string comparison in selenium ide? - selenium-ide

<td>inline-block </td>
<td>none </td>
I want to compare strings variables, i tried both the scenarios i mentioned above. This both scenarios are not working for string comparison

Selenium.prototype.doVerifyStringsEquals = function(elementOne, elementTwo)
var arrayelements = elementOne.split(',');
var one = arrayelements[0];
var two = arrayelements[1];
if(one == two)
storedVars[ elementTwo ] = 1;
storedVars[ elementTwo ] = 0;

Place the following code into your javascript file
Selenium.prototype.assertEquals = function(elementOne, elementTwo)
if(elementOne != elementTwo)
{"" + elementOne + " is not equal to " + elementTwo);
|assertEquals | 10 | 10 |
This hope will help compare the two strings.


Substring in react

I have a table like this
<table className="table terms-table">
<th scope="col" > start Date</th>
<th scope="col" > end Date </th>
{ =>
<tr key={term._id}>
and the date be like 1400-07-07T00:00:00.000Z
i just want 1400-07-07
how should i do this ?
The simplest way to do this (assuming date is a String) is to use the String's substring function.
let date = "1400-07-07T00:00:00.000Z";
let newDate = date.substring(0, 10);
console.log('date is', date);
console.log('new date is', newDate);
If your date is already a javascript Date object, you can use the appropriate getters to get the data you want.
let date = new Date();
let dateString = `${date.getFullYear()}-${date.getMonth()}-${date.getDate()}`;

Populating table with apache wicket

I need to dynamically poplulate a table like this. The problem is, it is not a simple table. It has the "rowspan" characteristics.
For a single entry there are multiple fields entries which are being stored in separate rows.
This is a little tricky to populate with Wicket. Any help , advises, suggestions would be great.
This is what the table looks like on the HTML page:
<td rowspan=2>ABC</td>
<td rowspan=2>User</td>
<td rowspan=3>XYZ </td>
<td rowspan=3>User</td>
<td>O </td>
You can try following approach:
<tbody wicket:id="userList">
<tr wicket:id="providerList">
<td wicket:id="userName"></td>
<td wicket:id="roleName"></td>
<td wicket:id="provider"></td>
<td wicket:id="request"></td>
<td wicket:id="change"></td>
add(new ListView<User>("userList", new PropertyModel<>(this, "users")) {
protected void populateItem(ListItem<User> listItem) {
final User user = listItem.getModelObject();
listItem.add(new ListView<Provider>("providerList", user.getProviders()) {
protected void populateItem(ListItem<Provider> listItem) {
final Provider provider = listItem.getModelObject();
Label nameLabel = new Label("userName", user.getName());
Label roleNameLabel = new Label("roleName", user.getRoleName());
if (user.getProviders().indexOf(provider) == 0) {
AttributeAppender attributeAppender =
AttributeAppender.append("rowspan", user.getProviders().size());
} else {
listItem.add(new Label("provider", provider.getName()));
listItem.add(new Label("request", provider.isRequest()));
listItem.add(new Label("change", provider.isChange()));
Be advised that this way user without any providers wont show up on the list at all.
wicket:container solves this problem.
Your html file would look like this:
<wicket:container wicket:id="doubleRow">
First Row components
Second Row components
Assuming you are using a DataTable with Columns:
In the cell that spans several rows you set the rowspan Attribute with a Model. The value in that model will be increased as long as the value of that cell is not changing.
Once you detect a change in the content, you create a new Model with a rowspan value of 1 and assign that again to the current cell.
Something like this might do it, but I cannot test it at the moment:
private IModel<Integer> currentRowSpanModel = new Model<>(0);
new AbstractColumn<Object, String>(new Model<>("ColumnWithRowSpan")) {
public void populateItem(Item<ICellPopulator<Object>> cellItem, String componentId, IModel<Object> rowModel) {
if (/*Content of cell has changed compared to last row*/) {
// write the content to the cell and add the rowspan Attribute
cellItem.add(new Label(componentId, "Content"));
currentRowSpanModel = new Model<>(1);
cellItem.add(AttributeModifier.replace("rowspan", currentRowSpanModel));
} else {
// Hide cell with same content and instead increase rowspan
cellItem.add(new WebMarkupContainer(componentId));

how to save value on table grails?

my image..
this is my coding in controller
def simpan(){
def banklimit = new BankLimit()
for(int i = 0; i<params.limitPerDay.size();i++) {
def baaa = CurrencyList.list(params)
banklimit.dayLimit = params.limitPerDay[i].toBigDecimal()
banklimit.alertLimit = (banklimit.dayLimit*0.8)
banklimit.currency = CurrencyList.findBySym(baaa.sym[i])
return banklimit
<g:sortableColumn property="sym" title="${message(code: 'banklimit.currency.sym.label', default: 'Simbol')}" />
<g:sortableColumn property="limitday" title="${message(code: 'banklimit.dayLimit.label', default: 'Limit/Day')}" />
<g:each in="${aaa}" status="i" var="bbb">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">
<td id="${}"> ${fieldValue(bean: bbb, field: "sym")}</td>
<td id="${}" colspan="2"> <g:textField name="limitPerDay" value="${value}" /></td>
<td><g:submitButton name="save" value="SAVE" /> <g:actionSubmit action="back" value="BACK" /></td>
i want to save the field on coloum limit /day if i click "SAVE" buttons.
based my coding, when i click save, only the last row was save in database...
example : theres 4 row..
row 1,2,3,4 filled, then i click save..why only 4th rows save in database? row 1 ,2,3 arenot saving?
You have just one banklimit = new BankLimit() but saving it 4 times. it's one object saved 4 times with different values in loop.
You need:
for(int i = 0; i<params.limitPerDay.size();i++) {
def banklimit = new BankLimit()
//.... fill with values
For client side it's better to make:
<g:each in="${aaa}" status="i" var="bbb">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">
<td>${fieldValue(bean: bbb, field: "sym")}</td>
<td colspan="2"><g:textField name="limitPerDay[${i}]" value="${value}" /></td>

Add two lines every four lines between patterns - SED

I'm needing some help with Sed. I'm using it on Windows and Mac OSX. I need to Sed to add a
every 4 lines, after the first <tr> found, and stop doing it on </tr>
i Just can't find a way to doing this.
Every file will have up to 20 tables, so i need to do it automatically...
changing from this
<div class="titulo"> TERMINAL CAPAO DA IMBUIA</div>
<div class="dataedia">
Válido a partir de: 30/07/2012 -
DIA ÚTIL</div>
to this
<div class="titulo"> TERMINAL CAPAO DA IMBUIA</div>
<div class="dataedia">
Válido a partir de: 30/07/2012 -
DIA ÚTIL</div>
Is it possible with sed? If not, what tool should i use?
I don't like the idea of using sed to handle HTML code. Said that, try with this:
Content of script.sed:
## For every line between '<tr>' and '</tr>' do ...
/<tr>/,/<\/tr>/ {
## Omit range edges.
/<\/\?tr>/ b;
## Append '<td>...</td>' to Hold Space (HS).
## Get HS to Pattern Space (PS) to work with it.
## If there are at least four newline characters means that exists four
## '<td>' tags too, so add a '<tr>' before them and a '</tr>' after them,
## print, and delete them (already processed).
/\(\n[^\n]*\)\{4\}/ {
## Save the '<td>'s to HS again and read next line.
## Print all lines out of the range.
Assuming infile with the data posted in the question, run the script like:
sed -nf script.sed infile
That yields:
<div class="titulo"> TERMINAL CAPAO DA IMBUIA</div>
<div class="dataedia">
Válido a partir de: 30/07/2012 -
DIA ÚTIL</div>
try awk
awk '{print}; /<td>/ && ++i==4 {print "</tr>\n<tr>"; i=0}' file
print the line
if it's a <td> then increase i
if i is 4 print </tr><tr> and reset i
Testing with given input the desired output is returned,
with the only "problem" that an extra <tr></tr> appears at the end of the list.
This is fixable but I'm running out of time here.
When I get back I can look into it if you think it is needed.
... part of the end of the result file
<tr> <-- extra <tr></tr> here
you can try with regular expressions. You can test following expression on:
Catch expression:
Replace expression:
Flags checked:
global, ignorecase, dotall
You can use editor like Notepad++ for batch replace on many files at once (syntax will be little different).
sed '\!<td>!,\!</table!{N;N;N;i\
}' input_file
Perl solution, still using regular expression instead of parsing HTML:
perl -pe '
undef $inside if m{</tr>};
if ($inside and ($. % 4) == $tr_line) {
print "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
$inside = 1 if defined $tr_line;
$tr_line = ($. + 1) % 4 if /<tr>/;
' file
Using xsh:
open :F html file ; # Open as html.
while //table/tr[count(td)>4] wrap :U position()=8 tr //table/tr/td ; # Wrap four td's into a tr.
xmove :r //table/tr/tr before .. ; # Unwrap the extra tr.
remove //table/tr[last()] ; # Remove the extra tr.

Scala Lift: how to get ajaxRadio parameters

I have ajaxRadio ineach row of a table.
when this Radio is selected, I want scala function to get two parameters:
1st one is the selected radio, 2nd one is the data key of the row.
my source is as follows:
val radioList = List("wideArea", "oldArea","newArea")
def liftForm(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
var areaList = =>{
<li id={values(1)} >
<tr class = "real">
<td class="listImage">
<img class="areaImage" src={values(6)}/>
<td style="vertical-align:top;">
<tr><p class="areaName">{values(4)}</p></tr>
<tr><p class="areaComment">{values(5)}</p></tr>
<td class="listCheck" >
{ajaxButton(S.?("delete"), () => doDelete(values(1)), "class" -> "button delete")}
val it = ajaxRadio[String](radioList,Box.legacyNullTest(values(2)),doRadioChange _).toForm.grouped(4)
for(i <- it)yield(<tr>{i.flatMap(y => <td> {y} </td>)}</tr>)
bind("list",xhtml,"areaList" -> <ul>{areaList}</ul>)
By doRadioChange _, I can only get selected radio. How can I get the the 2nd parameter: data key of the row. ie values(1)?
Your functions can close over all of the local state at that point in the function. You should be able to replace doRadioChange _ with:
doRadioChange(_, values(1))
Assuming, of course, that doRadioChange accepts the proper parameters.