Qt Embedded exchanged colors bits: Red and Blue - qtembedded

I'm using QtEmbedded (4.8.0) on an ARM display device with 16bits color depth on the framebuffer (/dev/fb0). At this scenario we are getting the colors bits RED and BLUE exchanged.
We are using the following compile flags:
./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-gnueabi-g++ -prefix /home/rchaves/Toolchain -release -opensource -shared -fast -depths 16 -largefile -no-exceptions -no-accessibility -stl -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-psql -no-sql-oci -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-tds -no-sql-db2 -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-sqlite2 -no-sql-ibase -no-qt3support -no-xmlpatterns -no-multimedia -no-audio-backend -no-phonon-backend -no-svg -no-webkit -no-javascript-jit -no-script -no-scripttools -no-declarative -no-declarative-debug -qt-zlib -qt-libtiff -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libjpeg -no-openssl -no-nis -no-cups -iconv -no-pch -no-dbus -qt-freetype -no-opengl -qt-gfx-linuxfb -qt-kbd-linuxinput -qt-mouse-tslib -nomake demos -nomake examples
And the following parameters to execute the application:
QWS_DISPLAY=LinuxFb:/dev/fb0:depth=16 ./app -qws
Here there are the application framebuffer (samples) log:
The framebuffer device was opened successfully.
Fixed screen info:
id: DISP3 BG
smem_start: 0x93800000
smem_len: 7864320
type: 0
type_aux: 0
visual: 2
xpanstep: 1
ypanstep: 1
ywrapstep: 0
line_length: 2048
mmio_start: 0x0
mmio_len: 0
accel: 0
The framebuffer device was mapped to memory successfully.
Successfully switched to graphics mode.
Variable screen info:
xres: 1024
yres: 768
xres_virtual: 1024
yres_virtual: 3840
yoffset: 0
xoffset: 0
bits_per_pixel: 16
grayscale: 0
red: offset: 0, length: 5, msb_right: 0
green: offset: 5, length: 6, msb_right: 0
blue: offset: 11, length: 5, msb_right: 0
transp: offset: 0, length: 0, msb_right: 0
nonstd: 0
activate: 64
height: -1
width: -1
accel_flags: 0x0
pixclock: 15385
left_margin: 157
right_margin: 157
upper_margin: 16
lower_margin: 15
hsync_len: 5
vsync_len: 1
sync: 0
vmode: 0
Frame Buffer Performance test...
Average: 43020 usecs
Bandwidth: 174.338 MByte/Sec
Max. FPS: 23.245 fps
Will draw 3 rectangles on the screen,
they should be colored red, green and blue (in that order).

Better late than never. I had this exact problem with a SAM5 processor using Qt5.5.1 and the linuxfb plugin. Reconfigure or recompile the Qt5 framework will NOT solve the problem.
Apparently the LinuxFB plugin does not support the BGR format. There is an open bug tracking this issue. Check the determineFormat function in ../src/plugins/platforms/linuxfb/qlinuxfbscreen.cpp, in which you will find out that the ImageFormats are hardcoded to **RGB no matter what kind of framebuffer info was provided.
To solve the problem, applying the patch attached to the bug may help you to resolve this issue.
I said "may" because my framebuffer driver was falsely reporting it is in the RBG format. So watch out for that. If that is the case, just hardcode the swapRgb flag until you fix your framebuffer driver.

Update: Try setting -depths generic in ./configure and run with -display linuxfb:genericcolors. This is as per this thread which discusses the problem.
Old answer: It sounds like your endian-ness of the display is swapped.
As per the documentation, you can try to pass the littleendian option to the display string. The other option is to consult the linux fb documentation about performing endian swaps.


zbarcam throwing 'unknown pixelformat' error

I am trying to use zbarcam as a qr code reader.
Build System: Buildroot
Hardware: NXP iMX8MM custom board.
Camera: Omnivision camera
Camera driver was ported successfully and I can run it successfully. I am getting the following error message when I am running the zbarcam app.
Can someone please help me with how to proceed with debugging ?
# zbarcam --verbose=9
_zbar_video_open: opened camera dunknown pixelformat:' '
evice /dev/video0 (fd=5)
_zbar_vmx6s-csi 32e20000.csi1_bridge: Fourcc format (0x00000000) invalid.
unknown pixelformat:' '
4l2_probe: i.MX6S_CSI on platformmx6s-csi 32e20000.csi1_bridge: Fourcc format (0x00000000) invalid.
:32e20000.csi1_bridge driver mx6s-csi (version 5.4.24)
_zbar_v4l2_probe: capabilities: CAPTURE READWRITE STREAMING
v4l2_reset_crop: crop bounds: 0 x 0 # (0, 0)
v4l2_reset_crop: current crop win: 0 x 0 # (0, 0) aspect 1 / 1
v4l2_probe_formats: enumerating supported formats:
v4l2_probe_formats: [0] RGB3 : RGB3 EMULATED
v4l2_probe_formats: [1] BGR3 : BGR3 EMULATED
v4l2_probe_formats: [2] YU12 : YU12 EMULATED
v4l2_probe_formats: [3] YV12 : YV12 EMULATED
v4l2_probe_formats: Max supported size: 0 x 0
v4l2_probe_formats: Found 0 formats and 4 emulated formats.
v4l2_probe_formats: current format: (00000000) 0 x 0 INTERLACED (line=0x0 size=0x0)
v4l2_probe_formats: setting requested size: 40960 x 30720
v4l2_probe_formats: set FAILED...trying to recover original format
v4l2_probe_formats: final format: (00000000) 0 x 0 INTERLACED (line=0x0 size=0x0)
WARNING: zbar video in v4l2_probe_iomode():
system error: USERPTR failed. Falling back to mmap: Invalid argument (22)
_zbar_v4l2_probe: using I/O mode: MMAP
ERROR: zbar processor in _zbar_processor_open():
unsupported request: not compiled with output window support
ERROR: zbar processor in zbar_processor_init():
system error: spawning input thread: Invalid argument (22)
ERROR: zbar processor in zbar_processor_init():
system error: spawning input thread: Invalid argument (22)

How can I increase system_ext partition in AOSP?

I was trying to add a .so file into /system/lib with PRODUCT_COPY_FILES, but once I try to build it it fails with this error:
ExternalError: Failed to run command '['lpmake', '--metadata-size', '65536', '--super-name', 'system', '--metadata-slots', '2', '--auto-slot-suffixing', '--device', 'system:2952790016', '--device', 'vendor:805306368', '--device'
, 'product:314572800', '--group', 'google_dynamic_partitions:4069523456', '--partition', 'system:readonly:2344202240:google_dynamic_partitions', '--image', 'system=/home/markus/EPhone/ethOS/out/target/product/blueline/obj/PACKAG
ING/target_files_intermediates/lineage_blueline-target_files-eng.markus/IMAGES/system.img', '--partition', 'vendor:readonly:452227072:google_dynamic_partitions', '--image', 'vendor=/home/markus/EPhone/ethOS/out/target/product/bl
ueline/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/lineage_blueline-target_files-eng.markus/IMAGES/vendor.img', '--partition', 'product:readonly:1016426496:google_dynamic_partitions', '--image', 'product=/home/markus/EPhone/ethOS/o
ut/target/product/blueline/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/lineage_blueline-target_files-eng.markus/IMAGES/product.img', '--partition', 'system_ext:readonly:266698752:google_dynamic_partitions', '--image', 'system_ext=/
home/markus/EPhone/ethOS/out/target/product/blueline/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/lineage_blueline-target_files-eng.markus/IMAGES/system_ext.img', '--sparse', '--output', '/home/markus/EPhone/ethOS/out/target/product
/blueline/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/lineage_blueline-target_files-eng.markus/OTA']' (exit code 70):
lpmake I 12-25 19:38:11 10456 10456 builder.cpp:1031] [liblp]Partition system will resize from 0 bytes to 2344202240 bytes
lpmake I 12-25 19:38:11 10456 10456 builder.cpp:1031] [liblp]Partition vendor will resize from 0 bytes to 452227072 bytes
lpmake I 12-25 19:38:11 10456 10456 builder.cpp:1031] [liblp]Partition product will resize from 0 bytes to 1016426496 bytes
lpmake E 12-25 19:38:11 10456 10456 builder.cpp:620] [liblp]Partition system_ext is part of group google_dynamic_partitions which does not have enough space free (266698752 requested, 3812855808 used out of 4069523456)
Not enough space on device for partition system_ext with size 266698752
How can I increase the space on system_ext, so I can include the .so file?
I guess you need to change BoardConfig file, similar to https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_google_crosshatch/commit/155109c657c804ca14e4cbb78ddc2caf5bfeda46 but for BOARD_SYSTEM_EXTIMAGE_PARTITION_RESERVED_SIZE (just in case if you need to change BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_RESERVED_SIZE later).
FYI blueline is built on crossnatch product tree.

"Heap exhausted, game over" message in wxMaxima - Does ccl will work for me?

I'm trying to do some calculations and plot the results, but it seems that these are too heavy for Maxima. When I try to calculate N1 and N2 the program crashes when parameter j is too high or when I try to plot them, the program displays the following error message: "Heap exhausted, game over." What should I do? I've seen some people saying to try to compile Maxima with ccl, but I don't know how to do it or if it will work.
I usually receive error messages like:
Message from maxima's stderr stream: Heap exhausted during garbage collection: 0 bytes available, 16 requested.
Gen Boxed Unboxed LgBox LgUnbox Pin Alloc Waste Trig WP GCs Mem-age
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20971520 0 0 0,0000
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20971520 0 0 0,0000
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20971520 0 0 0,0000
3 16417 2 0 0 43 1075328496 707088 293986768 16419 1 0,8032
4 13432 21 0 1141 70 955593760 838624 2000000 14594 0 0,2673
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000000 0 0 0,0000
6 741 184 34 28 0 63259792 1424240 2000000 987 0 0,0000
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000000 0 0 0,0000
Total bytes allocated = 2094182048
Dynamic-space-size bytes = 2097152000
GC control variables:
*GC-INHIBIT* = true
*GC-PENDING* = true
fatal error encountered in SBCL pid 13884(tid 0000000001236360):
Heap exhausted, game over.
Here goes the code:
enter code here
a: 80$;
b: 6*a$;
h1: 80$;
t: 2$;
j: 5$;
carga: 250$;
sig: -carga/2$;
n: 2*q*%pi/b$;
m: i*%pi/a$;
i: 2*p-1$;
i1: 2*p1-1$;
/*i1: p1$;*/
Φ: a/b$;
τ: cosh(x) - (x/sinh(x))$;
σ: sinh(x) - (x/cosh(x))$;
Ψ: sinh(x)/τ$;
Χ: cosh(x)/σ$;
Λ0: 1/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q^2)^2)$;
Λ1: sum((((i/2)^3*subst([x=(i*%pi/(2*Φ))],Ψ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ0, p, 1, j)$;
Λ2: sum(((q1^3*subst([x=(q1*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ1, q1, 1, j)$;
Λ3: sum((((i/2)^3*subst([x=(i*%pi/(2*Φ))],Ψ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ2, p, 1, j)$;
Λ4: sum(((q1^3*subst([x=(q1*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ3, q1, 1, j)$;
Λ5: sum((((i/2)^3*subst([x=(i*%pi/(2*Φ))],Ψ))/(((i/2)^2+Φ^2*q1^2)^2))*Λ4, p, 1, j)$;
Ζ0: sum(((q^3*subst([x=(q*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i1/2)^2+Φ^2*q^2)^2))*Λ0, q, 1, j)$;
Ζ2: sum(((q^3*subst([x=(q*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i1/2)^2+Φ^2*q^2)^2))*Λ2, q, 1, j)$;
Ζ4: sum(((q^3*subst([x=(q*%pi*Φ)],Χ))/(((i1/2)^2+Φ^2*q^2)^2))*Λ4, q, 1, j)$;
E: 200000$;
ν: 0.3$;
λ: (ν*E)/((1+ν)*(1-2*ν))$;
μ: E/(2*(1+ν))$;
a0: float(1/(b/2)*integrate(0, y, -(b/2), -h1/2)+1/b*integrate(sig, y, -h1/2, h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(0, y, h1/2, (b/2)))$;
aq: float(1/(b/2)*integrate(0*cos(q*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, -(b/2), - h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(sig*cos(q*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, -h1/2, h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(0*cos(q*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, h1/2, (b/2)))$;
aq1: float(1/(b/2)*integrate(0*cos(q1*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, -(b/2), - h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(sig*cos(q1*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, -h1/2, h1/2)+1/(b/2)*integrate(0*cos(q1*y*%pi/(b/2)), y, h1/2, (b/2)))$;
Bq: aq/((λ+μ)*subst([x=q*%pi*Φ],σ))+((16*Φ^4*q^2*(-1)^q)/((λ+μ)*%pi^2*subst([x=q*%pi*Φ],σ)))*sum(q1*aq1*(-1) ^q1*subst([x=q1*%pi*Φ],Χ)*(Λ1+(16*Φ^4/(%pi^2))*Λ3+((16*Φ^4/(%pi^2))^2)*Λ5), q1, 1, j)+(8*λ*Φ^3*q^2*(-1)^q*a0)/((λ+μ)*(λ+2*μ)*(%pi^3)*subst([x=q*%pi*Φ],σ))*sum(subst([x=i*%pi/(2*Φ)],Ψ)/(i/ 2)*(Λ0+(16*Φ^4/(%pi^2))*Λ2+((16*Φ^4/(%pi^2))^2)*Λ4), p, 1, j)$;
βp: -(2*λ*a0*(-1)^((i-1)/2))/((λ+μ)*(λ+2*μ)*(i/2)^2*%pi^2*subst([x=i*%pi/(2*Φ)],τ))-((32*λ*Φ^4*(i/2)^2*a0*(-1)^((i-1)/2))/((λ+μ)*(λ+2*μ)*%pi^2*subst([x=i*%pi/(2*Φ)],τ)))*sum(((subst([x=i1*%pi/(2*Φ)],Ψ))/(i1/2))*(Ζ0+Ζ2*((16*Φ^4)/%pi^2)+Ζ4*(((16*Φ^4)/%pi^2)^2)),p1,1,j)-((4*Φ*(i/2)^2*(-1)^((i-1)/2))/((λ+μ)*%pi*subst([x=i*%pi/(2*Φ)],τ)))*sum(q*aq*(-1)^q*subst([x=q*%pi*Φ],Χ)*(Λ0+Λ2*(16*Φ^4/%pi^2)+Λ4*(16*Φ^4/%pi^2)^2),q,1,j)$;
N1: (2*a0/a)*x+(λ+μ)*sum(Bq*((1+((n*a*sinh(n*a/2))/(2*cosh(n*a/2))))*sinh(n*x)-n*x*cosh(n*x))*cos(n*y),q,1,j)+(λ+μ)*sum(βp*((1-((m*b*cosh(m*b/2))/(2*sinh(m*b/2))))*cosh(m*y)+m*y*sinh(m*y))*sin(m*x),p,1,j)$;
N2: ((2*λ*a0)/(a*(λ+2*μ)))*x+(λ+μ)*sum(Bq*((1-((n*a*sinh(n*a/2))/(2*cosh(n*a/2))))*sinh(n*x)+n*x*cosh(n*x))*cos(n*y),q,1,j)+(λ+μ)*sum(βp*((1+((m*b*cosh(m*b/2))/(2*sinh(m*b/2))))*cosh(m*y)-m*y*sinh(m*y))*sin(m*x),p,1,j);
wxplot3d(N1, [x,-a/2,a/2], [y,-b/2,b/2])$;
wxplot3d(N2, [x,-a/2,a/2], [y,-b/2,b/2])$;
This is not a complete answer, since I don't know how this should work with wxMaxima: I would suggest that you ask the developers. However it's too long for a comment and I think might be useful to people, and it does answer the question of how you solve the heap-size limit for Maxima itself when using SBCL, at least when run on Linux or some other platform with a command-line.
As a note, I suspect that the underlying problem is not the heap size, but that the calculation is blowing up in some horrible way: the best fix is probably to understand what's blowing up and fix that. See Robert Dodier's answer, which is probably going to be a lot more helpful. However, if heap size is the problem, this is how you deal with it for Maxima.
The trick is that you can tell SBCL what the heap limit should be by passing it the --dynamic-space-size <MB> argument, and you can pas arguments through the maxima wrapper to do this.
Here is a transcript of Maxima, being run on Linux, with SBCL as a back end (this is a version built from source: the packaged version will I assume be the same):
$ maxima
Maxima 5.43.2 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
using Lisp SBCL 2.0.0
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) :lisp (sb-ext:dynamic-space-size)
So, on this system the defaule heap limit is 1GB (this is SBCL's default limit on the platform).
Now we can pass the -X <lisp options> aka --lisp-options=<lisp options> option to the maxima wrapper to pass the appropriate option through to sbcl:
$ maxima -X '--dynamic-space-size 2000'
Lisp options: (--dynamic-space-size 2000)
Maxima 5.43.2 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
using Lisp SBCL 2.0.0
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) :lisp (sb-ext:dynamic-space-size)
As you can see this has doubled the heap size.
If someone knows the answer for wxMaxima then please do add an edit to this answer: I can't experiment it because all my Linux VMs are headless.
Also not a complete answer here, but some more notes and pointers which I hope will help.
To make the problem easier for Maxima to digest, use only exact numbers (integers and ratios), and avoid float and numer. (Plotting functions will apply float and numer automatically.) I changed 0.3 to 3/10 and cut out the calls to float.
Also, try setting j to a smaller number (I tried j equal to 1) to try to work all the way through the problem before increasing it to 5 again.
Also, replace all sum and integrate with 'sum and 'integrate (i.e. noun expressions instead of verb expressions). Take a look at the summands and integrands to see if they look right. You can evaluate the sums and/or integrals or both via ev(expr, sum) or ev(expr, integrate) or ev(expr, nouns) to evaluate 'sum, 'integrate, or all noun expressions, respectively.
With j equal to 1, I get the following expression for N1:
Now in order to plot that, it should be a function of x and y only. However listofvars reports that it contains x, y, and p. Hmm. I see that βp has a summation over p1 but it contains Ζ0, which contains Λ0, which contains p. Is the summation over p1 supposed to be over p? Is the summand supposed to contain p1 instead of p?
Likewise it appears that N2, after evaluating the sums and integrals with j equal to 1, contains p.
Maybe you need to rework the formulas somewhat? I don't know what the correct form might be.

API error: <_UIKBCompatInputView: 0x13fd1d7c0; frame = (0 0; 0 0); layer = <CALayer: 0x1c4426e40>> returned 0 width, assuming UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric

I'm using Ionic 3 on iPhone 7 plus with iOS 11. When I run my App, and fill in some text/input fields (basic forms) the app freezes for a few seconds and becomes completely unresponsive (which isn't good, not to say the least). I noticed this error coming up in Xcode, maybe that's the problem. Has anyone else encountered similar errors?
API error: <_UIKBCompatInputView: 0x13fd1d7c0; frame = (0 0; 0 0);
layer = > returned 0 width, assuming
Remove deprecated items from the forRoot config in app.module.ts
Eg. remove these:
scrollPadding: true,
scrollAssist: false
See https://ionicframework.com/docs/utilities/config for more info.

Android things lcd config

I'm trying to get a 5" LCD working with my raspberry pi 3 and Android Things Developer Preview 4.1.
I've added this to my config.txt:
hdmi_cvt 800 480 60 6 0 0 0
All I get is a white screen with some artifacts:
It's not a cable issue, I can use the screen with my Windows PC just fine.
I've found some maybe relevant lines in logcat:
01-01 00:00:19.529 412-412/? I/SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService
01-01 00:00:19.568 412-434/? I/DisplayManagerService: Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 800 x 480, modeId 1, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=800, height=480, fps=60.000004}], colorTransformId 1, defaultColorTransformId 1, supportedColorTransforms [{id=1, colorTransform=0}], HdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities#192777c, density 160, 160.0 x 160.42105 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17666666, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state UNKNOWN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
01-01 00:00:19.571 412-434/? I/DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
01-01 00:00:23.990 412-434/? I/WindowManager: No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
I've bought the screen from an ebay seller. It came with a dvd, and had a sample config.txt file, it suggests the same settings.
What am I doing wrong?