how to connect eclipse rcp application with mysql database - eclipse

I have created database and Application for my Eclipse RCP project.
now how to connect this project with MYSQL database.
if i am trying to connect it is giving error "class not found".

You can use a JPA provider with support for OSGi bundlers as
Create a plugin from JDBC driver (plugin from exists jar) and set it as dependent of your applicantion. With this you can to acess the driver class (check OSGi bundle dependency for more details)

The same question has been asked by a user :-
Follow the link
Connecting RCP to database
How to connect to Mysql through Eclipse RCP


How to Integrate Kie-workbench with springboot?

I am having Kie workbench and I am having seperate springboot application. Now i want to use certain rules created in that workbench from my local spring boot application....
What are the steps to be followed to interact with KIE Workbench and what are the configurations to be made on both sides(KIE WORKBENCH & Springboot application)
Do you have kie-server.war installed along with workbench?
If yes, then you can deploy your project into kie-server and use REST API or java client to fire rules from your application. Please refer documentation Kie-server installation to understand more about using kie-server to deploy projects and configurations.

Add Derby Nature in Eclipse

I have installed the new version of eclispe and derby. I have also the three directories (ui, core and plugin doc).
Still to get derby server started, I only mange to do it from outside eclipse. I cannot manage to start the server from within eclipse or add derby nature to a project.
Can anyone helpout?

NetBeans: create Entity from Database

I need to reverse engineer my database tables into Entity to run a Java EE project on JBoss AS 7. So I've added into the Services the JBoss application server and added as well as resources a MySQL datasource.
However, when I try to run the wizard Create Entity from Database I can see as only option the default ExampleDS Database. There is no other option to create a new DataSource or use the MySQL DataSource that I've installed on JBoss.
I wonder if it's a NetBeans bug, or I'm missing something. I'm using NetBeans 8.0.1 version.
I think it's an issue with the plugin that you are using for connecting to the application server. I remember I had this issue when I first tried to generate Entity classes from a Database using a Datasource on WildFly. Are you sure that the target application server is JBoss AS 7 and not WildFly ?
If so, try to connect the application to a JBoss AS 7 /EAP 6 instead and see if it works.
Hope it helps
Edit: I've included a JBoss NetBeans tutorial which shows the steps for reverse engineering database tables into Entity classes (and then JSF pages).

Database for Java Enterprise Edition

I'm starting to use Java EE developing on Eclipse IDE, using GlassFish and the default Java database. What I should do if I want to change the database to Oracle?
The application runs on Glassfish and Google App Engine. But is there a way from Eclipse to deploy it to my own server?
You should be able to deploy locally to Glassfish and Oracle using Eclipse. (It's easy to do with IntelliJ.)
All you have to do to use Oracle is add the JDBC driver JAR to the appropriate spot in your CLASSPATH, use the new driver .class, and change the connection URL.
The driver JAR should match your JDK (e.g., ojdbc6.jar) and database version. It should come with your database or you can download it here.
I don't know if the JAR should go in your WEB-INF/lib or a server /lib; consult your docs to be sure.
One more thing: it goes without saying that you'll have to set up Oracle (e.g., proper credentials), create the new schema, and add the tables and indexes before you run your Java app. I thought I'd spell it out to be safe.

How to deploy EJB on server?

I am learning EJB3 from last few days. I have many questions regarding EJB, application servers and deployment of EJB.
To start with, I have created one simple helloworld stateless session bean but I don't know how to deploy it on server. It has single bean class, bean interface and one servlet client. I have used eclipse to develop this project.
None of the books that I read gives step by step details about how to put EJB on server and how to access those beans.
I have JBoss 6 server and I also have Java EE budle downloaded from sun website. Does this Java EE bundle contains Glassfish server? or do I need to download it separately?
Can anyone please give me step by step details of how to put my bean and its client on server (JBoss or Java EE)?
And why do we need to include bean interface class in EJB client code? I mean either we need to keep client and bean in same package or if we keep them in seperate packages we need to import bean interfaces in client code. Am I right?
With Java EE 6, you can package your Servlet and your EJB in a WAR (either package your EJB in a JAR and put it in WEB-INF/lib or simply put all classes in WEB-INF/classes). And to deploy this WAR, copy it to:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/domains/<domain1>/autodeploy for GlassFish v3*
$JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy for JBoss 6
With Java EE 5, you'll have to package your code in a EAR.
And if you want to deploy your application from Eclipse (using the Eclipse WTP), you'll have to install the appropriate server adapter. For Eclipse Galileo and GlassFish (there is currently no adapter for JBoss 6 AFAIK), right-click the server view, select New > Server, click on Download additional server adapters and select the GlassFish adapter. Finish to define your new GlassFish v3 Java EE 6 server and deploy your application on it (right-click on your application then Run As > Run on Server). For Eclipse Helios and GlassFish, you can follow the link given by #VonC (manual install) or check this answer (install via the Update Site).
You need to add GlassFish to your Eclipse installation (see GlassFish plugin for Eclipse).
The full process is described here (with the latest Eclipse Helios 3.6M6)
You should export as EJB into your jboss<version>\server/default/deploy folder and then add the build path for it on the servlet's web project. You can "Run on Server" and choose an application server just like you would in any project, no need to export the WAR although if you do that, you're gonna have to re-export your WAR every time you modify your code
AFAIK there's no Eclipse plugin for JBoss 6 but Eclipse provides one for 5.1