Application failed codesign verification - Command line used by Application Loader? - iphone

This appears in the Application loader but I cannot investigate as everything looks correct.
Can someone tell me how to get the Validation tool output to show the full verbose log of why I'm getting this.
I'm currently running:
/Applications/ ~/Desktop/EstateTest/Deliver/appAppStore.ipa
No output & exit code == 0
So in summary. What command is Application Loader running here that I am not in the terminal.
Also. Running codesign --verify checks also returns okay.

I figured out why it was failing code sign validation. I had generated the the Push Certificates before generating the certificates/provisions.
Looking inside my AppStore.provision showed no entitlements section in the plist xml & thats how I knew.


How can I pass developer machine hostname to app

After much trial and error, I have failed to come up with a solution for this problem. Hoping someone might know a way.
I want to pass my development machine hostname to the app, without hardcoding it.
My idea was to make a build phase script that captures the hostname and export it
export DEV_MACHINE_HOST=hostname
and then set it as a launch argument on the RUN scheme
-dev-machine $(DEV_MACHINE_HOST)
But to no avail.
Anyone know if this can be done?
I'm making a dev tool with a local server. I want to send http requests to this tool as long as I'm on the same network, so that it will work on device as well as the simulator.
See Providing custom variables for Info.plist for an example of this. Create a Script Phase that uses PlistBuddy with something like:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy \
-c "Add :DevMachineHost string `hostname`" \
And then fetch it with Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey:).
Alternately, you can write a script that generates a Swift file that defines a global for you. (But it's more typical to do this with Info.plist.)
A scheme can't do this, because that's just how Xcode launches the app in the debugger. It's not something that's stored with the app or that influences how the app is normally launched.

cloudfoundry error pushing to bluemix

I am working my way through an online course from IBM on getting to know Bluemix. The exercise shows how to push an application to Bluemix.
I am running:
cf version 6.18.1+a1103f0-2016-05-24 on a Mac running OS X El Capitan
10.11.5 (15F34)
This is the command I entered:
cf push leonardbMyFirstDeploy3 -c "node app.js" -m 128M --no-manifest --no-start
This is the error I am getting (I have substituted my user name and digits on Mobile Documents folder name).
Error processing app files in '/Users/myname': read
bad file descriptor*
I checked the file and yes the file seems to be corrupted. As I understand, this directory is my local location for iCloud sharing on my local disk. I don't know how this dictionary file got there and probably don't need it.
But my questions are these:
For the cloud foundry push command is there a way to generate a trace to get more information?
Why would the push be even looking at or using the file that is giving it problems? This seems like a significant overreach to even be anywhere this this folder. So does anyone know why?
Can anyone advise how to fix this?
I did try to configure a .cfignore using the Mobile Documents.########## directory but this did not seem to change the outcome any as the error recurred.
If the push command gives you OK on certain steps are there any cleanup or rollback commands that need to be executed before running again?
When you run cf push without the -p option, it will recursively push everything in the current directory and under it. So if you were running in /Users/myname when you ran the push, it will have pushed everything underneath it. Try creating a separate directory which contains just your app files and push from there instead.
If you run the cf command without any arguments it will dump a bunch of usage info, including the following environment variable to control debug tracing:
CF_TRACE=true Print API request diagnostics to stdout
Finally you do not have to clean anything up explicitly. If you do as I suggested above and move just your application files into their own directory and run the push from there, it will simply overwrite what you did before.

Using MPI with two RaspberryPi

I am trying to make a 'dual core' RaspberryPi for a project I am working on. I had followed this tutorial by Simon Cox. Unfortunately I could not get the two RasPi to talk to each other. (This was using Hydra as the process manager)
After looking more carefully at the MPICH installers guide, which can be found here, I tried to use the -phrase to pass the passphrase I had created. However I could not find it as part of the hydra commands. So I re-installed with smpd and after many compiling attempts. I configured with:
/configure -prefix=/home/pi/mpich-install --with-pm=smpd --with-pmi=smpd
I also had to install libbsl-dev to get the MD5 that smpd requires. I also exported the path that the commands mpiexec and mpicc are in. After setting the passphrase I copied the image to a second SD card and put it in a second RasPi. I then set up the passphrase using ssh-keygen.
I was able to run the cpi program on the master Pi and the slave Pi individually but when I tried to run multiple processes on both at the same time I got the error
Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack:
MPID_Init(139)........................: channel initialization failed
MPIU_SHMW_Seg_create_attach_templ(637): open failed - No such file or directory
Can someone please suggest how I can either fix this problem or get the RaspberryPis to communicate using MPICH?
If anyone else has this problem make sure your hosts don't have the same name!
You can change it by following this tutorial

nagios Error: Could not read object configuration data

I have a brand new install of nagios3 on ubuntu 12.04. After I log in to the web interface and click any link I get the error:
Error: Could not read object configuration data!
Here are some things you should check in order to resolve this error:
Verify configuration options using the -v command-line option to check for errors.
Check the Nagios log file for messages relating to startup or status data errors.
I ran it with the -v option and it reported no errors:
Total Warnings: 0
Total Errors: 0
Things look okay - No serious problems were detected during the pre-flight check
The nagios log and apache error log and debug log all have nothing regarding this. Does anyone know how to turn on logging that will give me some kind of useful error? Or if anyone knows how to fix this specific problem without additional logging, I guess that's okay too.
Possibly an issue with permissions.
/var/cache/nagios3 probably has wrong user/group or permissions set.

Why doesn't WebBBS work now that I've migrated to a new server?

I've moved a WebBBS board from one server to another. Ever since the board doesn't work.
I'm getting an Apache error whenever I try to access the board. Don't even know where to start the debugging, I'm not a Perl person. The file paths remained the same and there isn't any DB involved.
Any ideas?
After a bit of testing I believe that the problem has something to do with the index.cgi which is located in that folder (not getting the error when renaming it).
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Says it all. You will have to find the error log and look at it.
If you are using CGI, the first step is to check you have given it the right permissions so it is an executable script at all.
chmod 755 index.cgi
This is caused by Apache config errors. Set LogLevel debug and tail -f the error log. It will probably be something to do with .htaccess permission for override, or, it's requiring a module which isn't loaded. The error log will tell you instantly.