TYPO3: How can I access property of objects in a partial or section? - typo3

I have an object defined in TypoScript
page.10 {
variables {
myObject = COA
1 = TEXT
1.value = yome Text
2 = TEXT
2.value = 42
and I need the data of the myObject in a partial
<f:render partial="myPartial" arguments="{content:myObject}" />
that looks like
<section id="myPartial">
Although the content is there ( because {content} will display all the properties) I cannot access it and h2 and p will be empty...
What should I do to fill h2 and p with the content of myObject?

That is not possible. TypoScript only returns text strings at the moment, not arrays. Thus the variable myObject contains the whole concatenated string of the COA, thus yome Text42.
Note that COA means Content Object Array, but the whole COA is one single object that is returned as one string.

Alternative: use the VHS extension's v:var.typoscript ViewHelper:
{namespace v=Tx_Vhs_ViewHelpers}
{v:var.typoscript(path: 'page.10.variables.myObject') -> v:var.set(name: 'myObject')}
After which you can access {myObject.1} etc. in your template. Note that the so-called "chained" usage of v:var.set is optional, but will make it easier to access your variables using an intermediate template variable instead of more expensive calls to retrieve the value completely in multiple locations. The other way:
{v:var.typoscript(path: 'page.10.variables.myObject.1')}
{v:var.typoscript(path: 'page.10.variables.myObject.2')}
VHS extension on TER: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/vhs


How can I replace custom tags with strings from an xlf file in TYPO3

I'm trying to use the TYPO3 tags function to get strings from an xlf file. If I hard code the reference to the string I want, it returns successfully, but I need to know how to get it to return the appropriate string based on the tag content.
For example, this works:
tags {
var = TEXT
value = {LLL:path/to/locallang.xlf:var.myVar}
insertData = 1
I need a method to take the content of the <var> tag and use it in place of myVar in the value.

TYPO3 count objects with constraint and display result in fluid template

I have build an extension with the extension builder that handles objects, an object can be an "item" or a "project".
An object has a field status which has 4 options, and is filled with an integer (3 = sold).
An object can be signed as a "project", in that case it has a boolean 1 for isproject and a field items with related objects as items.
this all works fine, I can iterate trough the projects with my fluid template and with <f:count>{object.items}</f:count> display the number of items appartaining to the project.
In the same fashion I should display the count of only the sold items ...
(<f:count where="object.items.status == 3">{object.items}</f:count> this obviously does not work, just to render the idea)
with <f:debug>{object}</f:debug> I see the field status defined for all items ...
since I have no idea how to approch this I might have left out some vital information
As indicated in the previous answer, you can use the GroupedFor ViewHelper for this purpose. But using it would be to much logic inside the fluid template thats the reason why this should be done in the controller, model or repository.
Example: Adding a Getter to the Object-Model
* #return int
public function getSoldItems() {
$soldCount = 0;
foreach($this->getItems() as $item) {
// 0 = sold
if($item->getStatus()===0) {
return $soldCount;
In fluid you can call the Getter with {object.soldItems}
A better performance solution especially with lazy loading subobjects would be counting with the repository. For this you have to create a function in the repository and call it inside the Getter-Function. To use common repository methods for creating the query, you need a "Backrelation" of items to the object. Otherwise you have to write the query with "statement()" on your own.
You can count them in the controller or use the GroupedFor ViewHelper https://fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/fluid/master/GroupedForViewHelper.html
Check this workaround:
<f:variable name="counter" value="0" />
<!-- Loop over the elements -->
<f:for each="{bookings}" as="booking">
<!-- Check if the criteria is met -->
<f:if condition="{booking.paid}">
<!-- Increment the counter -->
<f:variable name="counter" value="{counter + 1}" />
<!-- Display the counter-Variable -->

TYPO3 inline fluid condition and typoscriptObjectPath

I search for a solution for inline fluid condition and typoscriptObjectPath.
work fine:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.currentDate" />
work fine:
<f:if condition="{price.day} == {f:cObject(typoscriptObjectPath:'lib.currentDate')}">
<f:else>dont work</f:else>
work fine:
{f:if(condition:'{price.day} == \'Sunday\'',then:'active',else:'test')}
DONT work
{f:if(condition:'{price.day} == \'{f:cObject(typoscriptObjectPath:'lib.currentDate')}\'',then:'active',else:'test')}
how can i use the right inline code?
You do not need to resolve lib.currentDate cObject within your view, as you can just copy its output into fluid variable. It will avoid any problems with nested quotes, brackets etc. etc... Of course I assume, that's in combination with fluid template of the PAGE:
lib.currentDate = TEXT
lib.currentDate {
data = date:U
strftime = %A
page = PAGE
page {
# ....
10 {
# ....
variables {
mainContent < styles.content.get
currentDate < lib.currentDate
so you can use it in condition just like:
<f:if condition="{price.day} == {currentDate}">That's today!</f:if>
<!-- or... -->
{f:if(condition:'{price.day} == {currentDate}', then: 'active', else: 'not-active')}
Of course if you're working in the plugin's context, you can do the same with assign method within your action, like:
$this->view->assign('currentDate', strftime('%A',date('U')));
Note you have also other options:
Create custom if ViewHelper, which will be useful when price.day and currentDate are different types and requires type conversion before comparison.
Create transient field in your price model, which' getter compares day field with strftime('%A',date('U')) and return boolean value, so you can use it directly as:
<f:if condition="{price.myTransientField}">Hooray!</f:if>

Typo3: Constant as Page UID

I have a list of constants assigned to various page IDs (e.g. myConstant = 22). Now I'd love to replace the following link
<f:link.page pageUid="22" >Link</f:link.page>
with something like
<f:link.page pageUid="{myConstant}" >Link</f:link.page>
I haven't been able to find the right syntax to do so. Any help?
i think you can't access the constants directly but you can use the constants in the ts-setup.
with plugin.tx_myplugin.settings.myPid = {$myConstant} in the ts-setup you can access the pid in your plugin with {settings.myPid}
if you're not using a plugin but a TS FluidTemplate you can assign it them like this:
page = PAGE
page {
10 {
file = fileadmin/templates/Home.html
variables {
pidList {
myConstant = {$myConstant}
myConstant2 = {$myConstant2}
<f:link.page pageUid="{pidList.myConstant}" >Link</f:link.page>
If you are using a FLUIDTEMPLATE typoscript-Object, you can do it as follows in TypoScript:
lib.output = FLUIDTEMPLATE
lib.output {
# ...
variables {
myPageID = {$myConstant}
# ...
In the fluid-template you can use the variables like you want:
<f:link.page pageUid="{myPageID}" >Link</f:link.page>
In case the template is rendered by an extension in a controller action, you can assign the value to a setting of your plugin: plugin.tx_<extkey>[_pi1].settings.myPageID = {$myConstant}. Then you can use it in the fluid template like this:
<f:link.page pageUid="{settings.myPageID}">Link</f:link.page>
In any case, you can assign that value to some TypoScript Object and read that in your template by either using the f:cObject ViewHelper or the v:var.typoscript ViewHelper from the extension vhs.
I tried something like that in t3 7.6 If you want to use a ts constant (defined in ts-constants field as oneConst) somewhere in your page fluid template you must do somthing like this:
page.10 {
Without the TEXT definition you will not get the value. Access it in your template:
Hint: i was not able to organize const in an array. Like

The concept of an object variable in typoscript

In my typoscript 20.special.value and 10.value.typolink.parameter have the same value, which is a page id. I use this value to build a heading and a menu of its subpages within the same COA object. I would like to be able to re-use this value.
How can I call a object property in typoscript?
Here's what I have tried:
10 = HTML
10 {
value.typolink {
parameter = {$temp.LANDINGPAGEMENU.20.special.value}
I am re-utilizing my COA object in different parts of the site, and changing only the special.value, so to display a menu I have:
temp.LANDINGPAGEMENU.10.value.typolink.parameter = 2427
temp.LANDINGPAGEMENU.20.special.value = 2427
I am after a cleaner way of handling the
temp.LANDINGPAGEMENU.10.value.typolink.parameter = 2427
temp.LANDINGPAGEMENU.20.special.value = 2427
Full LANDINGPAGEMENU typoscript code is http://pastebin.com/p9kPuZEe
Use the constants but not in a way you tried. You have to define the constant first.
Constants: my_constant = 2427
Setup: parameter = {$my_constant}
Assign one of the values by reference using the =< operator. However, this would work only when using the whole object. Example:
temp.something = TEXT
temp.something.value = 2427
...parameter.cObject =< temp.something
I suggest you go with the option 1 using the constants as the 2nd option is somewhat cumbersome.
You can copy the property but not by reference it.