Show div when accordion is open - accordion

i have a jquery accordion content.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div.question').click(function() {
HTML Code:
<div class="question">Question</div>
<div class="answer">Answer</div>
i need to show another div when my accordion is open. i don't wanna use div with answer class.
i need to make another div with different class. i know i cane use 2 different class in div like this:
class="answer anotherclass"
but i cant make my template nice this way!
<div class="question">Question</div>
<div class="hide">Hide Contents</div>
<div class="answer">Answer</div>
i want to hide second div when my answer div is close. then after click on question, i need to show hide div and answer div. i cant put my hide div in answer div. something like fade in effect for hide div.
i hope u guys understand my question.
i need somthing like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div.question').click(function() {
but it doesn't work!

You could place the hide div inside you question div and simply show/hide it when the question is clicked. Probably best to use jQuery toggle for that.


Timed appearance Modal Reveal

I'm trying to use the reveal modal of Foundation.
I already succeed with just the use of a basic modal.
As I'm just starting on the project (which use symfony2 and foundation),
I have some difficulties.I dont really understand how foundation work.
So what i need to do :
Make the reveal modal open after a few second (10 for now) with a fade in-out animation without the grey background around it. By the way, the fade in-out function happens only after the first appearance of the modal, I dont understand why so ?
I tried to search how to do this but no topic about this were found( maybe i'm just bad at searching).
Thanks for any answer ! :D
PS: sorry for the grammar fault, not my native language.
For any precision just ask !
Here is a copy of the modal i'm using :
<p>Click Me For A Modal</p>
<div id="myModal" data-overlay="false" class="reveal-modal"
data-animate="fade-in fade-out" data-reveal aria-labelledby="modalTitle"
aria-hidden="true" role="dialog">
<h2 id="modalTitle">Awesome. I have it.</h2>
<p class="lead">Your couch. It is mine.</p>
<p>I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!</p>
<a class="close-reveal-modal" aria-label="Close">×</a>
first, fire the modal on page load using Foundation callback (hat tip to this Foundation forum post and codepen code):
//do something special
$('#myModal').foundation('reveal', 'open')
}, 10000);
Then you need to display: none the reveal background overlay like so:
.reveal-modal-bg { display: none; }

disable photos & photoset permalinks tumblr

I'm trying to make all picture posts on my homepage not clickable, so they can't link to the permalinks. (I just want them to stay as miniatures with the hover cycle effect already provided by the theme)
I've tried removing {LinkOpenTag} and {LinkCloseTag} from:
<div class="wide-sizer">
<div class="image">
<img src="{block:PermalinkPage}{PhotoURL-HighRes}{/block:PermalinkPage}{block:IndexPage}{PhotoURL-500}{/block:IndexPage}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"
But photos and photosets are still clickable.
This is my page:
I'm using the "Spectator Theme".
UPDATE: ok so i tried removing as data-permalink={Permalink}as lharby suggested, but now all the links redirect to /undefined.
Any ideas?
thanks again for your time !
As mentioned in my comment, the data-permalink attribute has been removed, but there is still some custom javascript which is casing the url to be returned undefined.
Go to the bottom of your template, before the closing <body> tag and add this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
(Basically instead of binding the post to a click function which is in the custom javascript we are now attempting to unbind it on click).
I tested it in the browser and it looks to be working (although a couple of other methods I thought would work didn't).
In order to change the cursor on the post element. Remove the clickable class from the .post div from the template (if you can, if it is hard coded in).
Alternatively inside the style tags at the bottom, add the following css:
.post-grid a,
.post.clickable {
cursor: default;

slideToggle at top to push all content below down, not overlay when other divs have different z-index?

I have a sliding toggle div that is hidden on page load and when a button is clicked gets revealed. The div is 250px in height and is positioned top 0px. I have also tried bottom 100% which sort of does the same thing. I am using several layers of z-index and have had to position some divs using absolute in order to get the layout I wanted. But I was hoping there is a way to push all of these divs down by 250px when the sliding toggle is revealed. I was thinking that instead of using toggle div, maybe there is a way to scroll the page to -250px so that all the content appears the same but is pushed down?
This is the css for the div I am using in case there is something that can be done here:
position: fixed;
The script for the toggle is being used as follows:
}); });
And the toggle is being called using this html:
<div id="TopBar">SHOW</div>
Which is all working, except it is overlaying the content that is already there whereas I want it to push it all down.
Any help appreciated.
Using the clearfix method directly below the toggle div or it's wrapper should fix this:
HTML: <div class="clearfix"></div>
CSS: .clearfix { clear: both; }

jquery ui - prevent draggable to be dropped on another inside a droppable div

Im looking for a way to prevent a draggable block to be dragged over another draggable block and vise versa. Or maybe how to detect it's being dragged over it.
Thanks in advance.
I've put together a simple demo which detects overlaps in your draggables.
Since their isn't native support to revert on a conditional in the drop event I created my own way of doing it. Here is a jsFiddle with the working solution
With revert option provided by jquery draggable you can revert position on invalid drops and overlap.
I have modified the answer given by Keith.Abramo.
Please not you need to use offset rather than position as during the overlap the position gets messed up.
Uses revert option
Another solution would be to make the draggable a droppable and use revert 'invalid' option on it.
<div class="drop">
<div class="drag"></div>
<div class="drag"></div>
<div class="drag"></div>
<div class="drag"></div>
<div class="drag"></div>
tolerance: 'fit'
revert: 'invalid',
stop: function(){
greedy: true,
drop: function(event,ui){
Disclaimer : I'm not sure who the author of the fiddle is.

Facebook Like Button Not Showing Up In Firefox

I'm using the following code for my like button
<fb:like id="facebook-like" href="" layout="button_count" width="450" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>
Some users have experienced the like button not showing up. Noted in 3.6.17 but observed in other versions. I'm somewhat familier with the firefox iframe bug, but I was currious if anyone has any work arounds for the facebook like button.
Like buttons that are rendered with javascript (<div class="fb-like"/> and <fb:like/>) get height=0 if they are initially hidden (display:none).
To work around this, create the element with javascript after the container is displayed, and then run:
var like_box = $(".fb-like-inactive", result);
This CSS solved it for me
.fb-like span, .fb-like iframe { height:25px!important; width:150px!important}
This is still an issue, as can be seen here (also contains fix):
Firefox does not draw the Facebook-like if the div is hidden at the time of parsing. In the example above I delay the showing of a div after different times. You can see that a like-button shown after 500ms does not get rendered in Firefox.
I managed a work around which does not cut off the comment dialog after liking, simply by using min-height and min-width instead of set values that was previously proposed.
.fb-like span, .fb-like iframe {
min-width: 100px !important;
min-height: 20px !important;
I had the same problem on Firefox only (v.29.0.1) and it turned out to be AdBlock plus (v.2.6) blocking the Like and Share buttons from rendering.
Can you try calling the like button like so:
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like href="" send="false" width="450" show_faces="true" font=""></fb:like>
And let me know if you're still seeing issues.
Leaving an answer because I can't leave comments yet...
Oli's nice CSS hack looked like it worked initially:
.fb-like span, .fb-like iframe { height:25px!important; width:150px!important}
but it clipped the comment box that tried to pop up when we actually clicked the like button.
Per's delayed parse solution seems to do the job; here's a bit more detail. In our case we had the like button in a drop down menu, which looked like:
<li class="control_menu">
<span>menu name</span>
<ul style="display: none;">
<li><div class="fb-like-inactive" data-href=...></li>
with code that shows the drop down ul when the user hovers over the control_menu element. We used this code to handle the delayed parsing:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.fb-like-inactive').closest('.control_menu').hover(function() {
var inactive = $(this).find('.fb-like-inactive');
if (inactive.length && (typeof FB != 'undefined')) {
It finds the fb-like-inactive buttons, then looks up the tree to find the containing control_menu elements, then attaches an event to the control_menu elements to detect when the user hovers over them. When it detects a hover for a particular menu element, it looks for inactive like buttons within that element, marks them as normal fb-like, and then parses just the content of that element.
I hope this saves someone some time.
I just spent an hour on this and on a much more basic level, you need to know that the Facebook buttons will not render when testing your page locally.
It may seems obvious but it will only work when rendering from a webserver.
Per's solution is based on the XFBML version of the fb button and I wasn't sure how to do this with the "html5 version" or if it is really possible but I found a CSS/JS solution that doesn't clip content instead so here it is:
<button class="like-button">I like this stuff</button>
<!-- This is a hidden like-box -->
<div class="social-share aural">...stuff...</div>
html body .aural {
position: absolute;
font-size: 0;
left: -9999px;
$('body').on("click", '.like-button', function(e) {
var $socialShare = $('.social-share');
var sw = $socialShare.width();
$socialShare.animate({left: sw-80}, 400);
You may have to use !important rule (in both css and js) or nest the .aural class depending on the rest of your css. If it doesn't work I'd suggest trying to change the default layout so it doesn't override .aural or nest .aural and as a last resort use !important..
I had the same problem but the culprit was setting tracking protection in about:config to true.
This tip turned me on to the idea initially:
Lifehacker: Turn on Tracking Protection in Firefox to Make Pages Load 44% Faster
My solution is completely different to any of the above.
I have a character animation in my page, and one of the elements has the id="body" (which is perfectly reasonable) however this seemed to kill the FB script.
As soon as I renamed my id, the share started working again; I can only presume there was some kind of conflict, as id'ed elements can be referenced as global variables.
I found this out through the usual process of removing elements until things worked, so I'm fairly sure it was this.