Two SQL query inside single JasperReport and populating Data - jasper-reports

We are using reports in our web application.
The report is generated using JasperReports.
The problem I am facing is:
My SQL query fetches data based on a where clause:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE level='c'
I can easily show this information inside the iReport.
But I need to fire another query where level='d' and the information for the same needs to be appended to the report with that of level='c'.
I tried grouping both the outputs. But problem is how do I fire two different query while generating the report because I can write only one query in QueryBuilder inside the iReport.
Is there anyway of achieving the same.
In essence:
The report should look like:
Name Age Phone number
Name Age Phone number
Level D should appear only after level c is completed.
Can anyone please guide.

I finally managed to achieve the same..Grouping the data using level_id..
Initially I was trying to group in a different manner and hence the value was not getting shown..
The same is explained pretty nicely in ireport Ultimate guide-3 document.


Use SQL Select directly in CR Function

There's a working report but I wan't to change the visibility of certain rows based on a completely new DB select that should be executed when the report is created.
It would be ideal, if I could load the values of said select in an array or a list and than simply trigger certain row's visibility by comparing e.g. the Row Id with the values in the array.
Im used to solve a problem like this by creating a View that delivers all the essential information in each row and is used as the main data source but I was wondering if there's an elegant way within crystal reports to solve such a task.
I can think of three ways to include control data like this into the report:
One row of config data: If you can arrange it that your config data query returns one row of data, it can be just added to the data sources of the main report, without any links to tables and views already there.
Config resultset for matching: If you have to match main data results to config values row by row, e.g. by the Row Id you mentioned, add this config query to your report and link it to the main data source accordingly. (You are probably already doing this within your pre-created view on database side.)
Query config by subreport: Most flexible but also time consuming option is to add a subreport in report header, add the config data query and arrange config results into (shared) variables as needed in the subreport. Shared variable values can be used in main report then to control section visibility.
Yes, one of the 3rd-party Crystal Reports UFLs (User Function Libraries) listed here provides such a function.

Oracle BI: how can i retrieve another result list from current result list

I am using Oracle Business Intellgience (12c) and let's say I have a report resulted from an execution of the following query
select code_filial, max(paid) as maximum_pay
from leads_history
group by code_filial
It will return a table with highest budget value related to the each filial. Now what i want is the following: when i click to max(paid) result in a table, another table should appear with the information about max(paid) account. I tried master-detail relationship, but couldn't succeed.
Can anyoune help with that?
That's out-of-the-box functionality. As soon as you make a navigation action link to another analysis where your code_filial is set to "is prompted" the context will be passed and the analysis filtered.

Crystal Report won't display record if GUID column in Record Selection Formula

I have a table with a GUID column and a recordId (not a guid) column. I need my report to accept a GUID as a report parameter and use it as part of the Record Selection formula to make certain the report only get the record Id's it needs.
[Linking Table] -> [Detail Containing Table]
Since the report doesn't support passing a GUID parameter directly, I was able to convert the GUID to a string and pass it in without incident. When I generate the SQL query in Crystal Designer it looks good: The WHERE clause is properly formatted and if I run the query in SQL Designer it will find all the records I need to fetch. Actually attempting to display the report fail however, it states that 0 records were found despite SQL Profiler also showing that the same SQL was fired off.
Has anyone run into this issue? Is there any way to get the Record Selection formula to not drop the records when actually displaying the report?
After working with SAP Support we were able to determine that there is a defect in 14.0.11. The SQL Query was being formatted correctly, but the record linking under the hood was using a different (and incorrect) linking order. Since the database results and internal schema wound up with different starting tables, Crystal discarded the results to prevent exceptions.
Going to Database Expert -> Links -> Order Links and checking the 'Link Ordering is Enforced' box forced the engine to use the same link ordering throughout the report in the proper order. Then the SQL query and internal record schema matched and we got records.

How to make my subreport access a different database than the main one?

I am evaluating JasperReports and Jaspersoft Studio for using in the company I work for and I am trying to build a report that contains information from 2 different databases.
I have 2 data adapters configured.
I've my research and found out that the only way to do so is to have either a list, table or subreport in a main report, but I still can't make it work.
I took the subreport approach, I have two reports that work separately, the main one executes this query in the sample DB
select 1 from ORDERS limit 10
The subreport runs this one in a Vertica database I own:
select 1 from my_schema.my_table limit 10
Both of them, as said, run separately.
So I go to the mainreport and add a SubReport element to the ColumnHeader band, then the wizard opens:
In the step 1 I select the subreport from the project
Second step is connection. I have these options:
Same JDBC conection
Use another connection
Use an empty data source
Use a JRDatasourceExpression
Don't use any connection.
The first and third ones are not what I want.
I tried to set the second one, but I could not find a way to select the data adapter that I have configured.
The last one doesn't work ( I get a message saying that my_schema doesn't exists, so I think that it is still trying to access the MainReport database).
Is there anyway I can make a subreport run a query in a different database/datasource from the main report?
I can summarize what I did if anyone has the same issue:
I made a proof of concept (therefore I do not have the code anymore), but I created a JRDataSource class using this tutorial and there I manually access the database and returned the rows. Then I use this as the datasource of my subreport/table.
Not as nice as I wanted, but it is possible
I guess this iReport article is also applicable to reports designed in jaspersoft studio; you just need to define the subreport connection parameter with the given expression.
Perhaps, you can ask for help from two parameters which defined in the master report by yourself. Such as:
$P{MySubreport} with type net.sf.jasperreport.engine.JasperReport;
$P{MyDatasource} with type net.sf.jasperreport.engine.JRDataSource;
Associate these two parameters to your subreport element respectively in attributes 'Expression' and 'Data Source Expression';
Please write your DataSource class that implements interface JRDataSource.
Then, in your servlet class, put your real parameter values(JasperReport for your subreport .jasper file, and your DataSource object) into a parameters Map object, and call JasperFillManager.fillReport().

Jasperreport parameter selection from SQL query

I wanted to create a JasperReport which asks the user for a deliverer before it creates a report with data of the last the deliveries of the selected deliverer.
The problem, how I can do that? I found only examples where a parameter is created and the ArrayList is filled statically. But in my parameter I need the query result over the table of deliverers filled.
Can anybody tell me a possible solution?
I'm using Jaspersoft Server 5.1 which directly access a PostgreSQL database which has a datawarehouse structur. So it's not possible to use Java code.
Here is the documentation for adding input controls to reports in JasperReports Server:
Scroll down to the section that deals with query-based input controls. Your input control will have a name, such as deliverer. In your report, you must add deliverer as a parameter and reference it in your query, as you have done in your comment.