How can I get the user jabber Id in a chat room using AnyEvent::XMPP? - perl

There is a way to get the user's nick( in the chatroom according to the document, but how can I get the user's real jid( is it possible according to XMPP protocol?

You can unless the room is anonymous. The Jabber protocol makes it possible that people in a chat room may be anonymous so that you cannot get back to their real JID. This is also why it provides a private message chat within the rooms, so you can still private message someone who has done this.
I have some code that does this in Bot::Backbone::Service::JabberChat:
# Figure out who sent this message
my $from_user = $room->get_user($xmpp_message->from_nick);
# Prefer the real JID as the username
my $from_username = $from_user->real_jid // $from_user->in_room_jid;
my $from_nickname = $from_user->nick;
See AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::User and AnyEvent::XMPP::Ext::MUC::Room for more details.


Facebook pixel events call from server

I have absolutelly the same question as dan here - Facebook conversion pixel with "server to server" option . There was written, that there was no way, but it was 2013, so I hope something changed.
So, is there any way to call facebook pixel events (e.g. CompleteRegistration) from server side now?
I can describe situation in more details. Imagine, that user visits our site, where fb pixel tracks 'PageView' of course. When user passes form and sends his phone number, we call 'Lead' event. But then we need to track one more event, when our manager successfully confirmes this user! Of course, it happens on other computer and so on, so there is no idea, how to "connect" to base user.
I've seen a lot of documentation departments like this, but I can't fully understand even if it's possible or not.
Logically, we need to generate specific id for user (or it can be phone number really), when 'Lead' event is called. Then, we should use this id to 'CompleteRegistration' for that user. But I can't understand, how to do it technically.
It would be gratefull, if somebody could explain it.
P.S. As I understand, it is fully available in API for mobile apps. Is it ok idea to use it for our situation, if there is no other solution?
Use Offline Conversions to record events that happen after a user has left your website. Logging these conversions, technically, is very easy. Setting everything up takes a little effort
tldr; check the code below
Follow setup steps in the FB docs (Setup steps 1-5) which are:
Setup facebook Business Manager account
Add a new app to Business Manager account
Create an Ad account, if you don't already have one
Create a System User for the ad account
After the setup, follow Upload Event Data steps on the same page, steps 1-3 to create an offline event set and associate it with your ad. These can be carried out in the Graph API Explorer by following the links in the examples. These can be done programmatically, but is out of the scope of making the event calls from the server for one campaign.
Once you have created the event set, then you can upload your CompleteRegistration events!
You will need to make a multipart form data request to FB, the data key will be an array of your conversion events. As #Cbroe mentioned, you must hash your match keys (the data you have available about your user to match them with a FB user) before sending to FB. The more match keys you are able to provide, the better chance at matching your user. So if you can get their email and phone at the same time, you're much more likely to match your user.
Here's an example of the call to FB using node.js:
var request = require('request')
// The access token you generated for your system user
var access_token = 'your_access_token'
// The ID of the conversion set you created
var conversionId = 'your_conversion_set_id'
var options = {
url: '' + conversionId + '/events',
formData: {
access_token: access_token,
upload_tag: 'registrations', //optional
data: [{
match_keys: {
"phone": ["<HASH>", "<HASH>"]
currency: "USD",
event_name: "CompleteRegistration",
event_time: 1456870902,
custom_data: { // optional
event_source: "manager approved"
request(options, function(err, result) {
// error handle and check for success
Offline Conversion Docs
Facebook has now a Server-Side API:
Implementing this is similar to implementing the offline events outlined in the accepted answer.
Keep in mind that it will always be cumbersome to track and connect events from the browser and from your server. You need to share a unique user id between the browser and server, so that Facebook (or any other analytics provider) will know that the event belongs to the same user.
Tools like and may be more tailored to your needs, but will get very expensive once you move out of the free tier (100+ EUR at mixpanel, 1000+ EUR at Amplitude, monthly). Those tools are tailored towards company success, whereas Facebook is tailored towards selling and measuring Facebook ads.

Is it possible to have Lync communicate with a REST API?

I have created a basic REST API where a user can ask for an acronym, and the web-page will return the meaning of the acronym via a POST call.
The majority of my end-users don't use the Internet as much as they use the Microsoft Lync application.
Is it possible for me to create a Lync account, and have it pass questions to my API, and return the answers to the user? Meaning the user just needs to open a new chat in Lync rather than a new web-page.
I'm sure this is possible, but I can't find any information on Google or on the web. How can this be accomplished?
Thanks very much.
Edit :
Adding a bounty in the hopes of someone creating a simple example as I believe it would be very useful for a large number of devs :).
Yep, absolutely. UCMA (the Unified Communications Managed API) would be my choice of API to use here, and a good place to start - UCMA apps are "normal" .net applications, but also expose an application endpoint, which can be added to a user's contact list. When users send messages, that can trigger events in your application so you can take the incoming IM, do the acronym translation and return the full wording.
I have a bunch of blog posts about UCMA, but as of yet no defined collection of "useful" posts to work through, but coming soon! In the meantime, feel free to browse the list.
To elaborate on Tom Morgan's answer, it would be easy to create an UCMA application for this.
Create an UCMA application
Now this doesn't have to be complicated. Since all you want is to receive an InstantMessage and reply to it, you don't need the full power of a trusted application. My choice would be to use a simple UserEndpoint. As luck would have it, Tom has a good example of that online: Simplest example using UCMA UserEndpoint to send an IM.
Make it listen to incoming messages
Whereas the sample app sends a message when it is connected, we need to listen to messages. On the UserEndpoint, set a message handler for instant messages:
private void HandleInstantMessagingCall(object sender, CallReceivedEventArgs<InstantMessagingCall> e)
// We need the flow to be able to send/receive messages.
e.Call.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested += HandleInstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested;
// And the message should be accepted.
e.Call.BeginAccept(ar => {
// Grab and handle the toast message here.
}, null);
Process the message
There is a little complication here, your first message can be in the 'toast' of the new message argument, or arrive later on the message stream (the flow).
Dealing with the Toast message
The toast message is part of the conversation setup, but it can be null or not a text message.
if (e.ToastMessage != null && e.ToastMessage.HasTextMessage)
var message = e.ToastMessage.Message;
// Here message is whatever initial text the
// other party send you.
// Send it to your Acronym webservice and
// respond on the message flow, see the flow
// handler below.
Dealing with the flow
Your message flow is where the actual data is passed around. Get a handle on the flow and store it, because it's needed later to send messages.
private void HandleHandleInstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested(object sender, InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequestedEventArgs e)
// Grab your flow here, and store it somewhere.
var flow = e.Flow;
// Handle incoming messages
flow.MessageReceived += HandleMessageReceived;
And create a message handler to deal with incoming messages:
private void HandleMessageReceived(object sender, InstantMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
if (e.HasTextBody)
var message = e.TextBody;
// Send it to your Acronym webservice and respond
// on the message flow.
"Your response",
ar => { flow.EndSendInstantMessage(ar); },
That would about sum it up for the most basic example of sending/receiving messages. Let me know if any parts of this need more clarification, I can add to the answer where needed.
I created a Gist with a full solution. Sadly it is not tested because I'm currently not near a Lync development environment. See UCMA UserEndpoint replying to IM Example.cs.
I never used Lync but while I was looking at the dev doc, I stumble upon a sample which could be what you're looking for.
Lync 2013: Filter room messages before they are posted
Once you have filtered the messages, you just need to catch the acronym and call your custom code that calls your API.
Unless I'm missing something, I think you could do it with a simple GET request as well. Just call your API like this[the_acronym_here].
You can use UCWA (Microsoft Unified Communications Web API),is a REST API.For detail , can reference as the following..

Swift and Parse for messaging app?

I'm relativily new to databases and Parse, but I'm trying to set up an app that can recieve and send messages between users. I've managed to set up the sign up and log in process, now I need to get the devices communicating.
Do anynone have any idea how to make this happen? I can imagine you'll have to create PFObjects with ID's and classes with some user-details so that only the two users communicating can send and retrieve messages to each other.
Any suggestions on how to set this up would be very appreciated.
Sure enough there are huge ways to setup communication between devices. But it totally depends on your communication needs.
For example, if you need "real time" communication,
like peer-2-peer, then you need to start looking for external service, such as PubNub, because you can't do that with Parse.
If you are trying to build some chat like app, then you can go with manually refreshing and
push notifications.
So, to do what you want you need to create message object and setup ACL for it
PFObject *groupMessage = [PFObject objectWithClassName:#"Message"];
// userList is an NSArray with the users we are sending this message to.
for (PFUser *user in userList) {
[groupACL setReadAccess:YES forUser:user];
[groupACL setWriteAccess:YES forUser:user];
groupMessage.ACL = groupACL;
[groupMessage saveInBackground];
So, here we've added ACL(access control list) rule for our message, to allow all users from userList access that message.
Also, don't forget to include additional information for message like 'recipient', 'sender' etc to be able to create queries using it. For example, to retrieve all messages send from concrete user.

Access muc roster from an ejabberd module (disco_items?)

I'm building an ejabberd module to send carbon copies of messages to an external RESTful API. Everything works okay, and requests to that API are sending POST params with Sender, Recipient and the message Body.
I'm triggering the user_send_packet and user_receive_packet hooks for this, and I can extract the params (Sender, Recipient, Body) from the packet:
Sender = xml:get_tag_attr_s("from", Packet),
Recipient = xml:get_tag_attr_s("to", Packet),
Body = xml:get_path_s(Packet, [{elem, "body"}, cdata])
For group chats (MUC) I'd also like to send the MUC roster (participants) in a parameter, but I don't know how to access them.
Is there an event for this? Can anyone point me to some documentation?
Thanks in advance!
It seems that you want to get MUC participants of specific room.
You need to look at mod_muc.erl and mod_muc_room.erl.
I'm not sure which version of ejabberd you use, so I will explain based on latest ejabberd.
After getting pid of room by calling
mnesia:dirty_read(muc_online_room, {Room, Host})
you can call
gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {get_disco_item, From, Lang}, 100)
or use similar code. User list is in the reply.
If you don't like reply format, you may want to add custom handle_sync_event to mod_muc_room.erl .

openfire get online users

I'm using OpenFire server for instant messaging and JSJaC JavaScript library on the client. I'm new in XMPP technology.
What I want is on load I want to send a list of users and receive status for each. Something like
var UserList = ["Isis", "Jackob", "Oybek"];
con.send(UserList, OnComplete);
function OnComplete(myList){
for (el in myList)
if (el.IsOnline) {
// Do DOM Stuff
Is it possible?
I've been looking for the documentation, examples and other similar responses but didn't find anyting.
You can't query for presence. You can subscribe to presence. If you send your own presence in, the server will send you the current presence of everyone you have subscribed to, as well as every change they make to their presence from there on in. There's no way to tell when you're "done" getting presence, because you're never done. Just set up a callback to do something interesting whenever you get a presence change from the person you are subscribed to, and you'll be in good shape:
con.registerHandler('presence_in', function(p) {
var from = p.getFromJID()
// do something interesting with p, from, etc.