Send Ctrl+Z to serial port via command line - command-line

I am trying to send the following to the COM1 serial port via command line using ECHO or similar (I've also tried downloading a small program called serialsend, but I am stuck with how to send the equivalent of CTRL+Z. This is to send a SMS message via a Siemens TC35 GAM module. I am able to do it via Hyperterminal as a test and it works fine, but I cannot figure out how to send the CTRL+Z at the end to confirm the ned of the message.
This is what I have:
Now, after Hello, which is the message I want to send, I have to send CTRL+Z. But cannot figure out how to do it, I have tried this:
As I read somehwere that this would be the equivalent of doing it, but it hasnt worked.
Can anyone help me with this? I have found solutions, but they are not command line, which is what I need.
I have also tried using this format:
But as I don't know how to send CTRL+Z I don't know if it is working.

I wrote the free command line program SerialSend that you mentioned. Since this question was originally posted, I've added an extra feature that allows arbitrary byte values to be included (in hex format) in the text you're sending via the serial port. For example, to send Ctrl-Z (26 decimal, 0x1A hex), just use the following command:
SerialSend /hex "\x1a"
Port name/number, baudrate, etc can be configured with additional command line arguments. For example,
SerialSend /baudrate 9600 /devnum 2 /hex "\x1a"
For more details, see the SerialSend home page.
Hope that helps!

Use this:
port.Write(txt_msgbox.Text + char.ConvertFromUtf32(26));
It works :)

type this command Serial.println((char)26); in Arduino code ... one square box will appear on serial monitor. Copy that square and paste in Notepad++. It will be displayed as SUB with black background. wheneever you want to type cntrl+z, just copy this SUB and paste in serial monitor. It works.


Reading user input from powershell through scriptcs

Here I have a problem to read user inputs from Command prompt or windows powershell through scriptcs.I tried with Console.ReadLine(),Console.Read() or Console.ReadKey() wrapped it around Convert.ToString() to get user response but none of them gives result.Do I need any special package to handle the user input. Any help is appreciated.
I got the solution I was previously executing through Windows power shell and so I don't get the response as desired while using Console.ReadLine() or Console.Read().It appears as if it got hanged and processing instruction indefinitely. But when I work the scriptcs code in command prompt it reads the input and works as expected.

Batch file doesn't read flags correctly

I've got a little batch file and it looks like this:
.\batchisp.exe –device at32uc3b1512 –hardware usb –operation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer G3Pro_USB.hex program verify start reset 0
The whole line is fine and works correctly if I run it straight in PowerShell. However, if I run the batch file, it runs this:
.\batchisp.exe ΓÇôdevice at32uc3b1512 ΓÇôhardware usb ΓÇôoperation erase f memory flash blankcheck loadbuffer G3Pro_USB.hex program verify start reset 0
Which does not work, because as you can see, the -'s have changed into ΓÇô's... Can anybody tell me why this is and how to fix it?
This is because the – marks are not - characters. They are actually endashes. These usually are caused by Word's automatic en/emdashing.
Powershell is smart enough to convert the endashes to dashes as "arguments", but cmd is not.
To fix this issue, replace – with -. A regex search/replace that catches all the alternative dash types that works in notepad++ is: [–—‒] to -.

mutt automatically add CR to newline when attaching a file?

I have just started using Mutt and I have a minimal configuration just to be able to send mail. I can send mail OK, the problem is when I try to attach a source file, the file's new line characters are automatically translated from LF to CRLF. I can confirm this by using hexdump. I also suppose that this problem originates from Mutt, because the problem doesn't appear when using other mail clients (like Gmail).
My .muttrc looks like this:
set from="Anh Le <>"
set smtp_url="smtps://anhlq2110\"
set editor="vim"
set markers=no
set include=yes
set forward_format="Fwd: %s"
I've searched around for this problem but can't find any useful information. Any help would be appreciated.
I think the problem is that, when you send mail is in HTML format, in this case, you have to add
at the end of line.

Powershell - MS Exchange E-mail Autoresponder

We've currently got an issue where we're receiving a lot of bounced e-mails (from an auto generated e-mail) back from people where a specified e-mail address is not valid (failure notice). I need to identify certain messages in the mailbox and respond automatically to them - as a newbie to Powershell I'm struggling a bit! I think I understand how to check for the occurrence of a string but I don't know how to iterate through an inbox to look at/get a handle on each message in turn and I don't know how to extract the subject or body text in order to analyse the contents and perform a string comparison. I fear this should be easy - but I can't find anything on the web that might do the job - can anyone help?
So just to clarify what you're looking for.
Mailbox A receives a large number of failure notice/bounce messages.
You'ld like your powershell script to search Mailbox A for every instance where the Subject line (or message body) contains "String X" and if there is a match, take some action?
Also, what version of Exchange are you using? You need to be at least on 2007 to use Exchange Command Shell. You'll then want to look over the Command Shell commands that can be run.
Look at the Exchange Message Tracking Log, and Pipe the results from one command you run to the next. Think of it like this...
(Run a command) | (Run another command on the results of the first command) | (Run a last command on the results of the second).
You can view an example on my website at:
While not exactly the same, it might get you moving in the right direction.

pexpect parse router output

I've got a couple of pexpect lines to log onto a cisco router, and issue the show arp command. I then exit the router, having stored the data into the variable myARP (myARP=child.before)
When I then try and loop over the object (for lines in myARP: print(lines), the info is displayed 1 character per line
Apologies as this is probably a very basic question, but why can't I display as it is shown if I issue the command manually? Is it to do with the streaming nature of the telnet connection? How can this be resolved???
OK fixed - due to pexpects handling of line endings (/n/r) I think. Read Noahs usage docs for more info