SWFUpload - How to Cancel Queued Files - swfupload

I'm a little confused on how to cancel an upload in SWFUpload. I know you have to pass the cancelUpload() function the ID of the upload, but it seems like when I do this it doesn't work. A sample of my code would be:
function remove(number, id) {
<span onClick = "remove(0, 'SWFUpload_0_0')">filename</span>
However, the file still uploads. Any ideas?

Have to add the variable you assign SWFUpload to. In this case, swfu.cancelUpload() worked.

It is already in handlers.js file. This will cancel your current queued file.
ar progress = new FileProgress(file, this.customSettings.progressTarget);


How to use Code org creating simple program without using a bunch of OnEvents

using code.org i need to be able to have a user click on a button that takes them to another screen without using OnEvent(s) constantly, can anyone help me out? Newb here. Thank you for your time.
You can create a function with a value for button and string and put a callback inside
function event(button,input_type, screen) {
onEvent(button, input_type, function() {

Remove image from content after failed upload

Using TinyMCE 4 and the paste plugin with a custom image upload handler (based on documentation sample), I've got the upload working just fine. However, when the upload fails, the image is still added to the content. The sample indicates calling the failure method for errors but that doesn't remove the image.
I've tried adding a paste_postprocess callback to filter the content, but at that point there is no difference in the content between a successfully uploaded image and a failed one. They both appear in the content like:
<div style="display:none"><img src="data:image/jpeg;base64, datahere" /></div>
The end result in the content is actually different. A successful upload has an image source like:
<img src="http://website/uploads/mceclip11.jpg" />
Whereas a failed upload looks like:
<img src="blob:http://website/dd3bdcda-b7b1-40fe-9aeb-4214a86a92a9">
To try this out, I created a TinyMCE Fiddle here.
Any ideas on how to remove the failed upload image from the content before it's displayed to the user?
For anyone who might try something similar, I figured out a way to deal with this.
After calling the failure method as shown in the examples, I now call a method to remove the failed image before it shows up in the editor.
The function looks something like this:
function removeFailedUpload() {
var editor = tinymce.EditorManager.get('editorId');
var $html = $('<div />',{html:editor.getContent()});
The simplest solution is to make use of the undo manager:
In version 5 you can pass an optional object to remove the image in case of failure.
function images_upload_handler(blobInfo, success, failure) {
failure('Fail fail fail', { remove: true });
alert('failed upload');
see the docs.
I suggest two methods for more compact removal with keeping the cursor position.
Method 1:
var editor = tinymce.activeEditor;
Method 2:
var editor = tinymce.activeEditor;
var img = $(editor.dom.doc).find('img[src^="blob:"]').get(0);
if (img)
editor.execCommand('mceRemoveNode', false, img);

Ink file picker callback called too early. How to detect when the file is available?

When uploading a file using filepicker.io, the filepicker.pick success callback is getting called before the file is actually available. Here's the code:
mimetypes: ['image/*'],
container: 'modal',
$('img.foo').attr('src', inkBlob.url);
I get a url in the inkBlob that comes in the callback, but sometimes if I insert that url into the dom (as above), I get a 404. Other times it works. I'm looking for a reliable way to know when I can use the file returned by filepicker. I figured the success callback was it, but there seems to be this race condition.
I realize I could wrap the success callback in a setTimeout, but that seems messy, and I'd like to not keep the user waiting if the file is actually available.
You can also use an event listener.
I have an ajax call that downloads an image after it's cropped by Ink. This call was failing sporadically. I fixed it by doing roughly the following:
crop: cropDimensions
function(croppedBlob) {
function downloadImage() {
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.onLoad(downloadImage()); //only download when image is there
imageObj.src = croppedBlob.url;
I have the same issue as you. My workaround was to attach an onError event to the image and have it retry on a 404 (can set a limit of retries to avoid infinite loop), but it's quite ugly and messy, so it would be great if someone came around with a better solution.

silverstripe dopublish function for ModelAdmin managed Pages

in the silverstripe backend I´m managing certain PageTypes via a ModelAdmin. That works fine so far, the only thing i can´t figure out is how to make a Page being "Published" when saving it.
Thats my code:
class ProjectPage extends Page {
public function onAfterWrite() {
At the moment I can still see the ModelAdmin-created Pages in the Sitetree and I can see they are in Draft Mode. If I use the code above I get this error:
Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
Many thx,
the reason why you get "Maximum execution time exceeded" is because $this->doPublish(); calls $this->write(); which then calls $this->onAfterWrite();. And there you have your endless loop.
So doing this in onAfterWrite() or write() doesn't really work
you should just display the save & publish button instead of the save button
But I guess its easier said than done.
Well adding a button is actually just a few lines, but we also need a provide the functions that do what the button says it does.
This sounds like the perfect call for creating a new Module that allows proper handling of Pages in model admin. I have done this in SS2.4, and I have a pretty good idea of how to do it in SS3, but no time this week, poke me on the silverstripe irc channel on the weekend, maybe I have time on the weekend.
I found the same need/lack and I built a workaround that seems to work for me, maybe it can be useful.
public function onAfterWrite()
if(!$this->isPublished() || $this->getIsModifiedOnStage())
$this->publish('Stage', 'Live');
Create a class that extends ModelAdmin and define an updateEditForm function to add a publish button to the actions in the GridFieldDetailForm component of the GridField.
public function updateEditForm($form) {
if ( ! singleton($this->owner->modelClass)->hasExtension('Versioned') ) return;
$gridField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName($this->owner->modelClass);
$gridField->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldDetailForm')->setItemEditFormCallback(function ($form) {
$form->Actions()->push(FormAction::create('doPublish', 'Save & Publish'));
Then create a class that extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest to provide an action handler for your publish button.
public function doPublish($data, $form) {
$return = $this->owner->doSave($data, $form);
$this->owner->record->publish('Stage', 'Live');
return $return;
Make sure the extensions are applied and you're done.
Or, you could just grab all the code you need from GitHub.

SWFUpload + jQuery.SWFUpload - Remove File From Queue

I'm facing a big issue IMO.
First, here's my code:
.bind('uploadSuccess', function(event, file, serverData){
if(serverData === 'nofile') {
var swfu = $.swfupload.getInstance('#form');
swfu.cancelUpload(file.id); // This part is not working :(
} else {
alert('File uploaded');
In this part I'm checking server response (I'm have strict validation restrictions). Now my question. Is it possible to remove uploaded file from queue? Basically, if server returns error I display error message, but... this file still exsit in the queue (I've implemented checking filename and filesize to avoid duplicated uploads) and user is not possible to replace this file (due to upload and queue limit).
I was trying to search for a solution, but without success. Any ideas?
From the link
"The cancelUpload(file_id) function
allows you to cancel any file you have
You just have to keep the file's ID
value so you can pass it to
cancelUpload when you call it."
Probably you have to keep the file ID before sending anything to the server