Why can a Map object be created without an apply-method? - scala

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scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
scala> Map()
res4: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Nothing,Nothing] = Map()
When using Map() without keyword new the apply method from the corresponding companion object will be called. But the Scala Documentation does not list an apply method for mutable Maps (only an apply method to retrieve a value from the map is provided).
Why is the code above still working ?

It looks like a bug in scaladoc. There is an apply method in object collection.mutable.Map (inherited from GenMapFactory) but it does not appear in the doc for Map. This problem seems to be fixed in the doc for upcomping 2.10.
Note : you must look into the object documentation, not the class one. The method apply in the class of course works with an existing map instance, and retrieve data from it.

There is an apply() method on the companion object of scala.collection.immutable.Map(). It is inherited from scala.collection.MapFactory . That method takes a variable number of pair arguments, and is usually used as
Map("foo"->3, "bar"->4, "barangus"->5)
Calling it with no arguments evidently works as well, but someone brighter than me would have to explain why the type inference engine comes up with scala.collection.mutable.Map[Nothing,Nothing] for it.

As sepp2k already mentioned in his comment the symbol Map refers to the companion object of Map, which gives you access to its single instance. In patter-matching this is often used to identify a message:
scala> case object Foo
defined module Foo
scala> def send[A](a: A) = a match { case Foo => "got a Foo" case Map => "got a Map" }
send: [A](a: A)String
scala> send(Map)
res8: String = got a Map
scala> send(Foo)
res9: String = got a Foo
If you write Map() you will call the apply method of object Map. Because you did not give any values to insert into the Map the compiler can't infer any type, thus it has to use the bottom type - Nothing - which is a subtype of every type. It is the only possible type to infer which will not break the type system although there are variances. Would Nothing not exist the following code would not compile:
scala> Map(1 -> 1) ++ Map()
res10: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 1)
If you take a look to the type signature of ++ which is as follows (source)
def ++[B1 >: B](xs: GenTraversableOnce[(A, B1)]): Map[A, B1]
you will notice the lower-bound type parameter B1 >: B. Because Nothing is a subtype of everything (and B in our case) the compiler can find a B1 (which is Int in our case) and successfully infer a type signature for our Map. This lower-bound is needed because B is covariant (source),
trait MapLike[A, +B, ...] ...
which means that we are not allowed to deliver it as a method parameter (because method parameters are in contravariant position). If the method parameters would not be in contravariant position Liskov's substitution principle would no longer kept by the type system. Thus to get the code to compile a new type (here called B1) has to be found.
As Didier Dupont already pointed out there are some bugs in Scaladoc 2.9, which are solved in 2.10. Not only some missed methods are displayed there but also methods added by an implicit conversion can be displayed (Array for example does display a lot of methods in 2.10 which are not displayed in 2.9).


Scala compiler generates wrong method signature for Tuple[Int, _]

Scala compiler behaves weirdly with boxing/unboxing in tuples as parameters.
Consider the code:
scala> class Test { def test(p: (Int, String)) = println(p) }
defined class Test
scala> classOf[Test].getMethods()(0)
res2: java.lang.reflect.Method = public void Test.test(scala.Tuple2)
scala> classOf[Test].getMethods()(0).getGenericParameterTypes
res3: Array[java.lang.reflect.Type] = Array(scala.Tuple2<java.lang.Object, java.lang.String>)
scala> // WTF?????? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Thus, I'm getting Object instead of Integer. I assume this is somehow related to tuple parameter being #specialized, but cannot wrap my head around how to avoid/fix this.
The problem it causes - it is impossible to reconstruct method parameter via reflection on method signature (e.g. while parsing json).
Even if there's a way to get the right type with scala-reflect it doesn't help much, cause there are a lot of Java libraries around (like Jersey) that use just Java reflection.
OK, putting an Integer (instead of Int) into Tuple works ok. But why isn't it done automatically?

How do I check if a Scala HigherKinded TypeTag is an Array?

I'm trying to convert a type tag into a java class that maintains/persists normally-erased type parameters. There are quite a few libraries that benefit from conversions like these (such as Jackson, and Guice). I'm currently trying to migrate Manifest based code to TypeTag since Manifests are insufficient for some corner cases.
The JVM treats Arrays special in comparison to other data types. The difference between a classOf[Int] and classOf[Array[Int]] is that the method Class.isArray() will return true for the latter.
The Manifest implementation was simple. Manifest.erasure was a Class instance where isArray() was already valid/true.
The TypeTag implementation is trickier. There is no quick and easy erasure method. In fact the 'similar' TypeTag variant, RuntimeMirror.runtimeClass, prefers not to handle creating any Array based classes on our behalf. Read the documentation:
Note: If the Scala symbol is ArrayClass, a ClassNotFound exception is
thrown because there is no unique Java class corresponding to a Scala
generic array
To work around this I try to detect if it is an Array. If it is an array, then I manually create the class object. However, I've come across an additional edge case when Array has an unknown type argument.
First let me show you an example that is not a HigherKinded type.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
class A[T]
val innerType = typeOf[A[Array[_]]].asInstanceOf[TypeRefApi].args.head
innerType <:< typeOf[Array[_]] // Returns true.
So far so good.
class B[T[_]]
val innerType = typeOf[B[Array]].asInstanceOf[TypeRefApi].args.head
innerType <:< typeOf[Array[_]] // Returns false.
I can't create a typeOf[Array] since it complains about the missing parameter. How can I detect that B has an type parameter of Array?
Also, what would the class instance look like in this case? Is it an Array[Object]?
Decompose again:
scala> innerType match { case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => sym == definitions.ArrayClass }
res13: Boolean = true
That might get you part-way.
Another way is to compare typeConstructors:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
class B[T[_]]
val innerType = typeOf[B[Array]].asInstanceOf[TypeRefApi].args.head
innerType.typeConstructor =:= typeOf[Array[_]].typeConstructor
innerType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = Array
res4: Boolean = true
This also works in general when we need to detect the Type is an Array (of any type).
The try to get erased type of such innerType (to compare) fails for Array (while works for others HigherKinded types):
class B[T[_]]
val innerType = typeOf[B[Array]].typeArgs.head
innerType.erasure // fails
innerType.erasure =:= typeOf[Array[_]].erasure
defined class B
innerType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = Array
res4: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Type] = List()
java.util.NoSuchElementException: head of empty list
at scala.collection.immutable.Nil$.head(List.scala:431)
at scala.collection.immutable.Nil$.head(List.scala:428)
at scala.reflect.internal.transform.Erasure$ErasureMap.apply(Erasure.scala:126)
at scala.reflect.internal.transform.Transforms$class.transformedType(Transforms.scala:43)
at scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.transformedType(SymbolTable.scala:16)
at scala.reflect.internal.Types$TypeApiImpl.erasure(Types.scala:225)
at scala.reflect.internal.Types$TypeApiImpl.erasure(Types.scala:218)
... 36 elided

How does generics work in scala REPL?

I knew what type erasure is. so, i think scala REPL cannot detect a generic type exactly.
As i mentioned above, scala can't detect generic type in pattern matching like this:
case list: List[Int]
But when i declare List type value, scala detects what generic type is contained.
scala> val a = List(1,2,3)
a: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
How is it possible?
val a = List(1,2,3)
This is equivalent to:
val a = List.apply[Int](1,2,3)
The result type of List.apply[Int](...) is List[Int] and therefore, type inferencer assigns this type to identifier a. This happens during compilation. The REPL does not "detect" the type in runtime.
This is different from a pattern match:
val a: Any = ...
a match {
case list: List[Int] => ...
Here, we have a value a, for which we don't have any type information. So we're trying to check what type it is, but now we're doing this in runtime. And here we indeed cannot determine the exact type. The best we can do here is to match against List[_].
When you type some code in the REPL, it first gets compiled into bytecode and then, evaluated. Displayed type information comes from the compilation phase, so it doesn't suffer from type erasure.
When you write:
val a = List(1,2,3)
Scala uses type inference to find the closest matching type during compile time. Essentially it will rewrite it for you as:
val a: List[Int] = ...
It will use this parameter type information for compile time to type check your code and erase it afterwards so you'll get List[_] in your program. This is because JVM works this way - type erasure.
When you pattern match on a list during runtime it's type information is erased so any List would match. Scala compiler will warn you during compilation about it.
This works in the same way in REPL and in regular compile->run cycle.

Spurious ambiguous reference error in Scala 2.7.7 compiler/interpreter?

Can anyone explain the compile error below? Interestingly, if I change the return type of the get() method to String, the code compiles just fine. Note that the thenReturn method has two overloads: a unary method and a varargs method that takes at least one argument. It seems to me that if the invocation is ambiguous here, then it would always be ambiguous.
More importantly, is there any way to resolve the ambiguity?
import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar
import org.mockito.Mockito._
trait Thing {
def get(): java.lang.Object
new MockitoSugar {
val t = mock[Thing]
error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method thenReturn in trait OngoingStubbing of type
and method thenReturn in trait OngoingStubbing of type
match argument types (java.lang.String)
Well, it is ambiguous. I suppose Java semantics allow for it, and it might merit a ticket asking for Java semantics to be applied in Scala.
The source of the ambiguitity is this: a vararg parameter may receive any number of arguments, including 0. So, when you write thenReturn("a"), do you mean to call the thenReturn which receives a single argument, or do you mean to call the thenReturn that receives one object plus a vararg, passing 0 arguments to the vararg?
Now, what this kind of thing happens, Scala tries to find which method is "more specific". Anyone interested in the details should look up that in Scala's specification, but here is the explanation of what happens in this particular case:
object t {
def f(x: AnyRef) = 1 // A
def f(x: AnyRef, xs: AnyRef*) = 2 // B
if you call f("foo"), both A and B
are applicable. Which one is more
it is possible to call B with parameters of type (AnyRef), so A is
as specific as B.
it is possible to call A with parameters of type (AnyRef,
Seq[AnyRef]) thanks to tuple
conversion, Tuple2[AnyRef,
Seq[AnyRef]] conforms to AnyRef. So
B is as specific as A. Since both are
as specific as the other, the
reference to f is ambiguous.
As to the "tuple conversion" thing, it is one of the most obscure syntactic sugars of Scala. If you make a call f(a, b), where a and b have types A and B, and there is no f accepting (A, B) but there is an f which accepts (Tuple2(A, B)), then the parameters (a, b) will be converted into a tuple.
For example:
scala> def f(t: Tuple2[Int, Int]) = t._1 + t._2
f: (t: (Int, Int))Int
scala> f(1,2)
res0: Int = 3
Now, there is no tuple conversion going on when thenReturn("a") is called. That is not the problem. The problem is that, given that tuple conversion is possible, neither version of thenReturn is more specific, because any parameter passed to one could be passed to the other as well.
In the specific case of Mockito, it's possible to use the alternate API methods designed for use with void methods:
Clunky, but it'll have to do, as Martin et al don't seem likely to compromise Scala in order to support Java's varargs.
Well, I figured out how to resolve the ambiguity (seems kind of obvious in retrospect):
when(t.get()).thenReturn("a", Array[Object](): _*)
As Andreas noted, if the ambiguous method requires a null reference rather than an empty array, you can use something like
v.overloadedMethod(arg0, null.asInstanceOf[Array[Object]]: _*)
to resolve the ambiguity.
If you look at the standard library APIs you'll see this issue handled like this:
def meth(t1: Thing): OtherThing = { ... }
def meth(t1: Thing, t2: Thing, ts: Thing*): OtherThing = { ... }
By doing this, no call (with at least one Thing parameter) is ambiguous without extra fluff like Array[Thing](): _*.
I had a similar problem using Oval (oval.sf.net) trying to call it's validate()-method.
Oval defines 2 validate() methods:
public List<ConstraintViolation> validate(final Object validatedObject)
public List<ConstraintViolation> validate(final Object validatedObject, final String... profiles)
Trying this from Scala:
produces the following compiler-error:
both method validate in class Validator of type (x$1: Any,x$2: <repeated...>[java.lang.String])java.util.List[net.sf.oval.ConstraintViolation]
and method validate in class Validator of type (x$1: Any)java.util.List[net.sf.oval.ConstraintViolation]
match argument types (T)
var violations = validator.validate(entity);
Oval needs the varargs-parameter to be null, not an empty-array, so I finally got it to work with this:
validator.validate(value, null.asInstanceOf[Array[String]]: _*)

How do I form the union of scala SortedMaps?

(I'm using Scala nightlies, and see the same behaviour in 2.8.0b1 RC4. I'm a Scala newcomer.)
I have two SortedMaps that I'd like to form the union of. Here's the code I'd like to use:
import scala.collection._
object ViewBoundExample {
class X
def combine[Y](a: SortedMap[X, Y], b: SortedMap[X, Y]): SortedMap[X, Y] = {
a ++ b
implicit def orderedX(x: X): Ordered[X] = new Ordered[X] { def compare(that: X) = 0 }
The idea here is the 'implicit' statement means Xs can be converted to Ordered[X]s, and then it makes sense combine SortedMaps into another SortedMap, rather than just a map.
When I compile, I get
sieversii:scala-2.8.0.Beta1-RC4 scott$ bin/scalac -versionScala compiler version
2.8.0.Beta1-RC4 -- Copyright 2002-2010, LAMP/EPFL
sieversii:scala-2.8.0.Beta1-RC4 scott$ bin/scalac ViewBoundExample.scala
ViewBoundExample.scala:8: error: type arguments [ViewBoundExample.X] do not
conform to method ordered's type parameter bounds [A <: scala.math.Ordered[A]]
a ++ b
one error found
It seems my problem would go away if that type parameter bound was [A <% scala.math.Ordered[A]], rather than [A <: scala.math.Ordered[A]]. Unfortunately, I can't even work out where the method 'ordered' lives! Can anyone help me track it down?
Failing that, what am I meant to do to produce the union of two SortedMaps? If I remove the return type of combine (or change it to Map) everything works fine --- but then I can't rely on the return being sorted!
Currently, what you are using is the scala.collection.SortedMap trait, whose ++ method is inherited from the MapLike trait. Therefore, you see the following behaviour:
scala> import scala.collection.SortedMap
import scala.collection.SortedMap
scala> val a = SortedMap(1->2, 3->4)
a: scala.collection.SortedMap[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4)
scala> val b = SortedMap(2->3, 4->5)
b: scala.collection.SortedMap[Int,Int] = Map(2 -> 3, 4 -> 5)
scala> a ++ b
res0: scala.collection.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5)
scala> b ++ a
res1: scala.collection.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5)
The type of the return result of ++ is a Map[Int, Int], because this would be the only type it makes sense the ++ method of a MapLike object to return. It seems that ++ keeps the sorted property of the SortedMap, which I guess it is because ++ uses abstract methods to do the concatenation, and those abstract methods are defined as to keep the order of the map.
To have the union of two sorted maps, I suggest you use scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap.
scala> import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
scala> val a = SortedMap(1->2, 3->4)
a: scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4)
scala> val b = SortedMap(2->3, 4->5)
b: scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap[Int,Int] = Map(2 -> 3, 4 -> 5)
scala> a ++ b
res2: scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5)
scala> b ++ a
res3: scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5)
This implementation of the SortedMap trait declares a ++ method which returns a SortedMap.
Now a couple of answers to your questions about the type bounds:
Ordered[T] is a trait which if mixed in a class it specifies that that class can be compared using <, >, =, >=, <=. You just have to define the abstract method compare(that: T) which returns -1 for this < that, 1 for this > that and 0 for this == that. Then all other methods are implemented in the trait based on the result of compare.
T <% U represents a view bound in Scala. This means that type T is either a subtype of U or it can be implicitly converted to U by an implicit conversion in scope. The code works if you put <% but not with <: as X is not a subtype of Ordered[X] but can be implicitly converted to Ordered[X] using the OrderedX implicit conversion.
Edit: Regarding your comment. If you are using the scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap, you are still programming to an interface not to an implementation, as the immutable SortedMap is defined as a trait. You can view it as a more specialised trait of scala.collection.SortedMap, which provides additional operations (like the ++ which returns a SortedMap) and the property of being immutable. This is in line with the Scala philosophy - prefer immutability - therefore I don't see any problem of using the immutable SortedMap. In this case you can guarantee the fact that the result will definitely be sorted, and this can't be changed as the collection is immutable.
Though, I still find it strange that the scala.collection.SortedMap does not provide a ++ method witch returns a SortedMap as a result. All the limited testing I have done seem to suggest that the result of a concatenation of two scala.collection.SortedMaps indeed produces a map which keeps the sorted property.
Have you picked a tough nut to crack as a beginner to Scala! :-)
Ok, brief tour, don't expect to fully understand it right now. First, note that the problem happens at the method ++. Searching for its definition, we find it at the trait MapLike, receiving either an Iterator or a Traversable. Since y is a SortedMap, then it is the Traversable version being used.
Note in its extensive type signature that there is a CanBuildFrom being passed. It is being passed implicitly, so you don't normally need to worry about it. However, to understand what is going on, this time you do.
You can locate CanBuildFrom by either clicking on it where it appears in the definition of ++, or by filtering. As mentioned by Randall on the comments, there's an unmarked blank field on the upper left of the scaladoc page. You just have to click there and type, and it will return matches for whatever it is you typed.
So, look up the trait CanBuildFrom on ScalaDoc and select it. It has a large number of subclasses, each one responsible for building a specific type of collection. Search for and click on the subclass SortedMapCanBuildFrom. This is the class of the object you need to produce a SortedMap from a Traversable. Note on the instance constructor (the constructor for the class) that it receives an implicit Ordering parameter. Now we are getting closer.
This time, use the filter filter to search for Ordering. Its companion object (click on the small "o" the name) hosts an implicit that will generate Orderings, as companion objects are examined for implicits generating instances or conversions for that class. It is defined inside the trait LowPriorityOrderingImplicits, which object Ordering extends, and looking at it you'll see the method ordered[A <: Ordered[A]], which will produce the Ordering required... or would produce it, if only there wasn't a problem.
One might assume the implicit conversion from X to Ordered[X] would be enough, just as I had before looking more carefully into this. That, however, is a conversion of objects, and ordered expects to receive a type which is a subtype of Ordered[X]. While one can convert an object of type X to an object of type Ordered[X], X, itself, is not a subtype of Ordered[X], so it can't be passed as a parameter to ordered.
On the other hand, you can create an implicit val Ordering[X], instead of the def Ordered[X], and you'll get around the problem. Specifically:
object ViewBoundExample {
class X
def combine[Y](a: SortedMap[X, Y], b: SortedMap[X, Y]): SortedMap[X, Y] = {
a ++ b
implicit val orderingX = new Ordering[X] { def compare(x: X, y: X) = 0 }
I think most people initial reaction to Ordered/Ordering must be one of perplexity: why have classes for the same thing? The former extends java.lang.Comparable, whereas the latter extends java.util.Comparator. Alas, the type signature for compare pretty much sums the main difference:
def compare(that: A): Int // Ordered
def compare(x: T, y: T): Int // Ordering
The use of an Ordered[A] requires for either A to extend Ordered[A], which would require one to be able to modify A's definition, or to pass along a method which can convert an A into an Ordered[A]. Scala is perfectly capable of doing the latter easily, but then you have to convert each instance before comparing.
On the other hand, the use of Ordering[A] requires the creation of a single object, such as demonstrated above. When you use it, you just pass two objects of type A to compare -- no objects get created in the process.
So there are some performance gains to be had, but there is a much more important reason for Scala's preference for Ordering over Ordered. Look again on the companion object to Ordering. You'll note that there are several implicits for many of Scala classes defined in there. You may recall I mentioned earlier that an implicit for class T will be searched for inside the companion object of T, and that's exactly what is going on.
This could be done for Ordered as well. However, and this is the sticking point, that means every method supporting both Ordering and Ordered would fail! That's because Scala would look for an implicit to make it work, and would find two: one for Ordering, one for Ordered. Being unable to decide which is it you wanted, Scala gives up with an error message. So, a choice had to be made, and Ordering had more going on for it.
Duh, I forgot to explain why the signature isn't defined as ordered[A <% Ordered[A]], instead of ordered[A <: Ordered[A]]. I suspect doing so would cause the double implicits failure I have mentioned before, but I'll ask the guy who actually did this stuff and had the double implicit problems whether this particular method is problematic.