Installing the ARM DS-5 community edition under Ubuntu 64 bit - eclipse
I have a 64 bit installation of Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, i want to install the community edition of DS-5, but i can't.
I have the 32 bit version of Eclipse and the 32 bit version of an official JDK from Oracle.
When i use this URL
in the Eclipse package manager i see 1 package but when in choose to install it i get this error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Eclipse plug-ins for DS-5 Community Edition (
Missing requirement: Eclipse plug-ins for DS-5 Community Edition ( requires ' [3.7.0,3.8.0)' but it could not be found
my best guess is that my copy of Eclipse ( Juno ) is too recent for this plugin.

ARM DS-5 seems not to work on Eclipse Juno at the moment. But it runs well on Eclipse Indigo and Oracle JDK 6 (32 bit in each case).


Java 16 unbound on Eclipse

I have Java JDK 16 installed on my computer and I've changed the JRE system library to JavaSE-16 in build paths of all of my Eclipse projects.
Here's the problem. I get errors saying that there are no compatible JREs installed in the workplace and some errors say that JavaSE-16 library is unbound. This happens despite installing Java 16 support from Eclipse Marketplace. Does anyone know a solution?
Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers 2021-03 (4.19.0).
Java JDK 16.01.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.

Is Eclipse 2018-12 availabe for 32 bit Windows or Linux?

I need to install Eclipse 2018-12 modelling tools on my 32 bit machine.
In the official site it is available only for 64bit machines.
I tried to download Eclipse 2018-09 and then upgrade it to Eclipse 2018-12 but the upgrade process creates p2bu file and deletes the application files.
No, in Eclipse 2018-12 (4.10) the support of 32-bit platforms has been dropped.
See Eclipse 4.10 - New and Noteworthy - Dropped support for 32-bit platforms:
Eclipse and eclipse based applications no longer run on 32 bit
platforms or 32 bit JVM. Only 64-bit platforms/JVM are supported.
See also Eclipse bug 536766.

Unable to install Scala IDE for Windows 7 32 bit machine

I have tried to find Scala IDE for Windows 7 32-bit machine from various sources but unable to find and install it.
When I launch it, the following error is shown:
I also tried to add plugins and packages but I am not able to access marketplace.
I referred to the following links but nothing works for me:
Can't we install scala IDE for windows 7 32 bit machine?
Can't access Eclipse marketplace
Can't access Eclipse marketplace
How can I install Scala IDE?
The Scala IDE bundle is only offered for 64 bit, but the plug-in seems not require a 64 bit Java JRE:
Install Java 32 bit
Install an Eclipse 32 bit package (see What Eclipse package should I use?)
In Help > Install New Software... work with

Will JDK 8 will integrate with Eclipse? [duplicate]

I want to start using Java 8 with Eclipse but I don't know how to install it - I can't find any tutorials on it. I am using Eclipse Kepler and have added a JRE for JDK 8 to the IDE but it won't let me continue to create the project because of a compliance problem with the JRE versions. How can I use Java 8 with the Eclipse Kepler IDE?
Have a look at this bug report from time to time for progress on Java 8 in Eclipse's JDT.
EDIT: For Kepler you need SR2 (4.3.2) and the Java 8 feature patch. Starting with I20140318-0830 all Luna (4.4) builds contain support for Java 8 "out-of-the-box". The final version of Eclipse Luna (4.4) will be released at the end of June 2014.
Now, after Java 8 is released, there is a feature patch, but only for Kepler SR2 (4.3.2). Installation via
Help > Install New Software... > 'Work with':
see Tutorial Installing Java 8 on Eclipse Kepler
Early access builds of Eclipse with Java 8 support are available. Installation instruction can be found here.
Wayne Beaton (Director of Open Source Projects at the Eclipse Foundation) just published (February 2014) an article on "Building and Running Java 8 Support" (with Eclipse Luna 4.4Mx).
It includes:
Getting the sources of JDK8
Downloading the latest milestone of the Eclipse SDK (4.4Mx)
Configuring the “vm” option in the eclipse.ini file to use the Java 8 JRE included with the downloaded JDK.
Adding Egit
Clone the BETA_JAVA8 branch of the Git repo JDT Core, JDT UI and JDT Debug repos.
Using the handy “Import all projects” feature to automatically pull all the code into my workspace.
Setting various JRE 1.4, 5 and 6.
Putting the right mapping for those JRE in the execution environment.
For Eclipse Kepler 4.3+, leeor mentions in the comments:
As of Feb 21st, you can install the beta 8 JDT via "install new software..." in Eclipse (I use Kepler) here: JDT/Eclipse Java 8 Support (BETA)
Java8 support for Eclipse Kepler SR2 has been removed from eclipse marketplace. You can access the archive here. Download the zipped repo and install it as a local archive update site.
Add it like the screenshot
I am assuming that you have installed Java 8, JRE 8 and configured them (setting class paths etc.).
Follow the steps.
Go to Help->Eclipse market place
In the search box type "java 8 kepler"
The first link that appears is Java 8 support for Kepler SR2
select it and install it.
It will take a few minutes.
You may need to restart Eclipse after completion.
The problem is that the version of Kepler your using might not have the support for Java8. You can either install the Java8 Patch from market place if your using SR2 version
You can directly download Eclipse Kepler SR2 from here, which comes with default support for Java8

javahl subclipse 64 bit installation on windows

Windows 7 - 64 bit
Eclipse indigo
Java VM 64 bit
javahl from (64 bit version) properly installed
path environment variable points also to the folder containing javahl librarires
When installing subclipse, I'm getting
Incompatible JavaHL library loaded. 1.6.x or later required.
What should I do to get subclipse properly working ?
The message should have said 1.6.x required. You probably installed SlikSVN 1.7.x. Just install Subclipse 1.8 which is designed for SVN 1.7. It also includes the JavaHL 64-bit binaries now.
I think the preferred solution is to upgrade to subclipse 1.8 if possible. If you can't do that (e.g., because other dependencies like m2e-eclipse are still using subclipse 1.6), then you just need to install an earlier (1.6) version of SlikSVN x64.
For instance, you can get:
which did the job for me when SlikSVN 1.7.1 (current as of this writing) failed with the exact error provided in the original question.
Just strip the MSI off the URL to see a list of previous releases:
You might try to run Eclipse with "run as administrator" during the install. I have noticed that otherwise part of the install goes to wrong folders.