentioned link assets are loaded from /content/dam/assets path.
How to get this url
Open page in chrome
Enable "Network" view
Click on refresh icon in content finder


How to change the default URL of thunderclient

Whenever we make a New Request, the default URL in the URL box is
How can we change this with our own URL?
If you want to have a base url. It's super easy in Thunder Client-vs-code.
Firstly, got to Collections
You should have Folder for your project API. And click on ... icon and got to Settings will move to Collection Settings
Secondly, Change the Base Url and save it.
You have done.
This feature is already requested in their Github issues but has still not been added yet.
So, the workaround I find is this:
Go to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\rangav.vscode-thunder-client-1.18.7\dist for Windows.
Or go to $HOME/.vscode/extensions/rangav.vscode-thunder-client-1.18.7/dist for Mac or Linux.
Open extension.js file with Notepad or any text editor.
Find and replace this with your desired URL.
Save the file and restart VS Code.

TinyMCE 5 - Is there a way to accept only uploaded Image, using the "image" plugin?

I want to allow uploaded images only, not images linked from external websites. Is there a way to only display the "Upload" section of the "image" plugin/dialog?
The image plugin does not have a built in configuration option to do what you want. As TinyMCE is released under an open source license you could certainly modify the code of that plugin to get your desired outcome.

Disable/Deactivate file preview on shared/published files in Alfresco

I want to fully disable the preview of any kind of file for shared/published files in Alfresco.
Alfresco Community v4.2.0
(r56674-b4848) schema 6033
Spring Surf and Spring WebScripts - v1.2.0
(Release 1331)
In Alfresco, you are able to share/publish any kind of file. By sharing/publishing the file, you will get a link to access this shared file. Other users like clients/customers for example are able to view the shared/published file and can download it via a link like this:
My problem is, that I hate this preview regarding some browser and preview display issues. Some kind of files like ZIP-files aren't able to be displayed in the preview and this causes an empty preview, which sometime causes an missing download button.
I also just don't want the preview. Well, how can I disable/deactivate the whole preview (only) for shared/published files, that the preview does not appear, if I visit the share-link?
Thanks in advance!
Override in web-extension alfresco/site-data/pages/quickshare.xml
And remove the sub-component with id web-preview
BTW: you know if you disable the preview users won't have any ability to download or view the file.

Unity web open custom html after build

I made a custom html file for my Unity web project. Though after building my project, it opens the default pre-made one. Is there a way to make Unity open my own html file instead of the default one?
You're looking for the Web Player Templates manual page.
In your Assets folder, create a folder named WebPlayerTemplates, and put your template in there. You'll need an HTML file. To help make this slightly easier, Unity will look in that HTML for certain tokens that it can replace with data from the project.
For example, one such tag is %UNITY_WEB_PATH%, which will be replaced with the path to your built project file.
Some tags include:
UNITY_WEB_NAME Name of the webplayer.
UNITY_WIDTH UNITY_HEIGHT Onscreen width and height of the player in
UNITY_WEB_PATH Local path to the webplayer file.
UNITY_UNITYOBJECT_URL In the usual case where the page will download
UnityObject2.js from the Unity’s website (ie, the Offline Deployment
option is disabled), this tag will provide the download URL.
UNITY_UNITYOBJECT_DEPENDENCIES The UnityObject2.js have dependencies
and this tag will be replaced with the needed dependencies for it to
work properly.
In every deployment I've seen, the WebPlayer plugin is is launched via JavaScript, by instantiating a UnityObject2 and calling its initPlugin method:
var u = new UnityObject2();
u.initPlugin(jQuery("#unityPlayer")[0], "Example.unity3d");
The above assumes that you have a div with id #unityPlayer, and that Example.unity3d is a valid path to your Unity build file.
In practice, though, I recommend working from Unity's generated HTML files; they include some failsafes for cases where the WebPlayer plugin isn't installed or fails to load. The manual page linked above also has HTML source examples which include some of those special tags.
UnityObject2 does have some advanced features, which are also documented in the manual. If your game needs to communicate with the outer web page, that is also possible.

How to provide one-touch access to a PDF file in the cloud with rich features like annotation?

I need to be able to download a PDF file from a location on the Internet and then open it (just the file, not to a specific page) in an app like Goodreader or even iBooks.
What I originally thought was that I would put an icon on my users' home page that launches a PDF file in an app, similar to how in Safari you can "Add To Home Page" and add a link onto the Home Page. The idea would be to have that functionality but with an, e.g., ibooks:// link rather than an http:// and it would open the pdf being linked to there within iBooks.
I am able to launch Safari to view a PDF using the Add To Home Page function to put an icon on the Home Page pointing to a PDF at a certain URL, so I am wondering if using, e.g. a Scheme definition I can pull it off.
So my solutions so for are:
1) Create a link to the PDF to open in Safari using "Add To Home Page" (offers zero functionality, including the hard requirement of being able to annotate the PDF)
2) Employ a specific App's Custom URL Scheme Definiton with the iPhone Configuration Utility's "Web Clips" create something to the effect of ibooks:// (i dont think this works)
3) Write a custom app and figure out how to do the annotating part myself (Did this using FastPDFKit but it does not include anything for annotating which is really key)
I believe if you put a g infront of the URL when adding to home screen, it will open with GoodReader when launched.