Using masonry.js in facebook app - facebook

I currently use masonry plugin in my facebook app. Everything is work well but except one thing, at the first time, the FB.autoGrow don't resize the iframe fast enough. As the result, the layout is broken, and all the items are overlapped as in the picture. Could you please tell me any solution to fix this problem?

I found the answer in github. I have just add these lines of code and it works well.
bufferPx: 10000,
extraScrollPx: 12000,


Google Analytics Split Test -> Redirecting

I have a problem... I have set up a Google Analytics split test. If you go to you will see that Google is adding some GET parameters. But that isn't the problem...
The problem is, if you klick on a link in the menu you get redirected to to homepage by Google Analytics... But I don't get why and how I can turn this off... Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
I have even googled but didn't found anybody with this problem...
Kind regards and Thanks
If you are running a Google Content Experiment then the experiment code goes only into the original page (it's the experiment code that does the redirection, and if it's on the variant page it might assign the user to the original variant and redirect them back there).
Since content experiments are deprecated in any case the best workaround would be to use Google Optimize, but simply removing the code from the variant page should help, too.

Position fixed in mobile Safari

I have a problem regarding fixed positioning that works on desktop(as expected), but doesn't work in any of the responsive testing tools in which i tested.
The site in question is this one:
The problem is with menu div, it is set to position:fixed. Please don't ask why it is not set to absolute, i will only say that it can only be set to position:fixed. The reason is the limitations of the CMS that i use, i lost two days on various jQuery solutions to insert the menu dynamicaly, but unfortunately due to limitations in CMS none of these solutions worked.
The problem is that it is a multi language site, and the menu is not an ordinary one, since it is a one page site, so i am left with position fixed.
I tested the site in these tools: and many more, but in all of them the menu doesn't take fixed position relative to the viewport, but to the parent element.
Please if anyone would take a look at the site to see how it should be and then try some of these tools to see the problem, or even better to check live on iPhone, which unfortunately i can't do.
If anyone could close this question, the problem was with my media queries, not with position fixed. After two days it just came to mind this moment.

Facebook page tab iframe appears on bottom

It seems like there's a bug with the facebook page tabs. Lots of them are rendering content on the bottom of the page.
Is there a change that developers must be aware of?
It is in fact a bug. I've just spent an hour looking into it.
It appears that they have increased the width of the right pane and it has caused the content area to shrink to less than 520px.
Unfortunately, the iframe that Facebook uses to display app content is hardcoded with a 520px width and you are unable to modify it. Need to wait till Facebook pushes out an update.
Edit: Bug reported to facebook already. Details here
Indeed, this is FB wide on all pages. All of our iframe apps have this issue, including Coke, Chevy, etc. FB just finished a push minutes ago and I hope that they're fixing this right now!
Problem still persists. There is a bug listed on Facebook I hope it gets prioritized.
yup Facebook have stuffed up
Someone needs to fire the dev who committed these changes without testing them.....
Well my apps shrink to fit any width. My apps can fit as small as 100 pixels w to 1000 pixels. Therefore its not a width issue. I'm just happy its nothing on my end I was freaking out for a second. Even restarted the computer (LOL) whew!!!

Desired image sometimes is not shared in status via Facebook Graph API

I am developing on iOS 4.0(supporting higher versions too).
I am using facebook Graph API, and so far everything works as it should. I can update statuses with images and stuff.
But, there are weird things happening.
I am passing in my FB init class an image link.
But when the FBDialog appears, sometimes the image is there, and sometimes it's not! And i was debugging for a whole while, and i can say for sure: in both cases(when it is and when it's not) the link is not just working: it's totally the same. Practically, i can't find any differences in both behaviors.
What could be the reason? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
The problem was in my appid. not sure exactly what was the problem, but changing it solved it.

facebook load xd_proxy.php while scrolling

Hi anyone have idea what's going on with the iframe apps on facebook keep loading the xd_proxy.php? I haven't notice it's a new or existing issue because my apps screen is fix, today, when I change some code,I scrolling the screen with my mouse, and discover that the xd_proxy is loading while scrolling(no matter use mouse wheel, kb arrow, scroll bar..), I search some posts in the google and stack overflow, but with no luck, none of them can solve it, I've try add the channelurl, rearrange the javascript...etc, but no luck, please help, thanks in advance.
This is logged as a bug in Facebook's bug tracker now. Best way to get it fixed is to vote for it!
Facebook fixed a bug we have been waiting on in their JS SDK this week so we were planning on switching from the old JS SDK to the new but during final testing came across this as well. Looks like window location is being reported back.
Anyone know if this is new and what exactly it is used for? Can it be disabled? Wonder what this would do to performance across different environments.
This starts happening after FB.init in window.fbAsyncInit is called with de JS SDK. It is passing height and width of the client and scroll as parameters with type canvasPage.update. It might, but I do not know, have something to do with a bug earlier this year when apps in iframes weren't resizing, something like a work around.
I just noticed this today as well, and initially thought it was due to FB.Canvas.setAutoResize() being called surreptitiously, but nope, it seems like scroll has been bound to this update.