Capturing in PowerShell different sqlcmd exitcode for connectivity/data issues - tsql

I am calling sqlcmd from PowerShell to execute a T-SQL script. Currently I am using ":On Error exit" to exit the script if there is an error caused by the data used violating a constraint etc. This is handled by PowerShell detecting the $SqlcmdProcess.ExitCode of 1.
However, if there is a connectivity issue with the database, sqlcmd also gives an ExitCode of 1. Is there a way to set the :On Error ExitCode to something other than 1? I'm aware of using something like :Exit(SELECT 2) to do this, but I'd rather still use :On Error so I don't have to rewrite the script.

You could use the exit keyword in Powershell. Here's an example
Create a script called sqlcmdexit.ps1, with something like the following:
$result = sqlcmd -S"missing" -d master -Q "select ##servername"
if ($result[1] -like "*Error Locating Server/Instance Specified*" -or $result[1] -like "*Could not open a connection to SQL Server*") {
exit 99
Call script and observe exist code:
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 : A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while
establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and i
f SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 : Login timeout expired.
I'm not aware of any way to set default ExitCode. Using start-process you could something similar:
$tempFile = [io.path]::GetTempFileName()
$exitCode = (Start-Process -FilePath "sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList #"
-S"missing" -d master -Q "select ##servername"
"# -Wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput $tempFile -Passthru).ExitCode
if ($exitCode -eq 1) {
$result = get-content $tempfile
if ($result[1] -like "*Error Locating Server/Instance Specified*" -or $result[1] -like "*Could not open a connection to SQL Server*") {
remove-item $tempFile
Exit 99
else {
remove-item $tempfile
Exit $exitCode


Capture errors within ForEach-Object -Parallel in Powershell 7

I am trying to execute Powershell script (7.0) file using Powershell 7-Preview which iterates through all the databases, update them using DACPAC file and execute other SQL Server scripts in all the DBs.
It works fine when there is no errors, however, in case of an error while executing Dacpac file
It gives below error and stops executing the script further.
##[error] Could not deploy package.
##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.
Any pointer on how we can catch the errors gracefully in PowerShell within the Parallel statement and let script to be continued for other databases? Try-Catch block does not seem to be working here.
I am new to PowerShell. This PowerShell script is a part of DevOps release pipeline.
#.. Variables are defined here ..#
[string[]]$DatabaseNames = Invoke-Sqlcmd #GetDatabasesParams | select -expand name
[int]$ErrorCount = 0
$DatabaseNames | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
echo "$_ - Updating database using DACPAC."
dir -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio*" -Filter "SqlPackage.exe" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | %{$_.FullName} {$using:SqlPackagePath /Action:Publish /tu:$using:DatabaseUsername /tp:$using:DatabasePassword /tsn:$using:ServerInstance /tdn:"$_" /sf:using:$DacpacLocation /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=False}
echo "$_ - Updating the scripts."
$OngoingChangesScriptParams = #{
"Database" = "$_"
"ServerInstance" = "$ServerInstance"
"Username" = "$DatabaseUsername"
"Password" = "$DatabasePassword"
"InputFile" ="$SystemWorkingDir\$OngoingChangesScriptLocation"
"OutputSqlErrors" = 1
"QueryTimeout" = 9999
"ConnectionTimeout" = 9999
Invoke-Sqlcmd #OngoingChangesScriptParams
catch {
echo "Internal Error. The remaining databases will still be processed."
echo $_.Exception|Format-List -force
2020-09-17T19:21:59.3602523Z *** The column [dbo].[FileJob].[GMTOffset] on table [dbo].[FileJob] must be added, but the column has no default value and does not allow NULL values. If the table contains data, the ALTER script will not work. To avoid this issue you must either: add a default value to the column, mark it as allowing NULL values, or enable the generation of smart-defaults as a deployment option.
2020-09-17T19:21:59.4253722Z Updating database (Start)
2020-09-17T19:21:59.4274293Z An error occurred while the batch was being executed.
2020-09-17T19:21:59.4280337Z Updating database (Failed)
2020-09-17T19:21:59.4330894Z ##[error]*** Could not deploy package.
2020-09-17T19:22:00.3399607Z ##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.
2020-09-17T19:22:00.7303341Z ##[section]Finishing: Update All Companies

How to determine if Write-Host will work for the current host

Is there any sane, reliable contract that dictates whether Write-Host is supported in a given PowerShell host implementation, in a script that could be run against any reasonable host implementation?
(Assume that I understand the difference between Write-Host and Write-Output/Write-Verbose and that I definitely do want Write-Host semantics, if supported, for this specific human-readable text.)
I thought about trying to interrogate the $Host variable, or $Host.UI/$Host.UI.RawUI but the only pertinent differences I am spotting are:
in $Host.Name:
The Windows powershell.exe commandline has $Host.Name = 'ConsoleHost'
ISE has $Host.Name = 'Windows PowerShell ISE Host'
SQL Server Agent job steps have $Host.Name = 'Default Host'
I have none of the non-Windows versions installed, but I expect they are different
in $Host.UI.RawUI:
The Windows powershell.exe commandline returns values for all properties of $Host.UI.RawUI
ISE returns no value (or $null) for some properties of $Host.UI.RawUI, e.g. $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorSize
SQL Server Agent job steps return no values for all of $Host.UI.RawUI
Again, I can't check in any of the other platforms
Maintaining a list of $Host.Name values that support Write-Host seems like it would be bit of a burden, especially with PowerShell being cross-platform now. I would reasonably want the script to be able to be called from any host and just do the right thing.
I have written a script that can be reasonably run from within the PowerShell command prompt, from within the ISE or from within a SQL Server Agent job. The output of this script is entirely textual, for human reading. When run from the command prompt or ISE, the output is colorized using Write-Host.
SQL Server jobs can be set up in two different ways, and both support capturing the output into the SQL Server Agent log viewer:
via a CmdExec step, which is simple command-line execution, where the Job Step command text is an executable and its arguments, so you invoke the powershell.exe executable. Captured output is the stdout/sterr of the process:
powershell.exe -Command x:\pathto\script.ps1 -Arg1 -Arg2 -Etc
via a PowerShell step, where the Job Step command text is raw PS script interpreted by its own embedded PowerShell host implementation. Captured output is whatever is written via Write-Output or Write-Error:
x:\pathto\script.ps1 -Arg1 -Arg2 -Etc
Due to some other foibles of the SQL Server host implementation, I find that you can emit output using either Write-Output or Write-Error, but not both. If the job step fails (i.e. if you throw or Write-Error 'foo' -EA 'Stop'), you only get the error stream in the log and, if it succeeds, you only get the output stream in the log.
Additionally, the embedded PS implementation does not support Write-Host. Up to at least SQL Server 2016, Write-Host throws a System.Management.Automation.Host.HostException with the message A command that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command type does not support user interaction.
To support all of my use-cases, so far, I took to using a custom function Write-Message which was essentially set up like (simplified):
$script:can_write_host = $true
$script:has_errors = $false
$script:message_stream = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
function Write-Message {
Param($message, [Switch]$iserror)
if ($script:can_write_host) {
$private:color = if ($iserror) { 'Red' } else { 'White' }
try { Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor $private:color }
catch [Management.Automation.Host.HostException] { $script:can_write_host = $false }
if (-not $script:can_write_host) {
$script:message_stream.AppendLine($message) | Out-Null
if ($iserror) { $script:has_errors = $true }
try {
catch {
Write-Message -Message ("Unhandled error: " + ($_ | Format-List | Out-String)) -IsError
finally {
if (-not $script:can_write_host) {
if ($script:has_errors) { Write-Error ($script:message_stream.ToString()) -EA 'Stop' }
else { Write-Output ($script:message_stream.ToString()) }
As of SQL Server 2019 (perhaps earlier), it appears Write-Host no longer throws an exception in the embedded SQL Server Agent PS host, but is instead a no-op that emits nothing to either output or error streams. Since there is no exception, my script's Write-Message function can no longer reliably detect whether it should use Write-Host or StringBuilder.AppendLine.
The basic workaround for SQL Server Agent jobs is to use the more-mature CmdExec step type (where Write-Output and Write-Host both get captured as stdout), but I do prefer the PowerShell step type for (among other reasons) its ability to split the command reliably across multiple lines, so I am keen to see if there is a more-holistic, PowerShell-based approach to solve the problem of whether Write-Host does anything useful for the host I am in.
Just check if your host is UserInteractive or an service type environment.
$script:can_write_host = [Environment]::UserInteractive
Another way to track the output of a script in real time is to push that output to a log file and then monitor it in real time using trace32. This is just a workaround, but it might work out for you.
Add-Content -Path "C:\Users\username\Documents\PS_log.log" -Value $variablewithvalue

Catching errors in powershell workflow

I'm relatively new to powershell scripting so I have been coding based on multiple examples that I have seen online.
I have a script that executes multiple batch files in parallel and each batch file contains a bcp command to execute. I'm trying to catch any errors that may occur running the batch file but it's not working as expected. I specifically forced an error on product.bat by having an invalid select syntax.
workflow Test-Workflow
Param ([string[]] $file_names)
$file_names = Get-Content "D:/EDW/data/informatica/ming/Powersh/bcplist.lst"
foreach -parallel ($line in $file_names)
Write-Output ("processing... " + $line + ".bat")
start-process D:/EDW/data/informatica/ming/Powersh/$line.bat -ErrorAction Stop -wait
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
Write-Output $line : $ErrorMessage $FailedItem
bcp "SELECT * FROM CHANNEL" queryout ing_channel.txt -T -S99.999.999.9,99999 -t"\t" -c -q
bcp "SELT * FROM PRODUCT" queryout ing_product.txt -T -S99.999.999.9,99999 -t"\t" -c -q
Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Exceptions are only thrown/caught when terminating errors are thrown, which are only thrown by cmdlets, .NET libraries, or native code when P/Invoke is in play. In order to handle failures with external commands, such as checking whether a bat or exe succeeded, you will need to check the $LASTEXITCODE yourself. $LASTEXITCODE is the PowerShell equivalent of %ERRORLEVEL% in cmd.exe. Here is an example of some basic boilerplate code to check this for the ping command:
&ping nonexistant.domain.tld
if( $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 ){
# Handle the error here
# This example writes to the error stream and throws a terminating error
Write-Error "Unable to ping server, ping returned $LASTEXITCODE" -EA Stop
Note that the -ErrorAction argument has a shorthand of -EA, so either the long or short form will work.

Run SQL script file from powershell

I am trying to run queries stored in a text file from PowerShell. I use following to do that;
Invoke-Expression 'sqlcmd -d TestDB -U $user -P $pw -i "E:\SQLQuery1.sql"'
If an error or exception occurs when executing the queries from the .sql file, how can I capture that in my Powershell script? How can I get the script output?
NOTE: I cannot use invoke-sqlcmd
To answer the question
If some error or exception occurred when executing .sql file how can I get that into my PowerShell script? How can I get the script output?"
Invoke-Expression returns the output of the expression executed. However, it may only capture STDOUT, not STDERR (I haven't tested, as I don't use this method), so you might not get the actual error message.
From the Help:
The Invoke-Expression cmdlet evaluates or runs a specified string as a command and returns the results of the expression or command
The better route is to use the PowerShell method you already have available - Invoke-SQLCmd is installed if you have installed any of the SQL Server 2008 (or newer) components/tools (like SSMS). If you've got SQL Server 2012, it's very easy: import-module sqlps. For 2008, you need to add a Snap-In, add-pssnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin. And since you have sqlcmd.exe, the PowerShell components should be there already.
If all else fails, go the System.Data.SQLClient route:
$Conn=New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection "Server=YOURSERVER;Database=TestDB;User Id=$user;password=$pw";
$DataCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand;
$MyQuery = get-content "e:\SQLQuery1.sql";
$DataCmd.CommandText = $MyQuery;
$DataCmd.Connection = $Conn;
$DAadapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter;
$DAadapter.SelectCommand = $DataCmd;
$DTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable;
With both this and Invoke-SQLCmd, you'll be able to use try/catch to pick up and handle any error that occurs.
As seen in this question's answers, there is a method built into Powershell to invoke SQLCMD called, unsurprisingly, Invoke-Sqlcmd.
It's very easy to use for individual files:
Invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server -Database $db -InputFile $filename
Or groups:
$listOfFiles | % { Invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server -Database $db -InputFile $_ }
Use invoke-sqlquery module, available at this website.

Powershell Try Catch invoke-sqlcmd

I am having problems catching an error in PowerShell when a connection fails to a SQL Server using Invoke-Sqlcmd. This is some generic code to demonstrate the issue:
$server = "Localhost\fake"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT DB_NAME() as [Database]" -Server $server
Write-Host "Error connecting to server " $server
I get the following error:
Invoke-Sqlcmd : A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name
is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
I was expecting to get the one line statement: "Error connecting to server Localhost\fake"
It would appear that error is considered non-terminating which is a bit odd. Try the Invoke-SqlCommand with an additional parameter: -ErrorAction Stop. If there error is non-terminating, this will convert it to a terminating error that you can catch.
Posting additional info to supplement the answer by #KeithHill as an answer since it is too long for a comment.
If the error record was created by the Write-Error commandlet it is non-terminating and subject to the behavior specified by the -ErrorAction argument or the $ErrorActionPreference system variable. Errors using throw are terminating. See the documentation for Write-Error (Note that PowerShell 4.0 and below do not have the -Exception parameter mentioned in the web page.) and about_Throw in the PowerShell help system.
If you want to add custom error information and make it a terminating error, throw from your catch block as follows:
throw (New-Object System.Exception "Error connecting to server $($server).", $_.Exception)
You can use Write-Error if you want termination to behave as specified by the -ErrorAction argument. In PowerShell 4.0 and below the Write-Error commandlet does not allow a -Exception argument and therefore will not provide an InnerException. That means that the caller would have to examine the collection in the $Error system variable if it needs to determine the original exception. In later versions you can Use Write-Error -Message "Some additional error information." -Exception $_.Exception in your catch block.
$server = "Localhost/fake"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT DB_NAME() as [Database]" -Server $server
$_ | Out-Null
Write-Host "Error connecting to server " $server
This will capture the error and redirect it to null and display your write-host