Check for updates to a JSON file online and compare it to a local stored file - iphone

I'm out in the woods with this one: I have a universal, navigation-based app that displays data currently stored in a plist file. In a future release, I want to migrate the database to a JSON file on my server which the app can download to it's bundle, then parse it. Can anyone suggest a simple light-weight way of checking that the currently stored file in the bundle matches the version hosted on the server? Essentially checking for updates to the db without re-downloading the entire JSON file.
Here's a snippet of what the beginning of the JSON file currently looks like.
"version" : "0.2",
"description" : "1. Corrections to several entries.\n2. Added 21 new departments from Alameda & Fresno Counties.",
"counties" : {............... *Rest of the JSON file here* .....}
My idea was to store the "version" ("0.2") value to NSUserDefaults and use that value to check against the available JSON file online every time the app launches.
Am I on the right track or is there a better way of doing this altogether?
Thank you

You can add the If-Modified-Since header to an instance of NSMutableURLRequest. If the document on the server has changed since that date, you'll get the data back. If it hasn't changed, you get a 304 Not Modified and no data.
This is much better than making a HEAD request because in the event of an updated file, you're only making one request instead of two.

Do a HEAD request (instead of a GET) and check the LastModified header. if the file has been modified since the last time you checked, download the file. Save the modified time somewhere to compare against next time.
You can set the http method on the request object like so:
[request setHTTPMethod:#"HEAD"];


Using a public access token for GitHub with Neo4j

I'm trying to use LOAD CSV with a CSV file stored in GitHub. It works fine with the 10 minute, temporary token you get when viewing the raw file, but I want something that's more persistent, as I need to be able to deploy this to multiple environments. Ten minutes just won't cut it.
I figured a private access token would be the way forward, but (once again) GitHub's spectacularly poor quality documentation made this much harder than it should be.
I set up a private access token with the repo and read:org permissions and with this I can get at my files using CURL, e.g.
curl -s https://<my_token><my repo>/<path>/<my file>.csv
This works fine and I see the contents of my test file.
But if I try to navigate to that URL I just get a 404 error and if I use it in Neo4j with a LOAD CSV statement, I get an error couldn't load the external resource at:.
I'm basically doing this:
...and it fails miserably.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '<URL for raw file from GitHub with 10 minute token>' AS row
works fine, so I know I can access external files, i.e. files not in the import directory.
Is this just a failing with GitHub, or am I doing something wrong?
Although I hate answering my own questions, I left this kicking around a while and nobody came back with anything that helped.
I now know a whole lot more about public access tokens than I ever wanted to, but it was all worthwhile, as it helped me get around this issue.
There's an apoc.load.jsonParams function that accepts bearer tokens. From here it didn't take too much work to get this working the same way that LOAD CSV had done.
There was one last gotcha though, I soon discovered that the URLs for the repository can't include spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters, but that's a small price to pay for success?
So this doesn't work:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://<my_token><my repo>/<path>/<my file>.csv' AS row...
Instead I had to use:
CALL apoc.load.jsonParams("<my repo>/<path>/<my file>.json", {Authorization: "Bearer <token>"}, null) YIELD value WITH value AS row...
There's an equivalent apoc.load.csvParams procedure, but I never tested this.

Creating an attachment in SharePoint from Microsoft Forms Response - Get File Content using path not working

I am trying to add contents and an attachment from a Form to a SharePoint list. However, the Get file content using path action in my flow is failing. The error I'm receiving says "Unauthorized" and in the file content box, I receive the following message:
"status": 401,
"message": "A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (?).",
"source": ""
The file path is as follows (minus the front of the path):
sites/HSMWINGATLANTIC_Supply_Requests/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?newTargetListUrl=%2Fsites%2FHSMWINGATLANTIC%5FSupply%5FRequests%2FShared%20Documents&viewpath=%2Fsites%2FHSMWINGATLANTIC%5FSupply%5FRequests%2FShared%20Documents%2FForms%2FAllItems%2Easpx&id=%2Fsites%2FHSMWINGATLANTIC%5FSupply%5FRequests%2FShared%20Documents%2FApps%2FMicrosoft%20Forms%20Fairfax%2FVehicle%20Rental%20Request%2FSupporting%20Documents&viewid=55590b8b%2D4994%2D4e8b%2D804b%2D24f4774c21e920220815 - HSM-40 Truck Request for 15 AUG 20_Charles Power 1.pdf
For that Get File content using path you would need a relative path without the site url part. You can actually extract the correct path with an expression.
In the example below I retrieve the link property from the Attachment question answer value. I use a json function to turn it into an array, since Microsoft returns a string value for some reason ;)
After that I use nthindexof to determine at which forward slash (starting position of string) I need to slice with a slice function, in this case the 7th instance, which is index 6.
This should retrieve the part which we need for a get file content using path action. With a decodeUriComponent function I make sure the %20 is turned back into space characters.
Make sure you update the question id to your question id.
decodeUriComponent(slice(json(outputs('Get_response_details')?['body/re67e0cfcd95d488593347d93f2728204'])[0]['link'], nthindexof(json(outputs('Get_response_details')?['body/re67e0cfcd95d488593347d93f2728204'])[0]['link'], '/', 6)))
I found the solution to the issue. This wasn’t working because it is a group form and form responses are sent to the group’s SharePoint site; not the user’s OneDrive. Therefore, the Get file content action should be using the SharePoint connector instead of OneDrive.

Alamofire Chunked Upload - How API knows when its the last chunk?

I have a Golang web server that I have written to handle large file uploads 30GB or more. In a proof of concept using Dropzone.js I can upload files of any size with no issue as long as they are chunked.
The way DropzoneJS.js implemented this is that each chunk has items added the to the header like:
dzchunkindex: 435
dzchunksize: 10000
dztotalchunkcount: 3498274
So I receive a chunk, I create the file (if needed), write the data, and check to see if I'm on the last chunk. Then repeat as needed. Once I see I've written the last chunk I close the file.
It seems like Alamofire supports chunked uploads using its AF.Upload method.
However, how should my server know when the last chunk has been uploaded? I can certainly check this a different way. Just curious what that way should be? Ive combed over the Alamofire docs and can't find much.
I can chunk the file manually and upload it but id rather use Alamofire if possible.

How to Send multiple request concurrently/Sequentially in postman with different set of values for each request?

For example, below is the JSON request data to "add a device" in the DB.
For example, I want to add 10000 devices with different IMEI number and different phone number to the server for testing purpose. So, how to send the request at once.
I'm ready to create 10000 devices data with different values manually.
Now I can able to send one by one only.But how to send all the request at once?
"device_state":"Tamil Nadu",
As I'm new to POSTMAN, required detailed info. Thanks in advance.
The thing that should work is :
you prepare your input JSon body with variables. ie, from your example :
{ "device_name":{{device_name}}, "imei_num":{{imei_num}}, "phone_num":{{phone_num}}, "device_city":{{device_city}}, "device_state":{{device_state}}, }
the {{}} is for variables
You create a CSV file with the corresponding headers (one for each variable of your input JSON) and all the values you need:
line 1 : device_name, imei_num, phone_num, device_city, device_state
line 2 : "34793812453274392", "36xxxxxxxxxxxx5", "8666606451", "Chennai", "Tamil Nadu"
... and so on ...
line 10000 : ...
Then, in the Postman runner (see here ), you select the data file (Data / Select file) with CSV type (you should have an option to check the content, but be careful as you'll have a lots of rows, it may take a long time, I suggest you try first with a small CSV file)
You just set ONE iteration (otherwise you'll play x times 10000 requests).
It will parse your file and, for each data line, it will send your request with replacing the body's variables by the corresponding data associated to the corresponding header. Header names must have the same label as your variables.
Launching the runner will launch your 10000 requests sequentially
If you prefer, you can use JSON input file as data file, see here
Don't hesitate to have a look at postman documentation, it's pretty complete.
There is an option called Runner at the top left corner of your Postman application. You can select the collection you need to run with number of iterations and delay time between each request. But the thing is you cannot alter the values inside the JSON request. Thanks
Put all the data into a JSON Array
and then do them all as one post. Currently you only have one set of data you're posting in.
Just create a json body with all the data you need to enter and post them into the same API endpoint.

Can I fake uploaded image filesize?

I'm building a simple image file upload form. Programmatically, I'm using the Laravel 5 framework. Through the Input facade (through Illuminate), I can resolve the file object, which in itself is an UploadedFile (through Symfony).
The UploadedFile's API ref page (Symfony docs) says that
public integer | null getClientSize()
Returns the file size. It is extracted from the request from which the
file has been uploaded. It should not be considered as a safe
value. Return Value integer|null The file size
What will be these cases where the uploaded filesize is wrongly reported?
Are there known exploits using this?
How can the admin ensure this is detected (and hence logged as a trespass attempt)?
That method is using the "Content-Length" header, which can easily be forged. You'll want to use the easy construct $_FILES['myfile']['size']. As an answer to another question has already stated: Can $_FILES[...]['size'] be forged?
This value checks the actual size of the file, and is not modified by the provided headers.
If you'd like to check for people misbehaving, you can simply compare the content-length header to your $_FILES['myfile']['size'] value.