Is there any way to change the xy positions in scatter graph in core plot - iphone

I am creating scatter graph, I need to change the x and y positions in scatter graph. Graph always starts with (0,0) positions but i need to show the starting points (7000, 800). Is there any way to change the x and y positions in scatter graph in core plot.
After showing the graph need to draw the line manually and get those values to search the properties.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

to set the point where the co-ordinates meet you have to set the orthogonal co-ordinate decimal
x.orthogonalCoordinateDecimal = CPTDecimalFromString(#"800");
y.orthogonalCoordinateDecimal = CPTDecimalFromString(#"740000");
and for setting the range of values to be plotted set the visibleRange for both the axes

These are features of the "plot space" in Core Plot. It defines the coordinate mapping between the plot area (basically the rectangle that contains all plot drawing) in data coordinates and the view in drawing coordinates. The xRange and yRange control the x and y range of the plot space, respectively.
The plot space converts coordinates in both directions—from data to view when drawing and from view to data when (for example) responding to touch events on a plot. See the plot space docs for a list of the available coordinate conversion methods.


How to place a geographical map underneath a surf plot in Matlab?

If there is an easier way to do this in general any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have imported a .nc file into Matlab and currently have a surface plot created from the interpolated matrix of data which corresponds to longitudes and latitudes. An alpha scale has been applied to add opacity and now I would like to place a map of said longs and lats beneath it so that it acts as an overlay.
here is the code used to plot where xq,yq is the mesh longitude and latitude grid and newMatrix is the interpolated version of the original matrix. Attached is the top view surf plot which I would like a map of long lat restricted x,y axis beneath (line style or topographic)
f = figure;
ax = axes('Parent',f);
h = surf(xq,yq,newMatrix,'Parent',ax);
set(h, 'edgecolor','none');
alpha color
alpha scaled
grid off
I'm aware of geomap but I'm not sure how it can be used in this way without causing the axis to misalign or just not be applied correctly. Before I was using a contour plot but found it easier to interpolate and plot with surf as per this post: Matlab how to make smooth contour plot?

plotting a text file with 4 columns in matlab

I want to plot a text file with 4 columns that first column in longitude,second in latitude, third is depth and forth is amount of displacement in each point.(it's related to a fualt)
-114.903874 41.207504 1.446784 2.323745
I want a plot to show the amount of displacement in each point (like images that we plot with imagesc),unfortunately "imagesc" command doesn't work for it.
how can I plot it?
Thanks for your attention
A simple way would be to use scatter3 and assign your displacements to be the colours. Note that you have to supply a size for this to work - I'm using [] (empty matrix) which will set it to default. If your four sets of values are four vectors of the same size, then it's just something like:
scatter3(lat,lon,depth,[],displacement, 'filled')
Values in displacement will be linearly mapped to the current colormap. 'filled' gives you filled markers rather than open ones (default marker is a circle but can be changed).
You can plot each point using plot3(longitude,latitude,depth). You can color each point according to the displacement in a for loop. The easiest way to do this is create a colormap, e.g. using jet and chosing the color according to the displacement.
hold on;
cmap = jet(256);
dispRange = [min(displacement),max(displacement)];
for k=1:size(longitude,2)
c = cmap(1+round(size(cmap,1)*(displacement(k)-dispRange(1))/dispRange(2)),:);
plot3(longitude(k),latitude(k),depth(k),'o', ...

Improve surface plot visualisation of scatter points

I want to visualize 4 vectors of scattered data with a surface plot. 3 vectors should be the coordinates. In addition the 4th vector should represent a surface color.
My first approach was to plot this data (xk,yk,zk,ck) using
scatHand = scatter3(xk,yk,zk,'*');
set(scatHand, 'CData', ck);
caxis([min(ck), max(ck)])
As a result I get scattered points of different color. As these points lie on the surface of a hemisphere it ist possible to get colored faces instead of just points. I replace the scattered points by a surface using griddata to first build an approximation
[xxk, yyk]=meshgrid(xk2, yk2);
shading flat;
This is already nearly what I want except that the bottom of the hemisphere is ragged. Of course if I increase the interpolation point numbers it gets better but than the handling of the plot gets also slow. So I wonder if there is an easy way to force the interpolation function to do a clear break. In addition it seems that the ragged border is because the value of zzk gets 'NaN' outside the circle the hemisphere shares with the z=0-plane.
The red points at the top are the first several entries of the original scattered data.
You can set the ZLim option to slice the plotted values within a certain range.
set(gca, 'Zlim', [min_value max_value])

What are the Coordinate Axes alignment in plot generated by quiver

I am using quiver to plot optical flow over my image using this answer.
Following is taken from matlab quiver documentation page
A quiver plot displays velocity vectors as arrows with components
(u,v) at the points (x,y).
For example, the first vector is defined by
components u(1),v(1) and is displayed at the point x(1),y(1).
We know that while reading an image the index(1,1) is at top left.
Now where does quiver assumes it's origin and in which direction it assumes the alignment of axes while generating the plot.
By default the x axis values increase to the right and the y axis increase towards the top.
However imshow which is used in the linked answer reverses the y axis direction, similar to axis('image'). This is because image data is generally stored with the top left of the image appearing first in the data.
The directions can be checked with:
if hold is on quiver will plot using this reversed y direction so the origin is in the top left. (assuming the lowest value for the axis is 0)
If hold is not on or the directions are not reversed the origin will be at the bottom left and quiver will use with the default axis directions. (again assuming values>=0)

How to visualize a 3d scene using surf

I have an image loaded from disk as a texture, and a same-sized matrix d which has the corresponding depths.
How can I use surf to show me the image as a 3d-model? Simply taking
surf(depthMatrix, img);
doesn't give a nice result since
the camera looks not from the x-y plane in z-direction
It looks fairly black
It doesn't look that smooth although my depth matrix is actually smoothed out when I show it using imshow(depthMatrix, []);
You can use texture mapping to display your image on your surface like so:
surf(depthMatrix,img,... %# depthMatrix is z data, img is an image
'FaceColor','texturemap',... %# Use texture mapping
'EdgeColor','none'); %# Turn off edge coloring
And to address your 3 points:
You can adjust your camera angle with the mouse by pressing the button on the figure, which turns on interactive 3-D rotation. You can also turn interactive rotation on using the function ROTATE3D, or you can change the camera view without the mouse using the function VIEW.
Your plot was looking black because edges are drawn as black lines by default, and there were probably a lot of them.
You can adjust the axis scaling and limits to make your surface appear smoother. For example, axis equal will make data units the same for all 3 axes, so your z axis (which ranges from 0 to 25) will be flattened significantly since your other two axes span ranges in the hundreds. Alternatively, in your call to SURF you can specify x and y data to use for the values on those axes, which can ultimately help you to better adjust the relative scaling between those axes and the z axis.