Batch for Automated Setup - command-line

I just started playing around to Batch scripts and I was wondering if anybody who is familiar with bash or scripting can give me a great reference.
Right now, I am trying to run DiskPart, but another window pops up for it. Can I pass commands to it so it is automated and close out of it automated?
I was also wondering if it is possible to silently run exe files with a Bash script (e.g. install a JRE) and also run multiple EXE files?
Thank you!!

Can I pass commands to it so it is automated and close out of it automated.
It is a question? Did you try to call diskpart /??
The answer is diskpart /s "full_path_to_diskpart_script_file"
Where full_path_to_diskpart_script_file is plain text file with DiskPart commands.
I was also wondering if it is possible to silently run exe files with a Bash script (e.g. install a JRE) and also run multiple EXE files.
Another question? Look at start /?
For example, you may run from batch
start /min "Installing JRE" "full_path_to\jre-7u5-windows-x64.exe" /s
JRE Installer Options


Fill information automatically on .ps1 scripts

I want to install an .msi app with a .ps1 script, but I want it to fill some information automatically. For example, see the attached image, what I have to do to instead of C:\ be D:\Example\Example
What should I type on the script?
So for the .msi file, in command prompt you can run the following command,
(filename).msi /?
A window should appear with the details of command line parameters that you can pass to the .MSI file. You should be able to install your application using a command prompt and automate this.

How to silent install an exe file using perl script

I want to silent install a software executable file using Perl coding.
I check to have a installer module to run executable file but no luck.
Kindly respond with some idea to initiate .
Would it not make sense to do something like that in a .bat or .ps1 file, using the command:
vlc-2.0.1-win32.exe /L=1033 /S
(just put the full filepath and executable file in there)?
That should result in a silent install, and looks easier for Windows than trying to use Perl? Or does it have to be Perl for whatever reason?

How to build AHK scripts automatically on startup?

Each time I restart my computer, I have to rebuild all my AHK Scripts so the keyboard shortcuts will work.
For instance, I have a script that assigns Ctrl+j to set up an instance of the MEAN stack and open my web site. After restarting my computer, pressing ^j does nothing until I go into Sublime and ^b (Build). I could build from AHK, but I do a lot of work in Sublime, so it's easier to build there.
How can my AHK Scripts automatically build on startup?
What I've tried so far:
Looking to build a post startup, startup script: This Is concerned with using an AHK script to start many programs on starup. I use Windows' Task Manager > Startup to do this, thus has nothing to do with making. I want to not have to rebuild all my scripts after every restart.
Windows 10 - run script on windows startup problem: This assumes the start script is already written and implemented. However, it doesn't appear to give the script.
AutoHotKey FAQ: I eventually found a solution here, but it took a long time to dig through the questions so I figured I'd post a question anyway to help others who run into this.
Simply add a shortcut (don't need to be the actual file) of your script in the Windows 'Startup' folder.
Three ways to get there:
1- In Windows Explorer, go to %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (for current user startup list) or %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (for every user startup list)
2- Open Windows' Run application (Windows + r) write shell:startup (current user) or shell:common startup (every user) in the edit field and click on the 'ok' button.
3- Start > Programs > Startup (old Windows versions)
In AutoHotKey you can access this folder with the Built-in Variables %A_Startup% (current user) or %A_StartupCommon% (every user)
To create the (current user) shortcut automatically from your script, use the following line:
FileCreateShortcut, %A_ScriptFullPath%, %A_Startup%\shortcutname.lnk
To do the same for all users, use this line instead:
FileCreateShortcut, %A_ScriptFullPath%, %A_StartupCommon%\shortcutname.lnk
(in the case of having a file with the same name in the folder, the file would be overwritten)
ps: Win10 blocks scripts in startup with AHK running as admin... read the comments of this post for extra info.
Run at startup in Windows 10:
Compile the script to *.exe
Put the shortcut of that exe in startup folder "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
That's all. Do NOT set it to run as admin. Programs in Win10 don't run at startup which are marked as run as admin.
Run Script as admin at Startup in Windows 10:
Go to ahk script and mark it run as admin.
Create the VBScript using a text editor
'put it in startup folder to run the mentioned ahk script at startup
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )
WshShell.Run """C:\Users\jerry\Downloads\scripts\some_script.ahk""", 0 'Must quote command if it has spaces; must escape quotes
Set WshShell = Nothing
Replace C:\Users\jerry\Downloads\scripts\some_script.ahk with the path to your script with extension and save it as .vbs.
Place this .vbs script at startup folder %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
PS: My fav AHK scripts:
Open note pad or any other text editor
write Start "" "C:\ahk\yourdirectory\yourahk.ahk"
press save as
navigate to %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
name the filename anything.bat
As a Windows 7 user, I have limited experience with Windows 10. I have heard that W10 can be finicky with regard to running programs underground administratie or limited user. In W7, you just add the .AHK file link to the startup dir.
A simple solution without writing any code, using the Windows Task Scheduler, set the script to start when the user logs on. If it is set to system startup it will error because it is too early.
To allow the script to automate administrative programs without running as admin, here're the required steps:
When installing AHK, check the "Add 'Run with UI Access' to context menus" option.
After installation, find AutoHotkeyU64_UIA.exe on your disk.
Open the .ahk script's properties, change the "Open with" option to the AutoHotkeyU64_UIA.exe you just found.
Create a shortcut to this script.
Open %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup in the file explorer.
Move that shortcut to this folder.
And you're done.
How does it work?
The "Add 'Run with UI Access' to context menus" option provides a workaround for common UAC-related issues by allowing the script to automate administrative programs without running as admin.
Reference: Run with UI Access.
Open windows run (win+r) and type “shelll:startup”
Copy paste the ahk file into there
Close the folder
And that‘s all!

Can Jenkins run executable files called through a PowerShell script?

I have to install a program on a Windows 8 server using Jenkins as a framework. I wrote a PowerShell script that does run and install executable files when run through the PowerShell console. This does not happen when I run the same scripts through Jenkins.
Nothing happens except the text I output does appear on Jenkins' console.
Can running an .exe be done on Jenkins through a PowerShell script? Please help! Thanks :)
Read a similar answer here:
Open Excel on Jenkins CI
The issue is that Jenkins on Windows usually runs in "Session 0". Which is not visible to the logged in user. The trick is to launch the process (Excel in that answer, PowerShell in your case) in session 1.

How to get Powershell to run SH scripts

Can someone please tell me how I get Powershell to run .sh scripts? It keeps just trying to open the file i need in Notepad when I run this command:
.\ 123
I've added .SH to my PATHEXT environment variable and also added the Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 directory to the Path environment variable.
PowerShell scripts have a .ps1 extension (along with other supported extensions such as psm1,psd1 etc) it will not run other extensions other than that.
I had also got the same issue when i am trying to run .sh files. The solution is you need to enable bash shell by typing bash.After enabling Bash on Windows, you can run .sh files by typing bash ./ But i have tried through git bash with typing . it worked well. These are the two solutions that I have found, and you can try whatever you wish.