Know when song is done playing - iphone

In my app I have a few buttons that play songs when pressed. When a song is done, I want to change the image on the play/stop button to the play image. I know I could set a timer to check to make sure the right image is displayed, but I feel like this would be a waste of system resources. Is there a way to know when a song is done playing or something else? (Also, I'm using the AVAudioPlayer)

Set up a delegate, and respond to the audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying callback.


Is it possible to play video continuiusly after go to other view and come back

I have a video on the first view that use 'MPMoviePlayerController'. I declare the video in 'viewDidLoad' method. I need the video play continuously when go to another view and come back. Is it possible? How?
yes it Possibe play video in background mode try this link
Hope it Help You

Is it possible to play a video on iPhone and have a subtitles synchronized with it show up?

I want to add a "subtitles" to a video played in an iPhone app. I don't want those subtitles encoded into the video itself - ideally I'd love to have a view showing the video (with pause, play, volume and such standard controls) together with a view displaying the text that changes together with movie time changing.
If I drawn that, it's something like this,
So, basicly, I would need a way to get a method called when movie is playing, and then synchronize the text displayed on the label with the movie timing.
Anyone used a solution that was able to do it?
I've recently done something that syncs graphics to times in an audio track. The way I did it was by using the currentPlaybackTime property of the MPMediaPlayback interface (which the MoviePlayer controller should also conform to). This returns the seconds elapsed in the media, in a double (typedef'ed as NSTimeInterval). The actual synchronisation in my app was not done in notifications, as I couldn't find any resembling a "tick", but instead I created a timer, calling a function queried the currentPlaybackTime, and updated the graphics based on this.
In terms of your implementation, I would assume you have some kind of system for associating label text (subtitles) with a particular time. You could then compare the text's time range with the time returned from currentPlaybackTime to find the correct text to display.

Is it Possible to Have own scrubber for MPMoviePlayercontroller

I want to play videos. I am using MPMoviePlayer, but I don't want to use the controls provided by MPMoviePlayer. So I am trying to create my own custom controls. All the functionality like play, pause, fullscreen, forward, backward are done. The only problem is with the scrubber. I am having one UISlider but I don't know how exactly work with this. How to track the currently playing video time? How to play video from where I will slide the thumb of slider?
If anyone knows this kindly help me in this.
Thanks in advance.
I was having a similar problem. I figured out how to create custom movie controls and put it up on github. Let me know if that helps. Feel free to ask me any questions if you want details.
First, we should note that all of this is possible in iOS 3.2+, if you are OK not to support iOS 3.1.x.
In iOS 3.2+, MPMoviePlayerController implements the MPMediaPlayback protocol, meaning that it responds to play, stop, etc., all the controls you would expect -- sounds like you already have some of this working. Please see the reference for the MPMediaPlayback protocol.
To get the MPMoviePlayerController to stop showing its own controls, do this on initialization:
yourPlayer.controlStyle = MPMovieControlStyleNone;
Finally, to get the scrubber to work, you need to set the UISlider valueChanged: callback to something, and update the value of currentPlaybackTime property. If you want to seek 10 seconds in:
yourPlayer.currentPlaybackTime = 10;

How do you send messages between two instances of a custom UITableViewCell?

I have a UITableView populated with a bunch of music players that I've made using a custom UITableViewCell. (as shown in the screenshot linked here: screenshot).
The problem with the way I have it coded is that since each cell is completely independent, there's no way for one tableviewcell to check if any other the other cells have audio playing. This means that when I run my app, I am able to play more than one audio file at the same time.
Ultimately, how would I go about putting some sort of check in place so that when the user hits the play button, the app first checks to see if any other cell is playing audio, and, if so, stops them before playing its own audio file?
Please let me know if you would like me to post my project.
Thank you!
For starters I can't think of any good reason the cells themselves should be responsible for playing the audio. They should be responsible for telling some other object (like whatever controller is responsible for the UITableView) to play the audio. That controller would obviously then know to stop whatever it was already playing before playing something else.
In general, it's not a great idea to be putting that much logic into a 'view.'
It would probably be easiest to use notifications (NSNotification and NSNotificationCenter).
Use a common notification name for starting and stopping.
When you create each player, register for both notifications. Then when playerA is going to play, it posts a MusicPlayerWillPlay notification. playerB, playerC and playerD, will get this notification, and if they are playing, will stop.
One caveat is that each player is unaware of the others, so you have to register with a nil object, which means playerA will get it's own notification. So in your notification method, you'll probably want to do something like
if (sender == self)

How to keep MPMoviePlayerController open after movie ended?

If I use MPMoviePlayerController to play video in my iPhone app, it opens, loads the movie, plays it and then closes. Is it possible to force it to stay open after the movie finishes, so that user can replay it using its controls, instead of using controls in parent view? Also, is it possible to start MPMoviePlayerController in the paused mode?
thanks for any advice.
None of that is possible using the available API in the Pre-3.2 OS. One thing you could do is take a scerenshot of the last frame and stick that behind the movie so when it's done playing, it looks like it's still there, then just stick a button on it to replay. you could make an interface that looks/behaves similar to the standard movie player interface just for the play button if you need to.
For anyone stumbling over this now... There is a way to do this. Check out this question :)