Correctly sink click event - gwt

I'm trying to create an expandable and selectable row element in GWT. This row contains an expand icon which I can click on to expand the row. I can also click on each row to select it.
My problem is that if I click on the expand icon I always trigger the row selection event too and I don't want that. How can I sink the click event so that if I click on the expand icon, only the expand will occur, but not the selection?
The green row is selected:
When I expand a row I also trigger the selection with the click and my selection move(bad):
This is what I want: I expand with the plus icon, without changing in the selection(yay!) :
I tried to use expandIcon.sinkEvent(Event.ONCLICK); but it didn't help. How can I do this?

To prevent the click event from bubbling up to the parent widget, you'd want to stopPropagation() when handling it at the expandIcon level.


ag-grid popup cellEditor - how to prevent close on click?

I have an ag-grid popup cellEditor which contains an angular mat-select control. Is there a way to prevent the popup cell editor default behavior of closing on a click outside the cell? When an item is selected the ag-grid popup cellEditor closes. I believe this is due to the click on the select drop down being interpreted as outside the cell. Is it possible to prevent popup cell closure for this case or even in all cases such that I can control it completely via code using gridApi.stopEditing()?
See for information on the select control. I am not including full details here as it is likely not important.
Image of popup editor, You can see how cell is before editor is invoked as well. See where the blue number one appears

Nattable - ButtonPainter on cell is going on edit mode on click ,

i am trying to follow class Rendereing_a_cell_as_a_button
from Nattable example to create similar button , i have copied same example code.
Button is showing on the desired column, but on click the style is not getting change of button like clicked and also listener is not getting called, it is going to edit mode and showing the content of cell.
Before Click
After click
If your table also supports editing you need to ensure that cells in the column that shows buttons should be not editable. This can be done by registering an IEditableRule#NEVER_EDITABLE for that column.

GWT Deselect keyboard selection

When keyboard selecting a row in a GWT DataGrid, how do you deselect it?
When you select a row like this:
table.setKeyboardSelectedRow(rowInd, true);
You can unselect the row by clicking outside the grid. How do I make this same 'unselection' programmatically?
Selecting a row like this:
table.setKeyboardSelectedRow(rowInd, false);
Since the focus is not on this selection, it does not blur out like usual when you click outside the grid. I need to keep the focus on something else, but I wish to still deselect this row at a certain point. How do you deselect a keyboard selection programmatically?
Note: using the Selection Model's setSelection() with a false param does not deselect keyboard selection, only the selection made by the selection model. Using setKeyboardSelectedRow(-1) also does not work.
I find it baffling that GWT does not offer a way to unselect a keyboard selected row!

Auto complete a dropdown menu in a cq5 dialog based on input from a previous dialog field

My custom CQ5 component has a dialog which consists of 2 drop down menus. I would like to automatically set a default value to second menu depending on whatever is the value selected from the previous drop down.
How can I achieve this?
you can register handlers for different events triggered by the widgets. You can use the "selectionchanged" event to register a function that will read the new content from the dropdown and then use the setValue() method in the second dropdown to put whatever you want there.
To obtain the second dropdown from the first you can use the nextSibling() method.
The widget documentation will help you a lot. look for "selection"

Dynamic GWT Menu

How can I modify a GWT menu - grey out some entries, put a checkmark next to others, according to my application state?
My app has a menu bar across the top - File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, etc. I have a number of paragraphs, each of which could have a different format. When the user clicks on Format, I want the format menu to show a checkmark next to the menuItem that corresponds to the format of the currently selected paragraph. If some formats are inappropriate for the currently selected paragraph, I want to grey those menuItems out.
The main issue is when to do the update: (a) when the Format menu button is clicked, or (b) each time my user selects a new paragraph?
I find option (a) more appealing. But how can I detect this? A MenuItem doesn't have any facility for adding event listeners. It could be a mouseClick that I need, but it might be a mouseOver: if the user clicks on the Insert menuItem the Insert menu will appear, but then if the mouse is moved over Format, then the Format menu will appear.
Option (b) sounds simpler, but wastes more processor time.
For my contextMenu (right click on the paragraph), it's much easier, because the menu is only constructed when the right click happens.
I've resorted to using the square-root symbol (&#8730) for a tick. Does anyone know a nicer way? Do I need to use HTML and use " Plain-Format" for my menu item?
Finally, is there a way to disable (grey-out) a menu item so that it can't be selected?
Option (a) sounds better from a conserving resources point of view.
Instead of using the square-root symbol, why don't you use an image (using the class)?
I think a more elegant/simple solution might be to use the checkbox class for your menu items. That way you could have automatic ticks/checks instead of having to use an image or the square-root symbol. Also, you will be able to "grey-out" items with setEnabled(false). Otherwise, you will have to write your own widget or add your own functionality to your menu labels in order to "grey-out" items.