RedGate SQL Compare 9 command line - STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE - redgate

I can't seem to find the switch to ignore STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE differences on PKs and INDEXES when scripting RedGate SQL Compare 9. Obviously something like /Options:ii will work but I want to compare the rest of the index.
Any ideas?
Many thanks

It's in project options under Ignore->STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE property on indexes. If you don't see it you may need to upgrade.
From the command line the switch is /isn


Is there any significant difference between using SELECT ... FROM ... INTO syntax instead of the standard SELECT ... INTO ... FROM?

I was creating a function following an example from a database class which included the creation of a temporary variable (base_salary) and using a SELECT INTO to calculate its value later.
However, I did not realize I used a different order for the syntax (SELECT ... FROM ... INTO base_salary) and the function could be used later without any visible issues (values worked as expected).
Is there any difference in using "SELECT ... FROM ... INTO" syntax order? I tried looking about it in the PostgreSQL documentation but found nothing about it. Google search did not provide any meaningful information neither. Only thing I found related to it was from MySQL documentation, which only mentioned about supporting the different order in an older version.
There is no difference. From the docs of pl/pgsql:
The INTO clause can appear almost anywhere in the SQL command.
Customarily it is written either just before or just after the list of
select_expressions in a SELECT command, or at the end of the command for other command types. It is recommended that you follow
this convention in case the PL/pgSQL parser becomes stricter in future
Notice that in (non-procedural) SQL, there is also a SELECT INTO command which works like CREATE TABLE AS, in this version the INTO must come right after the SELECT clause.
I always use SELECT ... INTO ... FROM , I believe that is the standard supported notation
I would recommend using this, also if there are any updates or if the other version might become unsupported as you mentioned...

Analyze stored procedures in PostgreSQL

So I have a complex, almost 200 lines long stored procedure in PostgreSQL and I would like to analyze it quickly, but unfortunately the PgAdmin's built in explain analyze function does not support nested loops and it does not let me look under the hood, so I updated my postgresql.conf file with the following:
auto_explain.log_analyze = true
auto_explain.log_timing = true
auto_explain.log_verbose = true
auto_explain.log_min_duration = '0ms'
auto_explain.log_nested_statements = true
auto_explain.log_buffers = true
So I can see the detailed logs in my pg_log folder, but it generates almost 300 lines long result log and its not easy to analyze.
Is there a better, more elegant way to do this? Maybe is there a UI tool for it on windows?
While is very useful, you can analyze your procedure with as well. You can combine both tools
As #a_horse_with_no_name suggested it in the comments the site is very useful. Just have to copy paste your explain analyze plan, and see the output. You can click on column headers to let it know which parameter is the most important for you – exclusive node time, inclusive node time, or rowcount mis-estimate.

T-SQL - Trying to query something across all databases on my server

I've got an environment where my server is hosting a variable number of databases, all of which utilize the same table structures/schemas. I need to pull a sum of customers that meet a certain series of constraints with say, the user table. I also need to show which database I am showing the sum for.
I already know all I need to get the sum in a db by db query, but what I'm really looking to do is have one script that hits all of the non-system DBs currently on my server to grab this info.
Please forgive my ignorance in this, just starting out.
So, to clarify things somewhat; I'm using MS SQL 2014. I know how to pull a listing of the dbs I want to hit by using:
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name not in ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb')
AND state = 0
And for the purposes of gathering the data I need from each, let's just say I've got something like:
select count(u.userid)
from users n
join UserAttributes ua on u.userid = ua.userid
where ua.status = 2
New Update:
So, I went ahead and added the ps sp_foreachdb as suggested by #Philip Kelley, and I'm now running into a problem when trying to run this (admittedly, I can tell I'm closer to a solution). So, this is what I'm using to call the sp:
USE [master]
DECLARE #return_value int
EXEC #return_value = [dbo].[sp_foreachdb]
#command = N'select count(userid) as number from ?..users',
#print_dbname = 1,
#user_only = 1
SELECT 'Return Value' = #return_value
This provides a nice and clean output showing a count, but what I'd like to see is the db name in addition to the count, something like this:
But for each DB
Is this even possible?
Source Code:
Example Usage:
declare #options int = (
select a.ExcludeSystemDatabases
from dbo.ForEachDatabaseOptions() as a
execute dbo.usp_ForEachDatabase
#Command = N'print Db_Name();'
, #Options = #options;
#Command can be anything you want but obviously it needs to be a query that every single database can understand. #Options currently has 3 built-in settings but can be expanded however you see fit.
I wrote this to mimic/expand upon the master.sys.sp_MSforeachdb procedure but it could still use a little bit of polish (especially around the "logic" that replaces ? with the current database name).
Enumerate the databases from schema / sysdatabases. At least in situations without replication, excluding db_ids 1 to 4 as system databases should be reasonably robust:
SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE dbid NOT IN (1,2,3,4)
Other methods exist, see here: Get list of databases from SQL Server and here: SQL Server: How to tell if a database is a system database?
Then prefix the query or stored procedure call with the database name, and in a cursor loop over the resultset of the first query, store that in a sysname variable to construct a series of statements like that:
SELECT column FROM databasename.schema.Viewname WHERE ...
and call that using the string execute function
EXECUTE('SELECT ... FROM '+##fully_qualified_table_name+' WHERE ...')
There’s the undocumented sytem procedure, sp_msForEachDB, as found in the master database. Many pundits on the internet recommend not using this, as under obscure fringe cases it can be unreliable and somehow skip random databases. Count me as one of them, this caused me serious grief a few months back.
You can write your own routine to provide this kind of functionality. This is a common task, however, and many people have already done it and posted their code online… so why re-invent the wheel?
#kittoes0124 posted a link to “usp_ForEachDatabse”. This probably works, though pro forma I hate any stored procedures that beings with usp_. I ended up with Aaron Bertrand’s utility, which can be found at
Install a version of this routine, figure out how it works, plug in your script, and go!

Apply diffs between two SQL Server Tables efficiently

I have a once-a-day ingestion case in which I will be getting a large file via FTP which contains the up-to-date versions of 4 database tables.
For each table, I would like to:
Truncate table in staging database
BCP the FTP'd file into that table
Find diffs (IUD) between staging table and production table
Make any required IUDs to production table so it matches staging table
I'm sure this is a reasonably common problem, but I'm not 100% sure as to the best way to approach it.
Are there any built in T-SQL features for this kind of problem, or do I just need to do various joins to find the inserted/updated/deleted records and execute them manually? I'm sure I can manage to do it this second way, but any suggestions are greatly appreciated none-the-less (not looking for working code).
Since nobody ever put it as a real answer, the MERGE command as mentioned by Mikael Eriksson in the comment is the right way to go, it worked great.
Here's a simple example usage:
MERGE dbo.DimProduct AS Target
USING (SELECT ProductID, ProductName, ProductColor, ProductCategory FROM dbo.StagingProduct) AS Source
ON (Target.ProductID = Source.ProductID)
UPDATE SET Target.ProductName = Source.ProductName
INSERT (ProductID, ProductName, ProductColor, ProductCategory)
VALUES (Source.ProductID, Source.ProductName, Source.ProductColor, Source.ProductCategory)
OUTPUT $action, Inserted.*, Deleted.*;
which helped me.
RedGate's SQL Compare product has automation capabilities.
(I am not associated with redgate. I don't even like their products that much, but it seems to fit the case in this instance)

Why does SQL Server 2000 treat SELECT test.* and SELECT t.est.* the same?

I butter-fingered a query in SQL Server 2000 and added a period in the middle of the table name:
SELECT t.est.* FROM test
Instead of:
SELECT test.* FROM test
And the query still executed perfectly. Even SELECT* FROM test executes without issue.
I've tried the same query in SQL Server 2008 where the query fails (error: the column prefix does not match with a table name or alias used in the query). For reasons of pure curiosity I have been trying to figure out how SQL Server 2000 handles the table names in a way that would allow the butter-fingered query to run, but I haven't had much luck so far.
Any sql gurus know why SQL Server 2000 ran the query without issue?
Update: The query appears to work regardless of the interface used (e.g. Enterprise Manager, SSMS, OSQL) and as Jhonny pointed out below it bizarrely even works when you try:
SELECT TOP 1000 dbota.ble.* FROM dbo.table
Maybe table names are constructed from a naive concatenation of prefix and base name.
't' + 'est' == 'test'
And maybe in the later versions of SQL Server, the distinction was made more semantic/more rigorously.
{ owner = t, table = est } != { table = test }
SQL Server 2005 and up has a "proper" implementation of schemas. SQL 2000 and earlier did not. The details escape me (its been years since I used SQL 2000), all I recall clearly is that you'd be nuts to create anything that wasn't owned by "dbo". It all ties into users and object ownership, but the 2000 and earlier model was pretty confusticated. Hopefully someone will read up on BOL, do some experimentation, and post their results here.
S-SQL reference manual:
"[dot] Can be used to combine multiple names into a name of the form A.B to refer to a column in a table, or a table in a schema. Note that you calso just use a symbol with a dot in it."
So I think if you referenced tblTest as tblT.est it would work OK as long as there isn't a column called 'est' in tblTest.
If it can't find a column name referenced with the dot I imagine it checks the parent of the object.
I found a reference to it being a bug
Note: as a result of a comparison
algorithm bug in SQL Server 2000, dot
symbols themselves have no effect on
matching, so "dbo.t" will successfully
match with tables "dbot", "d.b.o.t",
from Link
It's been fixed in SQL Server 2005. Same link > Changes introduced in SQL Server 2005
Dot-related comparison bug has been fixed.
Is it in the "Open table" view of SSMS or via Enterprise Manager or via an SSMS Query Window?
There is/was a SQL Server 2005 issue with SSMS so how you run the query affects how it behaves.
This is a bug.
It has to do with internal representation of column names in SQL server 2000 that leaked out.
You will also not be able to create tablecolumn with a name which collides with table+column concatenation with another column, like, if you have tables User and UserDetail, you won't be able to have columns DetailAge and Age in these tables, respectively.