Perl Variable References in Hash / Foreach - perl

I would like to change variables stored in a hash, but I kept receiving the error:
"Can't use the string ("SCALAR(0x30f558)") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at - line 14.
My simplified code is as follows:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $num = 1234;
my $a = 5;
my %hash = (\$num => "value");
foreach my $key (keys %{hash}){
print "Key: $key\n";
#OPTION1: $a = $$key;
my $ref = \$num ;
print "Ref: $ref\n";
#OPTION2: $a = $$ref ;
print $a;
Running this prints:
Key: SCALAR(0x30f558)
Ref: SCALAR(0x30f558)
showing that both $key and $ref are pointing to the same variable - $num
Also, the code on OPTION1 and OPTION2 are identical if $key and $ref are the same.
When I uncomment OPTION2, $a prints out as 1234.
When I uncomment OPTION1, however, I receive the error shown above.
How do I change $a to $num using the hash as I tried to do in OPTION1? And why will this not work as is?
I followed this code closely:
use strict 'refs' ;
my $fred ;
my $b = \$fred ;
my $a = $$b ;
which posed no error until I introduced the hash.
Thank you for your help.
Original Code (doesn't work):
#User Defined - here are the defaults
my $a = 122160;
my $b = 122351;
my $c = 'string';
my $d = 15;
my $e = 123528;
#Create variable/print statement hash
my %UserVariables = (
\$a => "A: (Default: $a): ",
\$b => "B: (Default: $b): ",
\$c => "C: (Default: $c): ",
\$d => "D: (Default: $d): ",
\$e => "E: (Default: $e): ",
#Allow user to change variables if desired
foreach (keys %UserVariables){
print $UserVariables{$_};
chomp (my $temp = <>);
print "$_\n";
$$_ = $temp unless ($temp eq '');
print "$temp\n" unless ($temp eq '');
Less efficient method that does work:
#Alternate Method without loops (not ideal)
my $temp;
print $UserVariables{\$a};
chomp ($temp = (<>));
$a= $temp unless ($temp eq '');
print $UserVariables{\$b};
chomp ($temp = (<>));
$b= $temp unless ($temp eq '');
print $UserVariables{\$c};
chomp ($temp = (<>));
$c= $temp unless ($temp eq '');
print $UserVariables{\$d};
chomp ($temp = (<>));
$d= $temp unless ($temp eq '');
print $UserVariables{\$e};
chomp ($temp = (<>));
$e= $temp unless ($temp eq '');

Perl hash keys can only be string. You don't have reference as key, but what your reference automatically stringified to: a verbatim string "SCALAR(0x30f558)" instead. Obviously, string won't work as reference.
You should rethink the way you store data and maybe explain in little more details what you want to do instead on focusing on how.
In your particular case illustrated by example just use plain hash for those values you want to be overridable:
my %config = (
a => 122160,
b => 122351,
c => 'string',
d => 15,
e => 123528,
...and then overwrite values in this hash.

I would like to change variables stored in a hash
Just like you can't store variables in a scalar, you can't store variables in hashes. You can store values (including references to variables) in hashes. (Such as the string value in your code.)
showing that both $key and $ref are pointing to the same variable - $num
No. It shows that the values of $key and $ref have the same stringification.
When I uncomment OPTION1, however, I receive the error shown above.
Hash table keys are necessarily strings, just like array keys are necessarily non-negative integers.
I followed this code closely:
No, the same with hashes works fine.
use strict 'refs' ;
my %hash = ( fred => undef );
my $b = \$hash{fred} ;
my $a = $$b ;
I can't provide a solution, because you didn't say what you are trying to do.

You keep saying in the comments that you want to modify variables passed through STDIN, however it is not clear what you mean by this. Are you passing command line arguments or requesting input from the user or piping the output of another program into yours, or something else entirely? The ideal approach will vary slightly depending on what you're trying to do.
To read command line arguments you access the #ARGV array:
$foo = $ARGV[0]; #read the first argument
To read a line off of STDIN:
print "Enter a number: ";
$foo = <STDIN>;


Perl: undefined value as a HASH reference [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 2 months ago.
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I have inherited an older script that uses hash references that I don't understand. It results in:
Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at
./ line 65.
63 my $bucket = sprintf('%02x', $i);
64 my $file = sprintf('%s/%02x.db', $qdir, $i);
65 %{$hashes{$bucket}} ? 1 : next;
66 tie (my %hash, 'DB_File', $file, O_RDWR, 0600) || die "Can't open db file: $! \n ";
67 %hash = %{$hashes{$bucket}};
68 untie %hash;
The script reads through a number of gzipd emails to identify the sender/recip/subject/date etc., then writes that info to a DB_File hash.
This script used to work with older versions of Perl, but looks like it now is no longer compliant.
I'd really like to understand how this works, but I don't fully understand reference/dereference, why it's even necessary here, and the %{$var} notation. All of the references I've studied talk about hash references in terms of $hash_ref = \%author; not %hash_ref = %{$author}, for example.
Ideas on how to get this to work with hash references would be greatly appreciated.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DB_File;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use vars qw($verbose);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub DBG($);
$verbose = shift || 1;
my $qdir = '/var/spool/amavisd/qdb';
my $source_dir = '/var/spool/amavisd/quarantine';
my $uid = getpwnam('amavis');
my $gid = getgrnam('amavis');
my %hashes = ( );
my $me = basename($0);
my $version = '1.9';
my $steps = 100;
my $cnt = 0;
DBG("- Creating initial database files...");
for (my $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
my $file = sprintf('%s/%02x.db', $qdir, $i);
unlink $file || DBG("Could not unlink $file to empty db: $! \n");
tie (my %hash, "DB_File", $file, O_CREAT, 0600) || die "Can't open db file: $! \n";
untie %hash;
chown($uid, $gid, $file) || die "Unable to set attributes on file: $! \n";
opendir SOURCEDIR, $source_dir || die "Cannot open $source_dir: $! \n";
DBG("- Building hashes... ");
foreach my $f (sort readdir SOURCEDIR) {
next if ($f eq "." || $f eq "..");
if ($f =~ m/^(spam|virus)\-([^\-]+)\-([^\-]+)(\.gz)?/) {
my $type = $1;
my $key = $3;
my $bucket = substr($key, 0, 2);
my $d = $2;
my $subj = '';
my $to = '';
my $from = '';
my $size = '';
my $score = '0.0';
if (($cnt % $steps) == 0) { DBG(sprintf("\e[8D%-8d", $cnt)); } $cnt++;
if ($f =~ /\.gz$/ && open IN, "zcat $source_dir/$f |") {
while(<IN>) {
last if ($_ eq "\n");
$subj = $1 if (/^Subject:\s*(.*)$/);
$to = $1 if (/^To:\s*(.*)$/);
$from = $1 if (/^From:\s*(.*)$/);
$score = $1 if (/score=(\d{1,3}\.\d)/);
close IN;
$to =~ s/^.*\<(.*)\>.*$/$1/;
$from =~ s/^.*\<(.*)\>.*$/$1/;
$size = (stat("$source_dir/$f"))[7];
$hashes{$bucket}->{$f} = "$type\t$d\t$size\t$from\t$to\t$subj\t$score";
closedir SOURCEDIR;
DBG("...done\n\n- Populating database files...");
for (my $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
my $bucket = sprintf('%02x', $i);
my $file = sprintf('%s/%02x.db', $qdir, $i);
%{$hashes{$bucket}} ? 1 : next;
tie (my %hash, 'DB_File', $file, O_RDWR, 0600) || die "Can't open db file: $! \n ";
%hash = %{$hashes{$bucket}};
untie %hash;
sub DBG($) { my $msg = shift; print $msg if ($verbose); }
What is $hash{$key}? A value associated with the (value of) $key, which must be a scalar. So we get the $value out of my %hash = ( $key => $value ).
That's a string, or a number. Or a filehandle. Or, an array reference, or a hash reference. (Or an object perhaps, normally a blessed hash reference.) They are all scalars, single-valued things, and as such are a legitimate value in a hash.
The syntax %{ ... } de-references a hash reference† so judged by %{ $hashes{$bucket} } that code expects there to be a hash reference. So the error says that there is actually nothing in %hashes for that value of a would-be key ($bucket), so it cannot "de-reference" it. There is either no key that is the value of $bucket at that point in the loop, or there is such a key but it has never been assigned anything.
So go debug it. Add printing statements through the loops so you can see what values are there and what they are, and which ones aren't even as they are assumed to be. Hard to tell what fails without running that program.
Then, the line %{$hashes{$bucket}} ? 1 : next; is a little silly. The condition of the ternary operator evaluates to a boolean, "true" (not undefined, not 0, not empty string '') or false. So it tests whether $hashes{$bucket} has a hashref with at least some keys, and if it does then it returns 1; so, the for loop continues. Otherwise it skips to the next iteration.
Well, then skip to next if there is not a (non-empty) hashref there:
next if not defined $hashes{$bucket} or not %{ $hashes{$bucket} };
Note how we first test whether there is such a key, and only then attempt to derefence it.
† Whatever expression may be inside the curlies must evaluate to a hash reference. (If it's else, like a number or a string, the code would still exit with an error but with a different one.)
So, in this code, the hash %hashes must have a key that is the value of $bucket at that point, and the value for that key must be a hash reference. Then, the ternary operator tests whether the hash obtained from that hash reference has any keys.
You need to understand references first, this is a kind of how-to :
use strict; use warnings;
use feature qw/say/;
use Data::Dumper;
my $var = {}; # I create a HASH ref explicitly
say "I created a HASH ref explicitly:";
say ref($var);
say "Now, let's add any type of content:";
say "Adding a ARRAY:";
push #{ $var->{arr} }, (0..5);
say Dumper $var;
say "Now, I add a new HASH";
$var->{new_hash} = {
foo => "value",
bar => "other"
say Dumper $var;
say 'To access the data in $var without Data::Dumper, we need to dereference what we want to retrieve';
say "to retrieve a HASH ref, we need to dereference with %:";
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{ $var->{new_hash} }) {
say "key=$key value=$value";
say "To retrieve the ARRAY ref:";
say join "\n", #{ $var->{arr} };
I created a HASH ref explicitely:
Now, let's add any type of content:
Adding a ARRAY:
$VAR1 = {
'arr' => [
Now, I add a new HASH
$VAR1 = {
'new_hash' => {
'foo' => 'value',
'bar' => 'other'
'arr' => [
To access the data in $var without Data::Dumper, we need to dereference what we want to retrieve
to retrieve a HASH ref, we need to dereference with %:
key=foo value=value
key=bar value=other
To retrieve the ARRAY ref:
Now with your code, instead of
%{$hashes{$bucket}} ? 1 : next;
You should test the HASH ref first, because Perl say it's undefined, let's debug a bit:
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper $hashes;
print "bucket=$bucket\n";
if (defined $hashes{$bucket}) {
print "Defined array\n";
else {
print "NOT defined array\n";

How to fix the error of "Use of unitialized value in addition..." in perl script?

Here is the script of user Suic for calculating molecular weight of fasta sequences (calculating molecular weight in perl),
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode;
for my $file (#ARGV) {
open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file;
my $input = join q{}, <$fh>;
close $fh;
while ( $input =~ /^(>.*?)$([^>]*)/smxg ) {
my $name = $1;
my $seq = $2;
$seq =~ s/\n//smxg;
my $mass = calc_mass($seq);
print "$name has mass $mass\n";
sub calc_mass {
my $a = shift;
my #a = ();
my $x = length $a;
#a = split q{}, $a;
my $b = 0;
my %data = (
A=>71.09, R=>16.19, D=>114.11, N=>115.09,
C=>103.15, E=>129.12, Q=>128.14, G=>57.05,
H=>137.14, I=>113.16, L=>113.16, K=>128.17,
M=>131.19, F=>147.18, P=>97.12, S=>87.08,
T=>101.11, W=>186.12, Y=>163.18, V=>99.14
for my $i( #a ) {
$b += $data{$i};
my $c = $b - (18 * ($x - 1));
return $c;
and the protein.fasta file with n (here is 2) sequences:
seq_ID_1 descriptions etc
>seq_ID_2 descriptions etc
When using: perl protein.fasta > output.txt
in terminal, it will generate the correct results, however it also presents an error of "Use of unitialized value in addition (+) at line36", which is just localized in line of "$b += $data{$i};" how to fix this bug ? Thanks in advance !
You probably have an errant SPACE somewhere in your data file. Just change
$seq =~ s/\n//smxg;
$seq =~ s/\s//smxg;
Besides whitespace, there may be some non-whitespace invisible characters in the data, like WORD JOINER (U+2060).
If you want to be sure to be thorough and you know all the legal symbols, you can delete everything apart from them:
$seq =~ s/[^ARDNCEQGHILKMFPSTWYV]//smxg;
Or, to make sure you won't miss any (even if you later change the symbols), you can populate a filter regex dynamically from the hash keys.
You'd need to make %Data and the filter regex global, so the filter is available in the main loop. As a beneficial side effect, you don't need to re-initialize the data hash every time you enter calc_mass().
use strict;
use warnings;
my %Data = (A=>71.09,...);
my $Filter_regex = eval { my $x = '[^' . join('', keys %Data) . ']'; qr/$x/; };
$seq =~ s/$Filter_regex//smxg;
(This filter works as long as the symbols are single character. For more complicated ones, it may be preferable to match for the symbols and collect them from the sequence, instead of removing unwanted characters.)

Dereferencing Conditionally in Perl

I have a scalar that may or may not be a reference to an array. If it is a reference to an array, I would like to dereference it and iterate over it. If not, I would like to treat it as a one-element array and iterate over that.
my $result = my_complicated_expression;
for my $value (ref($result) eq 'ARRAY' ? #$result : ($result)) {
# Do work with $value
Currently, I have the above code, which works fine but feels clunky and not very Perlish. Is there a more concise way to express the idea of dereferencing a value with fallback behavior if the value is not what I expect?
Just force it before the loop.
Limited, known ref type
my $result = *some function call* // [];
$result = [$result] if ref $result ne 'ARRAY';
for my $val ( #$result ){
print $val;
Ref type unknown
use 5.012;
use strict;
no warnings;
sub array_ref;
my $result = [qw/foo bar foobar/];
# $result = 'foo'; # scalar test case
# $result = {foo=>q{bar}}; # hash test case
$result = array_ref $result;
for my $val ( #$result ){
say $val;
sub array_ref {
my $ref = shift;
given(ref $ref){
$ref = [%$ref] when('HASH');
$ref = [$ref] when(['SCALAR','']);
default {
die 'Did not prepare for other ref types';
return $ref;
This is for demo purposes (you shouldn't use given/when in production code), but shows you could easily test for the ref type and cast a new response. However, if you really don't know what type of variable your function is returning, how are you sure it's even a reference. What if it was an array or hash?
Being perl, there's going to be several answers to this with the 'right' one being a matter of taste - IMHO, an acceptable shortening involves relying on the fact that the ref function returns the empty string if the expression given it is scalar. This means you don't need the eq 'ARRAY' if you know there are only two possibilities (ie, a scalar value and an array ref).
Secondly, you can iterate over a single scalar value (producing 1 iteration, obviously), so you don't have to put the $result in parentheses in the "scalar" case.
Putting these two small simplifications togeather gives;
use v5.12;
my $result1 = "Hello World";
my $result2 = [ "Hello" , "World" ];
for my $result ($result1, $result2) {
for my $value ( ref $result ? #$result : $result) {
say $value ;
which produces;
Hello World
There's likely to be 'fancier' things you can do, but this seems a reasonable compromise between being terse and readable. Of course, YMMV.
I see that I'm late to this, but I can't help it. With eval and $#, and the comma operator
my $ra = [ qw(a b c) ];
my $x = 23;
my $var = $ra;
# my $var = $x; # swap comment to test the other
foreach my $el ( eval { #{$var} }, $# && $var )
next if $el =~ /^$/; # when #$var is good comma adds empty line
print $el, "\n";
Prints a b c (one per line), if we swap to my $var = $x it prints 23.
When $var has the reference, the $# is empty but the comma is still executed and this adds an empty line, thus the next in the loop. Alternatively to skipping empty lines one can filter them out
foreach my $el ( grep { !/^$/ } eval { #{$var} }, $# && $var )
This does, in addition, clean out empty lines. However, most of the time that is desirable.
sub deref {
map ref($_) eq 'ARRAY'? #$_ : ref($_) eq 'HASH'? %$_ : $_, #_
sub myCompExpr {
1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6], {Hello => 'world', Answer => 42}
print $_ for deref myCompExpr

Perl list all keys in hash with identical values

If I have a colon-delimited file name FILE and I do:
cat FILE|perl -F: -lane 'my %hash = (); $hash{#F[0]} = #F[2]'
to assign the first and 3rd tokens as the key => value pairs for the hash..
1) Is that a sane way to assign key value pairs to a hash?
2) What is the simplest way to now find all keys with shared values and list them?
Assume FILE looks like:
Desired Output: Keys with value "Apple": Mike,Jared,David,Sam
Your example won't work as you want because the -n option puts a while loop around your one-line program, so the hash you declare is created and destoyed for every record in the file. You could get around that by not declaring the hash, and so making it a persistent package variable which will retain all values stored in it.
You can then write push #{ $hash{$F[2]} }, $F[0] but notice that it should be $F[0] etc. and not #F[0], and I have used push to create a list of column 1 values for each column 3 value instead of just a list of one-to-one values relating each column 1 value with its column 3 value.
To clarify, your method produces a hash looking like this, which has to be searched to produce the display that you want.
Beth => "Maize",
David => "Apple",
Don => "Corn",
Jared => "Apple",
Mike => "Apple",
Sam => "Apple",
while mine creates this, which as you can see is pretty much already in the form you want.
Apple => ["Mike", "Jared", "Sam", "David"],
Corn => ["Don"],
Maize => ["Beth"],
But I think this problem is a bit too big to be solved with a one-line Perl program. The solution below expects the path to the input file as a command-line parameter, like this
> perl colons.csv
but it will default to myfile.csv if no file is specified.
use strict;
use warnings;
our #ARGV = 'myfile.csv' unless #ARGV;
my %data;
while (<>) {
my #fields = split /:/;
push #{ $data{$fields[2]} }, $fields[0];
while (my ($k, $v) = each %data) {
next unless #$v > 1;
printf qq{Keys with value "%s": %s\n}, $k, join ', ', #$v;
Keys with value "Apple": Mike, Jared, Sam, David
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $in, '<', 'in.txt';
my %data;
my #split = split/:/;
$data{$split[0]} = $split[2];
my $query = 'Apple';
print "Keys with value $query = ";
foreach my $name (keys %data){
print "$name " if $data{$name} eq $query;
print "\n";
Arrays are used to hold list of values, so use an array.
perl -F: -lane'
push #{ $h{$F[2]} }, $F[0];
for my $fruit (keys %h) {
next if #{ $h{$fruit} } < 2;
print "$fruit: ", join(",", #{ $h{$fruit} });
The END block is executed on exit. In it, we iterate over the keys of the hash. If the value of the current hash element is an array with only one element, it's skipped. Otherwise, we prints the key followed by contents of the array referenced by the hash element.
Here is another way:
perl -F: -lane'
push #{ $h{$F[2]} }, $F[0];
print "$_: ", join(",", #{ $h{$_} }) for grep { #{$h{$_}} > 1 } keys %h;
' file
We read each line and create hash of arrays using third column as key and first column as list of values for matching key. In the END block we iterate over our hash using grep and filter keys whose array count greater than 1 and print the key followed by array elements.
It doesn't have to be a one liner,
Good. It's not going to be...
Is that a sane way to assign key value pairs to a hash?
You're simply assigning the key value pairs as:
$hash{"key"} = "value";
Which is about as simple as it gets. There might be a way of doing it via map. However, the main issue I see is what should happen if you have duplicate keys.
Let's say your file looks like this:
David:34:Apple:Male # Note this entry is here twice!
David:35:Wheat:Male # Note this entry is here twice!
Let's do a simple assignment loop:
my %hash;
while my $line ( <$fh> ) {
chomp $line;
my ($name, $age, $category, $sex) = split /:/, $line;
$hash{$name} = $category;
When you get to $hash{David}, it will first be set to Apple, but then you change the value to Wheat. There are four ways you can handle this:
Use whatever the last value is. No change in the loop.
Use the first value and ignore subsequent values. Simple enough to do.
If that happens, it's an error. Abort the program and report the error.
Keep all values.
This last one is the most interesting because it involves a reference to an array as the values for your hash:
my %hash;
while my $line ( <$fh> ) {
chomp $line;
my ($name, $age, $category, $sex) = split /:/, $line;
$hash{$name} = [] if not exists $hash{$name}; # I'm making this an array reference
push #{ $hash{$name} }, $category;
Now, each value in my hash is a reference to an array:
my #values = #{ $hash{David} ); # The values of David...
print "David is in categories " . join ( ", ", #values ) . "\n";
This will print out David is in categories Wheat, Apple
What is the simplest way to now find all keys with shared values and list them?
The easiest way is to create a second hash that's keyed by your value. In this hash, you will need to use an array reference. Let's assume no duplicate names for now:
my %hash;
my %indexed_hash;
while my $line ( <$fh> ) {
chomp $line;
my ($name, $age, $category, $sex) = split /:/, $line;
$hash{$name} = $category;
my $indexed_hash{$category} = [] if not exist $indexed_hash{$category};
push #{ $indexed_hash{$category} }, $name;
Now, if I want to find all the duplicates of Apple:
my #names = #{ $indexed_hash{Apple} };
print "The following are in 'Apple': " . join ( ", " #names ) . "\n";
Since we're getting into references, we could take things a step further and store all of your values of your file in your hash. Again, for simplicity, I am assuming that you will have one and only one entry per name:
my %hash;
while my $line ( <$fh> ) {
chomp $line;
my ($name, $age, $category, $sex) = split /:/, $line;
$hash{$name}->{AGE} = $age;
$hash{$name}->{CATEGORY} = $category;
$hash{$name}->{SEX} = $sex;
for my $name ( sort keys %hash ) {
print "$name Information:\n";
print " Age: " . $hash{$name}->{AGE} . "\n";
printf "Category: %s\n", $hash{$name}->{CATEGORY};
print " Sex: #{[$hash{$name}->{SEX}]}\n\n";
That last two statements are easier ways of interpolating complex data structures into a string. The printf is fairly clear. The second #{[...]} is a neat little trick.
What have you tried?
If you reverse the hash into a list of value => key pairs then use List::Util's pairs() against the list, you can transform the hash into a hash of values => key arrayrefs. i.e. ( foo => [ 'bar', 'baz' ] ), grep {#{$hash{$_}} > 1} keys %hash, and print the results.

About the usage of hash reference in Perl

This reports syntax error:
print %{$hash}{a};
But this works:
print each(%{$hash})
To get an element from a hashref, you take the normal code for getting a hash element: $foo{'bar'}, and replace the name of the hash, not including the sigil, with the hashref: $$hash{'bar'}. Your % would only be used to dereference to the full hash, as in your each case, not just an element.
More helpful hints at
Maybe this will help you understand why it's wrong...
$hash = {a => 2}; #Works: $hash is a reference to the hash
%foo = %{$hash}; #Now, we've dereferenced the hash to %foo
# Wherever we have "$hash", we can now use "foo"...
print %foo{a}; #Whoops! Doesn't work.
print %hash{a}; #And, neither did this!
print $foo{a}; #No problem! Use '$" when talking about a single hash element
print ${$hash}{a} #Same as above.
print each %foo; #Each takes a hash (with "%" sign)
print each %{$hash}; #Same as above.
print $hash->{a} #Syntactic Sugar: Same as ${$hash{a}} or $$hash{a}
Yeah, just like print %hash{a} doesn't work even though each(%hash) does.
each(%hash) ==> each(%{ $ref })
print($hash{a}) ==> print(${ $ref }{a})
You were missing the lookup '->'.
print %{$hash}{a};
should be:
print %{$hash}->{a};
You declare it as $ but then try to cast to a hash and retrieve the value, not sure why.
Just retrieve like so:
print $hash->{a};
My personal preference when it comes to hashes:
$hash1->{a} = 1;
print $hash1->{a}, "\n"; # prints '1'
Multi level:
$hash2->{a}{a} = 1;
$hash2->{a}{b} = 2;
print $hash2->{a}{a}, "\n"; # prints '1'
print $hash2->{a}{b}, "\n"; # prints '2'
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$hash1})
print $key, "\n"; # prints 'a'
print $value, "\n"; # prints '1'