Is Netbeans better than Eclipse for web service development ? - eclipse

I just started 5 hours ago with web services. I have some background but now I am looking more into it.
I tried both Eclipse (with Axis 2) and Netbeans. At the first glance Netbeans seems far less complex to use regarding web services. I don't understand why there is the need for stubs and handlers generation in Eclipse (1000 lines of code for a simple web service) when Netbeans does not have this? I want to use Eclipse (because I use it for everything else) but it drives me crazy when I see the big difference from Netbeans in developing web services.
Is it something I do wrong if I use Axis ? Do you know some other framework to make things easier?
With netbeans I followed this simple tutorial and everything is nice and easy.
Please recommend me some framework, tutorials or whatever is better for Eclipse.

Axis 2 is only web service runtime, you can try Apache CXF as well. When it comes to web service development Eclipse is a very good and complex tool, I used it in many projects. Another must-have tool for web service development is SoapUI. Good luck!


Using Compute Engine in Eclipse with GWT

I'm planning on making an online game using GWT (HTLM5/JavaScript) and Google Compute Engine for server. I used to make a turn-based game using AppEngine (servlets) and that worked fine. Is there a way (plugins etc) I can develop a Compute Engine project within Eclipse? Or what would be the best work flow in this case. Cloud9 seems interesting but, I'm not sure how does it integrate with an GWT/Eclipse project....
My aim is to make developing and debugging client/server stuff as fluent as possible, so other ideas are welcome too :)
Have a look at the documentation page. Based on the info there, it seems to suit your needs.

Setting up SOA for experimenting

I want to set up a SOA platform to demonstrate the key ingredients of it. Not knowing much about this topic, this seems to be an difficult task. I hope someone can clarify some points for me. I am aware that SOA has no exact definition, but I am trying to get some sense into it.
What are common platforms and development tools? Everything seems to have a little bit SOA in it, but I am searching for the big ones. Something like that?
platforms: IBM WebSphere, SAP NetWeaver, RedHat Jboss SOA, HP SOA, systinet software, Microsoft .Net
development tools: Eclipse SOA, NetBeans SOA, Visual Studio
What are the key ingredients of a SOA platform? I figured something like this:
Service Registry, Enterprise Service Bus, BPEL-Engine, Application Server
Can I mix components from different platforms? I especially don't get the concept of the application server which every platform contains. Is it just an Java EE Environment?
I want to set up an environment for experimenting and demonstration. It should be based on some opensource SOA platform and developed with Eclipse SOA. I want to create a few services (with for example basic math operations), a Registry and a BPEL controlled process. What SOA System is suited best for me? Easy to learn, maybe good tutorials?
Any answer to any question would be awesome and be greatly appreciated.
1) & 2)
See this article and you may understand exactly what it is.
3) it will be a little hard unless you are extremely fast developer/deployer & configurator - I'm talking you work as fast as 10 people for a few months. Why not use existing examples ? Like Google for example
I would start with Apache Axis/2 and Tomcat for you server environment.
And the splendid SOAPUI utility as your client. Moving on to real Java/C/perl/php/Python/C# or whatever clients as the server side develops more.
Don't bother with the heavyweight commercial servers like until you have a specific need for them as the installation and configuration is usually really tedious and most of their functionality is available from Apache.

How to run Scala files on a web server

This could be either an incredibly easy or horrifically complicated question; but I've started writing code in Scala, and want to run said code on a web server.
There's a few questions that I need answering really, and I apologise for my complete lack of knowledge on the subject, web servers scare me (I'm a PHP developer so all I need to do there is upload to any linux apache server):
How to save and upload files (I know how to use ftp software, do I need to do anything from Eclipse?)
What to do to my server to run the files (at the moment I just have a linux apache server from fasthosts, is that enough?)
Any other advice would be so greatly appreciated; and the less jargon the better - the whole thing blags me a little.
UPDATE: To put the sort of work I'm doing into context, I'm making a rather large, social-media style site that'll have a very large amount of small, regular posts/updates. Also thanks for the answers so far!
Seems like i need to do all of the following:
Learn Scala (I can write in PHP and Java so should be okay)
Install Apache tomcat on my server somehow
Install Lift (and then either Maven or the SBT)
Upload the whole thing?
What do I do about databases?! I need something really serious, with MySQL be okay? Urgh this goes on and on...
Here are the most important points. I'm afraid you will not get this done without lots of reading, but at least you'll know where to start.
You need your own servlet container, e.g. Jetty or Tomcat. Those can be used as stand alone servers or together with apache.
You need to package your web application as a .war file. That is basically a zip file with all the classes and some meta information. Then you upload the .war file to the server.
You should have a look at a web framework for scala, such as Lift.
It also helps to be on good terms with one of the major build tools, sbt or maven.
You are better off using a framework - like Lift as the other answer suggest or...
Play framework has scala support as well -
You can look at Play framework "Preparing for Production" page -
It is not going to be like with PHP where you can just ftp and host.
Lift is a whole web development framework around Scala - might want to try their Getting Started page, or just poke around their docs in general.
But in general, you'll be using any of the java-based web application serving solutions, e.g. Jetty, Tomcat.
You have not said what exactly you want to do with Scala on the web. In addition to the Lift and Play frameworks there are some interesting alternatives like Unfiltered:
It is also easy to start without any kind of framework by directly writing Servlets:
Here is a interesting example that uses Jetty, websocktes and the Scala interpreter to create a web based Scala REPL:
Also the excellent Akka framework has a http module:
To start with Scala without too much to read, you may give G-WAN v3.9 (that's the September beta, the release is expected in October) a try.
G-WAN runs Scala source code files without configuration (you just copy a file and call it) and it lets you run other languages the same way.

Netbeans RCP vs Eclipse RCP

I would like to start a new project which will make extensive use of plugins. I know that both Eclipse and Netbeans have their respective Rich Client Platforms, both with their respective strengths and weaknesses.
I would like some comments on which the Stack Overflow community prefers.
Also, and most importantly, how easy it is with the respective platforms to write plugins for already existing applications. For example, if I finish my application, and would like to enable 3rd parties to extend it with their own plugins, how does each of these platforms provide functionality for this? Would they need my source to do it, or do these platforms provide plugin APIs towards which 3rd parties can code?
I would like some comments on which the Stack Overflow community prefers.
I lean my preference to Eclipse RCP, mostly because I still think that the IDE itself is the best right now. Eclipse RCP is also more mature, and has more books and documentations on the web. Netbeans RCP is slightly behind with only three books I can find on regarding the platform.
I'm also very eager to see the platform growing with its e4 projects which will simplify a lot of things (from dependency injection to UI customization)
Also, and most importantly, how easy it is with the respective platforms to write plugins for already existing applications. For example, if I finish my application, and would like to enable 3rd parties to extend it with their own plugins, how does each of these platforms provide functionality for this? Would they need my source to do it, or do these platforms provide plugin APIs towards which 3rd parties can code?
I can imagine that the answer for this question will not really be satisfying while both platform are designed to be extensible. They are pretty equals in this department.
The most important thing is to design your application to also be extensible. That is, providing extension points. You don't have to provide source code for that but you can document the extension points. Also, in case you need to provide interfaces, you can just provide the javadoc without the real source.
I repeat my point, designing application using RCP doesn't mean your application will automatically be extensible. You have to also design your application to be so. This won't come easily as you learn the platform for the first time but you will eventually learn about it from experience.
(Note: I'm not speaking for the community here ;) )
The two major differences between Netbeans and Eclipse RCP are:
OSGi (Netbeans 6.9 is only beginning to support it): it is designed to support extensions
Swing vs. SWT (can you app benefit from the native look supported by SWT)
Another factor, as you can read in this blog post is RAP (Rich Ajax Platform), which could help deploy your app on many platform based on one source code. But that may not concern you.
The maven integration is quite good from both side (see the Netbeans-RCP-Maven Hello World article), but the Maven3-Tycho integration is primarily developed on Eclipse.
Again, you might not need those new maven features (or you could use other build management system entirely, like Ivy or Graddle)
Consider if your plugins does really need such complex architecture as eclipse RCP or NetBeans provide. Plugins for RCP or NetBeans can be only created by Java Developers with strong RCP/NetBeans experience. Be aware that you can do (very easy) RCP application that is not pluggable at all. In some cases is better to write your own, maybe less flexible but more friendly way to attach new plugins. You can even do some wizards for them.

Advice for Beginners (Eclipse & Web Application)

I am about to start on a college project (a web application) and I have never used a full-fledged IDE such as Eclipse.
Turbo C/C++, Visual Basic 6,Java Basic, a bit of SQL, ASP, etc is the sort of exposure I have.
What things should I keep in mind before starting my project using Eclipse? Are the tools mentioned appropriate for the project?(If not please give a detailed answer)
Designing - UML (Rational Rose)
Language - Google Web Toolkit
Server - Google App Engine
IDE - Eclipse
Version Control - Subversion or Mercurial?
I would definitely recommend Googling first. There are a number of tutorials regarding Eclipse as it is a very popular IDE. A quick Google search of my own brought up all these results: developing web applications in eclipse
As for other things to consider, if you are developing a web application, you'll need:
web server (Tomcat is a popular one)
possibly a database (MySQL is an open source, easy to use DB)
language (I'm assuming you're going with Java since you are using Eclipse)
Of course, you'll also need to consider how you hook everything together and what technologies you want to use to do that. (Hibernate, Spring, etc) Eclipse itself has a ton of plugins to help bring together all these various aspects.
That list from Wikipedia is a good and comprehensive list, but if you are learning or developing on your own machine, you may not necessarily need all of that.
Hope that helps.
Since it is a web application, then start with the looks of it.
First, layout a template of how your pages should look, that is what users see. If it does not look good, the users will think the application (in its entirety) is also not good (it does not matter if the code behind the view is perfect; it will just make a first bad impression).
Start with that and be consistent with the design in all your pages. SiteMesh is a nice tool to dissociate the looks of the page from the functionality you put in it.
Then think what the application will do and what it will use:
you have a database? (use something like MySQL). With what are you going to access it? (IBatis is nice; Hibernate I think is a bit heavy weight for a first project)
you need a server: Tomcat is easy to use;
are you going for a simple Servlet/JSP approach or you want to use a framework (look at Spring or Struts);
try to find the good ways of writing the application, look at service layers, DAO pattern, DTO, MVC. Also, you must understand how HTTP works.
A lot more could be said.
Ah.. and also use a source repository. It’s a must (even if you work alone on this project).
Eclipse can handle all of these tools, but then so can Netbeans.
For your first project with GWT you should read through this tutorial:
If you don't know Java then you will have some learning to do, and unlike Visual Studio your UI won't be just drag and drop, so it will be a bit harder than you are used to.
Subversion is fine, it is a nice source control, and any IDE will work with it.
Depending on your project would determine if GWT is the best choice though.
I expect UML may be overkill, and if you were following an agile methodology you wouldn't use it.
Your best bet is to get the UI done first, just have it appear as you want, and have some fake results, until you are happy with the look and feel.
Then, start to do the wiring to whatever you need on the backend.
Don't mean to be harping on you, but is Eclipse a must? For myself, in the beginning NetBeans turned out to be a really painless introduction to getting a web project up a running fast. I believe in the beginning one will spend a lot less time fighting the IDE with NetBeans.
A lot of the items from your bullet list NB makes super easy to ramp up as well. Just my $0.2