How can I fix `"main::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" used only once` warnings when using Perl's Win32::Registry? - perl

I have a script that would get a registry key value. Here's the code.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $winRegistryStatus=0;
eval {
require Win32::Registry;
unless($#) {
my $registryPath = "Self\Random";
my $keyName = "Configure";
my $registryKeySettings;
my %registrySubKeyValues;
$main::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Open($registryPath, $registryKeySettings) || die "Cannot open $registryPath: $!";
$registryKeySettings->GetValues(\%registrySubKeyValues); # get sub keys and value -hash ref
foreach my $subKey (keys %registrySubKeyValues) {
my $_subKey = $registrySubKeyValues{$subKey};
next unless $$_subKey[0] eq $keyName;
print "Configure=" . $$_subKey[2];
Name "main::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" used only once: possible typo at ....
I could get the value of Configure but it also returns a warning which I don't know how to fix it.
Any body where am I wrong and could show me how to fix it?

The "used only once" is a warning that use warnings issues because you have used $main::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE only once. You are not at fault here. It is a mere hint that you might have forgotten something.
In this case, you can either ignore it, or simply deactivate that kind of warning: no warnings 'once'.
In general it is a good idea to enclose these things in a BLOCK and add a long, descriptive comment to it that explains why you are turning off that kind of warning here.
{ # Disable 'used only once' warning because the $::HKEY_...
# var was imported by Win32::Registry and is not used anywhere else.
$main::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Open($registryPath, $registryKeySettings)
|| die "Cannot open $registryPath: $!";
You can find more infos about warnings here.

This module is rather odd in that it exports symbols to the main package regardless of where it is used from.
But in your case this is what you want: your program is in main as you have no package statement, and you can omit the main:: from $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
As to your problem, the code you show doesn't raise the warning you say it does. The problem must be somewhere else. Please would you show your full code so that we can advise you better.
In the mean time please pay heed to #Sinan Ünür's advice - Win32::TieRegistry is preferable to Win32::Registry. Even the POD documentation of Win32::Registry says this:
NOTE: This module provides a very klunky interface to access the
Windows registry, and is not currently being developed actively. It
only exists for backward compatibility with old code that uses it. For
more powerful and flexible ways to access the registry, use
I understand the problem having seen the update to your question and it is because you are executing the require Win32::Registry at run time. That means that $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE doesn't exist at compile time and so the compiler complains about it.
The fix is to declare it at compile time with
at the top of the program.
By the way there is no need for the import call if all you need is this scalar.


Perl:Undefined subroutine &main

One of my non-developer friend asked my help about that issue. I am a windows developer, i don`t know anything about Perl, also script languages. I tried to search the issue but could not find a solution. Is there anyone can tell me what is the problem here and how to fix it.
Error after clicking the button:
Undefined subroutine &main::quote_javascript called at /usr/libexec/webmin/chooser.cgi line 192.
And the line 192 is :
$link = "<a href=\"\" onClick='fileclick(\"".&quote_javascript("$dir$f")."\", $isdir); return false'>";
The code that's actually triggering the error is of the form
... quote_javascript(...) ...
You are calling a sub named quote_javascript (in the current package, main). There is no sub named quote_javascript (in the current package, main).

How to use bugzilla API in existing bugzilla code?

Well, at the moment i have two goals.
User don't have Edit bug rights in bugzilla, but he/she should write/post comments on that bug. I think this could be possible by the following API, but I am not sure, since I am new in bugzilla and Perl.
I want to import bugs by using, but I don't want new entries in DB. I just want to modify some fields of existing bugs of bugzilla, on the base of bug.xml file which contains bug info.
i.e. perl -T C:\bugzilla\bugzilla\ -v C:\bugzilla\bugzilla\mybugs\bug.xml
Might be following API could be helpful, but I am not sure.
So, what are possible ways to achieve these goals ??
As I am thinking, may be i should use the methods of these APIs into existing bugzilla code and my dreams are:
comments would be enabled for the user who don't have bug-edit right.
I'll run the script from command line by passing some parameters and I'll modify some fields of existing bugs.
But I am not sure, either I am thinking right or wrong. I also don't know how to use the method of these APIs??
The script can do the types of things you are asking. However, you will need to create a user that does have permissions to make the changes and you will need to transform the data into a form that understands.
I can help with the first point:
Here's an excerpt from a a script ( that I've modified that I use to update bugzilla comments on svn commits. Note that I have this script running on the same machine as the Bugzilla install, as it uses modules from within the Bugzilla directory. I have this working for Bugzilla v 4.2.3.
I've omitted quite a bit of this script to pull out the excerpt below:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Bugzilla::Bug;
use Data::Dumper;
... create/fetch the userid and some bug Ids to work on ...
my $userid = 1;
my #bugs = ( 1, 2, 3 );
my $message = 'Say something here';
... now loop through the bug ids and add the comment...
foreach my $bugId (#bugs) {
my $user = new Bugzilla::User({ id => $userid})
|| ThrowUserError('invalid_username', { id => $userid}); #get the user from bugzilla
print STDERR 'user: '. Dumper($user); #pretty prints the user object
Bugzilla->set_user($user); #this authenticates the user so that you may perform actions on bugs that the user has permissions to.
my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check($bugId); #gets the bug
print STDERR 'bug: '. Dumper($bug); #pretty prints the bug object
$bug->add_comment($message); #adds a comment to the bug
$bug->update(); #updated the bug - don't forget to do this!
Please note that the Dumper functions are just using the excellent Data::Dumper module: - you don't need them except for debugging.
The log in info came from: How can I authenticate when using the Bugzilla Perl API in a script?

Getting OLE Exception while closing document in Perl

I am getting following exception in perl. Also i am now to perl technology.
Exception is :
Win32::OLE<0.1709> error 0x800a1423
in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Close" at line no 350
here is the sample code of where exception is comming.
A) Following code for opening the document
#Open the document in MS Word
use Win32::OLE;
no warnings;
use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft.Word'; # wd constants
$word->{Visible} = 1;
$word->{DisplayAlerts} = 0;
$Document=$word->Documents->Open({Filename => $filename, ReadOnly => 1});
B) Then i am reading the comment.
C) Following code for Closing the document.
undef $Document;
#Close Word
undef $word;
is this problem with office version?
because document is with .docx. its working properly for .doc.
Please help me to solve this issue.
I am reading the comment form the document and saving the document on server. Its working fine for rest of the document with extension *.docx and *.doc
Also can you please provide me like how i can do this in perl.
i want to close the document for 2003 office and 2007 office version.
Does this is Version issue?
Thanks and regards
Arvind Porlekar
Wait! You're opening it ReadOnly and then marking it as Saved?? That right there throws flags in my mental processor.
The documentation that I can find seems to indicate that this is an issue regarding saving to a different format. That might account for the it-works-in-one-but-not-the-other case.
Also, I've seen indications that this is a COM error. It helps to know something about COM. Likely doc and docx are completely different implementations of the same interface defined by the previous doc logic. And it might be the case that the older implementation (doc) is okay with saying that you want to open it ReadOnly, but then wanting to mark it as saved, while the new implementation has the idea that you really should not do this.
As you can see here, one of the arguments handled is OriginalFormat, and it could be that if you don't specify that argument it defaults to a doc format, which then throws the exception that you are trying to save in a different format without explicit instructions. As well another of the arguments is SaveChanges.
So it could be that you are implicitly telling it to save changes in a default doc format, which works in the the doc format, but complains about trying to save it in a different format in the docx format. (understandably)

Selenium WebDriver with Perl

I am trying to run the Selenium driver with Perl bindings, and due to the lack of examples and documentation, I am running into some roadblocks. I have figured out how to do some basic things, but I seem to be running into some issues with other simple things like validating the text on a page using Remote::Driver package.
If I try to do something like this:
$sel->get("" );
$ret = $sel->find_element("//div[contains( text(),'Thursday, April 26, 2012')]");
I get a message back that the element couldn't be found. I am using xpath because the driver package doesn't appear to have a sub specific for finding text.. at least not that I've found.
If my xpath setup is wrong or if someone knows a better way, that would be extremely helpful. I'm having problems with some button clicking too.. but this seems like it should be easier and is bugging me.
Finding text on a web page and comparing that text to some "known good value" using Selenium::Remote::Driver can be implemented as follows:
package SomeWebApp;
sub get_text_present {
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $locator = shift;
my $text = $self->{driver}->find_element($target, $locator)->get_text();
return $text;
Somewhere in your test script:
my $text = $some_web_app->get_text_present("MainContent_RequiredFieldValidator6", "id");
The above finds the element identified by $target using the locating scheme identified by $locator and stores it in the variable $text. You can then use that to compare / validate as required / needed.
https is a tad slower loading than http. Although WebDriver is pretty good about waiting until it's figured out that the requested page is fully loaded, maybe you need to give it a little help here. Add a sleep(2); after the get() call and see if it works. If it does, try cutting down to 1 second. You can also do a get_title call to see if you've loaded the page you think you have.
The other possibility is that your text target isn't quite exactly the same as what's on the page. You could try looking first for one word, such as "April", and see if you get a hit, and then expand until you find the mismatch (e.g., does this string actually have a newline or break within it? How about an HTML entity such as a non-breaking space?). Also, you are looking for that bit of text anywhere under a div (all child text supposedly is concatenated, and then the search done). That would more likely cast too wide a net than not get anything at all, but it's worth knowing.

Erroring in my Perl script coming from CAM::PDF::Annot module. Don't know why

I believe this may be a bug in the module I am using, or I am just completely overlooking something.
My code is this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use CAM::PDF;
use CAM::PDF::Annot;
sub main()
my $pdf = CAM::PDF::Annot->new( 'b.pdf' );
my $otherDoc = CAM::PDF::Annot->new( 'b_an.pdf' );
my $page = 1;
my %refs;
my #list = #{$pdf->getAnnotations($page)};
for my $annotRef (#list){
$otherDoc->appendAnnotation( $page, $pdf, $annotRef, \%refs);
exit main;
This code was taken almost directly from the synopsis found on the module's CPAN page:
The problem comes when I run the script using TWO pdf's with annotations. Using two pdf's without annotations runs. Using one pdf with annotations, and one pdf without annotations, runs. Only when both pdf's have annotations does it error.
The error is: "Can't use string ("46") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.10.1/CAM/PDF/ line 195"
Line 195 of is:
push #{$annots->{value}}, $pupRef; is inside the CAM::PDF::Annot module.
Any guidance in fixing this would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. In the error, "string ("x")", x is always a number, and seems to change depending on the pdf and the annotations within the pdf.
And I will try to add any other information that you need to help figure this out!
Whenever I have a problem with a CPAN module, I go to its webpage to try and assess its quality and see if any bugs have already been reported. shows the following suspicious results:
CPAN Testers PASS (2) FAIL (168) NA (49)
It is surprising that you were able to install the module. No one has reported bugs, but there is clearly a major problem with the code. It seems the author is either unaware of the tester reports (which have been sent to his CPAN email address for more than a year), or has stopped maintaining it.
You could submit a bug report, so at least others will be aware of your issue.
I realize this does not answer your question of how to fix the problem, but even if you do identify a fix, the author may not apply it (in which case, someone could start the process of becoming a co-maintaner).