Fql mutliquery limit - facebook-fql

I need to retrieve all Facebook counters of comments or share for each url of the site where I work. I wrote a batch who retrieves the counters by sending FQL multiqueries on the link_stat table. The number of URL in the site is approximately 400 000, so I have to do 400 000 requests... The batch will execute once a day.
I need to determine the number of requests in each FQL multiquery and the frequence of sending multiquery.
I have read there is a request limit who can throw the exception
error = {message = n request limit reached";type =
OAuthException;};"(#4) Application request limit
How can I determine this limit?


How to find the total number of request and response of a server?

i need find the total number of request and response count of a server.So i need to know

How does pagination affect rate limit

I am looking at http://stocktwits.com/developers/docs/parameters and am wondering if anyone has used pagination before.
The doc says there is a limit of 800 messages, how does that interact with the request limit? Could I in theory query 200 different stock tickers every hour and get back (up to) 800 messages?
If so that sounds like a great way to get around the 30 message limit.
The documentation is unclear on this and we are rolling out new documentation that explains this more clearly.
Every stream request will have a default and max limit of 30 messages per response, regardless of whether the cursor params are present or not. So you could query 200 different stock streams every hour and get up to 6,000 messages or 12,000 if sending your access token along with the request. 200 request per hour for non authenticated requests and 400 for authenticated requests.

Maximum rate at which fql requests can be made

Hi what is the maximum rate at which fql requests can be made ?
e.g. 1000 FQL requests per day ?
I'm building an app where I will be making alot of FQL requests and I need to know what the limit is.
Limit on number of Graph API calls
I've found 600 calls per 600 seconds, per token & per IP to be about
where they stop you.
If you exceed, or plan to exceed, any of the following thresholds
please contact us as you may be subject to additional terms: (>5M MAU)
or (>100M API calls per day) or (>50M impressions per day).

Facebook get shares count for each post, got (#613) Calls to stream have exceeded the rate of 600 calls per 600 seconds

We are using graph API to get number of shares for all post on each page of our client, running once per day, we use graph.facebook.com/post_id, but we offen get
(#613) Calls to stream have exceeded the rate of 600 calls per 600 seconds
I tried using batch request, it seems each request in the batch got counted for the limit. Any suggestions?
Here are our findings so far:
FQL stream table doesn't have a field for "shares".
Post insights have no metric matching the "#shares" as show on page wall.
Graph API call for post will reach limit quickly.
Make fewer calls - that's the only real answer here, assuming you've already taken other optimisations, like asking for multiple posts' details in a single call (via ?ids=X,Y,Z syntax mentioned on the homepage of the Graph API documentation)
Why does it need to be done 'once per day'? Why not spread the calls out over a few hours?
It doesn't matter if you request by batch, each item will still be counted as one hit and you will reach the same limit. It's indicated in the FB docs
You can try distributing your load by timeout or delay in your cron job or something. Or execute the first batch and the next batch in an hour is probably the safest.

Whats the batch request limit for Facebooks Graph API?

Does anyone know whats the limit for batch requests when using FBs graph API?
From their documentation:
We currently limit the number of batch requests to 20.
That's not clear. Is that 20 per 600 seconds? Per day? Total for one app ever?
It is 50 now. 50 request/batch
It means that 20 individual requests are allowed to be batched together into a single batched request, which saves you from sending 20 individual http requests over at the same time.
If you have more than twenty (20) you can build an array and then break them into groups of 20 or less and loop them thru your PHP in one "session". We have one app that will run 600 - 700 OG requests but it is sloooooooow, up to 300 seconds, some times, depending on FB.