UILocalizedIndexedCollation for Japanese giving different ordering to contacts/music apps - iphone

UILocalizedIndexedCollation seems to returning a different result on a Japanese iOS device than that seen in the built in Contacts / Music apps.
Note that this isn't the usual question about Japanese not displaying at all in the index. I'm getting the Japanese kana section, but the order of the index is incorrect when compared to Contacts etc.
Here's screens - on the left, the desired result shown in the music app with the kana names first - on the right, the result I'm getting:
UILocalizedIndexedCollation doesn't appear to have any obvious way to configure it, so I'm not sure what the expected way to adjust the ordering is, and a lot of Googling isn't revealing any answers (though I'm also not the only person having this problem). Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Well, if you look at the Table in the Music App it shows the latin "A" character up the top anyway. I suppose Apple modified the Array of the Sidebar to show the current language on top of the other one, even though they still are down the bottom.
Regardless, it's probably easier to just leave it the way it is. You'd have to edit section selection code and all.


xCode, Swift: working with vs. working without storyboard

I'm new to programming apps, trying to realize a project for iOs using xCode and swift.
As far as I've learned most people seem to work with the storyboard feature, but I've come across people that suggest to deactivate the storyboard and work with code only.
I'd like to know your opinion on what method fits my needs best for the intended project. As I am just getting started, I'd like to stick with the appropriate method right away for I'm probably going to invest a lot of time.
This is about what the app is going to look like:
myApp Layout
Now this is what it' basically supposed to do:
The "settings"-button (blue area, top left) is going to take you to a different view to set preferences. The "search"-button (blue area, top right) is going to change the title into a search field.
You can browse through 3 categories. Each of them contains a couple of questions. Those are stored in a database and are supposed to be displayed list style within the red area. The order of the questions is going to depend on the users preferences.
Clicking any of the questions is going to take you to another view that displays the answer. When viewing the answer the "settings"-button (blue area, top left) is changing to a "go back"-button.
Now as far as I've learned the blue area might be realized with a navigation controller, navigation bar.
The white section works pretty much like a toolbar. However I've read it's close to impossible to move the standard toolbar from the bottom to the top.
I've seen tutorials of people realizing this type of layout with (to me) complex code but without using the storyboard. Am I wasting time on figuring out how to manipulate storyboard objects? Coming from coding and programming websites the project looks so unbelievably simple. Is a project like this in fact rather complex to do as an app?
In any big project you will have to use all approaches, it is all about experience. For example, I am using StoryBoards to make 95% of my UIViewControllers elements, using XIB for static screens like error messages, some loadings etc. and using code to append some gradient views, shadows etc. It is possible that in future I will be doing all in a different way. But if you are a beginner - better use Storyboard, it makes getting into all of it much easier, understanding UIKit and iOS development overall.

How to Display Two Scrolling TextViews At Once

I'd like to display two windows on screen with scrolling text in them e.g. top window will have one bible translation while the bottom view would have another.
Ideally, I'd like them to stay in sync so they're both showing the same point in their respective translations (i.e. switch to John Ch1 in top view, bottom view follows and does same). But for now I'm just curious how to get these into two seperate viewable windows.
Any ideas?
In all honesty, I dont think you have the screen space to do this for the iPhone in such a way that is visually comfortable for the user.
That aside, the best method would depend on how the rest of your app is built. You can create a view that contains two UITextViews in it, each taking up roughly half the screen. You should be able to scroll one as a response to the other scrolling, though I haven't done this, so I cannot tell you how to do it exactly.
Another option that you have is to use a main UITextView, and then a second UIModalView that is overlaid above it. It all depends on the app structure.
Just to note, unless you have specific markers for points of translation, it would be very hard to have them sync up in that way. You could try to match line numbers, or something like that, but due to languages being so different, one might take 3 lines, and a translation might take 4 to say the same thing.
This is a fairly basic question, so you should perhaps revisit the iOS Application Programming Guide, but in a nutshell, you'd have two UITextView elements inside a view in your application, and you can synchronize between them using the built in setter method
- (void)setContentOffset:(CGPoint)contentOffset animated:(BOOL)animated
You have two needs here:
(1) You need to create a data model that can hold the translations and link each chapter and verse in each translation to the chapter and verse in all the other translations. For that, I would suggest learning Core Data. Be prepared to spend some time learning it.
(2) You need to display the translations. For this I would suggest you use two UITextViews in the same containing view. However, as Karoly S noted, there really isn't room on an iphone screen for two text views. I would recommend using two views connect by a flip transition which will allow you to have one translation on a full screen and then flip over to the other translation. The user could flip rapidly back and forth to compare.

Implementing Autocompletion in iPhone UITextField for contacts in address book

I would like to have a UITextField or UITextView in where as I do some input, alternatives will appear something similar to when you type an address in Mail Application, alternatives appear down and is possible tap them so get a better input user interface.(since there is no need to type the complete word or address or phone number)
I do know how to fetch data from Address Book framework, also how to input text in UITextField/UITextView and its delegates but I don't know what kind of structure to use for fetching and showing data as the user do his/her input.
I know basic CoreData if this matters,
I hope I can get some help.
UPDATE (2010/3/10):
I don't have problem make a native-like GUI but I am asking about the algorithm, does any body knows what kind algorithm is best for this thing? maybe some binary tree?
Or should I just fetch data from coredata everytime?
UPDATE (2010/03/28):
I've been very busy these days, so I have not tried UISearchResults but it seems fine to me. BUT I wonder was there a necessity of deletion of the wining answer? I don't think is fair my reputation went down and couldn't see the winning answer. ;(
You don't need some advanced algorithm to do this kind of thing... if you want to search the address book, then you can do so each time the user types in a character (or however frequent you need to seach). To do this, just take a look at the UISearchDisplayController class. I learned how to do almost the exact thing by looking at Apple's TableSearch sample app.
That app searches a list of objects using different fields (All, Device, Desktop, Portable)... so you could adapt it to Address Book fields (First Name, Last Name, Address...). The only thing you need to change is the search within the Address Book. I don't know exactly what your requirements ask for but this should be what you need to get it done. If you have any trouble with the code let me know... but this example really helped me, so hopefully it works for you.
I was looking for the same thing a while ago. Something that people kept suggesting was the Three20 project (google it).
For my needs this was overkill because it requires the whole project to build and I didn't want the whole project. Plus it's more fun to try it yourself :)
I ended up starting from scratch and making my own:
I started out with a subclass of a UIScrollView to contain the different controls. I subclassed a UITextField and overrided "editingRectForBounds" to support multiple lines. The bit where the contacts are displayed is just a UITableView with a background color of:
[UIColor colorWithRed:0.92 green:0.92 blue:0.92 alpha:1];
And separator color:
[UIColor colorWithWhite:0.85 alpha:1];
This and the use of a shadow makes it looks like it's sunken slightly under the UITextField. I create the shadow with a custom UIView, loading it once and hiding it when required, but it works just as well with an image.
Finally, I made the blue pill shapes with a custom UIView which can intercept "touchesBegan" to know when they should change color.
Adding them is a simple matter of calculating where they need to go and using:
[myTextField addSubview:myBlueView];
Hope that helps!

Should I use Table View or one long chunk of HTML for iPhone?

I'm making an application for the iPhone. Essentially it'll be a guide of sorts, and all the generated information will be in one long window. Each block of information can have a 'link' in it to generate another block of connected information (for example a block about Wallace could link to a block about Gromit) that would appear at the top.
For example, at the start 1 block of data:
Wallace: Owner of Gromit
would become 2 blocks (on clicking Gromit):
Gromit: Wallace's Dog
Wallace:Owner of Gromit
Each block would also have the ability to be added to favorites list by clicking an icon. The text would need to be laid out with HTML and each block may be of a different length. A search on a different could also add a block to the top.
I'm OK with objects in 'easy' languages like PHP, but am basically new to iPhone and Cocoa, and I want to start off with the right approach here. A Table and cells looks like the correct approach, but is there any advantage of doing it as a long list (like I might do on a web version) or are there any restrictions in the way cells can hold/layout information that will cause me trouble down the line.
I believe this approach is popular for dictionaries.
I'm committed to doing it the way with a single scroll for a couple of reasons. The main one is that I want the user to be able to scroll instantly back to entries they've looked at before. i.e. the single view essentially represents a history of the data they've looked at. (if it's a lot stuff can drop off the end). Each entry will be very short but there will be a lot in total. So if the user has looked at
The Wrong Trousers
And they are not looking at Wallace, a quick half second scroll takes them back to 'penguin'.
Hierarchy is the way to go on the iPhone.
Remember that the iPhone has a small screen and that users can only see a very small amount of information at anyone time. (One interface expert compared it to driving while peering down a two inch pipe with one eye.) Users can easily get lost scrolling up and down a very long list even if it has index. (That's assuming your information can be easily indexed in a form that users will instantly recognize.) It's usually easier for users to click through several views with the data in each view getting more and more specific with each level. In addition, so many apps use this hierarchal system that your users will be used to it and expect it.
System wise, its easier for the iPhone to display just one level of hierarchy at a time so your app feels more responsive. The hardware doesn't to maintain all the data in memory but just the data it needs to immediately display.
If I understand you data model correctly, you would be best off with a hierarchy of two tables and a detail view. The first table would have an list of letters A-Z. The second table would be list of all records starting with that letter. The third would be a detail view showing links to that record. So, to see the example in the OP, a user would select W-->Wallace-->(Detail) Gromit.
I think you should do a test scroll of either a very long web page or UIScrollView and see how it affects performance and usability. I would caution you that layouts that seem perfectly usable and fast on laptop or desktop hardware become unusable and slow on mobiles with their weaker processors and much smaller screens. It's much more difficult to do " a quick half second scroll" back to a specific point on a long page on a mobile than on a larger screen.
You do have the option of creating a outline-like table view that inserts new indented cells as needed. I still think hierarchy is the quickest and most usable layout on a mobile.

How simplify iPhone localization?

I need to localiza a in development app for English & Spanish.
Despite the fact I follow the Apple way of use NSLocalizedString & create nibs for both, I already lost the track of the new string that need to get localized and found with surprise that I need to redo the nibs in spanish when I change the master.
(Just like this http://www.gigliwood.com/weblog/Cocoa/A_Great_Need_for_Be.html)
I wonder if exist a better/alternative/more automated way.
I know the use of gettext & poedit and wonder if something like that can be used.
Or if exist some script or tool for this.
There really isn't an easy fix here. NIBs need to be individually laid out for every language. To some extent, this improves overall user interface, because different languages actually often need different layout to look their best. Russian and German are much "larger" languages in screen real estate than English. Chinese can often be much smaller and a different layout looks better with Chinese characters. Arabic and Hebrew are right-to-left and may need radical changes to layout. Automated layout is easy, but achieves this by being varying levels of ugly in all languages. When given the choice between easy for the developer and ugly vs. difficult for the developer and beautiful, Apple almost always chooses the latter. That said, Apple has still not made it nearly as easy as they could.
So the first lesson here is to keep your NIBs simple. This is easier on iPhone than on Mac because iPhone doesn't have bindings and iPhone NIBs are generally simpler anyway. You can also use text injection for NIBs that have very small amounts of text (like a title). "Text injection" is a fancy way of saying "use an outlet for the label and set it to the localized text when you load the view."
ibtool is able to pull strings out of NIBs and also shove them back in, which can be helpful. I've used iLocalize, which is helpful for working with contract localizers, but doesn't really help with the problem you're talking about.
I tried getting rid of NIBs and just using code, thinking it would make things easier, but it really didn't. It was easier to lay out each language in the NIB than to come up with layout logic that would look good in all languages (see first paragraph). Text injection was only useful in a handful of places. If you can split your NIBs up into ones that need to be localized and those that don't, that can be helpful. On iPhone, I found that less than half of my NIBs actually had text or localized images in them.
Of course you should read Internationalization Programming Topics, but I'm sorry to say there really is no easy answer to your problem. Shipping products localized in 19 languages, I feel your pain.
Sometimes NiBs need to be laid out for each language, but most of the time they do not have to be re-laid out for each language.
If you used ibtool to generate the strings from the nibs
ibtool --generate-strings-file
You can import them into new nibs for each language.
ibtool --import-strings-file
These are command line tools so they are scriptable. Take a look at 'man ibtool'
What i do is that i create IBOutlets for all text ui in my nib file (UILabel, UITextField, UITextView, etc) and i assign its text/placeHolder properties to the desired NSLocalizaedString programatically.
Given that i have provided the translations of a particular string in different langs, the translated version of the text will appear in the nib file when the iPhone locale changes.
Hope others find this useful